If you find yourself in a hopeless state, it is possible to turn your life around and change your circumstances. Joe Cury comes on the show to share his inspiring story about going from being homeless and abusing drugs and alcohol to turning his life around and searching for new opportunity. Tune in to hear about how he found light in the darkness and to learn about how you can change your life for the better.

-Cury found himself in a state of distress when he overdosed in the midst of being homeless and down on his luck
-Cury participated in a program where they focused on finding humility
-Just because you have failed in the past, this doesn’t mean that you cannot find success and happiness
-He is now a happiness coach, and helps people find good investment areas

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Joe Cury Instagram

Direct download: Joe_Cury_25.Feb.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

We sat down with Fury Gold Mines' Chair Ivan Bebek and CEO Tim Clark for a sponsor update. Fury’s sale of its Homestake Ridge Silver/Gold project to Dolly Varden Silver is now complete. Fury received CAD $5 million, 76.5 million in DV shares and two board seats. Fury's resulting enterprise value will be in the $40 - $45 million range. 

Chair Bebek explains “So you’re getting three potentially great assets for $40 to $45 million …It doesn’t come around that often…” The transaction was followed up by a $5.3 million DV investment by Heckla Mining, the largest primary silver producer in the U.S., which also owns properties near Homestake.

CEO Clark adds, “…this is going to help shore up our treasury. We've got a lock up on those … marketable securities from Dolly for a year. Not only did we not have to finance again, but we could be an acquirer of other assets if it goes the right way.” Once silver begins its inevitable bull market, “We could pull out well over a $100 or even $200 million out of this.”

This could finance Fury’s extensive drill programs well into the future, thus precluding the need to do many more future capital raises. The funds will be put to good use. Clark observes that “We've got some of the best drill results we've ever had. (Recently at Committe Bay — 9.18 g/t gold (Au) over 1.5 metres (m) and 7.30 g/t Au over 1.0m in drill hole 21RV-012 and 0.88 g/t Au over 8.00m in drill hole 21RV-011 as well as rock grab results of up to 32.90 g/t Au and at Eau Claire’s Snake Lake 20.70 g/t gold (Au) over 1.5 metres (m) in drill hole 21SL-008, 5.16 g/t Au over 2.50m in drill hole 21SL-003 and 7.14 g/t Au over 1.5m in drill hole 21SL-009).

With significant intercepts like these, Fury will be upping their drill programs. All of which, leaves the company in the enviable position of having great prospectivity and the resources to uncover more high-grade mineralization.

(We own shares in Fury)

Company website:

Ticker symbol is FURY on the NYSE American and TSX

Direct download: 053_Fury_Gold_FSN.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:02am EST

Looking for ways to thrive as an entrepreneur/business owner? John Di Lemme I sit down and chat about how you can build your business to be sustainable and profitable in the long term. He founded Conservative Business Journal with the intention to help CEOs go above and beyond; one of the key components of this is being a marketer rather than a salesman, and branding for the best customer service possible. Tune in for more.

-John Di Lemme focuses his efforts on helping entrepreneurs, and founded Conservative Business Journal
-As a CEO, it’s important to think about what you can do to go above and beyond
-There is a difference between selling and marketing; marketing entails building relationships with clients and conserving them
-Focus on past and current customers rather than just running to the next client
-You want to brand yourself for extreme customer service, not the lowest prices
-Have a grand opening mindset

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Conservative Business Journal

Direct download: John_Di_Lemme_24.Feb.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EST

For small business owners, it’s crucial to know what you need to do in order to max out your 401k plan and make the most of it. Here to talk about this is Matt Ruttenberg, and he discusses different 401k options based on how many employees you have, whether you own multiple businesses or not, and other factors that determine how to take advantage of this. Listen in for insightful advice on how to benefit the most from your 401k.

-How does a small business person max out their 401k and make the most of it?
-A big priority is fairness to employees, and there are many regulations that have to be followed
-A self-directed 401k is great for solo entrepreneurs without employees; you’re in full charge of your investment portfolio
-Employers and employees can contribute
-It’s important to go with the safe-harbor 401k
-If you don’t choose a safe-harbor 401k; it will be a traditional 401k, and you cannot max it out
-You can decipher where people cap out to take full advantage of profit
-If you have multiple companies, there are other options that allow you to maximize 401k

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Life, Inc.

Direct download: Matt_Ruttenberg_24.Feb.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Lots of what we talk about on FSN is centered around change—whether it’s changing your mindset, preventing yourself from self-sabotaging, or enhancing your day to day decision making skills. Daniel Mangena comes on the show to talk about what YOU can do to succeed, and the change starts with your internal self. By staying focused on your end goal and taking responsibility for your actions, you can set yourself up to achieve the things you are working towards. Be sure to tune in for more useful, motivational tips.

-Success is a lot more about what you don’t do than what you do
-It’s important to stay focused on your end goal
-You need to take responsibility for your own actions rather than blaming external factors for blocking you from succeeding
-Don’t hide behind any of your characteristics that you think may stand in your pathway for success
-Self interest doesn’t have to be a bad thing, but don’t expect everyone to care about you; each person acts to benefit themselves
-Own your bad decisions (such as letting others deceive you) and analyze what you can do to make better decisions
-When we learn a lesson in one area, we can apply it to all areas of our life. Our experiences can be very beneficial based on what we do with them
-We all have a purpose and a role to play in the universe

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Dream With Dan

Direct download: Dan_Mangena_23.Feb.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EST

Where are precious metals heading? I sit down with Robert Kientz to discuss the future of the metals sector in consideration of the inflationary circumstances. Ultimately, this sector does not always move in the way we expect it to when unique conditions arise. As the money supply increases and capitalism ceases to function normally, it looks as if precious metals are moving at a different rate than everything else. Tune in for more insights.

-Where are precious metals heading? Golds are right around the 1900 range
-There are a lot of geopolitical factors at play
-The fact that the US and its NATO allies are battling over area means that something is coming
-When you have an inflationary spiral, businesses have to raise prices a lot more, and these prices become much more competitive
-When capitalism functions properly, prices are kept as low as possible. Capitalism doesn’t work effectively when inflationary spirals come about
-It’s not going to be long before people start wondering why the precious metals aren’t going up in the same way as everything else
-Every other commodity besides silver has made an all time high in the last forty years—it may be a good idea to hold on to your silver for now
-Gold hasn’t made a new nominal high in a couple of years

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Gold Silver Pros

Direct download: Robert_Kientz_22.Feb.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:30am EST

Neoliberals go full fascist  (Canadian bank account seizures, etc etc)

Should we limit what we keep in banks now that we know how easily it's stolen?

What about bitcoin wallets?

The Cashless Society is coming soon. Look out. 

Clearly another reason to own physical gold and silver. 

The Ukraine thing is completely our fault. What are the risks of Russia taking the Russian part back? $150 oil?

Is covid over? 

-- California goes 'endemic' 

-- with midterms approaching, Dems can't get elected on closed schools and vaccine passports

Tesla/Musk go after the SEC for abusing Tesla non-stop

The Credit Suisse story Are the Swiss banks more evil than Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan? Arguable. Whenever anyone stands up to these governments, they take them down in whatever way they please. 

Direct download: John_Rubino_21.Feb.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Gold is getting close to the crucial 1900 range, and will probably break it shortly. Silver and the mining stocks are lagging—what does all of this mean for the markets? I have Michael Moor on the show today to recap previous predictions in the markets, and discuss what has played out since then. Moor expects to see a bearish correction with Bitcoin against the move up, as well as a bearish correction with Crude & Products. Moor gives lots of insight regarding what’s to come across the markets, so be sure to tune in.

-If the market gets damaged below the 1830 area, it could start collapsing again
-Usually, the markets are on top of it when there are indications of war
-Moor expects to see a lot more to the upside with crude oil
-There have been exponential price increases with coal as well as record consumption
-If there’s no global shutdown, all energy is a good bet
-With Bitcoin, we were in a bearish correction against a bullish trend. We might see a lower timeframe bearish correction against the move up, but it will probably head higher
-Ultimately, Gold and Crude & Products look the best; we will probably see a bearish correction with Crude & Products

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Moor Analytics
Bitcoin and Gold Ready to Take Off with Michael Moor
It’s All in the Charts: Higher Gold with Michael Moor

Direct download: Michael_Moor_20.Feb.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

We were joined by Stephen Stewart, QC Copper & Gold’s CEO, for a sponsor update. The news out of Quebec is quite encouraging. According to just released drill results, QC intersected 184 meters of .32% copper equivalent, well above the required .2% cutoff grade. Two drills are currently turning, with a third on the way; the goal is to keep increasing the already substantial resource by “turning waste rock into copper.”

Mineralization is abundant, both within the proposed pit as well as numerous areas outside of it. QC is cashed up with CAD $18 million in the treasury and a substantial amount of marketable securities on hand. Thus the company can easily finance its 60,000 meter drill program for 2022. While the stock went higher during the past year, Stewart believes that a story this compelling can only stay quiet for so long, before the market catches on and affords it a more realistic price commensurate with its resource. Company Website: Tickers TSX.V: QCCU — OCTQB: QCCUF

Direct download: 052_QC_Copper_FSN.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:17pm EST

Looking for new crypto strategies to implement? Adrian Reid comes on the show to talk about systematic trading within the cryptocurrency markets. He dedicates his time to empowering other traders to be successful, and works with traders all over the world to share his knowledge. Systematic trading utilizes historical data to guide strategies; it is rule based, so your decisions don’t have to work off of emotions or guesses. If you want to learn more about effective cryptocurrency investing, be sure to tune in for great insights.

-Adrian Reid dedicates his time to teaching others about his crypto strategies
-When he exited the corporate world, he sought to re-connect with people and share his knowledge
-His company has traders from all over the world
-It took him about 3 years to become profitable within his trading; this happened when he discovered systematic trading, using historical data to back strategies
-Long term trades build capital
-Systematic trading removes emotion from your decisions
-He trades a large universe of cryptos and focuses on what is trending, what has the best volatility, etc.
-Reid’s system take a rules based approach
-An amount as small as $500 can allow you to trade systematically with crypto, but this varies with markets
-The volatility at the individual coin level doesn’t have to be reflected in your whole portfolio
-Once you have confidence in the process, anyone can do it

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network

Enlightened Stock Trading


Direct download: Adrian_Reid_17.Feb.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

We were joined by Eminent Gold’s CEO Paul Sun, along with the technical team, including Senior Geologist Dan McCoy, Justin Malliard and Ajeet Malliard (all PhD’s) for a sponsor update. Things have been moving along quickly at the Gilbert South and Hot Springs Range projects. The recent geophysical campaign at Gilbert South has yielded impressive results. It has provided further clarity to the already identified multi-kilometer length faults hosting gold bearing veins and allowed Eminent to identify definitive drill targets for this year’s program.

Senior Geologist Dan McCoy has over 30 years’ mining experience around the world and was lured out of retirement by Eminent’s potential for big discoveries. He is searching for 10+ million ounces of bonanza grade gold and believes the team is looking in all the right places. These projects have had limited exploration in the past. By using the latest technology, the team is seeing these projects with new eyes.

An overview of the Hot Springs Project was also given. Ajeet and Justin identified this property as one with great prospectivity and staked it, all while doing their doctoral dissertations. They wasted no time putting their degrees to work. Permits are in place and drilling is ready to begin. With all of this happening, there’s a certain inevitability that Eminent Gold is on the cusp of a major Nevada gold discovery. This is exactly why we’re shareholders.

Company Website:

Ticker Symbols: OTCQB: EMGDF — TSX-V: EMNT

Direct download: 051_Eminent_Gold_FSN.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am EST

I have Wolf Richter on the show to discuss some of the direct effects of inflation and how they’ve been impacting our day to day lives. Not only does this phenomenon turn savers into spenders; we are ultimately spending more regardless due to property rents spiking, used automobiles going up in price, and shortages of materials/laborers. The list goes on—tune in to hear more about what has changed in the economy and some of the forthcoming shifts to expect.

-Just yesterday, the wholesale price index was up 9.7%
-Is the inflation rate really running double what the government says it is? It’s certainly higher
-Inflation has a pervasive effect, turning savers into spenders
-There’s an above average supply of used vehicles, but prices continue to spike
-Rents have been going up significantly, especially in metropolitan areas
-Asking rents have spiked
-Building a home requires a lot of planning ahead in consideration of the required resources and labor; it’s not as simple a process to start as it used to be
-There are shortages of materials/laborers
-Higher wages won’t solve all problems, but are definitely part of the equation
-Some of the labor force has stopped working and started living off their crypto earnings
-We will probably see a downward trend of asset prices

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Wolf Street
Markets and Bonds with Ross Clark; Truckers and Cryptos with John Rubino; Autos and Real Estate with Wolf Richter.
Real Inflation, Could Interest Rates Rise Faster Than Expected? Wolf Richter – Dec. 29, 2021

Direct download: Wolf_Richter_16.Feb.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

You made it through the pandemic with good health, but perhaps you’re looking to improve your economic health. As we enter back into normalcy, what’s next? I have John Paul Mendocha on the show to talk about how you can change your mindset to prepare you for success. Ultimately, you must escape the criers club; accept your session, and create a plan to move forward so that you can thrive in future circumstances. Tune in to hear more about what you can do to invest in learning and prepare for what’s to come.

-You have to clear out all of the nonsense in order to put yourself out there and become more successful
-The ‘criers club’ is everyone who is ruminating on what has happened rather than moving forward; the longer you wallow, the less you are able to get things done
-It’s beneficial to learn your lesson, and ultimately let your emotions go
-Understand who you are and what you’re looking for—being self aware
-Pursue something that you think you are going to enjoy; doing something without passion is far more difficult
-You can’t always start at the top; it’s critical to have a growth mindset
-Every generation has a whole group of people that do not become successful—these people are typically not investing in learning for themselves
-Interesting areas to look into are AI and methods for providing better customer service; high tech has a lot of room to grow

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Reconnecting Remotely with John Paul Mendocha
Now That the Pandemic Has Ended (Hopefully) with John Paul Mendocha

Direct download: John_Paul_Mendocha_15.Feb.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

We’re experiencing an inflation rate that hasn’t been this high in 40 years, but this means that it’s also advantageous to own more precious metals, oil, and other commodities. A realm of investment especially worth looking into right now is real estate; home prices are being driven up, and mortgage rates are ultimately pinned down by the interest rate policy. If you can rent your property out and turn it into a source of income, this is highly beneficial in the long run. Tune in for more insight on the markets and tips on how to plan for the future.

-Inflation just hit a near 40 plus year peak
-It hasn’t been this high since 1980
-Understand that the reported inflation rate is never entirely accurate—its reliability has diminished over the years
-It is probably double or more of what the projected government rate is
-It’s getting more advantageous to own precious metals, oil, and other commodities
-Speculating can be dangerous, but so can investing in mining stocks
-Is real estate a good place to be now, or is the market going to collapse? Ultimately, it’s a good investment, even in light of collapse risks
-Mortgage rates are pinned down by the interest rate policy
-Until the government cuts back on credit creation, the inflationary situation will not improve
-Inflation will increase the price of your home
-People are fleeing from the lockdown states to states with looser restrictions
-If you can rent your property out, every dollar that your rent goes up will drive up the value of your property
-If you’re going to buy real estate, location is crucial

Useful links:
Financial Survival Network

Direct download: TLR_490_14.Feb.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Those that work in media jobs are facing a tougher environment than ever before in consideration of cancel culture and ethics that divide people in countless ways. Jeremy Murphy comes on the show to talk partially about his experience, and also about a book he wrote on navigating this cutthroat industry. Tune in to hear more about the Gen Z type, ‘Chloe,’ and how you can survive a media career in our contemporary world.

-Jeremy Murphy is an individual that is embittered by the media because of the tumultuous environment it has cultivated
-Once Trump left office, people lost interest in certain aspects of the media; politics lost a bit of entertainment
-Murphy writes a Gen Z type that he calls a ‘Chloe’ that feels entitled, and comes to work expecting everything to adhere to their own expectations and values
-There needs to be a balance of ethics in the workplace, and efforts need to be put into implementing things like diversity in the right way
-The goal should be getting each person to achieve their fullest potential
-We should be able to focus on being the best we can be, not just avoiding upsetting people

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
F*ck Off, Chloe!: Surviving the OMGs! and FMLs! in Your Media Career

Direct download: Jeremy_Murphy_11.Feb.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

It’s time we take a stand against what the central banks are doing. Things have gotten out of hand, and here to talk about it is Greg Mannarino. He suggests that in order to make a move towards change, we have to develop a system outside of the current one, to which cryptocurrency could be a game changer. We don’t have much of a middle class left, and the only viable solution to all of the major problems thus far has been printing more money. If you’re as perplexed as us, you’ll definitely want to tune in.

-Central banks essentially want to own everything, and people need to take action against this
-We have to develop a system outside of the current one—cryptocurrency could play a major part in this
-We don’t have many real middle class people left
-Are we going to see a major correction or decline in the market?
-We are probably going to see new record highs in a relatively short amount of time
-No asset goes straight up without a bit of correction
-Risk in the market is rising, but this doesn’t mean there has to be a crash; this is an opportunity to make more money
-Precious metals are probably going to skyrocket, and a lot of money will be poured into cryptocurrency

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Traders Choice

Direct download: Gerg_Mannarino_10.Feb.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

We’re at the beginning of an inflationary cycle right now; thus, it’s crucial to know if you’re going to enter retirement during this period, and how you can prepare. I have Mark Singer at the show to discuss this topic, and we analyze a few economic factors that contribute to this phenomenon. Interest rates are going to start to go up very soon, which means that bond values will inevitably go down. Find out what your needs are now so that you can manage your portfolio accordingly.

-Inflation is here to stay, and it’s a cycle. We saw it in the 60s and 70s, and it lasted upwards of 20 years
-We’re at the beginning of an inflationary cycle right now
-It’s important to find out if you’re going to be retired during this time, and what to do
-Interest rates continue to be between 0% and 1.5%
-We’re not getting the increase in income anymore
-We just went through a 30 year bond/bull market
-Values of bonds have gone up; now, we’ve bottomed out and interest rates are going to start going up, which means that bond values will start to go down
-You need to understand low risk fixed income vs. high risk fixed income
-Find out what your needs are and how much risk you have to take with the portfolio

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Mark Singer - Your Retirement Guide

Direct download: Mark_Singer_10.Feb.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:30am EST

-for metals prices, 1800 is the bottom
-With inflation, when are the prices going to go higher in nominal terms?
-There is much divisiveness right now in all areas
-When the public realizes that the Fed cannot raise rates or control inflation, this is when the bond market is going to start to go through convulsions
-Our government has chosen the printing press over austerity
-Raising interest rates will start to shake the financial house of the United States, and the Western world as a whole

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Miles Franklin

Direct download: Andy_Schectman_09.Feb.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EST

Metals prices have been range-bound for the last year or so. Just as you think they’re about to go up, they get slammed. I sit down and chat with Kyle Floyd to unpack the reasoning behind these prices, influenced by a number of factors. This is the right time to be accumulating, as we experience record amounts of currency production with less goods and services. Tune in to hear about the benefits of investing in metals now—especially in royalties.

-If the metals are doing well, then the companies are going to do well
-CEO of Vox Royalty, Kyle Floyd, comes on the show to discuss metals prices
-Investors have to realize that the movement won’t happen until it’s too late
-At some stage, the fundamentals will be reflected in the price
-We’ve had record amounts of currency production with less goods and services
-Crypto has taken a lot of the investor imagination and diverted it from the metals
-There is going to be record demand placed on resources to aid conversion
-Whether you’re a gold miner or copper miner, you’re going to compete with a lot of the same people for the same inputs
-There will probably be another super cycle in metals
-This is the right time to be accumulating
-Replenishing the labor supply of these vital industries should be every resource based economy’s major goal, as well as upping production
-The easiest tangible fundamental to understand is that the trillions of dollars in hydrocarbons have to go to metals; this will raise the tide for everyone
-It is worth investing in royalties at Vox, especially in consideration of inflation

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Vox Royalty
Stunning Acquisition – 50 Million Gold-Equivalent Ounces | Kyle Floyd
Just as the Commodity and PM Super-Cycle Begins | VOX Royalty CEO Kyle Floyd

Direct download: Kyle_Floyd_09.Feb.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

FSN has always analyzed economics, but we are currently facing economic insanity. The gold standard is now more relevant than ever, and Nathan Lewis comes on the show to talk about global phenomena that have been taking place; the world market economy has experienced much change over the years, and a Keynsian governmental perspective is prevalent. Tune in for more.

-Lewis has been writing for 17 years now. He started with what was known and expanded
-We’ve seen inflation kick in, and expansion of the government into the economy
-The Magic Formula outlines the fundamental recipe that made the whole world wealthy: stable money and low taxes
-Between 1994 and 2016, nominal GDP in US dollars in China grew by 26 times because they had the ‘magic formula’
-This tapered off when China took a more authoritarian stand
-We’ve been in an economic predicament with the Chinese for many years, and have more recently discovered this
-The flood of new labor onto the world market economy came due to the lifting of communism and strict trade agreements
-Advances in communication allowed more things to be produced in China rather than the US, which created struggles for US workers
-We should have all the components of a major industrial economy contained in the United States
-China does have a legitimate claim to Taiwan
-The Canadian trucker movement is spreading
-There are now Austrian devotees that see the value in free markets
-The internet can amplify these messages and make them more universal
-We’re kind of in the era of Keynsian government with big governments

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
New World Economics
Nathan Lewis – Time to Cut the Federal Government in Half
Nathan K. Lewis – Is the Gold Standard Our Salvation?

Direct download: Nathan_Lewis_09.Feb.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EST

If you’re looking to invest in yourself and your business, now is the time. I have Robert Bendetti on the show to discuss how you can become the greatest wealth generator and reach your maximum potential. It’s crucial to receive education and proper training, and also to get yourself familiar with an industry before getting involved. Tune in for more helpful advice.

-Now is the time to invest in yourself and in your business
-Entrepreneurs need to be treating themselves and their business as the greatest asset/wealth generator
-Revenue is not the point; you need to be pursuing real profit
-The first step to investing in yourself is receiving education/proper training
-Get yourself familiar with an industry before buying a franchise or expanding your market
-Failure is inevitable at some point, but you need to fail forward
-You learn a lot by testing products and getting customer feedback

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Robert Bendetti LinkedIn

Direct download: Robert_Bendetti_07.Feb.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Interest rates are heading higher and the stock market is heading lower. Is there still hope? I have Avi Gilburt on the show to talk about what is in store for the markets in 2022. We could still have strong inflation and see the stock market go up, but there is also a high chance that rates will start coming down. The Fed may not necessarily follow through with what they have said about raising rates, but we will have to wait and find out as the year progresses.

-Could we have strong inflation and still see the stock market go up? Ultimately, yes, but there is also the potential for rates to start coming down
-The Fed may be backtracking as we move through 2022
-The market isn’t necessarily suggesting that the Fed is going to follow through on its plans
-Market sentiment drives the overall market

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Elliot Wave Trader
Shortest Stock Market Correction in History? with Avi Gilburt
6000 S&P Coming: Markets Gone Wild with Avi Gilburt

Direct download: Avi_Gilburt_07.Feb.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EST

Even in inflationary circumstances, there are many opportunities for big wins. I sit down and chat with Jewel Tankard, who has been mastering some of these opportunities at an incredible rate. We specifically discuss sectors such as real estate and cryptocurrency (NFTs in particular) to unpack some of the benefits of learning about these industries and getting involved. Tune in for more.

-Many people are worried about inflation because prices are noticeably increasing
-Jewel Tankard has been mastering opportunities at an incredible rate
-Times of financial crisis also possess the most opportunity; you can decide whether you win or lose
-Real estate, big pharmaceutical companies, and several other industries performed very well in the midst of dire market conditions
-In real estate, a common conception is that you make money when you buy, but the timing of buying is also crucial
-You typically make the most amount of money when you’re early to the industry
-To make money in the Metaverse, find out where projects are happening; NFTs are very prominent
-With real estate, buy properties in areas where you know there is going to be major development
-The world is changing very rapidly, and we have to be open to listening to ideas about money/patterns
-Being a lifelong learner is crucial
-Knowing when to enter/exit the market is also extremely important

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Jewel Tankard

Direct download: Jewel_Tankard_07.Feb.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

I sit down and chat with Gary Wagner to discuss what exactly is happening with gold prices and the metals market as a whole, and how these effects are a direct result of the inflationary environment we’re stuck within. Bringing inflationary pressures down is no simple tasks, and it will probably be a while before we start to see some of the asset classes performing at a normal level again.

-What’s happening with gold prices?
-Silver has been more depressed than gold, but gold is sitting at 1800
-A lack of dollar strength has been holding the precious metals at a lower price
-There is a dichotomy between how gold and silver are reacting
-Gold is the best long term hedge against inflationary pressures
-It is a tedious process to bring inflationary pressures down
-We’re in interesting times, and there’s not much we can do about it
-Currency is backed by faith in the government—which seems to be fading globally
-For the first time in history, our paper currency isn’t backed by anything
-Silver has been kept artificially low
-There is perhaps some market manipulation at play
-The two tangible investment classes that have performed brilliantly are real estate/land and gold/silver

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
The Gold Forecast
How High Can Gold & Silver Go in 2022? Rates to Rise, Here’s the Impact on Markets – Gary Wagner
Don’t Invest in Gold Until You Understand These Fundamentals – Gary Wagner Gives Price Targets

Direct download: Gary_Wagner_03.Feb.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EST

-Mark Achler was an early employee of Apple and Head of Innovation at Redbox, and is an adjunct professor at the Northwestern Kellogg School of Management who has been creating and investing in tech startups since 1986.  
-Mert Iseri is the founder of SwipeSense, a healthtech company acquired by SC Johnson in 2020. He also co-founded Design for America—using design thinking for social impact—which won the National Design Award in 2018. 
-Together, they are about to release their new book Exit Right that in my opinion should be read by anyone and everyone involved in an exit strategy. 
-The book contains interviews with seasoned entrepreneurs with multiple exits under their belt, including M&A executives at prolific buyers such as Google, Facebook, Amazon, along with lawyers and bankers.
-Their book is a collection of the hard-earned lessons over decades of experience building startups towards a great outcome for all parties including:

The FAIR Framework
1.Taking the long view - from the very beginning and in all things
2.How to have an annual Exit Talk
3.Breaking down the Term Sheet
4.Seventy amazing contributors  interviewed

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network

Direct download: Mark_and_Mert_03.Feb.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST





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