Beau Henderson is a retirement consultant, money and business coach, best-selling author, radio host, and CEO of RichLife Advisors. He has helped over 3,000 clients to not just improve their relationship with money, but to live their unique definition of a fulfilled life with purpose. RichLife Advisors helps clients across the United States approaching retirement with a strategy to:

-Save more money
-Pay less in taxes
-Properly address the 12 components of creating a successful retirement
-Protect the people and things that they care about the most
-Live their unique definition of a RichLife in retirement

Direct download: Beau_Henderson_10.Apr.19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:34pm EST

It's no secret that many thousands of people are taking meds to deal with Trump Anxiety Disorder. But even more have recently jumped on the medication bandwagon to help cope with Mueller Disappoint Psychosis. It all stems from PC or political correctness. The inability to deal with other's disagreeable opinions which leads to spending long periods of time in safe spaces and generally withdrawing from reality, when it doesn't suit your beliefs. Yes it's a disease and one that we must desperately search to find a cure for. Millions of lives are hanging in the balance and perhaps civilization too.  

Direct download: John_Huber_10.Apr.19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

There’s an alarming trend taking place in many states across the nation. So-called Red Flag Laws are being passed that allow states to confiscate an individual’s firearms based solely upon rumors and anonymous reports. There’s no real provision for due process or notice. The police simply show up on one’s doorstep demanding their guns. Somehow one can reasonably believe that the founding fathers never provided for such an outcome. 

Direct download: John_Lott_09.Apr.19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:18pm EST

George Papadopoulos was minding his own business when suddenly he became the centerpiece of the Trump - Russia collusion investigation. At first, when Mueller came knocking, he was quite shocked. He was being accused of the crime of the century. His alleged misdeeds earned him 12 nights in a minimum security prison. Now he gets to tell his story. The CIA and FBI along with several of America's closest allies were setting him up to enable them to obtain FISA warrants to spy on the Trump Campaign. After the election, it became part of a plot to pull a soft-coup on President Trump. The truth is coming out and it's quite disturbing. How President Obama, Hillary Clinton and a cabal of unelected bureaucrat/spooks tried to bring down a duly elected president. It's a good thing we live in a democracy. 

Direct download: George_Popadopolus_09.Apr.19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:16pm EST

Ivan Bebek, CEO of Auryn Resources is having trouble sleeping at night. That's because he's personally convinced that he's on the brink of a major discovery at the Sombrero Project in Peru. Recent rock sampling has only added to his conviction and has made him even more positive.

Ivan has also invested big in artificial intelligence (AI) for the Company's Committee Bay Project. While Auryn's team of geologists is top-tier, the addition of AI has further focused and directed their efforts to the point that they're on the cusp of a major discovery, which would mark a revolution in exploration. Hopefully, Ivan's sleep deprived nights will soon be a thing of the past. 

Direct download: Ivan_Bebek_05.Apr.19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:27am EST

Brent Johnson - The Milkshake Explains it all
John Rubino - Is the Fed buying Gold?
Mickey Fulp - Monthly Major Market Review March 2019
William H. Northwall - Return to Capitalism?
Steve Rhodes - Timing is Everything in Life


Direct download: Weekly_Compilation_April_1-5_Pt1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:35pm EST

Renowned geologist Dave Mathewson had been acquiring claims in the famed Nevada Cortez Hills Trend for many years. He connected with Ed Karr, a well known trader and founder of several investment management and investment banking firms. Thus was born US Gold Corp (an FSN Sponsor). Mathewson has high hopes for the project and so does Karr. It's located nearby several other prolific mines that have been producing huge quantities of gold for decades, and its geology appears very similar. It could turn into a major discovery. And with over 40 years of Nevada exploration experience and numerous big finds under his belt, you have to take Mathewson seriously when he says. “It’s the best exploration project I have seen in my career.” As if that wasn't enough, US Gold Corp acquired the Copper King Project in Wyoming, an advanced-stage gold and copper exploration and development, with an estimated $178 million net present value (according to the PEA). If things go right, there could be loads of value unlocked by US Gold Corp. 

Direct download: Ed_Karr_04.Apr.19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:13pm EST

Retirement planning is a must. Unfortunately most people don't start until it's too late, hoping that things will just work out. As they say, if you're not planning to succeed, you're planning to fail. No wonder so many people approaching retirement find themselves in such a bind. The lesson is simple, start saving early and often!

Direct download: Tom_Gandolfi_04.Apr.19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:03pm EST

Disappointing employment numbers, declining home sales and prices in Canada, the US and Australia, among others and bad US employment numbers, it's all happening. We'll see about the stock market. Earnings are certainly declining. There will be a day of reckoning and probably sooner than later. When that day comes, there will be tons of opportunities for amazing values. The key is to be prepared for when it all comes to pass. 

Direct download: Danielle_Park_03.Apr.19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:49pm EST

Jeff Clark has long experience in precious metals. As we all know, when it comes to the economy, things are never as they appear to be. Just like in 2008-09, the government was telling us that everything was okay and there was nothing to be worried about. It was just a small problem with sub-prime mortgages and it wouldn't affect the economy at-large. But they were very wrong and it cost people dearly. What will set off the next crisis? We can't possibly know, but there are many black swans circling overhead. Also take a look at Jeff's latest article about the hidden silver profit opportunity that exists right now. 

Direct download: Jeff_Clark_03.Apr.19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:41pm EST

Jim Oliver is a financial planner, but he's always look for a profitable angle. He describes policies that have all but been forgotten by most agents, but they have features that make them very attractive. He looks for non-paper based assets such as private businesses to make higher than average returns. Jim has the answers. 

Direct download: Jim_Oliver_03.Apr.19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:55pm EST

Steve Rhodes loves numbers. By following the numbers and the cycles he's able to make some very savvy and profitable market calls. He's been at it for a long time. At present he believes that gold is eventually headed higher, but if it breaks below 1280 per ounce, it could take an unwanted hundred dollar detour. He has his own opinion of the stock market, which also could go higher and higher. That probably makes him a contrarian too. Listen to his calls on oil, the dollar and stock markets as well as Bitcoin too. 

Direct download: Steve_Rhoades_02.Apr.19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:02pm EST

Brent Johnson, CEO of Santiago Capital, has come up with a unifying theory of what's been going on in the financial world for the past decade. It's called the Milkshake Theory. As Brent explains it, central banks responded to the 2008-09 Crash with unlimited liquidity to keep the world afloat. Unfortunately, once the toothpaste is out of the tube, there's no way to get it back in. And all sorts of unintended consequences happen. Art and real estate prices soar, consumer prices stay low and gold gets crushed because the stock market takes off for the moon. And how about Bitcoin? You see what he's getting at. And there's lots more ahead. 

Direct download: Brent_Johnson_01.Apr.19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:08pm EST

Pete Buttigieg mayor of South Bend, IN is running for president. If you can't pronounce his last name, just say Buttplug! The Democrat lineup is truly a freak show. Pocahontas, Kamala, Corey or the candidate du jour. Anyone who's ever had a desire to run for president has either announced or will announce shortly. Let's see how whacked out the lineup can get.

Whatever happened to manners and common courtesy. We take a close look at the issue and explain why they're so important. We also look at a friendly troll and comments to the article. 

Direct download: TLR_468_01.Apr.19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:11pm EST

It's no secret that centrals banks across the world have been accumulating gold. The word is out on China and India and others. However, has the Fed been doing the same? Unfortunately, due to the lack of transparency, we can't establish this one way or the other. However, the Fed gets the best information and has the so-called brightest minds working there, so it wouldn't be outrageous to believe in the possibility. But we won't know until they want us too. 

Direct download: John_Rubino_01.Apr.19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:26pm EST

Dr. William H. Northam says, "Taking the political structure into account it seems that far more Democrats have a positive view of socialism than of capitalism. If accurate, is this bad news for Democrats, and worse news for the country as a whole? Does this expose Democrats as completely out-of-touch with mainstream America? Does it show that the far left has cemented its grip on the party? What is a socialist? What is the basis for their views?"

Direct download: William_H._Northwall_01.Apr.19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:22pm EST

US Stock markets DOW flat in March S&P up and NASDAQ up 2.6%. Canadian markets up and emerging markets down. Dollar up, Euro down, Bitcoin up, 10 year treasury yield way way down. Metals got hit badly, with the exception of Palladium. Copper slammed. WTI up 5.2% for the month. Natgas was down 3.6%. Uranium was back down over 10%. Gold/silver ratio approaching 86. Plat to Pal up a bit to .62. That's it for March, check back next month for April's performance. 

DJIA 3/31/19            25927 0.00%
S&P 500 3/31/19              2834 1.80%
NASDAQ 3/31/19              7729 2.60%
RUS 2000 3/31/19 1540 -2.20%
TSX 3/31/19 16102 0.60%
TSX.V 3/31/19 627 0.50%
MCSI 3/31/19 1058 -2.24%
VIX 3/31/19 13.71  
DXY 3/31/19 97.20 1.10%
EURO 3/31/19 112.00 -1.50%
10 Year 3/31/19 2.41 -11.70%
Bitcoin 3/31/19 4076 7.20%
Au 3/31/19 1292 -1.60%
Ag 3/31/19 15 -3.10%
Pt 3/31/19 837 -2.50%
Pd 3/31/19 1364 -10.40%
Cu 3/31/19 2.94 -0.50%
WTI 3/31/19 60.18 5.20%
Brent 3/31/19 67.58 2.30%
Henry Hub 3/31/19 2.71 -3.60%
U308 3/31/19 24.88 -10.30%
Direct download: Mickey_Fulp_01.Apr.19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:34pm EST

Why are the schools so awful and failing to educate our children? It's by design according to noted conservative Bill Whittle. We've attempted to insulate our children from their greatest teacher, failure. And the results have been predictable, complete and utter failure. Unfortunately for humanity, there's no other way to build self-esteem and learn. It's just the way we're wired. Same thing with our cities. For nearly a century they have become petty dishes of liberal experimentation. And the result is universal failure. How long before we wake up? 

Direct download: Bill_Whittle_27.Mar.19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:34am EST

Marco Santarelli bought his first property at age 18 and has been investing in real estate ever since. He sees a definite split in the market between the glamorous go-go markets on the coasts and the boring markets everywhere else. He's looking for cash-flow and where possible, capital appreciation. While finding inventory has definitely become more challenging, Marco believes we are heading for a major housing shortage. New home construction is lagging and this will help keep real estate investing profitable for the foreseeable future. And there's lots more that will keep the cycle going higher and higher too. 

Direct download: Marco_Santarelli_27.Mar.19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:44pm EST

Get this straight, you are no longer in control of your car. Rather it's controlled by a series of algorithms that auto companies believe know better than you. A number of so-called safety systems actually increase the chances of an accident. Ever tried adaptive cruise control, it requires you to be 8 car lengths from the vehicle in front of you. Give me a 1968 GTO with 2 four barrels any day of the week. 

Direct download: Eric_Peters_27.Mar.19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:21am EST

Gary Wagner and Ned Schmidt joined us to discuss the current state of the dollar, precious metals, the markets and how to capitalize on the upcoming break-out. We're seeing major resistance in gold that will eventually be broken. There are many potential catalysts but no can tell what's going to eventually do the job. Let's see what happens next. 

Direct download: RT_Gary-Ned_26.Mar.19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:41pm EST

We don't usually discuss politics on the show, after all this is a family publication. However, Trump's exoneration has led to an interesting state of affairs with potentially wide reaching market effects. Now that he's unshackled, Trump is free to pursue his agenda with little or no distraction. While the Dems control the House, they seem to be having a major meltdown. The far left never cared about Muh Russia. They just wanted Trump out on whatever grounds they could get him on. The other part of the left put all their hopes on the Mueller Probe and now they're without hope. Maybe it's time to actually pursue some real policies for the benefit of the country. 

Direct download: John_Rubino_26.Mar.19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:48pm EST

David Morgan and Chris Vermeulen joined us for a roundtable to discuss where precious metals are at the present moment, where the cycle is heading and how best to capitalize on this major potential opportunity. An interesting session for sure. 

Direct download: RT_Morgan-Vermeulen_26.Mar.19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:59am EST

It's finally over, the Mueller investigation bit the dust and fell apart rather suddenly, which leads us to believe that a deal was made. In exchange for Trump forgiving his would be deposers, they dropped it. Seems the Deep State didn't want those FISA and Spygate Docs revealed to the general public. Did it happen this way? Mueller has a history of running shady investigations that just seem to go away, remember TWA Flight 800 and the bogus explanation of why it crashed?

On a lighter matter, who said that MI6 Spy Christopher Steele really retired? Did anyone show his retirement papers, a video of his retirement party or any other proof. This has been accepted from the get go as truth, but we all know that old spies never retire. They're always available to be called in on an urgent job. This looks more like a case of the Minister of Defense disavowing his role in Spygate, just like the old show Mission Impossible. "As always Mr. Phelps, should you or any member of your be captured or killed, the Secretary will disavow all knowledge of your existence." Looks like a case of disavowal.

In any event, it's over and now Trump will likely reneg on the deal and go after his enemies with the full fury and majesty of the law. All of his Dem enemies have been conspicuous by their absence this weekend, especially Shifty Adam #FullofSchiff. 

Direct download: TLR_467.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:19am EST

John Rubino, Dr. Gerard Lameiro, Danielle Park, Robert Paolini and Nick Santiago

Direct download: Weekly_Mar_17-22_pt_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:02pm EST





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