The New Year's Clff has arrived. Count on the powers that be in Washington to do something stupid and destructive to the country and to all of us. This group who puportedly run things has no desire to change a thing. The Republicans are not a credible deterrent to what's happening and what will happen. The parties are pretty much identical and there is no leader in our Capital who will tell the truth, let alone try to do something about. But you can and you must. Buy gold and silver now! Miles Franklin's sales have been off the charts for the entire fourth quarter and will continue that way into the New Year. Good luck and God Bless Everyone!

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Direct download: AndyHoffman21231_01.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:51am EST

Chris Duane has been at the forefront of the world's evolving monetary system and the re-monetization of silver. He's not only put his blog where his mouth is, but he's also designed a series of coins that are proving immensely popular. The first issue sold 54,000 coins/ounces in just a matter of weeks. The second one has done even better and is set to stop production by year end. It's amazing that with precious metals prices so tightly controlled, the demand for physcial silver is so strong. We also discussed the Liberty Master Mind Meetup which will take place on June 21, 2013, in the City of Dallas, located in the Republic of Texas. Please join us. Details will come out shortly.

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Direct download: ChrisDuane121228_01.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:48pm EST
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Ross Hansen has been involved in precious metals for nearly four decades. During this time he's learned a thing or two about the metals markets and the US Dollar. His company, Northwest Territory Mint, is now the largest mint in North America. He's sees tough times ahead for the US Dollar as taxes increase, regulatons proliferate and standards of living decline. The only thing an ordinary person can do to get shelter from the coming storm is to invest in precious metals. Ross firmly believes that the current bull market in metals has no resemblance to the 1970's bull. The government is running out of bullets, which means precious metals will become the currency of choice for those seeking to survive. 

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Direct download: RossHansen12272012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:02pm EST
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When it comes to understanding what's really happening to the world's economic system, there's no one better than Martin Armstrong. He believes that Asia is still growing rapidly and they've passed reforms to help prevent future bubbles. Europe is dire straights with virtually no leadership to be found. Martin foretold this state of affairs when the Euro was created and it has lived up to his expectations. The US is in much the same situation with no deal between Obama and Boehner in site. Martin believes there is a way out and is having a conference about it in Philadelphia in March 2013. We will be there to report on it. 

P.S. The metals will be taking off during 2013, Martin believes after the summer going all the way to 2016. Major support is at 1570. 

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Direct download: MartinArmstrong121227_02.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:28pm EST
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Ken Arnone graduated from Pace University, just like your host. He did a successful stint on Wall Street for several years and then gave it all up to pursue his life's passion, being a chef. He signed up at the world famous Culinary Institute of America (CIA) to get the skills and experience that goal required. That decision has taken him quite far in life. He is one of just 67 Certified Master Chefs in America (there's only 300 worldwide). He consults for some of the world's top restaurants and hospitality chains. And he's just written a book about wine and food pairings with our recent guest Jennifer Simonetti-Bryan. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 6:09pm EST
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James Jaeger has not been a lifetime Second Amendment Supporter, as has your host. Recently he's come to understand the vital function this amendment plays in keeping us all free. It's not a matter of the latest tragedy being used to promote an agenda of citizen disarmament, but rather the Founding Father's understanding only too well that the citizens needed to hold their government accountable under any circumstances. This amendment was merely a recognition that all able bodied men were required to be armed and to join a local militia to insure the protection of all citizens. 

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Direct download: JamesJaeger121226_01.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:58pm EST
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Stefan Molyneux of has done a ground-breaking recitation and analysis of all relevant gun control arguments and his conclusions are virtually unassailable. Guns cut down on violence, save lives and property and help protect the public. Over 2.5 million times per year, guns prevent robberies and armed assaults on the public. Stefan's coverage of this always difficult subject, especially in the aftermath of the horrid Newtown Connecticut school shooting, puts the matter into perspective and helps us to understand that the best way to stop gun crime is by allowing honest law abiding citizens to responsibly own and carry weapons. 

Here's the link to Stefan's original YouTube presentation.

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Direct download: Stefan_Molyneux_12-24-12.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:23pm EST
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If it's one thing the Value Guys know how to do it, it's spotting an investment trend. They came across a new private equity fund called Privateer Holdings which has raised $7 million for investments in this heady trend. They believe that's is a major growth story in an otherwise depressed economy. They've invested in a website that rates different types of pot on a number of criteria, kind of like a Zagat's Guide for pot heads. They see nothing ahead but blue skies and green fields in this emerging industry. 

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Direct download: Value_Guys_12-24-12.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:20pm EST
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Ranting Andy Hoffman was back for a pre-Christmas rant. He's unflappable as usual and has no fear about where the metals prices are headed. He's taken as much money out of the banking system as possible and is always seeking ways to further minimize his participation. Eventually, we'll all reach a point where it's just not practical to reduce our paper holdings any further. And that time is probably not too far off into the future. We're getting to the point where controlling the precious metals prices will just not be possible or desirable. Especially, when famed silver trader Andrew Maguire says that premiums between the paper and physical markets are going way up. 

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Direct download: Ranting_Andy_12-24-12.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:49pm EST

Boehner Helped Cost Republicans The 2012 Elections—Good Riddance

All the mainstream country club “Bow Tie” Republicans are shaking their heads and wondering. “What went wrong?” The answer is really as simple as it is overlooked. In 2010, Republicans were swept into control of the House of Representatives and were within a stone’s throw of Senate control. Were it not for a few candidates who did themselves in as well as being done in by the establishment republican types, there may well have been a tied senate. Just two years later, Obama is re-elected and the Republicans lose ground in the House and Senate. What on earth happened?

Direct download: TLR_228.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:57pm EST
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The biggest pay day on that fraudulent reality TV show Storage Wars was hit by Darrell Sheets on yesterday's season finale. He picked up a cool $300,000 worth of rare art work, which set a show record. Of course whether it was real or not is completely beside the point. In our alternate reality universe, there's no truth anyway. Dave Hester is still as bitter as always, probably because he wasn't selected to win. Meanwhile, the upcoming Retirement Account Wars are next on DC's agenda and you need to prepare. Whether they take them all at once, or they take your guns first and then your accounts doesn't change the reality that something has got to give. Stay tuned for the next shoe to drop. 

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Direct download: TRIPLELUTZ227.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:40pm EST
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Bix Weir avid observer of the rigged precious metals markets just informed us that the US Mint has halted production of Silver Eagles until 1-7-13. Perhaps they're hoping that 12-21-12 really is the end of the world, so they can be relieved of the ever increasing burden of producing bullion coins. The law was recently changed and production of these coins can be halted if the Treasury Secretary gives his blessing. And that's exactly what happened here. And no sooner was production suspended than the latest precious metals slam down took place. Will coincidences ever cease?

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Direct download: BIXWEIR12192012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:39pm EST
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Mickey Fulp, the Mercenary Geologist, has his hand in so many markets it's hard to keep track of them all. But he's been a devoted follower/investor in Uranium for many years. In the past month, the price has gone up 12%, off of a bottom of around $40. There's a myriad of factors involved in Uranium pricing, many political considerations and nuclear disarmament to boot. The bottom line is that nuclear power is clean, believe or not-safe, abundant and here to stay. The investment prospects have never been better and we're even seeing new reactors getting built in the US after a generation of no new construction. China and the developing world can't bring nukes on fast enough to satisfy their ever increasing electrical power demands.

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Direct download: MICKEYUFULP12182012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:22am EST
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Axel Merk is an expert on macro trends, hard money, international investing and on building sustainable wealth. An authority on currencies, he is a pioneer in the use of strategic currency investing to seek diversification. He's expecting inflation to pick up in a major way, which will lead to increased interest rates and the further devaluation of the dollar. Whether we get increased growth or decreased growth, he believes that the die has been cast and the results will be visited upon us all shortly. He thinks gold is a natural antidote for this coming malady. 

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Direct download: AxelMerk12282012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:33pm EST
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From my live show on December 18, 2012 on 1490 WGCH, my take on the apparent implosion of Reality TV. Top rated show Storage Wars is now embroiled in serious litigation with former star villain Dave Coster. He's claiming that the producers routinely salt abandoned storage lockers with valuable items, rig bids, and even financed a female cast member's augmentation surgery to make her more sexually appealing to the audience. And not even the mother of all reality shows, American Idol is exempt. An insider just published a tell-all fictionalized account that leads one to the inescapable conclusion that all that glitters is not necessarily a talented star. Seems like your choice for America's Idol may not have really been a choice at all.

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Direct download: 12182012realityshowsexposed.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:20pm EST
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Retired Commander David E. Stevens is a decorated naval pilot who was entrusted with some of our country's most secret and sophisticated weapons technology. He's not losing any sleep over 12-21-12 and he's certainly not very worried about much else either. However, he believes that comets and asteroids pose far greater threats to our continued existence than almost thing else. One comet striking earth could be the equivalent of all the world's nuclear weapons being simultaneously detonated. And there's very little awareness or planning going on now to deal with such an eventuality. Hopefully after reading David's excellent novel, more people will become awaken to this potential threat. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 1:03pm EST
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Jackie Grissom and Steve Zarling believe that we are truly living in the End Times. Events are moving rapidly among the US, China, Russia, Israel and the Palestinians. They provide ample Biblical references to their theory that the rise of a Palestinian State is pivotal in the outcome of events. Jackie believes that we are in the most serious times of our lives and that we will all be called upon to decide. Russia will be ascendant and he believes that the US will be disarmed. After the January 1, 2013 we will see the President show his true nature and nothing will be left to doubt. 

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Direct download: JACKIEGRISSOM12102012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30pm EST
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Ed Steer is well known in the precious metals community. He publishes the enormously popular Casey Research newsletter, Gold and Silver Daily. He's been covering the metals for many years, trying to get the truth out about price supression, manipulation and the inevitable collapse. Right now he sees prices in a lockdown range, although there could be an end of the year price slam, bringing metal prices down to even lower levels. Either way, Ed believes the final result has never been in doubt and that 2013 will be an extremely active year for gold and silver markets. 

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Direct download: EdSTEER12102012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:33pm EST
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One result of financial repression is the inability of retirees to earn a reasonable return on their savings. This can lead greatly diminished standards of living for the elderly. They are effectively penalized for being thrifty and properly saving for their retirement. But it doesn't have to be this way. While the Fed says that inflation is well under control, Dr. Norman L. Barnett believes that in addition to low interest rates, inflation is having a devastating impact upon your retirement. That's why stocks with increasing dividend yields along with MLP's can be the salvation to your retirement needs. Dr. Barnett is an expert in these stocks and he's here to help you. 

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Direct download: NormanBarnett12172012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:38pm EST
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We made a horrible discovery this weekend. Storage Wars, the hit tv show turns out to be a complete fraud. Dave Hester the arch villain is suing the show for allegedly salting storage lockers, bid rigging and even financing augmentation surgery to make a contestant more sexually appealing to the audience. Over at American Idol, things aren't much better. Paid talent scouts, manipulation of the talent and a host of other infractions lead to very dirty show. So TV is just as corrupt as the the financial system and the government. And the only incorruptible force of finance is gold and silver. 

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Direct download: andyhoffman12172012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:28pm EST
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James L. Paris of has written 24 books. He's a master marketer and he's helpped so many people to improve their financial plight. His site on Christian Financial Christian financial advice takes into account Christian values and your obligation for being a good steward of the money that God has blessed you with. This was our first discussion with James and we look forward to covering a number of other topics with him soon. 

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Direct download: JP12142012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:03pm EST
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We discuss legendary libertarian Doug Casey's new book Totally Incorrect. He's alarmed by the rapid degredation of individual rights and the expansion of government power. Homeland Security and the TSA are becoming more entrenched by day. They're building new buildings and hiring employees by the thousands. Doug is spending most of his time in Argentina where he believes it's easier to be left alone by the government. We're coming out of the eye of the economic hurricane and you need to be prepared to weather the storm.

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Direct download: DG12142012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:47pm EST
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Tyler Gallagher is president of Regal Assets LLC and a sponsor of the Financial Survival Network. He's so certain about where precious metals are heading that he just put 70 percent of his wealth into silver. He, as your host, believe that it's a screaming bargain that you need take a serious look at. We're seeing a rapid increase in the financial deterioration of the United States and the Western World. No one knows when the eventual crash will take place, which will probably result in the the dollar's demise, but everyone is certain that it's coming. 

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Direct download: TG12142012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:37pm EST
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Janet Poole created a one-stop resource, a book for understanding life. It STIRS UP THE TRUTH of who you are from deep within, returns your FREE WILL & inspires you to live life on your own terms. She believes that if you truly understand how life works, there's no limit to what you can accomplish and to how much you can help others. Instead of doing what others want and expect from you, it's far better to start living for yourself and to start creating the life that you want and deserve. There's really no other way to be happy. 

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Direct download: JP12132012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:53pm EST
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Paul LeJoy started a real estate company in 2007. Little did he know that the economy was about to hit the fan. Now it's 5 years later and business is booming. He's buying up foreclosures and short sales and selling them off at substantial profits and he's even written a book about it. At FSN we believe that the real estate depression still has quite a while to go before it runs its course. However, Paul is putting his money where his mouth is and he sees smooth sailing ahead. Perhaps he's correct. 

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Direct download: PL12132012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:04pm EST





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