Mon, 11 March 2013 presents Today New York Supreme Court Justice Milton Tingling struck down Mayor Michael The Nanny Bloomberg's ban on large servings of sugary soft drinks at the City's restaurants, delis, theaters and bars. His ruling chastized the mayor for over stepping his authority and stated that the actions of the New York City Board of Health were arbitrary and capricous. Bloomberg has vowed to immediately appeal, however from this veteran court observer's view, the decision is pretty much bullet-proof! Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Mon, 11 March 2013 presents Another Monday, another rant. Ranting Andy joins us for a look into the murky world of job reporting. Guess what! This report is as fake as all the others, aren't you shocked? Seems we're becoming a nation of part-timers. No wonder government work is so sought after. If you're going to work part-time, you might as well get paid full time wages. Also, we saw another $100 billion surreptiously shipped off to European banks by the magnanimous Fed. The more things change, the more they stay the same. Where it alls no one can guess, but end it will. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Mon, 11 March 2013 presents Well known author Andrew Blum spent quite a while studying the Internet's infrastucture. He visited dozens of data centers, switching points and other key internet distribution points. He's concluded that the Internet is a network of networks that is full of its own unique system of checks and balances. While parts of the network can be attacked and disabled, other parts continue on unabated. Amazingly, the system was never centrally designed or planned. It evolved over time, with countless contributors. Perhaps it's a lesson in the proper design of complex systems. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Mon, 11 March 2013 presents Rob Goldstein has been helping businesses and individuals get control over their debt and credit for over 25 years. During this time, he's chalked up many successes. Bankruptcy, while often an option, is not the only one available to you. Negotiating discounts, renegotiating debts are among numerous techniques he uses. Recently he helped a franchisee walk away from a store with zero personal liability. While your problems might now seem hopeless, Rob believes that there are options that you haven't considered or been aware of. Remember, you've got nothing to lose but your debt. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets