Throughout all the turmoil in the various markets, Jason's business is booming. Stocks will come and go, but there are only so many single family homes and land as well. Foreign money is flowing into the US, seeking a safe haven. In addition, financial repression continues unabated, thereby providing very few investment alternatives that will yield a decent return, without taking huge risks, such as high yield junk bonds. In addition, Jason will be hosting an event in Orlando, Florida, where I will be attending and MC'ing. Go to and sign up now. There's a special offer for the FSN Community. I look forward to seeing many of you there. 

Direct download: Jason_Hartman_29.Sep.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:14pm EST

Raul Villacis ranks in Top 1% of Hispanic Entrepreneurs and is a mentor and globally known influential speaker and business coach. He says that successful entrepreneurs are sometimes seen as super human. These people often defy all the odds and keep at their goals with relentless tenacity.

In actuality, there is something special about successful entrepreneurs, though perhaps not a superpower. Instead it’s a different way of thinking. For example, there are seven unique traits that virtually all successful entrepreneurs share. These traits show how their mindset differs from most people and thus leads them to find unimaginable success. Raul helps his clients get into that mindset and start acting like the successes they wish to become, with amazing results that follow. 



Direct download: Raul_Villacis_30.Sep.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:08pm EST

Jason Burack joined us today to discuss the latest oil news, markets and precious metals. Not much movement in precious metals these days. Why, we can speculate about all day. Jason review various opportunities. 

Direct download: Jason_Burack_30.Sep.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:17pm EST

What Isn't Imploding Now Wednesdays:

Collapsing commodities, currencies - what else

New low in National Bank of Greece stock, as Greece heads to default

Catalonian elections!

End of quarter - time for miners to start writedowns/bankruptcies?

Record PM demand, collapsing inventories, etc.

Calls this morning - by S&P - for the ECB to more than double QE; and by JP Morgan, for the BOJ to increase QE next month!

Direct download: Andy_Hoffman_30.Sep.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:04am EST

Lane Mendelsohn is the CEO of Market Technologies and developer of the VantagePoint financial trading software. Lane's father Louis, started trading stocks and commodities in the 1970s and, shortly after personal computers were invented, began developing technical analysis trading software for his own use as a commodities trader. In May 1983 he introduced the concept of strategy back-testing and optimization in trading software for personal computers in a series of articles published in Futures magazine and released of ProfitTaker Futures Trading Software, the world’s first commercially available technical analysis trading software that performed strategy back-testing and optimization on PCs." Even at that time his back tester was so sophisticated and intricate that it handled commodity contract rollovers and lock limit conditions. Currently, Lane claims that the software is 86 percent accurate and the firm has helped thousands to successfully trade in these increasingly volatile markets. 

Direct download: Lane_Mendolsohn_28.Sep.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:54pm EST

Jordan Goodman joined us today. As we've discussed in the past, markets continue their downward trend and interest rates are staying artificially low, there aren't a lot of investment alternatives. Jordan still believes that paying down your debt is crucial. In addition, bridge financing is still yielding 6 percent returns, not bad when banks are paying nearly nothing. Jordan isn't overly optimistic about the near term future and is in a defensive posture until further notice. 

Direct download: Jordan_Goodman_28.Sep.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:17pm EST

Wayne's new book The Power Of Relentless has taken the world by storm. His step by step guide covers everything you need to not just Survive, but Thrive in the New Economy. It's must reading for anyone looking to get ahead in this difficult economy. We also discuss John Boehner's resignation and what's coming up for the political season. 

Direct download: Wayne_Allyn_Root_28.Sep.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:50pm EST


John writes, "The US markets awoke to news of several big, disturbing overseas events:

Glencore implodes. Think of Swiss commodities giant Glencore as a modern version of Enron, in the sense that it owns physical assets like mines and oil wells around the world and runs perhaps the biggest commodities derivatives trading desk. And — also like Enron — it’s apparently unprepared for extreme commodity price volatility. This morning its stock price plunged even further and its credit default swaps — the cost of insuring payment on its its bonds — blew out to record levels. 

If Glencore loses its investment grade rating as now seems likely, its access to cheap capital will evaporate and it will fail. This matters for several reasons, the most important of which is the company’s unspecified but certainly huge derivatives book which, like AIG’s in 2008, is a serious threat to the leveraged speculating community. 

Commodities from oil to gold are down hard on the news. 

Saudi Arabia cashes out. The world’s dominant oil exporter can’t pay its bills with crude at $50 a barrel so it’s spending down foreign exchange reserves and borrowing hand over fist. This morning it was reported that the Saudi sovereign wealth fund — a major player in global bond and equity markets — was cashing out and bringing its money back home. "


Direct download: John_Rubino_28.Sep.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:06pm EST

Danielle Park joined us for a discussion about the Central Bankers' inability to keep the system going. As a result, stock prices are headed much lower and this will put pressure on governments to purge the system and bring back morality. How effective this restoration will be remains the questions. But also driving this transformation is technology, especially the breakthroughs coming in energy and transportation. The two combined together are forcing changes at all levels of society, and the financial system is hardly exempt. 

Direct download: Danielle_Park_22.Sep.15_01.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:54pm EST

What's About To Implode Next Wednesdays With Andrew Hoffman:

Collapsing mine production, exploding PM demand

-yesterday's and today's articles

Post Fed "no hike" 

Greek elections 

Plunging commodities!  all-time low currencies!

 75% of Americans are concerned about out of control government corruption.

Over half of Americans fear their government. 

Direct download: Andy_Hoffman_23.Sep.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:36am EST

Donald Trump, while fabulously successful now has had his casino companies enter bankruptcy 4 times, losing a fortune in the process. Now he's finished with the NJ casino business, but his legacy lives on. While everything about The Donald is controversial, so is Jack Mohr's take on his exploits in Bankruptcy Court. 

Direct download: Jack_Mohr_22.Sep.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:07pm EST

Keith Neumeyer of First Mining Finance joined us. He's been extremely busy. As a contrarian Keith is making a big play to scoop up good mining companies with solid projects. Since we last spoke First Mining is completing 3 acquisitions, 2 friendly and 1 hostile. And this is just the beginning. Keith is determined to make First Mining his third billion dollar company. Our "money" is on Keith to succeed yet again. 

Direct download: Keith_Neumeyer_22.Sep.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:09pm EST

Top rated radio show host Joe Messina joined us today. He's amazed at what's transpiring in the 2016 Presidential Election Year. You just can't make this stuff up!

Direct download: Joe_Messina_21.Sept.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:02pm EST

Erik Hadik has been warning for a while that the Russian Bear would be rearing his ugly head. And he's absolutely correct. From Crimea to Syria Russia is on the move. This combined with other factors should lead to high volatility and higher precious metals prices. 2016 is the year to watch. 

Direct download: Erick_Hadik_21.Sep.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:28pm EST

We spoke with John Rubino today about the intractable situation the Fed now finds itself in. To raise or rates or leave them where they are is the question. Raising them could further strengthen the dollar and thus hurt exports. Leaving rates at near zero isn't really helping things either as shown by the dismal economic stats. Perhaps there is no monetary solution to the quandary. More likely it calls for some true leadership that has been totally lacking up to this point. 

Direct download: John_Rubino_21.Sep.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:59pm EST

Brien Lundin publishes the grand daddy of all resource newsletters Gold Newsletter. He learned the market from his mentor the legendary Jim Blanchard. Brien and the newsletter are unique in that they've been through multiple cycles during the past 41 years. Brien has a keen understanding of the Gold and Silver markets and believes they are currently poised for major growth. It's always great to have someone of his experience on the show sharing his opinions of this volatile sector. 

Direct download: Brien_Lundin_18.Sep.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:54pm EST

Like so many other things in life, selling your home is a process. Real estate expert and author Brett Furman suggests that rather than waiting to do the work when you actually list your home, get a head start. It also often pays to bring in a home inspector to evaluate what work needs to be done and how much it will cost to have it completed. That way, you'll know exactly what you're up against and be able to avoid the last minute scramble to get it done. 

Direct download: Brett_Furman_16.Sep.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:34pm EST

Craig Hemke says the Fed works for the banks, not for the people. Therefore, if they determine that it's in the banks' best interest to raise rates they will do it. Forget the burgeoning national debt and the fragile world economy, the only thing that matters to the Fed is the well being of their masters, the Banks, especially the Too Big To Fails. If that seems irrational, it shouldn't. The Fed's real purpose is to protect and to help the Banks flourish. And that's exactly what it's done throughout it's history. 

Direct download: Craig_Turd_Hemke_16.Sep.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:09pm EST

As usual the numbers don't lie. Gordon T. Long and I predicted over a year ago that the Great News coming out of Detroit was more about easy credit than about solid fundamentals. Fast forward a year and now the truth is beginning to become obvious. Auto leasing is way up and the supply of cars about to come off-lease is going sky high, thus driving used and new car prices down. Around the globe auto makers are going to take a major hit. From China, to Germany, to Mexico, to the good old USofA, the story is the same. Markets artificially goosed up by easy credit. But the day of reckoning is getting closer. 

Direct download: Gordon_T_Long_16.Sep.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:56pm EST

What's Not Imploding Now Wednesdays With Andrew Hoffman:

Pre-FOMC meeting

-why the Fed would consider a rate hike, when it would be such a suicidally stupid move

-"the only financial event that could be as cataclysmic as a signficant Yuan devaluation"


Exploding global PM demand

-u.s, china, india


collapsing supply

-retail, comex, shanghai, etc.


yesterday's article re: PMs, "the best ever fundamentals, and the worst-ever prices"; and the day before's "story of 2016," as PM supply/inventories/miners vanish


Direct download: Andy_Hoffman_16.Sep.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:29am EST

According to Ned Schmidt, there's a complete absence of precious metals in the portfolios of virtually any major fund in the world. Prices are incredibly cheap. At the same time, stock markets are tanking around the world. No one wants to show any gold stocks in their portfolio as they show their year end statements. But come next year, then the move will be on. The technical outlook doesn't get any better. Ned says, "January will be the month!"

Direct download: Ned_Schmidt_15.Sep.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:14pm EST

Crista Huff is a retired Vice President of Morgan Stanley. She can now be found at  Goodfellow LLC. She combines fundamental and technical analysis to select stocks, with the goal of outperforming the stock market averages, while lowering risk.  Her strict stock selection criteria include strong future earnings growth, low/fair price/earnings ratios, and low/fair debt ratios.  Then, she waits for the charts to turn bullish before she’ll give the stocks buy ratings.


Direct download: Crista_Huff_15.Sep.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:20pm EST

Automotive Expert Pam Oakes explains the importance of using a maintenance schedule to keep track of all your automobile’s needs.


The Fall Season is always an opportune time to get the car washed and tuned up form a horrid winter season. Regularly washing and waxing your vehicle will protect the paint and body.


Making sure to keep your vehicle on schedule for all maintenance needs is another important step in ensuring it is ready to ride the road for many years to come


Direct download: Pam_Oakes_15.Sep.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:13am EST

Jason K. Roberts says that anyone can get rich in real estate. The key is buying middle class homes at reasonable price and to not expect to get rich in a hurry. Most importantly, start early and have a plan. After 10 years you'll have a number of homes that will be generating a substantial cash flow that will enable you to keep buying more and more homes. Before you know it, you'll be retired and living the good life. Of course it's not quite that easy, but as you've heard here before, it does work. 

Direct download: Jason_Roberts_14.Sep.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:24pm EST

Alan Newman has been a stock market guy for over 50 years, although you wouldn't know it to hear him now. He's really down on the market. He believes it's a place where the little guy no longer has an even chance at making money. With crony capitalism, manipulation, high frequency trading, stock buybacks and all sorts of sordid behavior, it's become a den of iniquity. He is bullish on certain high quality mining stocks and precious metals. It just requires patience and an understanding of economic trends. 

Direct download: Alan_Newman_14.Sep.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:15pm EST





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