We got together with Martin Armstrong for a pre-Thanksgiving interview. His prediction of Dow 16,000 was just three weeks late, not too shabby for the master forecaster. He's sticking by his Dow 32,000 forecast by 2015. His reasons remain the same. The Fed will be working to increase the velocity of money. In the last Fed minutes there was talk about getting rid of interest paid on excess reserves kept on deposit with the Fed. This could have a very stimulative impact on bank lending. Also, Martin is seeing a major third party trend in the 2016 election. There's much more in this in depth interview. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 11:12am EST

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Some people would say there’s a political problem in Washington, DC. Others would describe it as a leadership problem. Author Douglas Colbert says it runs much deeper than that, though. He says our elected leaders have a serious moral problem. And that lack of moral awareness is pushing our nation to the brink of financial disaster. Why are these people tone deaf to the difference between right and wrong? Colbert says they’ve lost the ability to think in spiritual terms. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 2:35pm EST

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Monica Davis is the founder of Exceptional People Magazine and her mission is to enhance the quality of your life by promoting goodwill, unity and better living through positive media. Her magazine and books help to inspire you to reach new heights. She's big on multiple streams of income and getting you to follow your passion and write about it. Then you'll be able to get speaking engagements and other opportunities will open up.   

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Category:general -- posted at: 1:59pm EST

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Dr. Joni Carley’s co-authored Stepping Stones to Success, Vol 1, with Deepak Chopra, Jack Canfield and Denis Waitley. She believes that a new economic paradigm is emerging and is helping to welcome it in. Her executive coaching and consulting practice, Leaderful Edge, supports leaders in increasing profits, stakeholder loyalty, excellence, productivity, work/life alignment and innovation. Using data-based, values-driven methodologies, Leaderful Edge supports workplace evolution toward personal, organizational and social greatest goo

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:34pm EST

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On this Triple Lutz Report:

--Just when you thought it was safe to get a mortgage-home equity lines of credit set to blow up;

  --Snowden has a doomsday cache of documents as an insurance policy to keep him safe;

--Gold Rush reality TV show definitely worth watching. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:04pm EST

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Follow to the interview with Dr. Frackenstein. What's really happening in the Bakken Shale and in the energy patch. How technology is continuing to change the economics of energy production. Why everything you're being told about fracked oil wells is wrong. Why the experts always turn out not to know what they're talking about.  

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Category:general -- posted at: 10:06am EST

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Andy Hoffman joined us for our regular Monday get together:

China announced no more stockpiling of fiat currency,

Options expiry and gold's going up,

Comex Inventory continues to shrink,

Hit TV show Gold Rush doing much better than the miners.

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Category:general -- posted at: 2:04pm EST

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In his  book "The Right Wing, the Good, the Bad, and the Crazy" Charles Phillip Rider discusses the political right in the United States from Prohibition through recent speculation concerning the presidential campaign of 2016. A separate chapter is devoted to each U.S. President from Franklin Delano Roosevelt to George W. Bush. Many references are contained in the book concerning right wing personalities such as Robert Welch, Joe McCarthy, Barry Goldwater, Rush Limbaugh, Darrel Issa and others. Right wing organizations such as the John Birch Society, Fox News, and the Tea Party are analyzed. Charles believes that even though the US is already bankrupt, it can take on more debt and spend itself into recovery and prosperity because 2/3 of the economists out there think it can be done also. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:34pm EST

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Lisa spent more than 20 years climbing the career ladder in corporate America with groundbreaking career success. Now through her book Your Career-Your Way she's helping others do the same. We particularly like the way she helps you create a plan to develope your personal brand for success. Whether you're in college, working for a large corporation, a small business or yourself, the techniques she has developed can work for you. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:31pm EST

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Berny Dohrmann is an internationally recognized capital strategist, revenue accelerator, and economic innovator.  He is the Founder and Chairman of CEO Space International, the world’s leading small business incubator having touched over 300,000 business owners in more than 100 countries.  Under Dohrmann’s leadership CEO Space has grown into a mega week long intensive and trade show that services hundreds to thousands of small business owners at each conference five times a year; utilizing proprietary networking and teaching techniques that accelerates attendees’ abilities to grow their business through capital raising strategies, business growth intensives, and demonstrating the power of collaboration. Berny's enthusiasm is infectious. He's someone you want to listen to. You're just like a 747 Dreamlifter taking off from a short runway. With a little bit of strategy and shifting around of the cargo, you can do it!

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Category:general -- posted at: 2:33pm EST

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After a long hiatus Dr. Frackenstein joined us for an exclusive interview about the real state of the oil industry and fracking. Contrary to popular opinion, The Bakken Formation in North Dakota has not yet peaked. In fact, due to new technology, production will continue to increase as will the oil well lifespan. The key is the next generation of ceramic proppants. One currently being produced by China increases well production by 30 percent and dramatically extends well life. The next generation of super proppants will blow those numbers away. We also discussed another emerging shale play in Oklahoma known as The Scoop, which promises to be at least as large as the Bakkan, with much better infrastructure and economics. So yes Martha, there's much further to go in America's energy boom. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:50pm EST

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Jason Burack connected with FSN again for a wide ranging discussion. He believes that the government has Bitcoin in their sites and that they will be dealt with through the tax code. FSN thinks Bitcoin will be destroyed through market manipulation-they will be driven into a hyper-bubble and then popped. Jason thinks that gold and silver will soon be freed and allowed to find their true level, probably around March. And of course energy will continue to drive the economy and Jason likes non-shale dividend paying energy plays. Big news is on the way from Dr. Frackenstein, so stay tuned. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 2:20pm EST

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Gordon T. Long is a numbers guy. He likes to sift through the data to find the real story. And what's really going on now is that contrary to Fedspeak and the mainstream media, there will be no Tapering. To the contrary, look for Quantitative Easing to actually increase. The reason is quite simple. Without increasing QE, the entire global economy will collapse. While the reasons are complicated, the shadow banking system is a bottomless pit that requires and endless amount of liquidity. And the Fed can never stop feeding the liquidity monster.  

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Category:general -- posted at: 1:09pm EST

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  • Americans rank 50th in longevity

  • Back surgery is one of the most over-prescribed medical treatments

  • Pharmaceutical companies exert undue influence on researchers

  • Americans, 5% of the world’s population, use 50% of the world’s drugs

  • Drug errors injure millions

  • Leading cause of death in America is IATROGENESIS (doctor-caused death) Look it up on Google (Death by Medicine)

  • In 2001 Americans spent more on side effects than on disease

  • OTC cold medicines are deadly and ineffective

  • Thirty ways to help prevent breast cancer

  • Twenty-seven ways to reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s

  • Twenty ways that may prevent prostate problems

  • Your hospital may be a hotbed for infection (MRSA)

  • 100,000,000 unnecessary antibiotics are given yearly

  • Twenty percent of dialysis patients get there from ibuprofen drugs Motrin, Aleve, Nuprin and Advil—LA Times

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Category:general -- posted at: 11:32am EST

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Hard to believe that it's been 50 years since that fateful day in Dallas. Yours truly was in first grade when the bullets struck and changed the course of history. Ivan and I talked about JFK's performance in office and how his myth evolved. It's amazing how charismatic leaders get judged by history. There seems to be a double standard, one for presidents who are ordinary people and another for those who seem to be somehow larger than life. The advent of the electronic media hasn't helped much either. The good thing is that the Internet helps unravel the spin and gives you a much clearer perspective on what actually happened. As far as who really killed Kennedy, we'll leave that for the next crop of conspiracy theorists. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 2:43pm EST

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The American self-image is one of strength and influence but that image isn’t necessarily shared by the rest of the world. Author Don Gould has  traveled the world and he warns that our highly politicized culture inspires America’s enemies to work ever harder at eroding our bedrock values. For example, Gould says Islamists are using Americans’ polarized views of religious tolerance to pave the way for Sharia, strict Islamic law.

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:07pm EST

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Time for our weekly installment of the Triple Lutz Report:

·      Ÿ   Obamacare is the Tea Party’s Woodstock;

·      Ÿ   Prepare now for collapse and Obamacare;  

            The 2012 Election employment numbers were cooked-aren't you shocked;

                    100 million people losing their health insurance come December 31, 2014;

             Tale of Two Americas--Frackers vs. Government and Wall Street.

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Category:general -- posted at: 11:17am EST

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Professor Laurence Kotlikoff believes he has the answer to what ails America's healthcare system. The Purple Plan. Standardize the plans and have the insurance companies compete against each. Provide vouchers and subsidies for those who can't afford to purchase their own policies. Limit the total expenditure to 10 percent of GDP and pretty soon the problem will be solved. Throw in a dose of tort reform and things are bound to improve. He doesn't believe that the market can do it on its own, but give it over to the economists and things will get better.   

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Category:general -- posted at: 2:53pm EST

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Danielle and I got together for our bi-weekly discussion. We covered:

--Toronto's crack smoking mayor Rob Ford

--Municipal pension funds are trillions underwater

--Wall Street is cashing in on all this fakery

--The unemployment numbers were cooked during the presidential campaign

--There will be a shift back to real people and the real economy before it's too late. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 2:39pm EST

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Kevin Gosztola exposes the Washington Post's acting as an organ of the government in reporting about the Assange investigation. Later when they made changes to the article, apparently at the behest of the administration, they failed to mentioned that they updated the article, a serious dereliction of journalistic ethics. Snowden keeps coming up in the news. Congress is seeking to give the NSA still more power and thousands of people have been serving it with Freedom of Information Requests that have been all but ignored. When will it stop?  

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:55pm EST

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Ryan Mauro sees the administration coming down on the wrong side of just about every foreign policy issue that comes across its desk, in the Middle East especially. In Iran its misplaced belief that it can deal with the new face of the theocracy is clearly wishful thinking. They will not give up the desire to produce a nuclear weapon. The same type of thinking has happened in Egypt, where the country threw out the Muslim Brotherhood, but the administration was left still supporting it. What will they think of next?  

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Category:general -- posted at: 11:59am EST

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Edward Meyer is Ripley's longest serving employee. He's been there over 35 years. He's the institutional memory of the organization. He's just finished the latest book, Dare To Look  and there's many amazing things contained therein. Their museums are more popular today than ever. He's got an interesting tale about money on the Island of Zap near Australia. Perhaps the Federal Reserve can learn a thing or two.  

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Category:general -- posted at: 2:45pm EST

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Another Monday rant with Andy Hoffman:

--Record foreign dumping of US Stocks

--Record trade deficit with China

--Things looking awful in Spain

--Attack on gold and silver continues

--Comex gold/silver inventories continue to shrink

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Category:general -- posted at: 2:01pm EST

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Dr. Tomas McFie created the Wealth for Life Program after seeing the carnage of the 2008-09 crash. It's composed of unique, proven blueprints for ordinary Americans to consistently, legally and ethically grow and protect their wealth from needless taxation, inflation and risky investments. It also protects you from frivolous lawsuits and other such perils. He's got a free report and e-book that are worth checking out. There's no extravagant claims for the system, they're designed to help average Americans achieve their financial goals.  

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:26pm EST

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We caught up with Jerry Robinson of FTMDaily who is one of the most knowledgeable economic commentators around. He sees a huge stock market boom around the corner. He believes that Fed Chairwoman Janet Yellen's latest testimony has guaranteed that the DOW is heading to at least 20,000 and perhaps higher. The problem is that this will be followed by the mother of all busts, even greater than 2008-09. He believes you need to have your investments spread out over a number of different vehicles to avoid being wiped out. And of course you must Follow The Money-The Big Money

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Category:general -- posted at: 11:51am EST





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