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I had the dubious pleasure last week to be in New York City and witness to the boozy pub crawl known as Santacon (2013). For those not in the know, the website nycsantacon.com/ defintes the Santacon as a charitable, non-commerical, non-political, nonsensical Santa Claus convention that happens once a year for absolutely no reason. Truly moral debasement at its finest!

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Category:general -- posted at: 9:54am EST

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Andy and I had our usual Monday chat. Here's what went down:

--Holiday cheer for PM investors?

--Silver public opinion charts;

--Andy's busy buying pm's;

--Comex inventories down another 100k ounces of gold;

--India 23.5% premiums on gold;

--Silver price in China 7% premiums;

--More mine closures coming;

--The Taper Mirage.

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Direct download: Andy_Hoffman_12-23-2013_LM_RA_JH.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:39pm EST

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Jim Skinner is an expert in health insurance. As founder of the SmartPatientAcademy.com he knows where the bodies will be buried under Obamacare. The sticker shock under the Obamacare compliant policies is going to be shocking. Small business policies in Texas alone could be going up over 60 percent! Provider networks could be shrinking as well, known as narrow networks. Large groups got a reprieve on mandated coverage but there's still a requirement in 2014 that everyone have healthcare coverage or get a fine. The good news is that the backlash against government solutions which will lead us to market based solutions which will help us get through this debacle. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 2:19pm EST

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Christina Tobin is a passionate activist against top two primary systems. She started Free & Equal Elections Foundation a 501(c)(3) non-partisan, non-profit organization whose mission is to encourage, educate and empower the youth of America to unite, run for political office and reform the electoral system. Her latest undertaking is the United We Stand Festival which will take place at UCLA on May 10, 2014, which will feature Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson, Green Party Leader Jill Stein and Chuck D of the Rap Group Public Enemy. An interesting mix for sure that will definitely attract an interesting group of people together for sure. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 1:56pm EST

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John and I connected to discuss the latest economic developments. His next book, co-written with Goldmoney's James Turk will be released any day. John believes that bank lending is about to pick up big time. The reason is simple. Since at least the 1980s, US policy has been to convince us to borrow as much as possible on pretty much anything we could think of. This worked brilliantly until 2008, when homeowners, consumers and businesses hit a wall and private sector defaults began to exceed new loans. Another Great Depression was imminent.

But instead of allowing this natural cleansing process to run its course, governments around the world stepped into the breach themselves, borrowing tens of trillions of dollars to replace evaporating private sector debt. The idea, to the extent that there was one, was to buy time for traumatized consumers and businesses to relax a bit and start borrowing again. So sit back and watch the fun begin again. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:59pm EST

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Dr. Elaina George, a practicing physician, has an insider's perspective on medical system. She knows that Obamacare is destined to fail, only to be followed by a greater government failure intended to address its failures. She has some tips that can help you find solutions. Check out these links and start improving your health today: www.selfpaypatient.com, www.aapsonline.org and www.libertyhealthshare.org

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:09pm EST

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We connected with fellow radio host Joe Messina who's got his unique perspective on what's happening in the country today.

Have you had your healthy dose of reality lately? There are always at least two sides to every story. Have you ever wondered how someone, who saw the same thing you did, walked away telling a vastly different story? Which version was correct? Which one was the REAL story? Actually, both are! It’s just a matter of perspective. Joe takes the issues… especially the controversial issues (politics, prejudice, religion, illegal immigration)… and brings in people from different sides to share their viewpoint. This is definitely not a fluff piece. And while no one is attacked, the questions are hard-hitting. 

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Direct download: Joe_Messina_12-18-2013_RA_LM_PW.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:54pm EST

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How lawless is the Obama administration? Many of the dirty deeds and scandals of Obama & Co. are public knowledge. Let’s start with the most astonishing. Many citizens are aware that because of ObamaCare, millions of Americans are losing their health care coverage. Is this incompetence, or criminal fraud? One thing is certain: it would be fraud if a private sector CEO knew that millions of customers would lose their insurance, yet repeated the same lie over and over -- “If you like your health insurance, you can keep it. Period.” Why would we not hold a politician to the same standard?That brings up the question “IS THIS PRESIDENT TOO BIG TO JAIL?”

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Direct download: Wayne_Allyn_Root_12-17-2013_RA_JH_LM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:03pm EST

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Former Congressman John LeBoutillier touched base with FSN today about the strange goings on in Washington DC today. He can't understand why House Leader Boehner is alienating conservatives after the hideous budget deal reached by Paul Ryan last week. The conservatives will be instrumental in retaking the Senate next year. The news on Obamacare is awful for the Democrats and it will only get worse. Seniors are upset, those with individual policies who've received cancellation notices are angry and the worst is yet to come. The Republicans need their own plan and yet to date, they've refused to come up with one. Hopefully, they will before it's too late.  

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Direct download: John_LeBoutillier_12-18-2013_LM_RA_PBL.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:58am EST

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Mark Satterfield knows what many successful radio personalities have taken years to figure out, great storytelling can result in big audiences and large profits. It's a tough skill to master, but the rewards can be huge. Mark gives us real world examples, both from his own life and those of clients. I've used some of those skills as well and can assure you that they work. Try them out and let us know. And also take advantage of his free offer to FSN listeners.  

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:08pm EST

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Our bi-weekly get together with the extremely intelligent Danielle Park:

--78% of NFL and 60% of NBA players go bankrupt within 5 years of retirement;

--College Presidents' pay soars along with tuition and student debt;

--Bloomberg reporters paid bonus if they can "move markets."

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Category:general -- posted at: 2:17pm EST

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Martin Simmons is a reputable home improvement contractor and knows all the pitfalls and pratfalls of the home improvement business. He's written a book to help you avoid them. While a tightly written contract isn't a guarantee that you won't get taken, it can help filter out the most unscrupulous operators. Also, see if your contractor will meet you at a happy customer's location.That says a lot. While there's no sure fire way to avoid getting scammed, Martin has his top 10 list that goes a long way to protect you.  

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Direct download: Martin_Simmons_12-17-2013_RA_PW_LM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:13pm EST

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Dave Bego says that recent actions by the UAW demonstrate the desperation of the labor bosses to reverse declining membership. From a peak of 1.52 million in 1979, the UAW today represents fewer than 400,000 (see UAW Saw an Opening with Honda’s Arrival). Obviously, the UAW realizes they are in serious trouble, but instead of changing tactics and providing a service that benefits employers and members alike, as their counterparts in Germany do, they continue to utilize the same bullying tactics that have gotten them into trouble. What’s the definition of “insanity?” Doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results. It appears insanity and desperation have become entrenched in big labor.

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:05pm EST

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Jordan Roy-Byrne is seeing one more test to the downside before the precious metals bear market comes to a close. How many more weak holders of the metals can there be left? He believes that there will be another round of dividend cuts by the stronger metal producers and this could be a sure indicator that the bear has run its course. He says that you need to watch the market very closely. When the bear's end comes, it will likely happen very quickly and for those not paying attention, they will miss it and the run-up could be extremely fast as well.  

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Category:general -- posted at: 2:47pm EST

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Mondays With Andy Hoffman:

--Bogus Budget Numbers and Bogus Budget Battles;

--Tapering, what Tapering;

--Comex inventories continue to plunge.

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Direct download: Andy_Hoffman_12-16-2013_LM_RA_PBL.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:22pm EST

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Carl Schramm is one of the world’s leading thinkers on entrepreneurship, innovation and economic growth. The Economist has referred to him as the “evangelist of entrepreneurship.” Government control of health care has long been the central goal of the progressive project. The idea can be traced back to the efforts of the American Association of Labor Legislation. In the progressive worldview, nationalizing health care has always been about expanding the power of central governmentObamacare, too, has grander objectives. It seeks to redistribute wealth by shifting program costs to younger, healthier individuals. In the name of efficiency, it restricts medical innovation and sets in place the means to restrict care for the elderly.


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Direct download: Carl_Schramm_12-16-2013_12-162013_RA_LM_PBL.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:29pm EST

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We visited New York City and experienced Santacon 2013 the infamous pubcrawl first hand. Yes Western Civilization is going down the sewer. It's St. Patrick's Day for wannabe Santas. Then we moved on to Flu Shots for Tots, another chapter in Nanny Bloombers war on your rights. Oh and we've got our Top 10 List on why it's better to live in Florida than New York. There's lots more there, so listen on. 

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Direct download: Triple_Lutz_report_236_12-16-2013_RA_JH_LM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:59am EST

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We talked at length with Rob Hanus on what the upcoming trends are for the world economy, the US economy and what you need to be doing to survive them. You already know that employment is still trending down, the government's power and control over the economy and your life is rapidly expanding and things could get out of hand very quickly. Rob understands basic survival and has been prepping for many years. Economic prepping is definitely part of the equation as well. The clock is ticking, it's time to get ready. Get prepared. And by the way, switchblade knives are legal in many states, even New York (for hunting, fishing and trapping). 

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Direct download: Rob_Hanus_12-12-2013_LM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:41pm EST

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We talked with Bob Hoye today. He believes that the long awaited collapse of central banking will soon be here. The end of the bull market of centralized control is coming. The government will no longer be able to inflate credit to create currency to pay the costs of its control apparatus. This can only be a plus for humanity. He believes it will also cause the end of the fraud of man made global warming, which based on the recent weather in New York and across the nation seems to be false, or as Bob said, "Is complete bull."

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Direct download: Bob_Hoye_12-12-2013_RA_PW_LM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:50pm EST

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Dr. Richard Ruhling believes that prescription drugs are needlessly killing hundreds of thousands of people across the country and the world. While modern medicine certainly has its place, diet and lifestyle can help restore your health and cure many diseases that medicine cannot. Diabetes and heart disease are two perfect examples. Getting rid of refined carbohydrates and other bad parts of your diet will go a long way to restoring your health. You can start today. Exercise will also make a big difference. You can do it on your own without using any prescription drugs. So what are you waiting for?

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Direct download: Richard_Ruhling_12-12-2013_RA_JH_LM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:40am EST

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We discuss an article by noted Washington Post socialist columnist Harvey Mayerson about the decline of America and the American Worker. His reasons include the decline of unionism, globalisation, financialisation and Jack Welch. Our reasons, debasement of the currency, abandonment of the gold standard, debasement of morality and socialism. And then of course there's the continuing implosion of Obamacare and the fact that for every person who's signed up for Obamacare, there's 13 people who have had their health insurance cancelled. That's a real success. Cell phone carriers are cashing in on snooping and Harvard bans single use water bottles and the fraud of recycling.  

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Direct download: Triple_Lutz_Report__325_12-11-2013.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:47pm EST

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This gold bear has gray hair, its teeth falling out, has bad eyesight, joints are hurting after two years. It's highly unlikely that the sector can go any lower. The gold mining sector has probably hit bottom. The number of mining stocks hitting lows has probably hit bottom. The Chinese economy is on the upswing too. Rather than raising taxes and increasing regulation like the United States, they are cutting regulations and taxes to stimulate the economy. The non-grains are very strong. Beef prices are going up until March or April. Cotton is going up. The grains are down right now until early spring. Ned is a major supporting of GMO foods. He believes they're extremely important to increasing crop yields and animal production for the sake of feeding humanity. 

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Direct download: Ned_Schmidt_12-11-2013_RA_PBL_LM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:05pm EST

We caught up with our old friend Bill Murphy of Gata.org. He believes that the latest budget deal in Congress is motivated by fear. They have perhaps the lowest approval rating in the nation and for good reason. As Mark Twain said, they're a permanent criminal underclass. Bitcoin has blasted off to the moon making many early entrants rich, while gold and silver have been totally supressed. Bill is looking forward to seeing many of you at the Liberty Mastermind Symposium on February 21-22 in Las Vegas. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:20pm EST

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Darryl R. Schoon explains why the price of gold has been going down recently. He likens the recent decline in the price of gold to the decline that took place during the 2008-09. Governments were active sellers during that time as they have been recently. The system is being kept alive on steroids and methamphetamine. The country owes so much money that and has so little gold that there's no saving the system. Gold and silver is the only thing that can save you. 

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Direct download: Darryl_Schoon_12-10-2013RA_JH.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:14pm EST

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--Comex inventories are down-bullions banks are going long

--Unemployment rate is bogus just like all government statistics

--Budget deal is just around the corner

--Bitcoin isn't money, it's just another currency subject to manipulation

--And forget about Europe.


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Direct download: Andy_Hoffman_12-10-2013_RA_PBL.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:04pm EST





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