Fri, 30 September 2022
Summary: An election took place in Italy that could change things, and the Euro has been sinking like a stone…What’s in store for Europe? I sit down and chat with John Rubino to discuss the European economy. Their energy system has taken a turn for the worse, and their currency problems cannot be fixed with with monetary policy. They will inevitably have to tighten, as inflation and broken supply chains cannot be fixed with easy money. Tune in for more insight on what’s to come for Europe. Highlights: -The dollar is strong—which is the flip-side of this situation -Europe has screwed up their energy system and is trying to run a modern economy on ancient energy resources -There was a major drop in Pound Sterling -There’s not obvious end to this. They have to borrow money to cut taxes, as well—which means creating more currency -The Euro is below the dollar now -Europe’s mistakes cannot be fixed with monetary policy, but they’re going to have to tighten -Inflation and broken supply chains cannot be fixed with easy money, so the central banks are stuck -With alternative energy (especially electric cars) there are many considerations that come with transitioning to these sources -Houses were very inexpensive 2 years ago, and now they’re unaffordable. If nobody can afford houses, nobody can buy houses. We will probably see a big crash in home sales -Tightening is going to have to go on longer, but most places you look, inflation has dissolved -Many effects of inflation are going to be with us for years -Tens of trillions of dollars are evaporating from the portfolios of the billionaire class -In the end, the system works for the people with the money -The federal reserve wasn’t just set up by the banks; it is owned by the banks Useful Links: Financial Survival Network Dollar Collapse
Direct download: John_Rubino_27.Sep.22.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 8:00am EST
Thu, 29 September 2022
Summary: Gold and silver prices have gotten beaten up in the last few days/months. What is the reason for this? Todd “Bubba” Horwitz comes on the show to bring us up to speed with the precious metals, and emphasizes that we are not in the idea situation for gold at the moment. He advises buying it—but not with leveraged money. Moreover, it’s most crucial to focus on your own portfolio right now rather than getting lost in what’s happening with the rest of the markets. Tune in for more insight. Highlights: -Most investors try to make a winner out of a loser -We have dramatic inflation and the dollar is exploding, but this isn’t the idea situation for gold -It’s important, however, to focus on your own portfolio/finances. Not being a loser makes you a winner -We’re coming into a major food shortage in the U.S. There are already food riots in the Middle East -Food shortage has been underplayed/underreported in China. They now can’t buy enough food -Todd believes in buying physical gold—as long as you’re not buying it with leveraged money -Everyone should own a portion of precious metals—but not paper ones -You lose your freedom if you become a victim of market volatility Useful Links: Financial Survival Network Bubba Trading
Direct download: Bubba_Horwitz_27.Sep.22.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 8:00am EST
Wed, 28 September 2022
Summary: he euro is going higher than ever…How does this affect Europe? Octavio Marenzi comes on the show to talk about the circumstances in Europe with regard to currency, the energy crisis, and the prospect of shifting politics. There is change on the horizon—some of it being negative—and Octavio gives his firsthand perspective on what’s to come. Highlights: -Things look normal so far, but change is lurking on the horizon -Europe is going through a major energy crisis, however -Octavio’s gas bill just doubled -A group of politicians may come forward that is not as likely to put sanctions on Russia; they may also rethink some of the environmental policies -The woman who running for Prime Minister in Italy looks a bit like a right-wing populist -There is a flawed system within the politics that no one has gotten around to fixing. People who have gotten to the top within these systems are reluctant to change them -Russian gas flow has been mostly cut off to Europe -The Russians perhaps feel more attacked than the Germans, and may be willing to hold out for a longer period of time Summary: he euro is going higher than ever…How does this affect Europe? Octavio Marenzi comes on the show to talk about the circumstances in Europe with regard to currency, the energy crisis, and the prospect of shifting politics. There is change on the horizon—some of it being negative—and Octavio gives his firsthand perspective on what’s to come. Highlights: -Things look normal so far, but change is lurking on the horizon -Europe is going through a major energy crisis, however -Octavio’s gas bill just doubled -A group of politicians may come forward that is not as likely to put sanctions on Russia; they may also rethink some of the environmental policies -The woman who running for Prime Minister in Italy looks a bit like a right-wing populist -There is a flawed system within the politics that no one has gotten around to fixing. People who have gotten to the top within these systems are reluctant to change them -Russian gas flow has been mostly cut off to Europe -The Russians perhaps feel more attacked than the Germans, and may be willing to hold out for a longer period of time Useful Links: Financial Survival Network Opimas
Direct download: Octavio_Marenzi_27.Sep.22.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 8:00am EST
Tue, 27 September 2022
Summary: Where are the markets heading? Chris Vermeulen comes on the show to talk stock markets, precious metals, oil, and the other industries we’ve kept our eye on. The predominant theme right now is panic selling; people are eager to get out of the stock market, but with this selling comes strong rallies. Gold is hanging on by a thread, and needs to show more consistency in order for it to look promising. We are also seeing the energy sector struggle; Chris points out that all assets follow the broad market, and advises not to get overly confident in this circumstance. Ultimately, capital preservation is the most important thing right now—with an emphasis on low risk investments. Highlights: -We’ve were seeing a rally over the last few weeks, but now we’re experiencing panic selling; people want to just get out of the markets -We’re in a strong down-trend. Bonds and equities are selling out; however, this could give us a bottom for a tradable bounce -With panic selling comes strong rallies -Downward price action will bring the stock market down into a major support zone. From here we could see a 5-10% bounce in the market -Gold is hanging onto a thread; if it breaks, it could go back to 1300 -There’s going to be a lot of volatility/pain for those who don’t have a plan to get out of the precious metals -The market is trying to suck people in to get traders excited -It needs to hold 21 for more than a day to actually be interesting -The energy sector is struggling Useful Links: Financial Survival Network The Technical Traders
Direct download: Chris_Vermeulen_25.Sep.22.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 8:01am EST
Tue, 27 September 2022
Direct download: Carl_Gould_23.Sep.22.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 8:00am EST
Mon, 26 September 2022
The world is a mess and things aren't getting better. There's no end in site to the Ukraine war and the situation in Europe keeps getting worse and worse. We sit down with Martin Armstrong to get the latest update. He sees gold going much higher in Q1 2023. The loss of faith in all governments keeps increasing. China is a lost cause as well. But the US is a beneficiary of everyone else's misery. That's just the way the world works. Martin sees a major backlash coming in the aftermath of the 2022 mid-term elections. His model is questioning whether or not the 2024 presidential election will even take place. What could possibly happen to stop it and does it matter anyway? This is a must listen to interview.
Direct download: Martin_Armstrong_22.Sep.22.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 8:00am EST
Fri, 23 September 2022
Summary: Commodity prices have gone down and interest rates have gone up, but what else is going on? Is inflation peaking? Erik Hadik comes on the show to talk about this, and reports that multiple gauges for inflation indicate that it is most likely at its peak. Erik urges us, however, to not read too far into these cycles—pointing out that cycle highs don’t necessitate an immediate down trend to follow. Tune in for more expert insight. Highlights: -Erik Hadik said inflation was going to peak in Q3; is this true? Commodity prices have gone down and interest rates have gone up, but what else is going on? -There are many gauges for inflation -Each indicator/cycle gives you a certain amount of information or data, but don’t read into it too much. When you’re in an up trend, it could top at ten in one month and then pull back to eight—trading between these -A cycle high doesn’t tell you that there is a down trend to immediately follow -The dollar is making highs and was trading above par with the dollar; it looks like things are coming up -This could be the terminal rally in the dollar leading to a multi-year rally starting next year -We still have a few months left and a few rate hikes -The trajectory of rate hikes isn’t going to stay the same, or even remain as intense -Oil has remained below the significant cycle high -There’s a good chance for cryptocurrency to see a run=up in the coming months Useful Links: Financial Survival Network INSIIDE Track Trading
Direct download: Eric_Hadik_22.Sep.22.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 8:01am EST
Fri, 23 September 2022
Summary: What do you do when markets get volatile? Dutch Masters, the CEO of Carnivore Traders, sits down and chats with me about some of the trading strategies they use within his group to combat the effects of this volatility. Tune in to learn about what types of stocks to watch in this market, and to get knowledgable expertise from Dutch. Highlights: -We’ve been long, short, long/short at the same time…when the markets get volatile like this, it’s difficult to find a trend either way -To combat this, they shorten their trading time frame -In a bull market, they go after SAS companies—stocks that are very volatile and move many points a day -Many people don’t understand the dynamics of the stock market, which is crucial in comprehending how individual stock prices move Useful Links: Financial Survival Network Carnivore Trading
Direct download: Dutch_Masters_21.Sep.22.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 8:00am EST
Thu, 22 September 2022
Summary: Craig Hemke comes on the show to give a comprehensive update on precious metals—which have been sinking. Craig says that it’s remarkable that they’re not even more down based on interest rates, the stock market, and the Fed’s recent decisions. There seems to be a sense of complacency with the Fed, but it’s time to acknowledge that they can’t fix everything, and many of their recent moves have worsened the problems we’re currently facing. Listen in for more insight from myself and Craig. Highlights: -Precious metals have been sinking -Gold and silver are down, but it’s remarkable that they’re not down more in consideration of interest rates, the stock market, and the Fed’s moves -Silver is closer to/has already seen its lows -Craig is more worried about gold, running its stops -The Fed needs to make a choice between letting the dollar go to nothing, or killing the economy/stock market -People are viewing the Fed as an omnipotent force with full control over currency -There is complacency across the markets, but this is not a sustainable way of thinking Useful Links: Financial Survival Network TF Metals Report
Direct download: Craig_Hemke_21.Sep.22.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 8:01am EST
Thu, 22 September 2022
Summary: Adam Curran comes on the show to share his investment philosophy—influenced by his upbringing and exposure to middle class life. Adam’s view of the economy is largely shaped by the people he advises; in his career he quickly learned that much of his Wall Street knowledge was useless. Rather, kitchen table financial planning taught him a lot about how everyday finances work, and what’s really important within the markets. Tune in for more information. Highlights: -Adam grew up helping him answer his Mom’s business calls. His Dad was an engineer so he also became skilled with numbers/math -Certain communities have lost touch with the challenges and concerns that people have on main street kitchen tables -Adam started his company after having conversations with these people and learning about their struggles -Kitchen table financial planning taught him that what he learned on Wall Street was meaningless—especially for families trying to calculate their expenses -How low can the current markets go? There is a lot of capital on the sidelines that Wall Street analysts are hiding—with the perception that it’s going to go away soon
-Adam could see the market dropping another 20% - Adam’s advice: Take a chunk of your portfolio and put it in something predictable/dependable, have a heavy emphasis on stocks that pay dividends, and don’t turn your back on the market. -There’s no asset class quite as good as income producing real estate; it’s best to sit on the sidelines and catch certain deals. It’s not about the home’s value, it’s about having a tenant in that home Useful Links: Financial Survival Network
Direct download: Adam_Curran_19.Sep.22.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 8:00am EST
Wed, 21 September 2022
Summary: John D. Kuhns sits down and chats with me about Chinese infrastructure—which is lacking in strength and often misrepresented by the media. John provides an insider perspective; as someone who is working to save Bougainville, he notices a lot of the corrupt methodologies of the Chinese when it comes to building and infrastructure. He also predicts that China is at its peak as a commercial enterprise. Tune in for more insight. Highlights: -In addition to being a novelist, John D. Kuhns has extensive experience working overseas and in various fields -He’s handled various hydro-projects and electric projects in China -John thinks China is probably right at its peak as a commercial enterprise due to a few reasons, one being demographic trends -Additionally, the no-COVID policy has slowed the country down -Lastly, most economists estimate that the pervasive fraud takes about 20% of the cash out of the system manually, which isn’t sustainable -There are quality issues with the Three Gorges Dam -They have no interest in doing rudimentary, basic maintenance. They simply want to get it built rather than focusing on its infrastructure -The dam is built on two earthquake faults; we’re seeing cracking and draughts -John D. Kuhns has also been making efforts to save Bougainville -If the mine there was rejuvenated today, it would be one of the top ten silver/copper suppliers in the world -His latest book They Call Me Ishmael, is about the current president of Bougainville; there hasn’t been much literature on Bougainville due to the crisis Useful Links: Financial Survival Network John D. Kuhns
Direct download: John_Kuhns_19.Sep.22.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 8:00am EST
Tue, 20 September 2022
Summary: Are we going to face perpetual shortages? Daniel T. Matalon comes on the show to assure us that the shortage of resources is not our fate. Daniel points out that there has never been a point in human history that we didn’t replace a resource that ran out with a better one. Furthermore, Daniel discusses how we measure wealth, and the way that communication and agreement allows us to produce more access to wealth. Tune in for more insight. Highlights: -Are we going to face perpetual shortages? It comes down to survival economics -When discussing human impact investors, Daniel looks to the question of how we can raise $3.5T in what we need for human infrastructure spending -Is there enough energy in California? If you’re in Europe, the answer is also know. Energy prices in Europe are 17x higher than they are in the United States -We are proponents of the world game -Have we ever run out of a resource in human history that we didn’t replace with a better one? Up until now, we haven’t -Human beings are more providers than they are consumers -Our ledger of wealth is survival over time -Wealth is produced by agreement; if we could become more capable of agreement, we would create more access to wealth -Daniel is about making the world work for 100% of humanity -At the end of the day, regardless of our partisan positions, we have to figure out what we’re going to do about it regarding if there are enough resources -Liberals and conservatives both value fairness, but their partisan backgrounds influence their interpretation of fairness Useful Links: Financial Survival Network #IsThereEnough
Direct download: Daniel_T._Matalon_16.Sep.22.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 8:00am EST
Sun, 18 September 2022
We met up with Tier One Silver’s CEO Peter Dembicki for a sponsor update. We were attending the Precious Metals Summit in Beaver Creek, CO, as you can see the mountains in the background. Peter is very pleased with the company's direction. Their silver targets for the next drill program are lined up. They have a pretty good fix on where they need to be. But Peter is really focused on pursuing the copper porphyry deposit that has every sign of being present. He related, “The CSAMT geophysical survey is a key component to learning more about potential copper porphyry mineralization, which we saw indications for in our first phase of exploration at Curibaya. This is an exciting development for the Company toward unlocking the large opportunity of a potential copper porphyry deposit alongside the epithermal silver system that we’ve already identified, and we look forward to defining these targets for our next drill program.” Once the survey is completed and final targeting is locked in, the company plans to begin drilling to uncover the potential porphyry system. A channel sampling program has been conducted to further refine targets within the newly permitted Cambaya target area. Things are looking up for Tier One. We hold shares. Ticker Symbols OTCQB: TSLVF – TSX-V: TSLV
Direct download: 064_Tier_One_Silver_FSN.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 8:46pm EST
Fri, 16 September 2022
Europe is falling into an "inflationary depression". Trillion-dollar bailouts of European energy and manufacturing companies are in the works. How will that affect the euro? How much longer can the Fed tighten into all this chaos? Everyone is restarting or building nuclear plants. Does that make uranium the best commodity play? Gold and silver are still weak in USD terms but are moving into positive technical and seasonal territory. Will the next six months be better than the last six? Some are predicting a silver short squeeze. Is this possible? Zero Hedge has an article about how the fiat currency countries need to engineer a commodities crash to prevent the emergence of commodity currencies like what Putin is talking about. Does this mean higher interest rates for longer? Russian retreat underway in Ukraine, fallout?
Direct download: John_Rubino_15.Sep.22.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 8:00am EST
Thu, 15 September 2022
Anish thrives on empowering jobseekers to take ownership now and live up to their potential. As an expert in the Hidden Job Market, he shares the 5-Step System to successfully land dream roles 75-85% faster than average, and negotiate career-best offers and outcomes.
Direct download: Anish_Majumdar_10.Sep.22.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 8:00am EST
Wed, 14 September 2022
Summary: The market has been up and down but it’s far below its peak. Is it going lower? Dee Carter comes on the show to talk about this, and he hones in on the energy sector. He explains that the fourth quarter won’t be quite as high as previously thought, and Natgas is particularly high right now. Tune in for more insight. Highlights: -The energy sector presents much value to Dee’s clientele -Look for things that pay high dividends, and the assets you can invest in comfortably -Devon industry has done well in the last few months -The fourth quarter won’t be as high as we anticipated -High dividend stocks are good under the assumption that companies are going to keep paying high dividends -Natgas is so high in the US because of exporting -Other sectors are in trouble, but energy looks positive Useful Links: Financial Survival Network Carter Financial Group
Direct download: Dee_Carter_13.Sep.22.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 8:00am EST
Mon, 12 September 2022
Summary: Volatility is up and energy prices are going crazy—especially in Europe. Are precious metals poised for major advance? Technical analyst Jordan Roy-Byrne comes on the show to discuss what’s happening with precious metals, and points out the cyclical similarities between precious metals today and their behavior back in the early 70s. It seems that peaks in precious metals are followed by recessionary conditions a couple years later, and their behavior is directly linked to the Fed hiking rates. Tune in for more interesting insight. Highlights: -Volatility is up and energy prices are going crazy. European energy prices are at crisis level -Are precious metals poised for a major advance? -There are a lot of cyclical similarities between what’s going on today and what happened between 1969 and 1971 with the recession and metals prices -This was when inflation first became a problem and the Fed had to tighten -Everything in precious metals peaked two years ago, and now we are seeing a recessionary environment and extreme inflation -The best moves in the precious metals were in the 70s and 2000s -We had a technical recession in the first half of this year and we will probably see growth in this quarter -It’s just a matter of time before the stock market moves lower, and the Fed will be done hiking rates -A new precious metals bull market will most likely begin -You’re not in a real bull market when the stock market is still going higher -On a near-term basis, there is a concern that gold could come down a fair bit -The market is going to trend higher over the next 15 years -In the bigger picture, Jordan is not concerned -Sentiment is really negative at the moment -We’re in good shape because we’re nearing the point where the Fed is going to have to stop hiking -Fundamentally, for precious metals, it comes down to when they’re going to stop hiking. This is going to launch [recious metals through a really good rebound -The dollar is impacting what’s going on in the bond market -Foreign central banks/governments are selling their treasury bonds to get dollars (they have dollar dominated debts) -The Fed follows the market; ignore all this talk, and pay attention to what’s happening in the market Useful Links: Financial Survival Network The Daily Gold
Direct download: Jordan_Roy-Byrne_09.Sep.22.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 8:00am EST
Sat, 10 September 2022
We were very pleased to get a sponsor update from Torq Resources' CEO/Chair Shawn Wallace and Chief Geologist Michael Henrichsen. A lot of news has been coming out of Chile and Torq. First we covered the recent Chilean constitutional referendum, which was defeated by a large voter margin. CEO Wallace was never too concerned as the media’s perception didn’t reflect Torq’s experience there on the ground. Next we discussed Gold Fields’ (NYSE: GFI) recent C$15 million dollar investment in Torq (at a 23% premium to market) which marks a major milestone. Gold Fields is a major 1+ million ounce annual producer and has been conducting a very aggressive investment and acquisition strategy to keep its reserves stable. As a result, Torq is now better funded than many of its peers; its projects are progressing very quickly. Chief Geologist Hernichsen gave us an overview of the recent the Margarita project discovery. As a veteran of numerous discoveries, he still loves the thrill of a new major discovery. The grades were extremely high with 90 meters of .94% copper and .84 g/t gold. Henrichsen was quite surprised by the gold component, as it was completely unexpected. And it could be just the tip of the iceberg, as more drilling may reveal even better results. Flush with cash, drilling is continuing at a break-neck pace. Like everywhere in the world, assay lab results are trickling in. Both Wallace and Henrichsen acknowledged the contribution of their world-class Chilean team; it was instrumental in the find and the team is really hitting its stride. Wallace mentioned that Torq is blessed with an “abundance of riches.” Most companies would be content with just one of these potential “company-maker”world-class projects, but Torq has two! Despite the negative macro economic outlook and geopolitical ills, things have never looked better. The copper supply situation is rapidly tightening and there’s a race to find new supplies. Torq’s unique and improved position means that its projects are expected to lead to large future shareholder gains. Company Website: Ticker symbols OTCQX: TRBMF — TSX.V : TORQ
Direct download: 063_Torq_Resources_FSN.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 11:12am EST
Fri, 9 September 2022
Summary: What can you do in this environment to protect your wealth? David Stryzewski comes on the show to talk about this. For the last 50 years, things have been stable, but now it looks as if we’re headed into a hurricane while flying autopilot. This is because we’re not fully internalizing what is taking place, and all of the information we get from the Federal Reserve is in hindsight. In order to make real, valuable, change, we need to look to the future. Tune in to find out how you can do so. Highlights: -The market is really iffy right now; if it breaks through here, we could see a major decline -The dollar is at record highs -We’ve seen major turmoil and disruptions throughout history, but for the last 50 years, things have been stable -When something like a hurricane comes, we have time to anticipate it and prepare -Right now, we’re seeing the convergence of many cross winds—things coming together at a unique time in history -We need to analyze and internalize what’s actually taking place if we want to do something that will make a difference for our circumstances -Inflation is a real thing that is affecting everyone—it’s supposedly going down, but food and energy have been fueling this and have been tapering back -Interest rates are the other part of this equation, and they’re changing. This is a problem for people buying a home and businesses trying to metabolize -The Federal Reserve can focus on the demand portion, but they can’t affect the supply side -It’s important right now to pay attention to corporate earnings; they’re going to have to come down -All of the information (i.e. CPI) is in hindsight -Geopolitical components are significant, and are changing rapidly -We’re seeing a time frame where everything is changing; there is a hurricane in the distance, and we’re flying into it on autopilot. We need a ‘pilot’ that understands what’s happening, and can help us navigate through this situation -David is not excited about corporate bonds, and doesn’t want to own a big mutual fund that has a little bit of everything - this means it has the good and the bad -There has never been a better time to own a fixed index annuity -Silver actually gets used more -Miners have an opportunity to do some wonderful things Useful Links: Financial Survival Network Sound Planning Group
Direct download: David_Stryzewski_07.Sep.22.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 8:00am EST
Thu, 8 September 2022
Summary: There was a big pullback in the markets right before the holiday, and it seems as if the best move right now is to try and protects ourselves. Angela Sloan, Founder/CEO of Sloan Financial, comes on the show to explain the Fed’s next moves. Rates keep rising by more points than ideal, and inflation continues to affect everyone involved. Tune in for more insight on what’s to come. Highlights: -We saw a big pullback in the markets right before the holiday -All we can do right now is try to protect ourselves -The Fed is probably going to raise rates another three quarters of a point—which is their only defense against inflation. It is a domino effect, however. -Energy prices have gone down, but not enough. What happens when the reserves run out? -Inflation affects everyone, and especially those on the lower end of the financial spectrum -Look at your big company value stocks, and if it’s at a good value, it may be the time to buy in -The market is over 400 points today, so there are people buying right now Useful Links: Finanaical Survival Network Sloan FInancial
Direct download: Angela_Sloan_07.Sep.22.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 8:00am EST
Wed, 7 September 2022
Summary: Wondering how to deal with volatility and protect your gains defensively? David Jaffee comes on the show to discuss some strategies for trading based on how the market is progressing. He suggests that people hedge and take the opposite side, and also recommends buying elongated put options. This, in addition to taking the contrarian standpoint when investing, can help to reduce your portfolio volatility. Tune in for more insight. Highlights: -How do you deal with volatility? Should you put everything into cash or look for alternative strategies? -What is a poor investor to do, and how do you protect your gains from the last few decades defensively? -People need to make sure that they hedge and take the opposite side -It’s wise to end up buying puts -You can buy elongated put options that are two years in duration, which will reduce your portfolio volatility -It’s good to be a contrarian. When everyone is scared, it could be a good time to buy shares -Similarly, when the stock market goes up and people are euphoric, disciplined investors are buying protection because the market goes down a lot faster than it goes up -As long as you don’t trade too big, you’re safe -When the market is oversold, it’s better to buy elongated call options -In this moment, the risk-reward is favorable for buying elongated call options Useful Links: Financial Survival Network Best Stock Strategy
Direct download: David_Jaffee_05.Sep.22.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 8:00am EST
Mon, 5 September 2022
Summary: Elliot Fixler comes on the show to share his story and discuss his book, Full Circle, where he talks through the journey of finding his identity. Oftentimes we don’t ask questions about history—specifically our own pasts—and this can be very hindering. Elliot explains his grapple with this emerging from a family that lived during the holocaust, and his story is incredibly moving. Tune in for more information. Highlights: -People try to erase, cancel, and ignore history -When you understand history, you can learn something from it -Elliottis a recovering attorney from New York, and comes from a fascinating background. Born in 1944, World War II was winding down as Elliott came into the world -Elliot and his Mother eventually got out of Budapest and relocated to Buffalo, New York -One of his motivations for writing the book was that he didn’t ask a lot of questions about his origins/his mothers origins, and he wishes that he would have -Elliot grew up thinking that his step-father was his biological father, but this was not true -His real Father died in the holocaust, or at least this is the account he was told, but he never asked any questions -Attorneys learn to analyze everything, which needs to be taught more in this day in age Useful Links: Financial Survival Network Full Circle
Direct download: Elliot_Fixler_02.Sep.22.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 8:00am EST
Fri, 2 September 2022
Summary: If you’re looking to close the holes in your financial bucket, you’ve come to the right place. Douglas Eze comes on the show to talk about some of the ways he helps business owners acquire the guidance/education to achieve financial success. Although our concept of “financial success” has changed over time, people want to collectively protect their income and keep more of their money whenever possible. Tune in for great advice from Douglas. Highlights: -Douglas’ goal is to provide business owners the guidance/education to achieve financial freedom -Our working definition of financial freedom has changed -Douglas aims to help people close the holes in their financial bucket—analyzing each area of their finances and determining what people are doing wrong -He frequently sees issues arise with paying mortgage -Taxes are generally your biggest expense. If you can find a way to spend less of your earned money on taxes, then you can improve your finances -Postponing taxes doesn’t help either -You have to adopt a different mindset of viewing your income/finances -You have to think outside the box; what used to work doesn’t work anymore. People have lost lots of money in their 401k. The key is being able to protect your money Useful Links: Financial Survival Network Largo Financial Services Have Money Forever
Direct download: Doug_Eze_30.Aug.22.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 8:00am EST
Thu, 1 September 2022
Summary: High natgas prices are directly related to what’s happening in Europe. With $10 natgas and the potential for even more surges in price, it’s helpful to get an insider perspective on what’s happening. Grant Norwood, Founder of Norwood Energy, is at the forefront of these energy problems and explains some of the variables that make this energy market different from anything we’ve ever seen before. Tune in for expert insight. Highlights: -The high price of natgas right now is directly related to what’s happening in Europe -We’re seeingt $10 natgas and could potentially go a lot higher than that -Grant’s company, Norwood Energy, is at the forefront of all of this -Why is this different than any other energy market we’ve seen in this country before? -There are many shortages in other countries, and we’re exporting a lot of natural gas. We had a warm summer with 2 devastating winters, and a lack of investment in drilling and exploration over the last couple of years -The labor shortage for drilling oil and inflated cost to drill a well are also contributing to this problem -We’re probably headed back to where we were in the middle of the second quarter -Oil is a boom and bust business Useful Links: Financial Survival Network Norwood Energy
Direct download: Grant_Norwood_30.Aug.22.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 8:00am EST