ROBERT MAZUR spent five years undercover infiltrating the criminal hierarchy of Colombia’s drug cartels. The dirty bankers and businessmen he befriended—some of whom still shape power across the globe—knew him as Bob Musella, a wealthy, mob-connected big shot living the good life. Together they partied in $1,000-per-night hotel suites, drank bottles of the world’s finest champagne, drove Rolls-Royce convertibles, and flew in private jets. But under Mazur’s Armani suits and in his Renwick briefcase, recorders whirred quietly, capturing the damning evidence of their crimes. Then, at a staged wedding, he led a dramatic takedown that shook the underworld. In the end, more than eighty men and women were charged worldwide. Operation C-Chase became one of the most successful undercover operations in the history of U.S. law enforcement, and evidence gathered during the bust proved critical to the conviction of General Manuel Noriega.

Direct download: Robert_Mazur_31.Jul.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:53pm EDT
Comments[0]'s Dan Freed joins us for a discussion of the mortgage crisis and just where that $65 billion in settlement proceeds that the big banks are paying over to the Feds and the States is going. In some states like New York it may actually help homeowners in need, but in others like California, it's just going to plug the deficit. Have we learned anything from the mortgage meltdown? That remains to be seen. 

Direct download: Dan_Steed_31.Jul.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:01pm EDT

Ivan Eland thinks that the American foreign policy elite should learn something from the recent humiliating evacuation of the U.S. embassy in Tripoli, Libya -- amid the chaos of tribal civil war in that country -- but probably won't. Since World War II, this bipartisan elite has thumbed its nose at the traditional U.S. foreign policy of strategic independence and military restraint overseas, which was initiated by the nation's founders and lasted through the most of the republic's history. Then the second great world conflagration demonstrated to the elite that new interdependence among nations somehow made that policy obsolete. Really?

Direct download: Ivan_Eland_31.Jul.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:55pm EDT

Bix Weir and Chris Duane sit down for a round table. They talk about how they got into the sound money camp, how the system has managed to keep functioning the past six years and where they see it heading in the future. The Silver Fix ends on August 14, 2014, after 117 years. What's next? They give their candid views on silver, the fix, the bankster and much more. 

Direct download: Round_Table_30.Jul.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:38pm EDT

Joel Skousen is a political scientist specializing in the philosophy of law and Constitutional theory. He’s a designer of high of security residences and retreats that have been built throughout North America. His latest book is Strategic Relocation--North American Guide to Safe Places. He explains that hyper-inflation is not likely and that war with Russia and China is the likely goal of the globalists. This will enable them to institute a world government and currency. 

Direct download: Joel_Skousen_30.Jul.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:34pm EDT

Dr. Elaina George was on today speaking about the potential for numerous health threats that can arise from the uncontrolled immigration that is now taking place. There's virtually no health screening being done on the recent immigrants. The possible diseases they can be carrying runs the gamet from drug resistant TB, to Swine Flu, to Ebola, to any other number of tropical diseases. Dr. George says that the American health system is completely unprepared for this threat that is being foisted upon the country. 

Direct download: Dr_Elaina_George_30.Jul.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:05am EDT

35 percent of the US population is being hounded by collectors. Not surprising in a country that's the largest debtor nation in history, it only figures that the population would be broke too. The next bubble is auto credit, with nearly $1 trillion in car loans outstanding. But have no fear, if you default on your loan or lease, they'll just immobilize your car or track it down by GPS and repo it. Isn't technology a wonderful thing? We also talk about a number of important current stories on FSN. 

Direct download: Triple_Lutz_358.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:53pm EDT

Tekoa Da Silva recently joined up with Sprott Global Resources. Now he's looking at undervalued mining stocks and he's finding a number of good ones out there. While the broad stock market has heated up and will probably remain that way, the mining sector is still a value play. Where else can you find a company selling for less than its cash and short term investments? He believes that the next move in resource stocks is about to play out. 

Direct download: Tekoa_DaSilva_29.Jul.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:28pm EDT

We touched base with Mark Skousen to get an after action report on this year's Freedomfest. We had great fun there. If you're a libertarian then you really need to attend. The only negative, if there is one, is that there are so many sessions going on at once, that it's hard to keep track of it all. Perhaps an App would help. For us PJ O'Rourke was one of the highlights this year. 

Direct download: Mark_Skousen_29.Jul.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:44pm EDT

Jason Burack of joined us for a discussion of what's driving Wall Street higher. It's certainly not economic growth or rational investing. Rather the casino mentality has taken over the herd. Over-leveraging and M&A activity, among other things, is driving stocks ever higher. Flight capital from Europe and Asia is just pouring gasoline on the fire. That's why a healthy position in precious metals is always a good idea, for one day the madness will stop and that's all we'll be left with. 

Direct download: Jason_Burack_28.Jul.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:16pm EDT

Manipulation Mondays with Andrew Hoffman
  • Options expiration coming 45 minutes;
  • The newest manipulation hail Mary yield rallies;
  • Fed Meeting on Wednesday—Pumping Priming;
  • First GDP Number coming;
  • Flat or 3 percent;
  • Today’s diffusion indices;
  • Housing numbers were awful;
  • Record low Italian and Spanish yields;
  • French employment numbers worst ever;
  • Japan highest CPI in many years;
  • Ukraine heating up—black swans;
  • The new hail Mary and the CME Wash Trade Law Suit. 
Direct download: Andy_Hoffman_28.Jul.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:55pm EDT

2014 is beginning to look a lot like 2007:

NASDAQ tech stocks are back to 1999 levels

The number of IPOs with no earnings back to 1999 levels

Junk bond yields are even lower than in 2007

Corporate debt rising faster than in 2007

Margin debt back to 2007 levels

Stock prices higher than 2007

Direct download: John_Rubino_28.Jul.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:47pm EDT

We've been speaking with Nick Santiago of for quite a while now. He's been making money in the market with an eye towards exiting to gold and silver when the time was right. Now he believes that the metals are about to see their day in the sun. When last we spoke, he was calling for them to start going and in fact they have. Now Nick believes the conditions are ripe for large price increases and he's putting his money where his mouth is, especially silver. 

Direct download: Nick_Santiago_28.Jul.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:26pm EDT

Don's new book Rooseveltcare is very timely. Today we are at a crossroads. America’s entitlement state is threatening to bankrupt us, and new schemes such as ObamaCare are hastening the collapse. What should we do? 

In this provocative look at America before and after Social Security, Don Watkins argues that the answer is as simple as it is controversial: Abolish the entitlement state, starting with the retirement program that created it. 

This is not another book for policy wonks about the financial trouble the entitlement state is in. This is the story of the role that Social Security has played in eroding the eagerness, energy and optimism that once defined America. And it is a guide for fighting back.

Direct download: Don_Watkins_25.Jul.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:13pm EDT

We caught up with Martin Armstrong today. We wanted to know if he was sticking by his call for Dow 32,000 and for the Dollar to remain the reserve currency. He stands by his them and cites further proof that the wealthy are sending their funds to the US. Wealthy Europeans, Canadians and Chinese are buying up properties in the US. As far as the stock market, there's no other place to put large quantities of money. No one trusts the banks or sovereign bonds, so the market can only continue going up. 

Direct download: Martin_Armstrong_25.Jul.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:35pm EDT
Comments[0]'s Ross Kenneth Urken talks about why it's probably a good idea to buy a house within the next 5 months. Higher interest rates, higher home prices and higher rents could make this a good time to buy, but it all depends upon your personal situation. 

Direct download: Ross_K_Urken_25.Jul.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:53pm EDT

Federal Reserve Chairman Janet Yellen address last Tuesday to the Senate Banking Committee as part of her semi-annual address to Congress. TheStreet's Joe Deaux reports from Washington that the Fed head didn't provide any shocking updates to monetary policy, which is important for investors to know. Additionally she spoke about the huge drawbacks to long-term unemployment and why unemployment benefits are a critical safety net for them. She also addressed the rising worries about inflation and said the central bank isn't currently concerned about longer-run inflation projections.

Direct download: Joe_Deaux_24.Jul.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:24pm EDT

Charles Nenner said 1342 was the peak for gold. Sure enough it hit and it's been one raid after another. They've finally driven it down to $1290 and $1280 and $1260 can't be too far behind. Let's see where it stops. But, I finally got my wearable wealth 1 ounce gold bracelet. Pictures to follow. Check out the AirBNB story about the squatter who refuses to leave. 

Direct download: Whats_Next_24.Jul.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:18pm EDT

Seems like deja' vu all over. When Seth was last on the show we talked about a mid to late July hit for gold and silver. Sure enough the day he's scheduled to come back on, a real-time raid drives the price of gold down to $1290 the ounce. Will wonders never cease? But that's all right. Looking ahead to the August and the fall, rising prices appear on the horizon. Now's a great time to purchase some wearable wealth like I did. 

Direct download: Seth_Peretzmen_24.Jul.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:12pm EDT

As John recounts in his latest missive. The old Dickens quote “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times” is pretty much always applicable to a world as big and complex as this one. But lately, as the disparity between financial markets (best of times) and geopolitics (worst) has grown to almost comical proportions, Dickens has been sounding even more apropos than usual. To take just a few “worst of times” examples:

  • Palestinians are shooting rockets at Israel, which is responding with a full-scale invasion that will end up killing many hundreds, including an appalling number of kids.
  • A coalition of Islamic radical groups called Islamic State for Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is grinding towards Iraq’s capital, home of the small city that is the US embassy. What we’ll do should it be taken is anybody’s guess, but odds are it won’t be pretty. Meanwhile, Iraq’s Christians are the largely-unnoticed victims of the fundamentalist resurgence.
  • Someone using advanced anti-aircraft missiles shot down a civilian passenger jet over Ukraine, and Russia, Europe and the US are making all kinds of threats and counter-threats as they try to apportion blame. There are an awful lot of soldiers in a small space, and the press is now full of “Archduke Ferdinand moment” kinds of analysis.
Direct download: John_Rubino_24.Jul.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:08pm EDT

Arch Crawford, an FSN regular, uses a combination of technical and astrological charts to track the markets and the economy. He believes the stock market is very close to a peak. From there, it won't be pretty. But it will be good for gold and silver, so get ready now. There's lots of factors involved in this forecast so listen closely. 

Direct download: Arch_Crawford_23.Jul.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:15pm EDT

Jason Hartman was with us today discussing the relative performance of real estate during a number of different economic scenarios. When done properly in the right markets at the right valuations, real estate will protect you whether the economy is inflating, deflating or just stagnant. See the charts Jason prepared

Direct download: Jason_Hartman_23.Jul.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:13pm EDT

In our last discussion, Gordon predicted that another credit crisis was forming. That was nearly two months and sure enough we're witnessing the start of a sub-prime auto debt bubble. Great call on Gordon's part. Lately he's been writing about the stock-buyback bubble. This work is starting to gain traction as well. David Stockman had a recent article about IBM's rampant buyback's. Gordon's work is always ahead of the curve, which is why he's a regular on FSN. 

Direct download: Gordon_T_Long_23.Jul.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:31pm EDT

Sandy Botkin, CPA and attorney talks about how to maximize your spouse's social security payments. Like everything else the government does, there's no simple solution. It all depends upon your situation. For some it makes sense to start receiving payments as soon as possible. For others, it makes sense to wait until age 70. Sandy goes through the myriad of possibilities to help decide which is right for you. 

We also discuss the grandparent scam. If you're a grandparent and get an urgent plea for cash from your grandchild in the middle of the night, think twice before wiring the cash. 

Direct download: Sandy_Botkin_22.Jul.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:55pm EDT

Danielle Park was on today, really on. With all that's going on in the world, this is a time where people need to be more concerned about return of investment, rather than return on investment. Each day that the bull market continues means that the risk of staying in increases. The average non-professional investor has no means of assessing that risk. Even the so-called professionals are lacking in that skill. But soon, they'll get the necessary education. 

We also discussed Elizabeth Warren. In a Congress where most members are beholden to the financial powers that be, Warren is different. While she is clearly ignorant of the benefit of free markets, she has proven herself to be a worthy adversary of the banksters. Let's see where it get her. 

Direct download: Danielle_Park_22.Jul.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:54pm EDT





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