We were joined by FPX Nickel’s CEO Martin Turenne for a much awaited sponsor update. A major paradigm shift has taken place in the battery metal space. Automakers around the globe have been in a state of near panic, racing to line up reliable and “friendly” sources of copper, lithium, nickel and other metals required to produce electric vehicles. As Martin said, “... talking about the global supply chain, the demand of auto makers, now we've seen a race. … All of these companies are snapping up or attempting to snap up supplies of crucial metals, because … if they don't get these metals it's game over, [due to] the shift to EVs.” If they don’t secure supplies, they won’t survive.

March 2022 witnessed a major nickel short-squeeze took place, with prices jumping 5-fold in just 48 hours. Now it has settled back into the $9-10 per pound level, a level at which FPX will see high profits and substantial cash-flow. However, Martin believes that nickel prices will continue to increase, as there is just not enough supply to satisfy the burgeoning EV demand.

FPX is uniquely situated to profit from these trends. Its Baptiste and Van projects are some of the largest undeveloped sources of nickel on the planet. Due to their composition, these deposits are environmentally friendly, thus they’re able to forgo the costly/polluting smelting process.

Martin hinted that outside interest in the company’s projects is high and he will provide more information at the appropriate time. But one thing is for certain, nickel is essential to global adoption of EV’s and its future demand insures higher prices and the need to increase production at rates far higher than today’s levels.

This leaves FPX Nickel in an extremely advantageous position with the likelihood of extraordinary returns to shareholders.

Company website: www.FPXNickel.com

Ticker symbols: OTC: FPOCF — TSX-V: FPX

Direct download: 061_FPX_Nickel_FSN.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:35am EST

You’ve made money in crypto and managed to sell it for a profit; however, there is still an important question to answer. What are the strategies for minimizing tax burden with crypto, and can you use the losses to offset other gains? Micah Fraim, a bestselling author and CPA of an accounting firm, comes on the show to explain how you can lower your crypto taxes by the legal means available. Many people don’t understand this component when investing in digital assets, and Micah’s mission is to help people successfully manage these new age investments. Tune in for more insight.

-If you’ve made money in crypto and you managed to sell it for a profit, you have to figure out strategies for minimizing tax burden with crypto, or try and use the losses to offset other gains
-The average crypto investor has three main categories of income (i.e. trading, capital gains, staking income)
-If you’re trading and holding for more than a year, you get the same treatment as long term capital gains
-With crypto, you can sell your whole portfolio and buy it back, but you realize the loss
-After 30 days you can buy a stock back but with crypto you don’t have to worry about waiting
-The IRS has only issued guidance on five or six things in crypto
-With the things that are ubiquitous, there is no guidance
-Your duty as a citizen is to minimize your taxable incomes through whatever legal means are available
-It’s going to take multiple iterations of regulations to close the loopholes/gray areas that exist right now
-Micah bought some crypto back in 2017. When the market recovered, Micah got involved in a project with cryptocurrency, and realized that no one understood the tax side of digital assets

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Fraim, Cawley & Company, CPAs

Direct download: Micah_Fraim_27.Jul.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

With inflation, the war in Ukraine, and supply chain disruptions, the most pressing problems in the nation right now are clear. To get some perspective on solutions, I talk to Eddy Gifford—whose job as a wealth advisor is to critically think through these problems and help others subsequently implement investing strategies. Interacting with the market during inflationary, uncertain times requires identifying what type of market we’re in and thinking through all of the possible outcomes. This is what Eddy refers to as being proactive with investing methodology, and you can learn more about it during this episode.

-Eddy Gifford is a wealth advisor who is also into alternative investments
-Cryptos have gotten slammed—Bitcoin is down two thirds and could go lower
-The one alternative investment holding on so far is real estate, but it has an inverse relationship with interest rates. Property costs have doubled
-When you’re dealing with something like cryptocurrency, it’s not a buy and hold situation
-Traditional diversification doesn’t work in bear markets—it’s more about diversification of strategy. We need to be proactive with our methodology—analyzing why one would buy or sell something
-It’s important to pinpoint what your mass loss is
-So how do you approach the market? First, you should identify whether the market is a bull market or bear market and the appropriate strategies based on which one you’re dealing with
-Once you own, have targets in place
-Buying everything for the sake of buying everything is not a recipe for success
-Just because we’re going to be positive over the next few months does not mean this is indicative of recovery
-We could end up in a situation where some of the big names have poor earnings\
-It’s okay to have some cash on the sideline right now—it’s not a bad thing to be sitting in cash when the market is down
-If you’re going to go all in, it’s good to have some sort of hedge in place
-Commodities are more volatile in general than the stock market as a whole
-The inflation we’re dealing with now is a three headed monster—some of these things can’t be fixed with interest rates
-A word of advice - focus on what you control. Focus on paying off credit cards to reduce debt, plan your day to be efficient with fuel/time,

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Tactive - Eddy Gifford

Direct download: Eddy_Gifford_26.Jul.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Bitcoin is down in the low twenty thousands, and cryptos are in the dumps. Is it your chance to buy, or is this a good time to flee? Gregory Johnson—Co-Founder and CEO of Rubicon Crypto—appears in this episode to help us imagine the future of crypto and how to wisely invest. One entering the industry has to be mindful of its volatility, and maintain a long term perspective in order to strategize. Gregory gives excellent advice about digital assets, which will become even more prevalent as time goes on. Tune in to hear more.

-People need to take a step back and use common sense when it comes down to crypto—regardless of which side of the industry you’re coming into
-People need to think about how dependent we’re going to be on technology in the future, and how much of this technological development will be digital
-There is no absolute guarantee that crypto is going to do things differently than other equity assets people have in their portfolios
-Anyone entering the space should not just be prepared for volatility, but the most extreme volatility they’ve seen when investing
-You have to have a very long term perspective
-It’s important to know the difference between a currency and an asset; assets aren’t divisible or portable, and can’t be spent in the way that currency can
-The evolution of these technologies is only going to continue
-Future reward programs will have a tokenized NFT aspect
-There is a new economy that will involve blockchains, and this is already being implemented with larger corporations

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Rubicon Crypto

Direct download: Greg_Johnson_25.Jul.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Is inflation going to continue, and what effect does this have on your retirement? Retirement expert Nathan Cox comes on the show to talk about how to adjust your strategy for investing/retirement in light of what we’re experiencing in the current economy. Indications of a recession mean that we must re-think our investments, which includes being more selective and making sure that your income is generated naturally. Tune in to this episode to hear Nathan’s advice on setting yourself up for success.

-Inflation was running a bit over expectations and came out around 9.1%
-What we do largely depends on what the Fed decides to do in response to inflation
-They can increase interest rates, but they don’t have any control over the supply chain issue
-People remember the 2008 recession, which was an immediate effect
-Our current situation is progressing much more slowly
-Unemployment is the lagging indicator
-We could be in the recessionary position very quickly, and by the formal definition of recession we are technically already there
-The Fed is probably going to have to continue raising rates through 2023 rather than raising and then backing off
-Supply chain issues and the war in Ukraine are making things more complex
-The majority of Americans were relying on things like the 401k, but it’s smart to be more selective with your investment strategy—focusing on quality and dividends
-What investments are more protected from inflation? Make sure your income is being generated naturally; don’t exclusively rely on growth and capital appreciation

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Retirement Income Solutions

Direct download: Nathan_Cox_25.Jul.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Markets are going crazy, and we’re seeing a bit of a crash/pullback in commodities. Charles Nenner comes on the show to present how we can understand this phenomenon in terms of cycles. Charles has been known for using cycle analysis to predict future market moves, and in this episode, he explains some of the logic behind cycles in commodities, gold, and the prevalent markets in these circumstances. Tune in for more insight.

-You can calculate how high/low moves go, and when they happen
-The news isn’t necessarily important; it’s more useful to look at cycles and patterns in the markets
-You can only get a bounce when cycles bottom
-When cycles aren’t in sync, it’s not as easy
-Charles’ rule of thumb is don’t go against the cycle
-We’re looking at a bit of a bounce on Bitcoin
-Cycles are generally ahead of fundamentals

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Charles Nenner Research Center

Direct download: Charles_Nenner_22.Jul.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:02am EST

The world is bankrupt. How does the impending global bankruptcy affect you? This episode’s guest chats with me about how we got to where we are economically, and what we can expect in the coming years. Jerry Robinson’s saying is “Follow the Money,” but in order to do so, we have to consult past decisions and events to understand the economic effects that come into play years later. This is especially relevant to the pandemic and the policy responses back in 2020 that produced the inflationary situation of 2022. Similarly, what happens in this year will dictate our financial situation in the next 2-3 years, which will hopefully look better as rates adjust and balance is restored. Tune in for expert insight from Jerry.

-We’re in a problematic time of our own making; we’ve depended upon a system that clearly is leading us to a place where people cannot afford basic sustenance in many places
-We’re in a very unprecedented time, monetarily speaking. People are realizing that something is very wrong with the US and global economy
-2022 is a function of the policy responses we had in 2020. We discuss this particularly in reference to COVID and the response of the federal reserve
-Subsequent years will be functions of what happens in 2022
-We don’t know how long the insanity will go, but we do know that we can’t expect to have unprecedented intervention in the economy without unprecedented consequences
-You can’t just follow the money now, you have to go back in history and pinpoint where things start
-They can’t lower interest rates now because policy drove them to this situation
-The fed will reach a place where they increase interest rates, and inflation will then start to settle
-Everything is down across the globe, and it’s coinciding with rate increases
-The initial inflation rate has already come down in some ways (i.e. oil, copper, gold, etc.)
-When input costs come down, the inflation figures will come down
-We may not go back to 2% inflation any time soon, but the fed is managing expectations
-A decrease in inflation, even if it isn’t extreme, will feel like a victory
-When things get somewhat better, this is where a lot of money is made
-When pessimism is rampant, investors look for high quality, dividend paying companies

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Follow the Money

Direct download: Jerry_Robinson_20.Jul.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

We’re seeing oil price shocks, commodity booms and busts, and various factors that are threatening to de-throne the US dollar. Why is this happening, and what does this mean for the global economy? I have Martin Armstrong on the show to discuss this, and he explains the various changes that have occurred—such as sanctions in Russia and countries opting to not borrow in dollars—that put the dollar at risk. Not only is the dollar in danger in these conditions—this shift in currency use greatly affects the world economy. Tune in for more information.

-The dollar has been the one currency that anyone can write a bond in
-So many emerging markets issue debt in dollars so that they can sell to American investors without the foreign exchange risk
-The dollar has had less restrictions globally, which has made it the reserve currency
-The sanctions imposed upon Russia are devastating to the global economy, and have ultimately split it in half
-The world economy has functioned by the free movement of capital, but these sanctions have essentially sent off a warning to the entire world related to getting assets confiscated
-When sanctions are put on individuals, the situation worsens
-The dollar has been weaponized effectively
-This issue will probably become more serious after 2024
-This is not worth destroying the entire world economy over
-Russia seems to have been provoked into this war
-We’re going to have high energy prices in Europe and Asia no matter what happens
-2023 is going to be a massive turning point; it looks as though it can’t possibly get any better, and it’s probably going to cascade into chaos
-A lot of the real estate has been European buying
-As the dollar goes up, Japan and China are selling their bonds
-We’re in a complex situation; there isn’t just one factor that is contributing to the economic turmoil
-Chinese real estate is the largest asset class in the world, and it appears to be imploding
-China warned banks years ago not to borrow in dollars

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Armstrong Economics

Direct download: Martin_Armstrong_19.Jul.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Has the housing bubble popped? Is it in the process of popping right now? Here to give us the latest news on this is Wolf Richter. The housing market is going through a major shift as stocks decline and mortgage rates go up. Even though we can’t see the progress of this in real time, we can note how the underlying dynamics are changing dramatically. To find out what’s to come, be sure to tune in and hear what Wolf has to say.

-The momentum is draining out and housing stocks are down
-The housing market nationwide is going through a “come to Jesus" moment because of the mortgage rate
-Layers of buyers are going to be moved out of the market
-We see widespread drops in asking prices and volume is dropping as well
-This isn’t like watching a crypto chart; we can’t see the progress in real time, but we can look at the underlying dynamics which are changing dramatically
-Foreclosures are up, but they’re still near historic record lows. This is due to home prices spiking—people can sell their home rather than paying it off
-Formerly, people were using stimulus to catch up on loans
-Many delinquencies were cured last year, and now they’re going up
-We’re probably going to see somewhat of a return to normal levels

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Wolf Street

Direct download: Wolf_Richter_19.Jul.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

You can never invest too much in human capital. But what are the specific steps you can take to effectively invest in yourself and others? Robert Bendetti comes on the show to provide specific direction regarding this, and talks about learning, leading, listening, and leaving—the 4 L’s of investing in human capital. Robert emphasizes the importance of continually educating yourself as you advance in your career, and taking time to listen and understand others. The tips he gives are applicable to one’s career, but also apply to many other areas of life. Listen in for more insight from Robert.

-You can never invest too much in human capital. Every time you invest in yourself, the benefits and return on investment are at least 10x.
-The four key concepts presented by Robert are learning, leading, listening, and leaving
-These can apply to individuals as well as teams/businesses
-Learning is lifelong. Wherever you are in your career, there is still more to learn. There is formal training, which is extremely important (i.e. higher education or professional certification) and then there is subject learning—acquiring knowledge of the latest happenings in your field
-It’s important to give back in the aspect of learning, and you can do this by being a mentor to others and sharing your experiences. You can also seek out a mentor for yourself.
-You can offer to volunteer in cross-functional teams and learn about the other positions in your field
-If you’re an entrepreneur, you need to look for the client that is in the worst situation. You can often learn the most by taking on the harder tasks
-Remember that you are not the smartest person in the room. Listening to others can be very powerful and presents the opportunity to hear other perspectives
-Talk to your customers and listen. It’s important to take time to listen to your team members as well
-How do you get yourself focused?
-Leaving implies that there are some things that you need to eventually stop doing. This can include too much media consumption. This will free up time for you to listen and learn
-Things you may also need to leave include a job, negative habits, a negative mindset, or toxic people
-Now may be the time to speak or write on what you know; there are many websites that facilitate in getting your voice heard
-Nutrition, exercise, and sleep are things that people often take for granted, which is something that you can change in your own life today

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Robert Bendetti LinkedIn

Direct download: Robert_Bendetti_18.Jul.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Germany has been capable of making well reasoned decisions over the years, but recent events have indicated quite the opposite. John Rubino comes on the show to talk about the chaos occurring with Germany’s lack of gas, and the lack of faith in the euro. With civil unrest and the inevitable need for the European central bank to tighten, unfortunate outcomes are in store for Germany—and the future of Europe. Listen in for more information.

-A few years back, Germany decided to cut deals with Russia for natural gas—which would make Russia a primary supplier for their natural gas
-They put a hostile military alliance right on their border, and now Russia isn’t exporting natural gas to Germany
-Germany is currently setting up warming stations
-Energy is crucial to Germany’s economy, and now they’re running a trade deficit
-The only reason the euro was a viable currency was because everyone perceived the euro to be a new version of German currency. They also thought of the other outstanding debt as being German debt
-Nothing is propping up the euro, which is why there is now chaos
-People are losing faith in the euro and Germany. The only solution would be taking back the sanctions and trying to make peace with Russia—but it’s also not in Russia’s best interest to do this
-There is a lot of civil unrest taking place
-Damage is being done to agriculture; all of the farmers in the EU are rebelling
-The European central bank has no other choice but to tighten

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Dollar Collapse

Direct download: John_Rubino_18.Jul.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EST

When the price of gasoline doubles and the overall CPI goes up 9.1%, something seems to be wrong. Everything is doubling and tripling, and the Fed has yet to tackle the true root of inflation. Andy Schectman sits down with me to talk about this, and we compare today’s inflation to that of the 80s. If it were measured in the same way as it previously was, we would see an inflation rate of about 13.6%. The entire system is experiencing major fragility, and the effects of this have only just begun. Tune in for more expert insight from Andy.

-When was the last time you saw the price of something go down? Andy did see $4.85 gas, so it has gone down slightly, but prices are steadily rising for the most part
-The originally reported core CPI in 1980 was 13.8%
-Our 9.1% inflation rate measured the way it used to be measured would be 13.6%
-In 2020, we had a rate of 1.4%, so the current inflation is 6.5 times more intense than it was two years ago
-The federal funds rate has risen, but we’re not getting tough on inflation
-Thanks to low interest rates and easy money, assets have become extremely distorted (stocks, bonds, real estate)
-If they raised rates to 9%, you would see the immediate implosion of the markets
-The dollar is trading at a premium to the euro and yen
-With a debt based currency, everything is going to unravel
-The real manipulation has always centered around interest rates
-With low interest rates, companies and consumers take risks that they wouldn’t otherwise take
-We’re seeing a move away from the dollar hegemony because other countries are wondering if they are next

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Miles Franklin

Direct download: Andy_Schectman_16.Jul.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Some people overachieve despite a difficult upbringing, and this is the case for this episode’s guest speaker, Ash Cash Exantus. Growing up in the projects of Manhattan, Ash had the cards stacked against him. Nonetheless, he worked his way up and is now one of the best financial advisors in the country. Ash is committed to working hard to reach his highest potential, while consistently reminding others of his humble beginnings and where he came from. He hopes to inspire others to pursue their dreams, upholding the idea that anything is attainable if you’re focused on the right things and have a solid model to follow. Tune in for more incredible advice from Ash.

-Some people overachieve despite a difficult upbringing
-Ash Cash grew up in the projects of Manhattan and became an entrepreneur at the age of 8
-Ash Cash is now one of the best financial advisors in the country, and is the author of 13 books
-If he can beat the odds, so can others. He aims to help other people find greatness rather than making excuses due to their obstacles
-By 24, he was a VP for one of the top financial institutions in the world
-If you’re focused on the right things and have a model to follow, you can achieve anything you desire
-You will only get as far as your belief system. If you believe you will not move forward and be successful, this will be your reality
-Instead of trying to lower to someone else’s level to convince them to succeed, Ash believes in continuing to rise up while reminding people where you came from
-If you constantly look at negative news, you won’t be able to focus on the positive aspects of life and the opportunities available
-His latest book, From the Block to the Bank, recounts his life story to emphasize that regardless of your background, you can maximize your full potential. He outlines 40 key ideas/principles to fulfill this

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Ash Cash
From the Block to the Bank

Direct download: Ash_Cash_14.Jul.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

A storm is brewing as people stop paying their mortgages, realizing that the system is rigged and things are bound to change. Here to discuss this is David Stryzewski, and he unpacks some of the inflationary phenomena taking place as well as how to strategize in these tumultuous times. You won’t want to miss David’s useful tips, so be sure to tune in to this episode.

-A storm is brewing—millions of people have realized that the system is rigged, and have stopped paying their mortgages as a result
-This phenomenon is happening in China
-If 20-30 million stop paying their mortgage, the legal system grinds to a halt
-We have inflation and mass defaults, which go hand in hand
-We’re seeing inflation, record high prices, and supply chain issues
-We’re probably going to see different dimensions of these issues
-The new CPI came out at 9.1%
-If we raise rates too high, we kill business activity. If we don’t raise them enough, we kill the dollar
-We must analyze the velocity of the situation—or what the actual cost to the consumer is
-The Fed is going to be more aggressive, and rates need to go up about another 1.5% by September
-The destruction of debt leads to the destruction of money
-Everybody’s debt is somebody else’s asset
-If debt doesn’t get paid, banks will go down the toilet and have to be re-capitalized again
-This time’s housing bubble is different
-They may want to do debt consolidation, but the existing laws could trigger a potentially catastrophic event
-You need to make sure you have a plan and mitigate risk; budget is something that you CAN control
-Have cash ready to deploy
-Invest in yourself. If you want to learn how to do your trade more effectively, take the time to acquire those skills

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Sound Planning Group

Direct download: David_Stryzewski_14.Jul.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

College can be a great investment for anyone’s human capital, but you have to do it right. Here to discuss how individuals and families can plan for college and minimize debt is Brad Baldridge, a certified financial planner that specifically deals with college planning. It is a process that is different for each individual because there are so many moving factors, so it’s important to take into account all of the ways that one can save money ahead of time and eliminate extra costs. Brad gives a lot of great advice that can help young adults and families prepare for this milestone, so be sure to tune in.

-It’s a twofold process—picking an are of expertise that will give you a return on your investment, and using all of the hacks/tips that will minimize your future debt
-College planning is not a cookie cutter process. There are a lot of moving factors that differ for each individual
-Start planning sooner than you think you need to; there is early stage planning and late stage planning
-Late stage happens when you’re dealing with the admissions process, testing, etc.
-The early stage happens when people are younger and not at the end of their high school career
-For some, Brad advises not to attend college immediately after high school
-Once you get a serious job, it’s difficult to go back to school
-Some people take longer to get their degree, and face more debt later
-There are many professionals that help students figure out what they want to eventually do, and what college major will help them funnel into their desired career
-College is paid for by income, savings/investments, financial aid, scholarships, and reductions/other expenses
-Becoming more efficient is half the battle, and it’s important to be aware of the resources that are available to you

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Baldridge College Solutions

Direct download: Brad_Baldridge_14.Jul.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

We’re experiencing financial, societal, and global insanity that has been a long time coming. In this episode, I speak with Darryl Schoon, who predicted our current situation many years ago when he wrote The Time of the Vulture. Darryl notes the way that the money supply has increased and subsequently lost any value it had. Join us for this episode to hear some of Darryl’s knowledge, and to get an idea of what’s to come.

-Darryl Schoon saw all of this coming many years ago
-Darryl talks about the concept of the ‘vulture,’ who feeds on blind ignorance and denial
-His book predicts the event that we are in now
-Individuals and corporations will go bankrupt before the government
-After the Federal Reserve took control of the money supply, money no longer had the same value
-If all debt was paid, money would disappear; in a capitalist society, there is debt based currency

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Darryl Schoon

Direct download: Darryl_Schoon_13.Jul.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Student debt is higher than ever. Many young adults applying for universities, scholarships, and student loans don’t always know what they’re getting into in terms of financial commitment. Here to talk about this is Ann Garcia, who recently wrote a book called How to Pay for College. Ann stresses that a great education can come from universities that aren’t as costly or exclusive, and we discuss multiple tips for saving money when preparing to apply for college. Tune in for more amazing insight from Ann, and be sure to check out the links below if you want to purchase her book or browse her online resources.

-There is over a trillion dollars in student loan debt
-It’s important for students to understand the reverse mortgage they are taking out when they enroll in an institution
-If you’re signing up for six figures worth of college debt, it’s important to look at the return on this investment
-The collateral is the student’s future
-People often equate cost and exclusivity with quality, assuming that only the most high caliber universities produce the most successful people
-When Rhodes scholars are announced, more than half of them usually come from public universities with higher acceptance rates
-The factor that will really impact a young adult’s life is the amount of debt that they face after they complete their degree
-Transferring institutions and spending more years enrolled can add on to your debt immensely
-It’s good to talk with your children about how to set up savings and grow them over time
-You can often save money by taking Advanced Placement or IB courses during your high school career, or enrolling in prerequisite courses at a local community college
-It is important to keep in mind, however, that not all universities accept these courses. Taking these classes needs to be part of your research on what university to attend
-It’s also crucial to focus on having a high GPA; if you’re going to take AP or IB courses, make sure that you will still be able to perform well in these classes
-Dual enrollment is also a great option that many schools offer; you can experience the four year college experience without the high price tag
-What you see on your FAFSA is not necessarily what college will cost you in total
-Students whose families that have saved some money for their education are more likely to graduate
-Read the fine print on your financial aid letter

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
How to Pay for College
Ann Garcia's Book

Direct download: Ann_Garcia_11.Jul.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

A major concern in the economy is preventing recession, but it looks as if we are already in one. I sit down and chat with Michael Pento, the President and Founder of Pento Portfolio Strategies, and he has been accurately predicting the Fed’s moves for quite some time. People are losing their jobs, home prices are about to tank, and we are experiencing the direct effects of a recession. Tune in for more insight from Michael.

-Michael Pento has been predicting the Fed’s moves very accurately
-Powell is saying that there is no recession in sight, but we seem to be in one now
-A recession is two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth
-The Fed is forced to hike into a recession because they have no other choice
-They keep raising and the dollar is going higher, which is killing manufacturing and exports
-If they want to get to neutral, they have to be restrictive
-They’re just now starting to flight inflation, but we’re already in a recession
-With a deflationary collapse in the economy, we would need cash
-Employment fell last month
-The household survey shows that 315,000 people lost their jobs
-The banks are the big winners on inflation; they get
-When lending begins again, that’s when the banks take off

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Pento Portfolio Strategies

Direct download: Michael_Pento_11.Jul.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

While all asset classes are experiencing volatility, the self storage sector of real estate has a lot of promise. Drew Dolan comes on the show to discuss some of the advantages of investing in self storage. As the Principal and Fund Manager of DXD Capital, he is extremely knowledgable on this sector, and explains how it has flourished in recently years. If you want to know more about self storage and the logic behind investing in it, be sure to tune in to this episode.

-Real estate is up in the air, and virtually every asset class is going through tremendous volatility
-Self storage is a sector of real estate that may become a beneficiary of this uncertainty
-It’s extremely efficient from an operational standpoint
-Picking location matters the most in self storage, and you can look at a lot of data before making investment decisions
-Even though interest rates and constructions costs are up, there are still many great deals available in self storage
-In development, it’s riskier and requires more effort
-In the last fifteen years, the utilization of self storage has doubled
-The pandemic was good for self storage; there were a lot of new users

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
DXD Capital

Direct download: Drew_Dolan_08.Jul.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EST

With the dollar going higher and precious metals going lower, the markets are crazy. Here to analyze this is Bob Hoye, who uses historical trends in financial markets to evaluate what is happening in the contemporary economy. The current patterns within precious metals and interest rates are indicative of a great financial bubble. Tune in to hear Bob’s perspective, and data driven predictions on what’s to come.

-The markets are crazy; the dollar is going higher and precious metals are going lower
-Bob has looked at extensive history on financial markets, and over time we’ve seen patterns with financial bubbles
-With the conclusion of a great bubble, copper’s real price goes up and gold’s real price goes down
-In July 2020, the precious metals sector got completely overbought
-In a financial bubble, gold deflated goes down; then it stabilizes and goes up
-Bob has been specifically looking at the rise of gold’s real price in relation to the CPI
-If you’re in the mining business, get out of base metals and into the gold business
-Gold, base metals, and real long interest rates have done what they are supposed to—indicating that the bubble is over
-The Fed has tried to inflate in previous crashes
-The dollar is going to keep going up
-In China, base metal mining and gold mining have soared
-High prices for metals build capacity

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Charts and Markets

Direct download: Bob_Hoye_07.Jul.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Markets are in turmoil, commodities are crashing, and instability seems to be the overarching theme. Here to talk more in depth about this is Octavior Marenzi, CEO/co-founder of Opimas. The fundamental issues and problems have not changed, as central banks pump huge amounts of money into the markets. Once these inflationary waves start, they’re extremely difficult to suppress. Is there hope for the future? Tune in to find out.

-Wars are continuing—perhaps with more on the way
-It’s a hazardous minefield you have to navigate through to protect your wealth
-It’s better to lose to inflation than to lose in the markets or in bonds
-Is this decline/bear market different than the previous ones?
-The deciding factor in this market is what the Fed does—and Jay Powell seems to be playing a poker game
-The fundamental issues and problems have not changed—central banks pump a huge amount of money into the markets
-There may be expectation that they will drain liquidity out of the markets in the future
-When inflationary waves start, they’re hard to suppress and become intractable
-People want to trade their cash for items that they believe will be more valuable
-There isn’t a clear strategy to pursue right now
-Bitcoin is looking weak, and the housing market looks shaky as well

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network

Direct download: Octavio_Marenzi_06.Jul.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Have we already reached a recession? As the economy slows down and people begin to stop purchasing, it seems as if this is the case. Here to discuss this is John Rubino from Dollar Collapse, and he unpacks the current decline of the global economy—expanding beyond the US and touching all markets. Things are only going to get messier, so tune in to hear what to expect in the near future.

-Gold and silver are getting decimated, and everything else seems to be getting decimated worse—such as oil
-The economy is slowing down; people are buying less stuff because prices have increased astronomically
-We are possibly in a recession already
-The dollar is going up relative to other currencies; the European bank was forced to tighten, and yields started to go up
-Their plan was to tighten German bonds, and they are going to keep financing deficits
-Investors have to figure out how to allocate their money based on what the economy of the world is going to do going forward
-By the end of this year, there is a chance that we will be back in easing mode
-This is just like what has happened the last three/four times around, but on a bigger scale
-In many areas of the world, we’re seeing food riots
-Things are going to continue to get very messy
-A lot more people are probably going to come out and vote in this midterm election

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Dollar Collapse

Direct download: John_Rubino_06.Jul.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EST

Many people are leaving their corporate jobs to become entrepreneurs. This can be good move in many circumstances, but it’s important to know what you’re getting into. Business coach Kevin Stansfield comes on the show to talk about how you can minimize your risk when purchasing or starting a business, and there are a number of factors to keep in mind with both. You must have a clear vision of where you want the business to be in the future, and it’s crucial to get advice to someone who has bought or started a business before. Tune in for more insight.

-Many people are leaving their jobs to become entrepreneurs
-There is a big difference, however, between starting a business and buying one
-Kevin has been coaching businesses now for about 16 years
-Kevin’s Dad had a difficult experience buying/owning a business
-Kevin got into business coaching for business owners like his Dad who are passionate about what they do
-Try to find the business that is going to be the next big thing—what Kevin calls the ‘unicorn.’ A lot of luck is involved
-It’s also important to ensure that you can get paid forever
-The biggest mistake people make is that they don’t have clarity about where they want the business to be in the next 5-10 years
-You must master your brand, which entails sales, advertising, marketing, and all of the factors involved
-A lot of learning happens through trial and error
-Get advice from someone who has bought a business before. To mitigate your risk, you can buy a franchise
-When you start a business from scratch, there are no systems in place, and you have to build them from the ground-up yourself

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Kevin Stansfield LinkedIn
The Big Dipper Book

Direct download: Kevin_Stansfield_06.Jul.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

If you don’t change the way you’re doing things, you may have to retire the idea of retirement. Thankfully, Randy Sevcik has great advice about how to better plan/manage your retirement. In order to plan for the future, it’s important to consider the psychology behind what has brought us to the current point in the economy. Randy helps clients build timelines by looking at each individual investment, and then creating a strategic plan for balancing income and growth as someone gets closer to retirement. Tune in for more insight.

-There has been madness in the markets; we knew this was coming, but it still has a large impact on us
-You have to look into the psychology of what has brought us to this point
-Roughly 10,000 citizens are retiring every day, and it will stay like this for the next 8-9 years
-For the first time, half of our population will be at or in retirement
-This isn’t going to be your typical recessionary or inflation period because the psychology behind it is different
-Most of the money in the market comes from people aged 55 and older
-Randy builds timelines by looking at every single investment someone is going to do. As you move closer to retirement, you have to become more conservative and be okay with missing out on potential growth
-Some people are going to panic and purchase things that they shouldn’t
-Look at market sectors based on what’s going on with the overall economy (i.e. energy)
-To get through the emotional part of it, it’s important to trust the math and map out your plan quantitatively
-It’s also crucial to balance income and growth
-The people fixing the problem must admit there’s a problem

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Elite Group Retirement Services

Direct download: Randy_Sevcik_05.Jul.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Is the madness coming to an end, or is there more in store? More importantly, what does this mean for your wealth, portfolio, and retirement? I have Mark Singer on the show to talk about the current state of the markets, and why the mayhem is any different this time around. Markets go through cycles, and the way we perceive the fluctuations is influenced by personal perspective and how we time our own financial decisions. Tune in for more insight.

-The markets always go through cycles, so nothing has necessarily changed in that regard
-Bear markets happen every 3.5 years, so what has changed?
-For most, the current markets don’t have a true impact on their long term lives unless they are highly dependent upon portfolio income
-This time being different than last time in regard to the markets going down has to do with perspective
-The markets overreact on the upside and downside
-The real problem that people face in planning their retirement is timing
-The fixed income markets have been disastrous
-When consumer sentiment is at a low, markets rebound strongly
-The biggest mistake you can make right now is to overreact

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Mark Singer

Direct download: Mark_Singer_28.Jun.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST





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