Financial Sense's Cris Sheridan was on the show today. While this bull market has many skeptics, Cris believes that the numbers don't lie and that there still is more to come. Corporate profits are still high and don't show any signs of pulling back in the near future, which should be good for stocks. So far Cris has been right on the money. 

Direct download: Cris_Sheridan_20.Aug.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:32pm EST

Alasdair Macleod was with us today discussing the new and improved Silver Fix. It seems the new fix is no more transparent than the old one. Administered by the CME Group and Reuters, Alasdair is finding it quite unhelpful. He states that the precious metals business is expanding throughout the globe and that London will lose its once cherished position as the center of the tradeto China. 

We also discussed the posibility of QE for the Eurozone. With the economic slowdown in full bloom, how much longer will the ECB be able to resist calls for the monetary elixir known as Quantitative Easing? After all, it's worked so well in the USA. 

Direct download: Alasdair_MacLeod_20.Aug.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:27pm EST

Phil Davis of says he's the most influential person on Twitter. His site has been around since 2006. His investment philosophy centers around minimizing risk by putting your money in situations where you're the house not the player. It's an options based strategy that can yield high returns. When it comes to economy, Phil is no Austrian Economist. He believes that the free market and capitalism can no longer deliver the goods. While we don't agree on everything, we do agree that government is not going to come to your rescue, so you better start developing your Plan B.

Direct download: Phillip_Davis_20.Aug.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:20pm EST






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