In finance as in life, things change and what you thought you knew that was true in the past, is no longer. For years gold moved in tandem with Japanese Yen. But a few months ago things changed. It's now moving in near lockstep with the Chinese Yuan. While the reasons are not fully known or understood, the result is that gold failed to put in a summer rally and we may not see the widely anticipated 4th quarter/1st quarter rally. And the much vaunted COT report may have lost its groove. The only way to prosper in any market long term, is to acknowledge the power and impact of cycles. Are we seeing another cycle shift in precious metals that will carry through the rest of the economy? Let's see what happens next. 

Direct download: Craig_Hemke_27.Sep.18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:48pm EST

One of the things most likely to bring down a country or a civilization is corruption. As Gerard notes, we see this over and over throughout history. It's undeniable that the US has become a state run by kleptocrats and dedicated to enriching their chosen beneficiaries. But Trump has dedicated his term to uprooting and exposing the Uniparty and the Deep State. While progress is slow, it's undeniable. And that may be the biggest determinant of the mid term election outcome. 

Direct download: Gerard_Lameiro_27.Sep.18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:42pm EST

Making money in the market comes down to buying securities at the right time and selling them after they've gone up and before they've gone down. While this seems self-evident, why is it so hard to do? Well emotions play a large part in it. The consistent winners in this space are those who have a proven strategy and iron-clad discipline. But we're not born knowing how to do it. We've got to learn from somebody and Allison Ostrander has been playing the game for more than 10 years. You can learn her secrets. 

Direct download: Allison_Ostrager_26.Sep.18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:30pm EST

Any storm – a hurricane, a typhoon, a tornado, a cyclone – is difficult to describe when it envelops you. Many things happen at once, each extreme in its effects. Months ago, President Donald Trump suggested we were seeing "the calm before the storm." The Storm has now penetrated the mists of the DC Swamp, so the creatures there are panicking – whether to attack or to escape, they do not know.

The swamp creatures' confusion stems from their mistaken belief that the 20 months since Donald Trump’s inauguration have been dominated by their storm of protests against his leadership. No – those 20 months have been the “calm” during which the power bases of the global ruling cabal have been taken or identified for future action. Now comes the Storm they never thought would occur.

What is the evidence of panic among the Swamp creatures? Here are examples, although this list is by no means exhaustive.

The Kavanaugh Nomination

The efforts of Establishment (cabal) senators to block approval of Judge Bret Kavanaugh as an Associate Justice of the U. S. Supreme Court fizzled on the merits of his expressed views and opinions. So cabalist Senator Diane Feinstein presented a last minute accusation of sexual misconduct by Kavanaugh as a 17-year-old. The accuser was initially identified by MSM as an obscure woman with a strong sense of civic duty, though further investigation (as usual) indicates that may not be an apt description.

President Trump has rejected an offer by Democratic senators to withdraw the sexual assault allegation against Judge Kavanaugh. In exchange, the Democratic senate leadership wanted the president to withdraw his de-classification order issued September 17 about certain documents obtained by the House Intelligence Committee relating to FBI and DOJ activities during and after the 2016 presidential campaign.


And there's much more taking place behind the scenes that will hopefully trickle out over time. 

Direct download: Wayne_Jett_26.Sep.18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:10pm EST

It's a trend that started back in 2016 and it's been picking up steam ever since. This year alone over 5 million people will give up their cable tv in favor of other programming providers. It could be Netflix or Hulu or one of a host of others popping up around the world. One must wonder how the cable companies will survive this loss of many billions in revenue. Of course most cable co's provide the internet service that allows their customers to cut the cord in the first place. Is there anything they can do to stop or slow down the trend? 



Direct download: Al_Caceido_25.Sep.18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:11pm EST

California congressional GOP candidate and author of “Economics for Dummies” Sean Flynn joined us today. 

Flynn destroys and dismantles the radical and socialist suggestions one by one in clear and concise rebuttals.

Sean Flynn explains why we got where we are today and more importantly how to get out. Sean proposes common sense market based solutions that have been proven to work. He looks at Singapore and how it has created a healthcare system that is the envy of the world. The best part is the US can do it too. All we need is the political will to banish the rent seekers. 

Direct download: Sean_Flynn_25.Sep.18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:31pm EST

When is a trade war not a trade war? Nick believes that the main issue is about intellectual property. And the US is winning it. The Shanghai is getting crushed, but there's a bit more to go. The reality is that both countries rely upon each other. It's time for them to step up to the plate and start acting like a world leader. Now it's becoming counterproductive. By election time this could all be settled. 

Direct download: Nick_Santiago_25.Sep.18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:20pm EST

It's no secret that California has gone off the rails, and we don't mean high speed bullet trains. We're looking at a state that has lost its collective sanity. Is there any hope? Can anything be done. Perhaps, as long as Joe Messina doesn't desert the sinking ship. Affirmative action is running rampant, with affirmative action air traffic controllers, pilots and cardiologists. How do you request a non-affirmative action professional? But Joe is always optimistic and enthusiastic about the future and you should be too. 

Direct download: Joe_Messina_24.Sep.18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:23pm EST

It's always good to be the king, as a wise philosopher one stated. And being the king of currencies is no exception. The US Dollar is rolling along and crushing every currency in its path. But how long can it go on? Looks like there's really life in the mining space once again, with Barrick's acquisition of Randgold. 

Direct download: John_Rubino_24.Sep.18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:25pm EST

By now word is out that Barrick Gold is purchasing Randgold in a transaction valued at $18 billion. Could this be the start of the mining stocks M&A rush? Perhaps, but it certainly sends out a big message to both acquirers and acquirees. Heaven knows it's a target rich environment. China seems to be having issues with it's attempt to levy tariffs on US soy beans. Seems like there's just not enough other production available to replace the US. And then there's a horrible swine flu that's hit all the world except the US. Can you spell leverage? 

For more go to FSN!

Direct download: Ned_Schmidt_24.Sep.18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:15pm EST

The new jobless claim numbers are the best they've been in 49 years. How much longer can it continue? Sam believes for quite awhile. The tax cuts appear to be kicking in as well, will they keep strengthening the economy? What about the debt, it's gone way way up. When will it start having an impact? And how about those tariffs, when will they start being felt? So far everything is coming up Trump. But for how long?

Direct download: Sam_McElroy_20.Sep.18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:29pm EST

Ever since Andrew Henderson was a teenager, he had a hankering to travel and live in another country. He started actually do it a while ago and hasn't looked back. He's been in over 100 countries and is currently living in Georgia (the former Soviet Republic). Now he's teaching others how to do it too. From starting businesses in low tax areas, to helping you obtain citizenship, there's so many benefits to globalizing your life. 

Direct download: Andrew_Henderson_20.Sep.18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:25pm EST

What is the purpose of a corporation or business? Do they exist to simply maximize profit, regardless of abiding by a code of ethics or the laws of the land? Or are they here to serve the so-called stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, customers, creditors and the community at large? Obviously a company must turn a profit in order to continue its existence. Every entity, whether natural or man made, first seeks to insure its own survival and for businesses that means turning a profit. When they seek profitability at the cost of everything that we all hold near and dear, then perhaps they've give up the right to perpetual existence or maybe it's time to flush out management. Culture matters and certainly the ideal of an overly altruistic company that puts its public service endeavors above those of the company will eventually fail. What's your opinion? 

Direct download: Danielle_Park_18.Sep.18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:21pm EST

Bradley J. Birzer's book "In Defense of Andrew Jackson," does not state that Jackson used the Trumpian term Covfefe, but the two populist presidents certainly share much in common. They both put American First. But there are many differences as well, some of them due to the times in which they lived or are living, and others due to their character. But strength of will and the refusal to take no for an answer are dominant in both. The ability to turn their backs on ridicule and anger is also a common theme. A fascinating look at our 7th president and his life and times. 

Direct download: Brad_J._Birzer_19.Sep.18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:14pm EST

Has the negativity in the precious metals markets peaked? Seasonality is turning favorable and traders front running the process, we may see an increase in January. John thinks it may be a good entry point. We also talked about the coming breakthroughs in quantum computing and the threat it may pose to all encryption, even crypto currencies. No one knows when or if it's coming, but it certainly seems likely at some point it will. 

Direct download: John_Rubino_17.Sep.18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:57pm EST

Gerald has been writing for months that the situation in the Mideast. It gets more tense between the US and Russia by the day. Just today a Russian troop transport was shot down in Syria. Why is the US and its allies supporting the alleged terrorists in this action? Do we have any goals being there, and if so what are they? Oil prices are shooting higher and this could lead to major economic problems around the world. US interest rate increases continue on unabated. Will we soon reach a breaking point? 

Direct download: Gerald_Celente_18.Sep.18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:32pm EST

First they came for Harvey Weinstein, then for Al Franken and Les Moonves and now for Judge Kavanaugh. Is anyone safe from the wrath of the #metoo movement. Can they go back to kindergarten when you dipped the girl's pigtail in the inkwell? Oh that's right that can't happen anymore since we're not teaching the youth to write cursively any longer and inkwells are nearly extinct, but you understand what we're getting at. There's a reason why statutes of limitation exist and the Kavanaugh lynching is a perfect example. 

Direct download: James_Hirsen_17.Sep.18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:57pm EST

Karen Kataline was back on talking about the incredible assault on liberty and freedom by the left, as witnessed by the Kavanaugh lynching. Just when you though it was safe to vote on a judicial nomination, the left pulls out all the stops and accuses an exemplary jurist of a high crime from when he as 17 and a mere high school student. No one knew about it for 35 years and then boom, Feinstein blasts it out. Just what you'd expect from this bunch. Perhaps Hillary should be hired to defend him. 

Direct download: Karen_Kataline_17.Sep18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:05pm EST

Former NYC Police Commissioner Bernie Kerik has just finished his 3rd book. This one serves as a stark reminder of 9-11 and that it could happen again. Bernie feels that we've all gotten a bit complacent and that makes it fertile ground for another attack. While the Commissioner doesn't see the possibility of another 9-11 style attack using commercial airliners, there's still plenty of possibility for a different variant, which is why we all need to be prepared. 

We also talked about his accomplishments as NYC Corrections Commissioner, the historic crime drops during his tenure as head of the NYPD and how best to handle our current crime ills and the effects of mass homeless as encouraged by the Left. One of our best. 

Direct download: Bernie_Kerik_17.Sep.18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00pm EST

John Dellaportes noted attorney and expert on cryptos and ponzis, do I repeat myself. Recently two tracker stocks were put on hold by the SEC for at least 10 days. Is this a sign that the SEC is getting more involved in the Crypto Currency space, or is it a fluke. John says because the market is so new, the SEC is playing catch up. While the SEC has some extra-territorial powers, they are limited and their ability to catch manipulators is extremely difficult, if not impossible. What's going to happen in the future? It is truly unknown. 

Direct download: John_Dellaportes_10.Sep.18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:33pm EST

Nolan Watson, CEO of Sandstorm Gold Royalty (sponsor), joined us for a discussion of the gold mining industry and royalty streaming. For those not in the know, royalty stream companies are part of the mining industry's creative financing arm. Since prices have been depressed and access to capital is greatly limited due to the special risk factors of precious metals mining, companies have emerged to fill the void. A miner needing financing who has a viable project that is highly likely to go into production, will connect with Sandstorm to get a capital injection in exchange for a portion of future production. As Nolan says, "... there is no average deal in this business." Every transaction is different and unique depending upon the needs of the company. Sandstorm is expecting a huge production increase between now and 2022 and isn't greatly concerned about current metals prices. When prices are low, the number of deals goes way up. When prices are high, royalty profits go up greatly. It's basically a win-win situation for the streaming sector and for Sandstorm. A great place to be. 

Direct download: Nolan_Watson_16.Sep.18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:14pm EST

Dr. Gina Loudon has discovered the CURE for CRAZY!!! Trump Derangement Syndrome has become an official personality disorder, soon to be recognized by the medical profession. But there's hope. 

Dr. Loudon’s psychology expert (with two masters degrees and a doctorate), loving and devoted mother of five, and iconic American patriot with one goal: to shed light on the dirty and manipulative tricks of the crazy Left.

In Dr. Gina’s new book, Mad Politics: Keeping Your Sanity in a World Gone Crazy, she digs deep beneath the surface of politics EXPOSING THE LEFT and OWNING THE LIBS. With a well-equipped road map, Dr. Gina brings us hope and a path back to sanity through personal stories and in-depth political insights.

Direct download: Dr._Gina_Loudon_13.Sep.18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:30am EST

Anyone who's paid any attention to the crypto currency space sees that it's been making lower lows and lower highs. This isn't the sign of a raging bull market. Sam Shames is a crypto trader who understands the market. The situation in Ethereum is even worse than Bitcoin, with prices perhaps headed back into double digits. The premise is that the crypto markets now mirror the precious metals space. Until one or the other makes a major move, we'll be stuck in sideways declining markets in both cryptos and metals. 

Direct download: Sam_Shames_12.Sep.18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:13pm EST

Gordon T. Long joined us today. His theory as to why the stock market keeps going up is two fold. On the one hand, stock buybacks continue to proliferate and on the other, the number of publicly traded US companies has declined by nearly half over the decades (through buy-outs, mergers and taking them private). This means more concentration, more private equity and less publicly traded companies which is bad for the country. Time to put a stop to it all. 

Direct download: Gordon_T._Long_11.Sep.18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:24pm EST

John and I took a number of your questions about finance, economics, the US Dollar and more. It lead to an interesting conversation about governments in the age of chronic out of control deficits. The conclusion is that a desperate government is capable of umpteen ways to loot its citizenry. If only the politicians spent as much time trying to solve profligate spending as they did thinking of new and creative forms of taxation, we wouldn't be seen as mere milk cows. More fun lays ahead. 

Direct download: John_Rubino_11.Sep.18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:20pm EST





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