Thu, 21 March 2013 presents
The Cyprus banking mess continues on unabated. The Cypriot parliament unanimously voted down the plan to confiscate depositor funds leaving the government with only a few bad choices. Banks are still closed and may never reopen. The IMF/ECB refuses to budge on the confiscation plan and things could get ugly in Cypress and across Europse very quickly. No need to worry, besides potential government confiscation of your retirement plans, the Ben Bernank will stop at nothing to prevent banks from closing, even dropping money from 747's if necessary. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Thu, 21 March 2013 presents When it comesto market forecasts and predictions, no one is better than Charles Nenner. While none of his work is etched in stone, he has made some amazing calls during his career. Calling Apple's high at 707 is just the latest example. There are literally too many to count. He's been doing this for decades and he's not someone you want to bet against. What's happening for the markets this year, well it appears that some key market events are coming for the end of April. Listen to the interview and find out. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets