Fri, 31 January 2014 presents
WDCD's host Ted Flint of Albany interviews your host about New York City Public School PS 106's infamous and notorious Marcella Sills and why she still has a job. We also touch upon the continuing financial crisis and why happy days are not here again. An interesting interview that hopefully might get through to someone in the Empire State's Capitol, although we highly doubt it.
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-- posted at: 11:41am EST
Fri, 31 January 2014 presents
It's been nearly two years since John Butler wrote his book The Golden Revolution and his life has changed in many ways. His interview was one of the first that we did on FSN, so we decided to check with him and see what has transpired in the ensuing time. We're glad we did.
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-- posted at: 11:19am EST
Thu, 30 January 2014 presents
ix Weir was on today. We discussed the emerging market turmoil. Bix rightly believes that all the world's markets are rigged. He's thinking that the computers doing the rigging will be turned off, probably in 2014. His favorite investments are Silver, Bitcoin, Gold and regular US coins. He believes the coming crash is all part of a plan that was hatched by the elite many years ago and is being played out now. In 2013 alone, over 80 billon ounces of paper silver were traded on the Comex and many more on other exchanges. How much longer can the madness go on?
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-- posted at: 1:37pm EST
Thu, 30 January 2014 presents
Ellen Brown is head of the Public Banking Institute and author of Web of Debt. She believes that debt is servitude. As long as privately owned central banks run the money supply and create debt based currency, we're all slaves. Her solution is the public bank. North Dakota's public bank has helped keep that state growing by issuing loans to credit worthy borrowers, even at the depths of the credit bust in 2008-09. She's running for office now in California to help make her vision a reality.
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-- posted at: 12:49pm EST
Thu, 30 January 2014 presents
Rabbi D B Ganz believes that negative politics and attacking your opponents will only lead you to defeat. Rather he thinks that showing the effects of your opponents' policies and highlighting its victims is the proper way to proceed. Using an emotional approach instead of a hard and fast logical appeal is the way to go. Otherwise you risk making your opponent appear to be a victim in the public's eyes, which is what happened with President Clinton. Perhaps he's on to something.
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-- posted at: 11:57am EST
Wed, 29 January 2014 presents
We touched base with Turd Ferguson today. He believes that gold is ready for a stratospheric takeoff. He called the bottom last summer and is convinced that the best is yet to come. Everything appears to be converging on the upside for gold and silver. Turd will be appearing at the Liberty Mastermind Symposium in Las Vegas on February 21-22, 2014. He will be having a lot more to say on the subject. The emerging country meltdown is definitely on his radar screen. The Turks are doing exactly the wrong thing now. Expect more emerging countries to embrace the Keynesian "Cure."
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-- posted at: 2:10pm EST
Wed, 29 January 2014 presents
According to Ivan Elund, all the hoopla in the media over Bob Gates’ scathing criticism of President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden in his new memoir, Duty: Memoirs of a Secretary at War, has missed the mark. Obama can be criticized legitimately for his deplorable policy of piling up even more bodies of U.S. soldiers in an escalation of the Afghan War that he evidently didn’t believe would work, yet this tidbit is not really news. In his 2010 book, Obama’s Wars, Bob Woodward, after interviewing Obama administration participants in the decision-making surrounding the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, alludes to this same troubling fact.
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-- posted at: 1:42pm EST
Wed, 29 January 2014 presents
Dr. Larry Waldman, a successful pyschologist and entrepreneur wrote, The Graduate Course You Never Had to help newly graduated professionals build profitable practices. Unfortunately, graduate schools in America don't teach their students how to run successful practices. That's why Dr. Waldman has stepped into the void. Using common sense business tips that he's learned during a long successful career of his own, he's helping new and not-so new professionals learn how to make it in a much more difficult environment. The book is an easy read that's well worth it.
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-- posted at: 12:05pm EST
Tue, 28 January 2014 presents
Danielle Park and I caught up. Can't be sure if tapering is really happening or not, but we can be sure that the illusion of central banking is certainly coming to an end. Every where you look there are signs that the great illusion and efficacy of central banking are wearing thin. Perhaps there will be another go-round and stock prices will go up on more time, but confidence has been shattered, and once lost and it can't be regained. Now the interesting times begin. Will the great unwinding resume? What will happen to the alchemists of Wall Street? What new scam will they come up with next? Stay tuned!
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-- posted at: 2:09pm EST
Tue, 28 January 2014 presents
Martin Lee, head of Project CBD checked in today to discuss the latest developments in the quickly evolving Cannabis legalization landscape. More states across the country are headed for referendums on legalization. Florida, FSN's adopted home state, is heading towards a referendum on medical marijuana this fall. More importantly are the medical uses that are rapidly being uncovered for the once banned herb. Children who suffer from uncontrollable seizures have found amazing relief from non-pyschoactive CBD, which is driving a movement towards other medical applications. Too bad these medical uses have been suppressed for decades.
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-- posted at: 1:59pm EST
Tue, 28 January 2014 presents
Tom Payne has helped thousands improve their resumes and learn the secrets of effective job hunting. It's not just a matter of showing up for an interview. It's what you say and how you connect. Just spewing out facts and figures is not going to do it for you. That's where effective story telling comes in. And Tom's a master of it. Learning his secrets will help you unlock the door to a better career.
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-- posted at: 12:54pm EST
Mon, 27 January 2014 presents
Latest Triple Lutz Report
--4 Libertarians versus a progressive;
--We meet an FSN in Florida;
--Billion dollar lesbian challenge
--Okay to seize laptops at the border;
--Civil Liberties Oversight Board says no to gov't mass data collection;
--Hawaii high 5-0;
--Legalize pot but ban trans fats;
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--Smart kid fools the Twitterati.
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Category: general
-- posted at: 5:29pm EST
Mon, 27 January 2014 presents
Our weekly get together with Andrew Hoffman:
--China credit implosion picks up steam;
--Housing sales are in the crapper;
--Currencies collapsing around the world;
--Comex will they stand or deliver;
--Gold attacks losing strength.
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-- posted at: 12:24pm EST
Mon, 27 January 2014 presents
We caught up with Elijah Johnson and he's left the comfort of the home school for college courses. He's concerned about what's going to happen when the next crash occurs. What freedoms will they take away next under the guise of solving the so-called problem? Unfortunately, this is the way that it always works. Never let a good crisis go to waste.
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-- posted at: 12:19pm EST
Mon, 27 January 2014 presents
Kevin Drost of Owings Metals is a proud sponsor of the Liberty Mastermind Symposium but wishes that such conferences weren't necessary. Looking around the globe and surveying the wreckage of the fiat money system is a painful exercise, but a necessary one nonetheless. The cycle is again heating up, so everyone needs to pay heed and prepare. That means having a specific plan in place for the chaos and havoc that could potentially come about in the coming months and years ahead. Kevin is looking forward to seeing you in Las Vegas at the Symposium.
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-- posted at: 12:17pm EST
Fri, 24 January 2014 presents
Our firearms insider, Marc S. Mann, joined us for an indepth interview on ammo prices and trends. He explained why prices are so high, why they're not going down any time soon and what you need to do to be prepared. The market is complex and the government isn't necessarily conspiring to deprive you of your Second Amendment rights. No, the issue is deeper than that. That doesn't mean that you shouldn't stock up on your favorite types of ammo now. There could come a time where it could be difficult, if not impossible to obtain it, especially .22 rim fire. It's just smart business to be prepared.
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-- posted at: 4:42pm EST
Thu, 23 January 2014 presents
Kyle Olson is outraged. The Camden, New Jersey school district has been a mess for years, despite a 14-to-1 student to teacher ratio and spending over $26,000 per student every year. The district’s graduation rate is under 50%. Only three Camden students who took the S.A.T. test last year scored as “college ready.” Twenty-five percent of 3rd graders were proficient in Language Arts Literacy – which is the fancy bureaucratic way of saying reading and writing. This all shows something is not working in Camden. EAGnews recently analyzed the district’s 2012-13 spending. One of many things that stuck out: nearly $24,000 was spent at bowling alleys and skating rinks. One might assume the district is paying for field trips and that could be justified in many people’s minds.
When we asked why the district spent money this way, in particular at a bowling alley, the district’s response? “Improve hand eye coordination.” Obviously there's something wrong here, just like in New York City's PS 106, where Principal Marcella Sills has been given a no-show job and where classes are the exception, not the rule. What's the solution? Listen to the interview and find out.
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-- posted at: 1:42pm EST
Thu, 23 January 2014 presents
Don Harrold has hit upon a unique concept for buying and selling precious metals, as well as anything else you want to sell. His new site is easy, fast and free to use. Only verified users are allowed to transact business, so it's much safer than Craigslist. To sign up, you'll need to disclose an email address, phone number and paypal account. This three step process will keep out all but the most determined fraudsters. However, you must as always use common sense and safe business practices. But with no transaction costs and ease of use, it's certainly worth a try.
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-- posted at: 1:08pm EST
Thu, 23 January 2014 presents
Fifty years after Lyndon Johnson declared a War on Poverty, the United States still has a large number of people stuck in poverty. Professor Quadagno believes that there have been successes, but that the programs were never implemented as originally conceived and for that reason it never succeeded. Unfortunately, that's politics in America.
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-- posted at: 12:01pm EST
Wed, 22 January 2014 presents
Christina Tobin could never be described as a go along get along type person. Her goal is to get people from all political spectrums to understand that the right/left paradigm is merely a means that the power elite uses to divide the people and thus render them powerless. She believes that once this fact is understood, the people will take their power back and banish the elite from ruling their lives. To that end, she's organized the United We Stand Festival, which will take place this spring in Los Angeles on the UCLA campus. People from all political walks will attend and she thinks it's just the beginning.
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-- posted at: 4:44pm EST
Wed, 22 January 2014 presents
Particia Sadar has guided thousands of employees and executives in the right direction. She is a highly sought after executive coach and international speaker with over twenty years of HR experience. Her executive level human resource leadership roles span international, public, private, profit, and non-profit organizations. She is founder and CEO of People2Strategy®, a Strategic HR consulting firm, and is a successful speaker, consultant, coach, and author of Congratulations…Your Resume Rocks, Congratulations…You Aced the Interview, and Congratulations…You’re Hired. She gives you common sense tips on how to repackage your resume and reposition yourself in the ever changing job market.
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-- posted at: 1:54pm EST
Wed, 22 January 2014 presents
This Episode Features
--Obamacare and the health insurance industry about to really blow up
--Why New York City shouldn't be running the schools
--De Blasio forgets to plow NYC's upper east side which didn't vote for him
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-- posted at: 1:07pm EST
Wed, 22 January 2014 presents
Sharon Lipinski is an expert in charities and charitable giving. Therefore, she's also an expert in avoiding charitable ripoffs. She recommends staying away from charities that ask you to text your donation. Also, she believes that celebrity charities are also usually a bad idea. The money seldom ever gets to where it's supposed to go. In the age of the Internet, it's very easy to vett your charity to be certain that the money they raise is well spent. Look for charities that have low operating margins. That means that the majority of the money actually goes to the cause they are championing. Today, it's not just enough to give your money away. Make sure it's actually going to a worthy cause.
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-- posted at: 11:46am EST
Tue, 21 January 2014 presents
Mickey Fulp, the Mercenary Geologist is steamed about the President's latest presser concerning the so-called NSA domestic spying reforms. They amount to little more than re-arranging the "bugs" and wiretaps. At no point did he address the mass daily grabbing of over 200 million texts, billions of emails or your personal web browsing stats. Effectively, the war on the American people continues and your freedom remains under attack. You can't afford to sit idly by any longer. Mickey will be talking more about it at the Second Liberty Mastermind Symposium in Las Vegas on February 21-22nd, 2014. See him there along with 14 other speakers.
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-- posted at: 1:38pm EST
Tue, 21 January 2014 presents
Inflation is running rampant throughout the globe. Whether you're in the US, China or Western Europe, your cash will turn into trash. We reviewed historic prices from Morris County, New Jersey, just a few miles from where your host was raised.
The numbers are striking. Will Rogers wasn't kidding when he advised, "Invest in inflation, it's the only thing going up." Eventually this Merry-go-Round will stop spinning and when it does, the result will not be pretty. Are you prepared? The Inflation Olympics are really heating up!
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-- posted at: 12:10pm EST