Fri, 29 March 2013 presents Darlene Nelson had many of life's struggles, just like you and I. Yet she prevailed is helping so many other people to do the same. No matter how bad the economy gets or how difficult life may become, all you have to do is play the mental movie, get rid of the negative self-defeating beliefs and behavior and your dreams will come true. It may seem incredible and in many ways it is, but it can be done. She's got testimonials from numerous clients backing her up. And after all, what do you really have to lose? Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Fri, 29 March 2013 presents We caught up with our friend James Corbett of the famed Corbett Report last night. He's based in Japan and he doesn't believe that anyone is taking North Korea's threats against the South and the United States seriously. It's like when your brother-in-law asks you for money. You have to smile and be polite, but you both know there's now way it's ever going to happen. More alarming is the continued and protracted devolution of the world's financial system. Cyprus is just the latest example of government expropriating citizen wealth. It also highlights the eventual bankruptcy of fiat currency and fractional reserve banking. There's lots more here, so tune in now. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Thu, 28 March 2013 presents Chris Duane joined us today. He has been a leading BitCoin doubter. He believes that it's simply another unbacked currency with no fiat backing it up. He stated that over 70 percent of the BitCoin units have never been circulated and 25 percent of the units are owned by one individual. What happens when the networks go down and your wealth is held in BitCoins? Finally you can't take a BitCoin and go to the convenience store and buy a loaf of bread. So the entire portability issue hasn't been solved yet. And BitCoin like any other currency works only when there's confidence. Anything that negates confidence will undermine it's value. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Thu, 28 March 2013 presents After a two week break, we finally caught back up with Diana Zoppa. We uncovered a plethora of ways to save money. First and foremost, don't walk into a store without a list. Make a pledge not to buy impulse items. Those are high margin items placed near cashiers that can cost you thousands in a year. Have dinner during Happy Hour or as they call it in Canada Appy Hour. Diana is in favor of turning down the thermostat, but your host just can't bring himself to do it. Listen in for many other ways to fatten your wallet. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Thu, 28 March 2013 presents Michael Busch has started new businesses, bought existing businesses on the market and out of bankruptcy, and is an expert on purchasing franchises. He's helped thousands become entrepreneurs and he believes that under the current economic conditions, it's time for you to do it. There's lots of prep work required, but once you get started, you won't be able to kick the habit. There's nothing more exciting and challenging than running your own business. And it may be your only path to financial salvation. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Thu, 28 March 2013 presents Knighton Warbeck was born with a debilitating stuttering affliction. He tried everything to cure it and nothing worked. Finally, he surrendered and accepted that he would never be stutter-free. And then an amazing thing happened. He woke up one day with no stutter! How did it happen? It remained a mystery and then he discovered the KDUB method. Simply imagine the worst thing that can happen in any challenging situation you encounter. Once you accept the worst, you're able to move on and succeed. Try it, I've been doing it for years. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Thu, 28 March 2013 presents
Do you live in a Blue State complete with high taxes and numerous regulatory busy bodies? Perhaps it's time to move to a Red State. Their economies are booming and this is leading to increased immigration. This is no accident. Those states with the no income and relative economic freedom are growing. States with high taxes and intrusive government are contracting. It's not just a question of the weather, people move in search of economic opportunity. It's no accident that lower tax states have greater opportunity. In a contracting economy, people are voting with their feet. Perhaps one day these blue states will get it, hopefully before they go totally bankrupt. Let's see where Nanny Bloomberg winds up. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Wed, 27 March 2013 presents Janine Darling had a problem. She wanted a securte website to keep her most personal data safe. She searched and searched but couldn't find one. So she decided to build it on her own. Thus, was born. Now you can secure your passwords, vital documents and all your other private information in one safe place. The site is double encrypted which will keep even the most motivated hackers at bay. It doesn't cost much and just seems to make a lot of sense. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Wed, 27 March 2013 presents Dr. Bob Christensen headed up a successful company that made jaw implants to treat jaw defects and arthritis. Then the FDA became his boss and forced the company out of business. While it is a long and tragic story, the lesson is clear. The FDA is not about protecting your health and promoting your welfare. They often have other agendas that act to prevent new drugs and devices from coming to market. The net result is that the public's health is often diminshed by this devious agency. Ever wonder why it costs $1 billion to get a new drug approved. It's because the FDA favors large drug companies with unlimited research budgets. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Wed, 27 March 2013 presents Trace Mayer of and Kenton Ralph Toews joined us to discuss what's going on in the world of BitCoin. While BitCoin itself may not be the final answer to the monetary system's woes, it certainly has a number of advantages that conventional currencies don't possess. It is impossible to confiscate, to censor and it has never been compromised. It's open source and the government doesn't know what to do about it. Whether it will stay a store of value, no one can be certain of. However, it's value vis-a-vis all fiat currencies has skyrocketed. Where it's heading is anyone's guess. One thing is certain, BitCoin and it's successors will become an essential part of the economic system. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Direct download: Roundtable_Toews_and_Mayer_3-27-2013.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:25pm EST
Wed, 27 March 2013 presents Kenzell Evans never got an even break. His grandmother was raising him, but passed away suddenly. He went to live with a woman that he thought was his sister, only to find out that she was his mother. She never gave him love or support. He wound up getting into trouble with the law. He was convicted of several crimes he didn't commit. A chance meeting in prison with Jimmy Hoffa and a Russian Mobster changed his life. He started studying the law and eventually obtained his freedom. Now he's written a book. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Mon, 25 March 2013 presents The Cyprus banking collapse has started the era of government broken promises. While the smaller depositors will not have to bail-in the banking system, the more important result is that government will now routinely break promises that it should have never been making in the first place. This will lead to civil unrest and many negative consequences that will have a profund affect upon society and people's relationships between themselves and government. As the crisis progressed, this result became more and more unavoidable. And perhaps now is the time to move to a low-tax state as Wayne Allyn Root recommended on the show a few weeks back. The hedge fund industry is moving down to Palm Beach County Florida en masse. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Mon, 25 March 2013 presents Ranting Andy Hoffman joined us for a major Monday Rant. Cyprus is headed down a major rat hole and the rest of Europe ain't far behind. The French banks are being decimated in the market. Putin is extremely angry and the Euro is down big time against the buck. So we're wondering does the buck stop here? Whether you care about Europe or not, you had better care about your savings and your bank account. While the accounts above 100k euros are either losing 40 percent or 100 percent of their balances, the protected smalled account holders will not have access to their funds for quite some time to come. Capital controls are firmly in place now. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Thu, 21 March 2013 presents When it comesto market forecasts and predictions, no one is better than Charles Nenner. While none of his work is etched in stone, he has made some amazing calls during his career. Calling Apple's high at 707 is just the latest example. There are literally too many to count. He's been doing this for decades and he's not someone you want to bet against. What's happening for the markets this year, well it appears that some key market events are coming for the end of April. Listen to the interview and find out. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Thu, 21 March 2013 presents
The Cyprus banking mess continues on unabated. The Cypriot parliament unanimously voted down the plan to confiscate depositor funds leaving the government with only a few bad choices. Banks are still closed and may never reopen. The IMF/ECB refuses to budge on the confiscation plan and things could get ugly in Cypress and across Europse very quickly. No need to worry, besides potential government confiscation of your retirement plans, the Ben Bernank will stop at nothing to prevent banks from closing, even dropping money from 747's if necessary. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Wed, 20 March 2013 presents Jerry Robinson is a serial entrepreneur, economist and published author. Robinson hosts a weekly radio program entitled Follow the Money Weekly, which is dedicated to deciphering the week’s top economic and financial news. His beliefs and training mirrors much of that of your host. We have similar backgrounds and arrived at the same conclusions independently. Jerry talks about the petro-dollar and how understanding the history behind it will help you understand what's really going on now. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Wed, 20 March 2013 presents
Bill Murphy of was with us today to discuss Cyprus and the continuing desperation of the central banks in their never ending efforts to suppress the price of gold and silver. One wonders when the manipulation will cease. Bill thinks it will continue on, until they can't keep it down anymore. It could be months or it could be years, but Bill thinks it's coming to a tipping point. But until they stop manipulating the markets, GATA will keep fighting its battle to get the truth out there to you. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Wed, 20 March 2013 presents
Dr. Chester Wilk has taken on a lot of adversaries in his life, once defeating the powerful American Medical Association in an anti-trust action. He attributes many of his predictions to his guardian angel who helped him when he was young. Now he's on a new mission, trying to save America from the devil and Barack Obama, whom he believes is doing the devil's work. We're hoping he's successful because he certainly has his work cut out for him. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Wed, 20 March 2013 presents We talked with D.S. Brown today, author of the book Why I Voted For President Barack Hussein Obama II. While the title may give you certain ideas and predispositions about D.S.'s political agenda, I found him to be a thinker. While I didn't agree with many of his opinions, I found him to be engaging and well informed, the anti-thesis of your typical progressive. While I couldn't quite convince him that the mass ammo and weapon purchases by DHS are for nefarious purposes, he nonetheless admitted that it required an explanation. We look forward to having D.S. on again to discuss other important issues facing America and the World. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Tue, 19 March 2013 presents Danielle and I have been expecting an event such as what happened in Cyprus over the weekend. Once the systemic crack becomes apparent it will be too late to do anything about it. The time to act is now. Forget risk on, risk off. It's time to really start planning and protect your wealth, whatever you may have left of it. The collapse has been caused by a complete lack of morality and adherence to the rule of law. Once the rule of law no longer protects individuals from the powerful financial class, confidence is lost and the system implodes. We're on our way now. When it will happen is anyone's guess, but be assured it will happen!
Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Tue, 19 March 2013 presents Robert Lifton has been Donald Trump’s landlord, talked with presidents Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter, met with Nelson Mandela and Yasser Arafat, worked with prime ministers and sultans to try to resolve the IsraeliPalestinian conflict, and fended off overtures from Jimmy Hoffa—and that’s just his shortlist of accomplishments. Listen to him as we discuss the entrepreneurial spirit. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Tue, 19 March 2013 presents Ambassador Fred J. Eckert and his new book about the dumbest things Barack Obama has said—That’s a Crock, Barack—is an exploration into the lies that the American Public is told and the media's complete indifference to telling the truth when it doesn't fit their meme. The examples are legendary, funny and instructive. By going statement by statement, Ambassador Eckert helps expose the wizard behind the curtain. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Mon, 18 March 2013 presents
Ranting Andy Hoffman joined us for a followup to yesterday's emergency report on the chaos enveloping Cyprus. While most Americans haven't a clue where the island nation may be, they're going to find outsoon. Putin and his cronies are none to happy with the resolution either. Meanwhile, the Cypriot banks will remain closed until at least Thursday while their government tries to get enough votes to confirm this Faustian bargain. Gold is up, the Euro's down and there's much more to come. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Mon, 18 March 2013 presents
Perhaps you're unaware of what took place over the weekend. Cyprus, an island in the Mediterranean went bust. Their banks required a life saving bailout from the European Central Bank. The help came with a steep price tag. In exchange for $13 billion in aid, account holders were required to forfeit up to 10 percent of their deposits. This is earth shattering. It is a major confidence destruction event. When it comes to fiat currency and fractional reserve banking, confidence is the mother's milk of the system. Now that it's dried up, the rest of the great unwinding has begun. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Sun, 17 March 2013
![]() presents Ranting Andy Hoffman and I connected for a rare Sunday session. The subject of course was the botched bank bailout in Cyprus and the resulting bank run. Could this be the black swan event that catapults gold and silver higher the world into utter chaos. Obviously there will be a large flow of funds into the US Dollar. But Andy believes that propaganda machine has been permanently broken and the end of the gold cartel is upon us. How many billions will the precious metals shorts lose in the next week? We know from massive deliveries on the Comex that a loss of confidence event is very close. Andy, myself and dozens of my other guests have been warning about this for years. Will the elites be able to forestall the collapse yet one more time? Doubtful, but anything is possible. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Direct download: Emergency_Report_with_Ranting_Andy_Hoffman_03-17-13.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:15am EST