When it comes to the Libertarian Movement, Lew Rockwell has been there from the beginning and has seen it all. He was Ludwig von Mises' editor; a colleague and friend of Hayek, Rothbard: and worked on the Barry Goldwater and Ron Paul campaigns. He helped found the Mises Institute and describes himself as an anarcho-libertarian. He believes that in spite of the doom and gloom that we're feeling today, there's much to be optimistic about. Libertarianism is resonating with the young like never before. China and Vietnam are reaping the benefits of economic freedom in ways that most thought impossible just a few decades back. And the web of lies, which the current paradigm is built upon, are starting to crumble. Lew believes that the truth will always win out in the end. 

Direct download: Lew_Rockwell_29.Aug.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:59pm EST

Ayn Rand's Steve Simpson was on discussing the fake dispute over corporate inversions and whether they're unpatriotic. Recently the President struck out at companies who merge with overseas businesses and move their headquarters to lower their tax burden. For some reason they've have been branded unAmerican. Steve sees it otherwise. Most people believe that we all have a duty to legally lower our taxes and this applies to corporations as well, regardless what Warren Buffet has to say about it. We also discussed the IRS email scandal and how the missing emails have magically shown up again. Amazing what can happen when the courts reassert their authority. 

Direct download: Steve_Simpson_29.Aug.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:53am EST

Gold has been going up the past few days, why? This is usually the time where the elites like to slam it down, right before a major holiday when the trading is extremely light. Makes one wonder, has the trend finally changed? We talk about Martin Armstrong and his piece on Civil Unrest and Ferguson. Also, the gun industry is headed down, has everyone who wants a gun finally gotten one? And what about ballistic precious metals, time to buy? We'll know soon.

Why is there a Federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau? A truly useless entity that has no reason for existing. Its has overlapping jurisdiction, it issues rules that makes it hard for people to get mortgages and it's just one of thousands of government agencies that has no reason for being. 

Direct download: TLR_362.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:09pm EST

Bruce Anderson is a computer security professional who says you need to be worried about all your ex's. Ex-wives, ex-partners and ex-friends, who may go after your computers, tablets and phones, emptying your bank accounts and taking everything you treasure in the process. Bruce says that very few people take the steps necessary to secure their personal data. He has dozens of stories about people he's helped get their lives back. And the problem keeps getting worse as shown by today's data breach at a major bank. 

Direct download: Bruce_Anderson_28.Aug.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:58pm EST

Personal finance expert, author and advisor Heather Wagenhals says that the way our brains are wired makes us all susceptible to scams like the IRS refund fraud. You get that unexpected call from the Government and they really do want to help you; all you have to do is give them your bank account and routing number and they'll send money. The next thing you know, your account has been cleaned out. Heather gives common sense tips for avoiding this scam and so many others. Trust but verify; rather than assume that everyone is out to take you, simply demand verification when anyone requests information that could cost you if it fell into the wrong hands. That way you'll stay safe and you won't have to become cynical. 

Direct download: Heather_Wagenhals_27.Aug.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:11pm EST

Jack Duffy is currently a trial attorney from Ft. Worth, Texas. We had a great talk about the JFK Assassination, an interest we both shared, as Jack was in second grade and I was in first grade on that fateful day. 

He has spent the last 40 years researching the important facts surrounding the JFK assassination. This includes interviewing several key witnesses that were part of the assassination investigation. This also includes doctors who treated Kennedy at Parkland Hospital.He became interested in the JFK assassination in the early 1970′s after seeing a copy of the Zapruder film at a friend’s house.

His parents attended the breakfast on November 22, 1963 in Ft. Worth where President Kennedy gave his last speech.

Mr. Duffy was in the second grade at Bruce Shulkey elementary school in Ft. Worth when he heard that President Kennedy had been shot.

Over the last 40 years he has researched the JFK assassination and interviewed many key witnesses including several Parkland surgeons who treated JFK.

He has collected and read almost every book on the JFK murder and has one of the largest private collections on the assassination

In 1998 he decided to write a book about time travel and the JFK assassination conspiracy.

His book was 90% complete when he heard about Stephen King’s time travel book “11-22-63.”

Mr. Duffy’s book, ”The Man From 2063″ is about a lawyer who travels through time back to 1963 and prevents a well organized conspiracy from killing JFK.

The book draws on Mr. Duffy’s deep knowledge and personal research and is therefore based on actual events and people surrounding the assassination.

Direct download: Jack_Duffy_27.Aug.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:03pm EST

We caught up with Martin Armstrong just before the holiday and the start of September. Martin says beware of early September, it may be a buying opportunity and a temporary new high. The world is a complete mess and that means the flow of funds are headed to Wall Street. Where else can large institutions park their Trillions? It's the only game in town.

Get ready for electronic currencies. Your paper cash will literally become trash shortly and the world's governments want it that way. Think of the billions more in taxes they'll be able to extract. The day of the $10,000 bill is gone and soon the $100 bill will follow. Perhaps Bitcoin will be banned as well, it all remains to be seen. Just get ready for what's next. 

We also discussed Martin's proprietary system Socrates, to which he's devoted a large portion of his resources and his life. The system takes the emotion and opinion out of forecasting, tracing the flow of funds and confidence, thereby providing and unbiased forecast on what's next. Sounds like an ad for the Financial Survival Network!

Direct download: Martin_Armstrong_27.Aug.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:49pm EST

Uber is banned in Berlin and Hamburg to protect the passengers, sure thing--we're from the government and we're here to help. AirBNB is under attack all over the world, probably to protect lodgers from bedbugs, if you believe the government. You can't stop progress and you can't stop the Internet. 

And Mish Shedlock isn't too happy with Warren the hypocrite Buffet. He's financing the inversion merger of Burger King and Canada's Tim Hortons, which will see yet another treasonous American corporation escape the taxman, but with rates at 40 percent, who can blame them?  

And then there's Karl Denninger's take on colleges, isn't it time that they stop getting all manner of legal preference, especially when it comes to student debt that never goes away? We agree. 

There's a quiet revolution that's picking up steam around the globe. The elites would like to pretend that everything is normal and nothing is happening, but we know better. Just read the headlines on FSN. 


Direct download: TLR_361.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:03pm EST

Elizabeth Beavers of the Friends Committee on National Legislation believes that the incidents which recently occurred in Ferguson Missouri are the inevitable result of government programs that have militarized the police over the past decades. Starting with the 1033 program, which turned over army surplus weaponry at little or no cost to police departments, the trend has been going on with little or no public input until now. Will the public finally stand up and demand change? Hopefully, things will change for the better. 

Direct download: Elizabeth_Beavers_26.Aug.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:41pm EST

Manipulation Monday with Andrew Hoffman

  • New Home sales down again;
  • Biggest supply since October 2007;
  • Jackson Blackhole;
  • What JY and MD really said;
  • Openly talking about currency wars;
  • JY complete and utterly clueless about labor woes;
  • Wall Street says more hawkish than expected and interest rates plunge;
  • France dissolves government;
  • Stock markets surge on hawkish news;
  • Chinese call US dirty spying thieves;
  • Gold manipulation goes on and on;
  • Swiss referendum on sales of gold and backing Franc with gold.
Direct download: Andy_Hoffman_25.Aug.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:27pm EST

John Rubino was back for our Monday discussion. While the US appears to be ending QE, Europe's economy is going down fast. Will the ECB be doing QE or will it just watch, that's the big question? While they decide, the dollar continues to pick up strength, even though new housing sales continue to decline. But auto sales are up thanks to lower credit standards and cut rate financing, so everything will work out in the long run, right? 

Direct download: John_Rubino_25.Aug.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:20pm EST

Aaron has been mining Bitcoins for the past couple of years. He believes that crypto-currencies are the future. Why risk your wealth in fiat currencies and subject yourself to the criminal practices of the world's banksters, when you can store your wealth in Bitcoin and also have the potential of appreciation? Bitcoin has been extremely volatile since the Cyprus Bail-in and no one knows where it's heading. However, there are so many aspects of the crypto-currency that make it irresitible to the world's business community and Aaron wants to get there ahead of them. 

Direct download: Aaron_Craig_25.Aug.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:51am EST

Ben Brunson is an economist, author and thinker on things political and military. Besides the actual facts of the incident that took place in Ferguson, Mo., the police reaction seemed off balance and not well thought out. Coming out in military uniforms with armored transports and weaponry was pouring gasoline on the fire. Rather than putting out the disturbance, it caused it to continue for two weeks. But looking the other way didn't work either. Militarized police are the rule in America today. How did it happen and where is this trend headed? Ben gives us a closer look and helps you understand what's next. 

Direct download: Ben_Brunson_22.Aug.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:27pm EST

Jason Hartman was on to discuss the Robotification of the workforce. By some estimates as many as 45% of all jobs are ripe for replacement by robots. Will this really happen? It's very possible, consider the case of the automated burger flipper that produces 360 burgers per hour, never takes a coffee break or a sick day. Or the driverless Google Car that takes you on your way at high speeds in near complete safety, day or night. It's coming and coming soon, to an interstate near you. 

Jason's giving away a couple tickets to his Little Rock event in September. Email him at contact@jasonhartman.com

Direct download: Jason_Hartman_22.Aug.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:06pm EST

Ayn Rand Institute's Don Watkins is outraged over the notion that Walmart employees deserve a piece of the profits just for showing up. Walmart does have a profit sharing plan in place. The obvious question comes to mind, if the employees want to share profits, are they willing to share losses as well? Obviously not, that's why they're employees. There's a difference between capital and labor and it's called risk. 

Direct download: Don_Watkins_22.Aug.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:01pm EST

Robert Ian has made a career of helping others keep up with and adjust to change. Now we're seeing the pace of change accelerate all around us. It's no longer enough to just keep up, you've got to anticipate it and stay ahead of it. Keeping debt low and investing in yourself always works whenever it's tried. That's what Conquering Change is all about. 

Direct download: Robert_Ian_22.Aug.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:55pm EST

Ivan Eland Senior Fellow and Director, Center on Peace and Liberty joined us today to discuss the ISIS situation in the Iraq. After the beheading of reporter James Foley, one has to wonder what action the US will take next. ISIS is clearly losing more friends than it's making, but the call to act is getting louder in the Halls of Congress and elsewhere around the Country. Will Obama just keep efforts where they are now or will he up the ante? 

Direct download: Ivan_Eland_21.Aug.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:18pm EST

Ned Schmidt says that the near universal optimism sweeping the stock market reminds him of 2000. The optimism is so high that it's sucking everyone out of all the other investments and gold and silver investors need to look beyond what's happening now. Are you going to follow the herd or have the herd follow you? Does it really matter if the number of Twitter accounts grows and the number of Tweets increases? What is the marginal propensity to Tweet really worth?

Direct download: Ned_Schmidt_21.Aug.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:08pm EST

Financial Sense's Cris Sheridan was on the show today. While this bull market has many skeptics, Cris believes that the numbers don't lie and that there still is more to come. Corporate profits are still high and don't show any signs of pulling back in the near future, which should be good for stocks. So far Cris has been right on the money. 

Direct download: Cris_Sheridan_20.Aug.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:32pm EST

Alasdair Macleod was with us today discussing the new and improved Silver Fix. It seems the new fix is no more transparent than the old one. Administered by the CME Group and Reuters, Alasdair is finding it quite unhelpful. He states that the precious metals business is expanding throughout the globe and that London will lose its once cherished position as the center of the tradeto China. 

We also discussed the posibility of QE for the Eurozone. With the economic slowdown in full bloom, how much longer will the ECB be able to resist calls for the monetary elixir known as Quantitative Easing? After all, it's worked so well in the USA. 

Direct download: Alasdair_MacLeod_20.Aug.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:27pm EST

Phil Davis of philstockworld.com says he's the most influential person on Twitter. His site has been around since 2006. His investment philosophy centers around minimizing risk by putting your money in situations where you're the house not the player. It's an options based strategy that can yield high returns. When it comes to economy, Phil is no Austrian Economist. He believes that the free market and capitalism can no longer deliver the goods. While we don't agree on everything, we do agree that government is not going to come to your rescue, so you better start developing your Plan B.

Direct download: Phillip_Davis_20.Aug.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:20pm EST

David Morgan of the The Morgan Report joined us today for a recap of recent precious metals trends. These markets are still captive to the manipulative paper forces that have kept them well below their true value for years, except for Palladium and Platinum. Palladium just hit a 13.5 year high. Platinum has hit a plateau, but based on the action in Palladium, we could easily see it go higher. Once this happens, will it pull silver and gold with it? This is often the case. One thing is certain though, the whimpering exit of the 117 year Silver Fix has been met with a complete yawn and it's business as usual. 

Direct download: David_Morgan_19.Aug.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:40pm EST

Mickey Fulp, the Mercenary Geologist and I discussed current petroleum supply trends. While we were speaking, the per barrel price broke $95. It is estimated that world geo-political termoil is keeping almost 4 percent of production off the market. Who knows what the price would be if that was released into the market. Another interesting development is that the Too Big To Fail Banks are no longer welcome in the commodity markets since passage of Dodd-Frank. Perhaps their absence has led to a lower short position and therefore a lower price for all. One thing is certain, it is quite unusual to see gasoline prices decline in August. 

Direct download: Mickey_Fulp_19.Aug.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:35pm EST

We spoke with Dennis Miller today of MillersMoney.com. With zero percent interest rates and fear of a market crash prevalent, money is pouring into annuities. However, there are some major concerns about them that Dennis want you to be aware of. He's written a free report--The Truth About Annuities: The Three Dangers You Must Avoid When Shopping for Annuities. Before buying, it's a good idea to take a look and get educated about the risks you might be facing. 


Get it here: http://www.caseyresearch.com/go/v6zbb-2/MIL



Direct download: Dennis_Miller_21.Aug.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:05pm EST

John Rubino says that last year the world kind of forgot about Europe. After ECB head Mario Draghi vowed to “do whatever it takes” to get the Continent growing, the markets calmed down, money got cheap and plentiful and functionally-bankrupt countries like Greece, Italy and Spain stopped making scary headlines. To the casual observer it began to look like the euro project might actually succeed.

Then the mirage evaporated. Five years into a recovery that should, if it followed the normal script, be in danger of overheating, the major eurozone countries are actually slipping back into recession. Germany and Italy clocked in with -0.2% GDP growth in the second quarter, while France was exactly zero. For countries that continue to pile new debt on top of already unsustainable mountains of old debt, zero growth isn’t stasis, it’s death. So how far can QE be? 

Direct download: John_Rubino_18.Aug.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:02pm EST





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