As a Tesla owner Mike Gazzola is gladly passing out his Tesla discount code. That way after you've made a killing selling on Amazon, you'll be ready to buy this amazing vehicle and receive a $1000 discount as well as lifetime free charging at Tesla super-charging stations. More importantly, a trip to China with Mike and Matt can be worth its weight in gold (or Bitcoin). You'll review products, find the most profitable ones and hopefully becoming a raging Amazon success. It's not easy, but it's very doable. Mike and Matt show you all the ins and outs of how it's done. 

Also, Mike talks about buying inventory in China and bringing it back for immediate sale. It's very doable and quite profitable as well. 

Direct download: Mike_Gazzola_28.Jun.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:49pm EST

Steven Down is a lifelong entrepreneur and a great wealth coach. His new restaurant chain Even Stevens is taking off. For every sandwich they sell, they give out a free one to the community. Millennials love it and can't get enough. It's a nice concept that really can help make a difference. And it's great for the bottom line too, as Steven's chain is one of the fastest growing in history. 

Direct download: Steve_Down_27.Jun.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:32pm EST

Some scams are just too good to die out. Fraudsters have been sending out fake Yellow Pages advertising bills for decades. Even in the Internet era, it still works. If you send it, they will pay. And then there's a group of foreign scammers claiming to be the IRS and they're out to lock you up. Typical fraudsters. The IRS will never call you on the phone out of the blue. They will always identify themselves and they will never threaten arrest. But these scammers don't hesitate. They are truly venal creatures from the dark. 

Direct download: Heather_Wagenhals_27.Jun.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30pm EST

First Trump was supposed to lose the election. Then the election was going to be tossed out by the courts. Then he was going to lose the recounts. Then his victory in would be taken away by flipping the electors.  And lastly, the real Hail Mary Pass would be Russiagate. Of course none of it came to pass and Trump has been busy pursuing his agenda, while the Establishment and the Democratic Party have been licking their wounds. Trump has been busy at work. Pretty soon we'll all see the results, for better of for worse, 

Direct download: Bill_Tatro_27.Jun.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:26pm EST

The Chinese are now trying to buy up the only US Rare Earth mine. Jeff is against this action. The government needs to wise up and understand that this is a national security issue. While these metals aren't rare, currently the Chinese are the major producer. Therefore, it makes sense for the government to the initiative and help the local and US economy. 

Direct download: Jeff_Ferry_26.Jun.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:15pm EST

Samantha Stone has written a how-to guide for high growth marketing in complex selling environments. She doesn't just tell you what to do, she shows you how to do it, and how to partner with sales to get the right results. Sometimes you're just stuck and you don't know why. Samantha helps you understand why and how to keep going higher. 

Marketers as well as sales and company leaders should read this book to learn how sales can get the most out of marketing. Bring on the collaboration.

Direct download: Samantha_Stone_26.Jun.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:12pm EST

Michael Stumo is preparing to testify before Congress on the effects of Nafta (North American Free Trade Agreement) and why it must be dramatically modified or eliminated. It has done untold damage to America's factories and farms. Free trade is all well and good except when you look at how other countries subsidize their export industries. It's time for America to stand up and demand fairness. Michael's plan will create millions of jobs and prosperity at home. 

Direct download: Michael_Stumo_26.Jun.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00pm EST

Rumors are flying about the retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy. After all, he's 80 years old and enough is enough. He's been the swing vote on the Court for nearly 2 decades. Time to enjoy the family and his lavish government pension. Next, will be the retirement of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Can't come soon enough. Then it will be a decidedly conservative court with a 6-3 composition. But will it matter, based upon the economy and the resulting political storm? Watch out for increased social unrest. 

Direct download: John_Rubino_26.Jun.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:30pm EST

Matt Behdjou of AmazonSecrets joined us to discuss selling on Amazon. There's three important questions to ask before embarking on this path. 1) Does it work? 2) Is it easy? 3) Can I do it? The resounding answer to all three of these questions is Yes! The badly kept secret is that it's not just the shareholders of Amazon getting rich. There are many third party sellers using the Amazon platform and getting wealthy in the process. So before you get involved in any business undertaking, ask those three questions and act accordingly. 

Direct download: Matt_Bejue_PAI_B_23.Jun.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:51pm EST

There's a lot of discussion about how shale oil is bringing down energy costs and increasing the supply greatly. The question is, "At what cost?" We've seen numerous bankruptcies in the energy patch and these hi-flyers are producing negative cashflow. Is this really what the future looks like? Next, Electric Vehicles or EV's are supposed to solve all our energy/pollution problems. Really? The death of the internal combustion engine is great exaggerated. It's not going to happen overnight or even in a decade, if at all. It's a process that will take a long time. Ending private ownership of vehicles could have great benefits, but don't break out your app for that self-driving Uber car just yet!

Direct download: Chris_Martenson_21.Jun.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:48pm EST

Boston University's Professor Laurence Kotlikoff is different than most of his colleagues in academia. He looks for real solutions to real problems that his fellow citizens are living through. Following his advice will help me to realize over $100,000 in lifetime income that I never knew was possible.

Not content to rest on his laurels, he's released 2 incredible financial tools that could potentially help millions. First is the divorce settlement analyzer. Feed in the numbers and change scenarios and it allows both parties to optimize the settlement and will help save on taxes as well! Next, he's created a budget/spending tool that helps you maximize your spending during your lifetime. It's a great tool that can work for almost anyone. Keep up the great work Professor!

Direct download: Laurence_Kotlikoff_21.Jun.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:44pm EST

What's happening Wednesdays with Andrew Hoffman:

Complete dissociation of Fed "rate hike" with market reality
-rates near lows

-Treasury yield curve historic inversion (in China, too!)

-plunging commodities, EM currencies, OPEC/Saudi chaos ("my newest most likely to catalyze the big one<>")

-today's article, "valuation anomalies suggest historic Precious Metal lows"

Direct download: Andy_Hoffman_21.Jun.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:06am EST

Keith Neumeyer, Chairman of First Mining Finance and CEO/Director of First Majestic Silver is never one to sit still or rest upon his laurels. In little more than a year, the company made 8 acquisitions, has an inventory of 25 projects and 12 million ounces of gold in the ground.

Now the playing field has changed and so has Keith's strategy for the future. Beginning life as a mineral property bank, First Mining is now drilling to add further value to its projects. It's just another way that Keith is helping to unlock the company's value. He's still open to wise acquisitions and doubts the company will become a producer, but the drill program currently underway promises great returns. And that's without even considering the current market for gold, which promises the possibility of much higher prices ahead. It's a great example of risk-reward leading a company to new horizons. 

Direct download: Keith_Neumeyer_20.Jun.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:44pm EST

Todd Tresidder has an interesting question. Why do certain postal employees and teachers with ordinary incomes achieve financial freedom, while doctors and lawyers earning multiple times more income end up in bankruptcy?

The reason is more complex than most financial gurus teach.

The truth is there's no magic wealth system or program that produces reliable results despite the over-hyped claims of marketers.

Instead, the wealth building process is mundane and practical - like a series of hurdles you must jump over, without tripping up - no different than building your own business or achieving any other serious economic goal.

The hurdles are:

  • Commitment so that you prioritize everything necessary to build wealth; otherwise, life will just get in the way.
  • Plan based on proven principles that actually work, and it must be uniquely designed to fit your skills, resources, and interests.
  • Action because nothing happens without persistent, disciplined action over sufficient time to reach the end goal.

I know that doesn't sound nearly as sexy as the "hidden secrets of the rich" sold by marketer types, but it is timeless wisdom that actually works.

People want to believe in get-rich-quick and overpriced weekend bootcamps because they promise to deliver that "secret missing ingredient" that previously held you back.

The secret is there are no secrets.

Direct download: Todd_Tresidder_20.Jun.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:31pm EST

$15 trillion has been pumped into the system since the crash. And now the flow of capital has driven asset prices all over the world, especially in Australia. Chinese flight capital has been keeping the world a float. And now Australia has reached a tipping point with debt to income passing 200 percent. With 40 percent of home loans being interest only, there's trouble ahead. And of course oil prices keep going down. What's a regulated bank to do? Extend and pretend has been around for nearly a decade with no end in site and still there's very little growth and very limited bank lending. 

Direct download: Danielle_Park_20.Jun.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:29pm EST

Things are not going well on today's college campuses. From demands for student safe zones, to riots against conservative speakers, to attacks on students' religious beliefs, today's college campus is like nothing we've seen in America before. A group of Jewish students are suing San Francisco State University for refusing to protect their safety and rights. There's a class-action law suit against the DNC for rigging the election against Bernie Sanders. Where is all this heading? 

Direct download: Frank_Vernuccio_20.Jun.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:47pm EST

While history may not repeat, it certainly rhymes. And according to Eric Hadik the financial markets are rhyming very heavily now. The cycles are converging and the stock market appears to be in a heavy topping phase right now. The 7th-8th year of the decade has seen so many panics and crashes that it cannot ignored. 1907, 1917, 1937, 1947, 1957, 2007, every ten years there's always major happening. It's a very powerful cycle. Transports may have already peaked and the warning signs are clearly there. 

Eric has started following crypto-currencies. He called an intermediate top in early June in Bitcoin. Gold is still looking good for the 3rd Quarter of 2017 onward into 2018. Agricultural commodities should be heading up later and oil should be hitting it's low later in the Fall.

Of course no one knows exactly what the future will hold, but we can all get glimpses through cycles. 

Direct download: Eric_Hadik_20.Jun.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:37am EST

We spoke with Peter Hug, Kitco's Director of Global Trading. Metals have been stuck in a sideways channel for quite a while. Just when it looked like gold would break through the $1300 per ounce mark, the market turned. We're probably not going to have to wait much longer to see the channel breached in one direction or the other. And the US Economy isn't looking so strong and Trump's agenda is under attack. Could its failure lead to a lower stock market and higher precious metals prices? 

Direct download: Peter_Hug_19.Jun.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:58pm EST

What can you say about crypto-currencies that hasn't been said already. However, John and I are proposing a new form of crypto backed up by Tulips, preferably the Dutch variety. After all, Tulip prices only go up, right? And what of all those ICO's (Initial Coin Offerings) that are headed to the moon and back. Just today Bancor raised $153 million. Pretty good work if you can get it. 

Now Amazon is taking over Wholier Than Thou Foods. What could possibly go wrong. Just take an old fashioned business, add robots and internet ordering and make a zillion dollars. It always works out in the long run, but then again in the long run we're all dead. 

Direct download: John_Rubino_19.Jun.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:55pm EST

Whitney Nicely started her real estate investing career after selling dump trucks! She flipped her first property in 2009 and has been a machine ever since. She is a very successful real estate investor and highly sought after strategist who helps others create and boost their portfolios. She flips, flops, buys, and sells and she's awesome at it! Whitney is also impressive because she empowers women to dive into the real estate investment world in order to take control of their lives and finances.  

Direct download: Whitney_Nicely_19.Jun.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:32am EST

What does his conflict management style say about his leadership? Dr. Clete Bulach wrote the book on conflict management and brings his insights to us in this interview. Successful conflict resolution is one of the keys to success in life. 

Can the word conflict be a way to describe President Trump's leadership qualities? Conflict is an inevitable part of any school or work environment, and you need to be prepared to deal with it as it arises. Even before he was elected President, he dealt with a number of conflicts.

Most people don't like conflict. Many people have problems with conflict and will avoid disagreements at all costs. President Trump seems to be in the minority when it comes to this conclusion. However, it still happens and we will continue to find ways around it. How has he handled it so far? Listen to the interview and find out more. 

Direct download: Dr._Clete_Bulach_13.Jun.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:46pm EST

There's a lot of real estate investment vehicles available in this day and age. You have Wall Street's REITS, partnerships, etc. But one of the most profitable niches available to you now is mobile home parks. This is not your father's trailer park that was often a center of iniquity. Rather, trailer parks have gone mainstream and well run, often a bastion of the up and coming middle class. For not much money, they can own a starter home and move up from there. They've actually become a place of upward mobility. 

Direct download: Jefferson_Lilly_14.Jun.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:54pm EST

David Horowitz is a reformed reformer, meaning he used to be a devout leftist in the 60's bust has seen the light. He became a topic of contention during the Sessions grilling before the Senate yesterday for bestowing an award upon the Attorney General. He was called an Islamaphobe by a US Senator. David is proud of that award and would gladly give it out again. He believes the Democrats/Left has become the party of hate. They are no longer the party of JFK. 

Direct download: David_Horowitz_14.Jun.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:50pm EST

What's happening Wednesdays with Andrew Hoffman:

Yesterday's article, the "Fed's last rate hike"
-today could - and likely will - be a major inflectionary point in U.S. monetary policy history

Today's article, "low interest rate people," only validates how imperative it is for the

Ponzi scheme of ZIRP/NIRP - and shortly QE again, must be continued

Gold and silver on verge of historic 200 WMA and 5½ year downtrend line breakouts

Collapsing economy!

Etc., etc.

Direct download: Andy_Hoffman_14.Jun.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:05am EST

Andy Schectman, CEO of Miles Franklin Precious Metals Investments joined us today. For those of you not aware, Miles Franklin is a major bullion dealer, the only one licensed and regulated by the State of Minnesota. Andy sees 5 opportunities right now in precious metals that haven't been in a long time. First Platinum is selling less than 75 percent of gold's per ounce price. The silver to gold ratio is nearly 75 to 1.  A number of numismatic coins are selling at the same price as standard bullion coins. Junk silver or pre-1965 silver coins are selling at an extremely low premium to their silver content. And Platinum is nearly at par with Palladium. This means that there are opportunities in precious metals that haven't been seen in a long time. Get ready!

Direct download: Andy_Schectman_13.Jun.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:57pm EST





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