If you’ve given up on the stock market, it might be time to think again. Global portfolio manager and author Darrin Erickson comes on the show to discuss the financial opportunities still available, with special attention towards investing for the long term. Luckily, the contractionary market phase we are in creates opportunities, and Darrin identifies some key indicators of businesses that will yield strong results. Industries to keep an eye on include essential goods, some emerging markets, and various companies with attractive dividends. Furthermore, Darrin provides useful tips for investing in foreign companies, and factors to consider when deciding which move is right for you. Tune in for great insight and tips.

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Global Investing: A Practical Guide to the World's Best Financial Opportunities

Direct download: Darrin_Erickson_28.Dec.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

What’s in store when the holiday season is over? We’re fairly certain it’s a recession, and John Rubino appears in this episode to talk about what we can expect in 2023. The near future of the economy isn’t something to get too excited about; we’ve had negative growth for decades, paving the way for a currency collapse as the end result. John and I discuss the bad stats across the board—especially in consideration of interest rates—as well as recent leadership shifts that have left us questioning what the future holds. Tune in for more insight.

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Dollar Collapse

Direct download: John_Rubino_26.dec.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Drew Pelton makes a guest appearance in this episode to discuss the Fed’s posturing, what to expect down the road, and how to position yourself in order to soften the blow of their next moves. When we analyze inflation overall, the percentage has come down a bit, but we are still at a whopping 7%. Even more worrisome is Jerome Powell’s talk of tightening, which is not what will motivate the economy at this point in time. With these things in mind, where should you put your money? Drew describes some investing strategies you can implement during these times—advising people to assess their conservativeness, the percentage of money they’re willing to put in the stock market, and individual predictions. Tune in for more useful insight from Drew on making educated investments.

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Drew Pelton

Direct download: Drew_Pelton_23.Dec.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Darryl Schoon comes on the show to highlight some of the points from his latest book, Docking at the Mothership: Notes on Going Home. Darryl was able to predict the economic crash a year before it happened, reflecting on the Fed’s decision to raise interest rates in 2006. Darryl watches these trends closely to develop his philosophy, and explains how a credit based structure largely determines the state economy. Will our financial system recover? Tune in to find out, and check out Darryl’s book using the link below.

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Docking at the Mothership

Direct download: Darryl_Schoon_23.Dec.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

We received a sponsor update from Fury Gold Mines' (TSX/NYSE American: FURY) from CEO Tim Clark and Exploration SVP Bryan Atkinson, and it was a big one. Fury drilled 13.5 meters of 8.05 G/T Gold at the Percival Project. The grade went as high as 25.8 G/T at 3 meters. These outstanding results virtually insure that the company will grow substantially and shareholders such as us will profit greatly.

Clark mentioned that the company's Dolly Varden Silver shares have been performing well as of late and are now worth over CAD $50 million. The company is sitting on $10 million in cash, which means Fury has an enterprise value of just CAD$9 million. A paltry valuation like this for a junior with all of Fury's attributes seems to defy reason.

Atkinson observed that Fury still has 13 other high-grade targets at Percival and is marching quickly ahead on the Newmont joint venture project as well. Now it's just a matter of pinpointing the most promising targets.

We suspected that great news would be forthcoming from Fury, but we had no idea how positive it would be. With the backing of Newmont and Agnico Eagle, through their equity positions, Fury represents the best in breed of a challenged junior mining sector. No doubt, 2023 will be a major turning point for Fury and the sector as a whole, and we're looking forward to being part of it, while sharing in the upside potential.

Company Website:

Direct download: 072_Fury_Gold_Mines_FSN_01.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:10am EST

Will gold finally have its day? Junior stock mining analyst David Erfle comes on the show to discuss what’s happening to gold with regard to the markets and global economy. All numbers that are coming out point to a recession, and the stock market is beginning to roll over. As people realize that the central banks do not have a handle on the situation, heads are starting to turn towards the precious metals. David talks about the future of the sector, with chances for appreciation and big returns in quality juniors. Tune in to hear more about the prosperous year in store for this sector, and what to expect in 2023.

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Junior Miner Junky

Direct download: David_Erfle_21.Dec.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Murray Sabrin comes on this episode of Financial Survival Network to provide some expert libertarian perspective. Murray’s chief aim is to educate as many people as possible about economics, identifying teaching as one of the major highlights of his career. We discuss how an understanding of economics influences daily decisions—such as protecting oneself from inflation as a consumer. Furthermore, we talk about the prevalence of technology and its implications for authoritarian government tendencies. Tune in to hear more of Murray’s enlightening economic perspective.

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Murray Sabrian Substack

Direct download: Murry_Sabrin_19.Dec.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

It’s mid-December and Bitcoin is trading upwards of $18k. Cryptocurrency is gaining popularity and, if you are curious about how and why it works, then you will definitely want to tune in to this episode. I sit down and chat with Chuck Palm, the author of Demystifying Cryptocurrency, and we discuss his motivations for educating others on cryptocurrency as well as his personal view on crypto. Chuck addresses questions of stability, longevity, and acceptance of cryptocurrency within the global economy, as well as its overall utility. Tune in for more insight.

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Demystifying Cryptocurrency Book

Direct download: Chuck_Palm_16.Dec.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

In turbulent economic circumstances, we’ve been asking one question: why is today’s inflation so different from the inflation back in the 1980s? David Stockman comes on the show to provide some direct perspective; as Ronald Reagan’s budget director and a former Michigan congressman, he pinpoints some of the factors that make our modern situation inherently different. Some of the contributors include bad policy, outsourcing a large share of the industrial economy, and the Fed misinterpreting data for decades. All of these things have led up to the monetization of debt, which traps us within a vicious cycle. Where does it end? Tune in to hear David’s thoughts on how this all happened and how we’ll (hopefully) get out of it.

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
The Great Money Bubble: Protect Yourself from the Coming Inflation Storm

Direct download: David_Stockman_17.Dec.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Now is the time to be the most vigilant and think ahead about how you secure your personal data. Security expert Bryant Tow comes on the show to inform us about this. Oftentimes, people go as long as 100 days without knowing that an account of theirs has been hacked. How does this happen? Bryant explains the difference between open and closed operating systems and the risks to be aware of, but adequate cyber safety boils down to understanding what phishing looks like, looking for security measures (i.e. Captcha), and avoiding password reuse. Tune in for more insight from Bryant on how to protect your data.

-How do you know if you’re being hacked? It can take over a hundred days to even realize that you’ve been hacked
-Most adversaries establish command and control, and patch the vulnerability so that it will no longer show up in a scan but remain in your system
-The Mac OS is closed, meaning you have to go through the company to get your application out on their store
-Android is open, so anyone can develop an application. Adversaries are more likely to target these devices because it is easier
-Bryant talks about the importance of empowering users rather than treating them as the weakest link
-Even if all technical aspects are perfect, half of the attack surface is still open
-Technology can only function as well as your process. We have to build a culture of security and make it something that people think about on a day to day basis
-Bryant’s business offers training for phishing awareness—measuring how susceptible individuals are to phishing tactics
-Bryant discusses several types of phishing methods used by adversaries
-The most common hacking method is achieved through password reuse
-Online shopping sites report that 60% of people will abandon their cart if their are no security measures on the site (i.e. captcha)

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network

Direct download: Bryant_Tow_15.Dec.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Where has all the silver gone? Andy Schectman comes on the show to talk about what’s happening in precious metals, specifically regarding the decrease in inventory. This is happening both in the COMEX and the London Metals Exchange, and inventory is down almost four million ounces for the week. 673 tons have been shipped out of the COMEX this year—the highest yearly total since 1967—and liquidity is being stripped away as a result. Andy recommends starting to accumulate gold and silver now to set yourself up for future investments, expenses, and the unexpected.

-Where has all the silver gone?
-This is happening in the COMEX and the London Metals Exchange. The inventory is down almost 4 million ounces for the week
-We’ve lost 100 million ounces in 18 months that have been delivered away from COMEX, which strips away their liquidity from an industrial perspective
-We’ve seen 673 tons shipped out of the COMEX—which is higher than any yearly total since 1967
-Metals are moving eastward, and not coming back
-For the
-Gold has risen by $200 in the last few months and the commercial banks that typically short it have not joined in
-Andy believes the banks have set a trap
-The best thing to do right now is get out of debt as much as possible, and to prepare yourself for the future
-Own silver because it is the most under-valued commodity right now, and will offer protection
-Andy suggests 1oz of gold and silver coins that are widely accepted as a starting point

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Miles Franklin

Direct download: Andy_Schectman_15.Dec.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Looking for your next investment opportunity? Whether you live within or outside Canada, there is a Canadian based investment opportunity with high potential for profit, and Matthew Ablakan comes on the show to inform us about it. Matthew exhibited an entrepreneurial spirit growing up, and bought his first pre-construction property at just 19 years old. This launched him into a full time career as an entrepreneur, and he created the Millennial’s Choice Group to assist clients with real estate, mortgages, insurance, and education. Although interest rates are rising in the U.S. and Canada, Matthew highlights the profitability of investing in pre-construction properties in Ontario, especially given that interest can be written off. Listen in to hear more about the business that Matthew has built, and to learn how he is generating cash flow from every unit.

-There is a deal available for Americans looking to invest in a Canadian product that has high potential for profit
-Matthew was very entrepreneurial as a teenager. He attended university to study law, and bought his first pre-construction condo at 19 years old
-Matthew recommends a backwards approach, bringing an education-based strategy to sales
-US interest rates and Canadian interest rates are going up. Will this impact sales? With the way that the tax structure is set up, you write off your interest as an investor.
-In Ontario, a lot of land is under the conservation authority—meaning it cannot be developed.
-The cost of construction keeps rising, and Ontario has invested millions of dollars towards new trades, and will be welcoming more immigrants in the next few years. Big developers are holding out to launch projects. This still limits supply, and it’s best to position yourself now
-All of Matthews expenses are being paid, and he is still generating cash flow from every unit

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Millennial's Choice
Free E-book

Direct download: Matthew_Ablakan_14.Dec.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

The stock market may be going up, but we’re worried about the Fed making a misstep. Dave Scranton comes on the show to unpack the current interest rate situation, explaining why they shot up sporadically and what needs to happen going forward. Ultimately, the Fed started this process too late and reacted too drastically, resulting in an undesirable outcome for everyone. Dave suggests that we need congressional support, with business friendly and pro supply chain policies to properly manage inflation. Tune in for more insight, and for expert advice on how to protect your finances in the meantime.

-They’re not getting a lot of legislative help in regard to managing inflation, and their only available tool is raising rates
-What will happen if the Fed arises 75 basis points? The markets will react negatively, because we’re starting to see inflation getting more tame. Ultimately, the Fed started late and reacted too drastically
-We need Congressional support. With inflation, we can squash down demand, but this could kill the economy before it kills inflation
-This situation requires smart policies coming out of D.C. that are business friendly and pro supply chain
-Dave likes to focus on what we can control within our personal finances. Plan for everything up until the catastrophic worst
-Evaluate what you can do/provide that people actually need
-The only way to protect yourself is to put your money into things that generate enough money and dividends so that you are not worried about daily principal fluctuations

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Sound Income Group

Direct download: David_Scranton_13.Dec.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Understanding the economy is a lot easier than you think, and Howard Yaruss comes on this episode to prove it. His newest book, Understandable Economics, fosters a comprehensive understanding of the spectrum of markets—outlining clear justifications for government intervention and the creation and allocation of goods/services. Rather than labelling some markets ‘free’ and others ‘controlled,’ it is more helpful to explore the degrees to which each market utilizes both characteristics. Tune in to hear us discuss the most useful fundamentals of the economy, and be sure to check out Howard’s book for a fruitful source of concepts and explanations.

-Howard Yaruss discusses his new book, Understandable Economics
-Howard is an attorney, author, business man, and professor at NYU
-Howard believes that economics is not readily understandable because it is frequently not taught correctly. You may leave an economics course with even more confusion about how the economy works
-Economics is not a science; it’s about producing and dividing up all of the goods and services that govern our world
-His book is not economics for dummies; rather, it is an effort to explain economics as it should be explained
-Markets exist on a spectrum. Every nation has some government control—even North Korea has some element of free markets
-Free markets are like a highway. They are a great system of transportation, but if there were no rules, they wouldn’t work.
-There should always be a clear justification for government intervention, but when they overreach, they create a negative view of the government
-People need to get involved and understand what is going on in the economy, and Howard’s book contributes to this.
-If the market isn’t working, then it is acceptable for the government to get involved in funding the progress of innovations like EVs.
-You can’t dictate a transition just because the market isn’t ready for it yet. It’s important to let the markets work it out
-A lot of people believe that the government is the spender of last resorts
-We shouldn’t be for or against regulation. It’s all about coming to an agreement on what regulations are necessary and helpful

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Understandable Economics

Direct download: Howard_Yaruss_12.Dec.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

I invite Russell Stone on the show to talk about what’s really happening with the employment numbers, because the data put out is often manipulated—failing to account for several criteria. Although it seems that jobs have gone up, Russell suggests that this could be attributed to old jobs resurfacing rather than organic growth. Furthermore, we discuss the underlying problem of the US dollar, which is that we are backed by credit that is eventually going to run out. For more insight and tips for how to prepare for the bumpy ride ahead, be sure to tune in to this episode.

-You can’t always take what you’re given from government sources because there is a lot of manipulation within these numbers
-No one talks about the birth to death ratio, which alters the job numbers quite a bit
-The trend over the last three months has been stagnant
-Are these new jobs being created, or old jobs that people were laid off from? Russell believes it might be the latter option rather than organic growth
-Wages went up 5.1%, but the real inflation number is close to 15%
-They used to include fuel, food, energy, and housing when calculating inflation, but they no longer account for these factors.
-History tells us that we’re ready for a large correction
-There is no easy solution for this, and we should prepare ourselves for a bottom
-The production value of oil is ten times greater than any other commodity
-Countries are pulling away from purchasing our oil because of the fear that we can’t support our dollar
-We have to change the way we interact globally, which is going to come at the price of the dollar
-You can’t run the world on debt, and the governments can’t beat the economy
-Russell tells his clients to put a percentage of their money into silver
-Silver has the greatest upside over gold
-Stay away from the markets until they reach the bottom. Focus on cash-flow investments right now, and the things that are bringing you money
-Check the ratings of your banks and insurance companies to make sure that you’re prepared for what’s to come

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Scranton Financial Group

Direct download: Russell_Stone_09.Dec.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

What’s in store for inflation and the markets? Charles Nenner comes on the show to discuss some financial charts and explain how cycles work. We’re in an inflationary cycle that could go on for the greater part of a decade, and we can expect low inflation until February of next year. This cycle correlates with the prices of things like food and energy, and will determine how the Fed feels at any given moment. Tune in for more analytical insight from Charles.

-We’re in an inflationary cycle that could go on for quite a while—as long as a decade
-We can expect low inflation until February of next year
-This cycle is going to correlate with food prices and energy prices
-Understanding these cycles makes investing more low risk because you can determine when it’s going up/down
-Is the Fed going to be strict? It depends on how we feel at the moment, and cycles determine these feelings
-Energy prices are headed lower until the end of the year
-We are in the thick of the war cycle, and we have a new one coming in the middle of next year
-There is a dominant hundred year cycle tied to war

Useful Links:

Download Charts discussed
Financial Survival Network
Charles Nenner

Direct download: Charles_Nenner_07.Dec.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Recognizing red flags is helpful within personal relationships, but it can also help investigators unravel complex crimes. Chris S. Simmons, the author of Castro’s Nemesis, is extremely familiar with these behavioral analyses. He talks about discovering a subject that happened to be someone he already worked with—which was a surreal experience. Tune in for fascinating glimpses inside the mind of a spy, and be sure to check out Chris’s book linked below.

-After three years of working with a few puzzle pieces, they narrowed it down to 10,000 people in the US working in an intelligence community. From there, they narrowed it down to 50 people, and three weeks later they found their subject
-Chris describes finding the subject surreal, especially because they knew her personally
-A big life lesson Chris learned was to follow people’s actions and behaviors rather than their words
-If you’re leading a double life, they will eventually coincide
-How do you train people to recognize red flags? To train people, Chris commonly sends people to restaurants or other public places to try and read the people in the environment and their situations
-We are emotional creatures. Every decision you will make in life is based on emotion, but we use logic to reinforce that we made the right decision.
-Considering our personal biases, you have a 50% chance of gauging someone’s body language correctly

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Castro's Nemesis: True Stories of a Master Spy-Catcher

Direct download: Chris_Simmons_07.Dec.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

As rates continue to increase, it is difficult to pinpoint the Fed’s plan for the year ahead. I sit down and chat with Jim Welsh, who explains the thinking behind the rate increases and how to plan ahead using this information. Jim predicts that the Fed is going to keep the funds rate and monetary policy tighter for a longer period of time. Ultimately, we’re going to have to address problems that have been building up for decades, and although inflation will be reduced, it’s still going to hold above 3% for a while. Tune in for more valuable insight from Jim.

-Back in March/April, no one thought they were going to raise the Fed funds rate. By summer, people started to panic about rates going up
-Rates increasing by 50 basis points does not represent a pivot
-They are going to hold the funds rate at a high level for all of next year
-Rather than jamming on the breaks to ease, they’re aiming to do it in a gradual manner—which will probably lead to a recession
-We don’t have enough people to fill the jobs that are open, which is problematic
-Energy prices will probably stay at a higher plateau
-Globalization helped to bring costs down over the last 20 years
-We’re going to see a reduction of inflation, but it’s probably going to hold above 3%. From there, we will see what the Fed decides to do.
-We’re still seeing supply chain issues, commodity shortages, and high deficit
-Either we’ve already started a bear market in the stock market, or we are about to
-We’re going to have to address problems that have been building up for decades
-Buy and hold isn’t working because the market isn’t buying higher highs
-Every secular bull market has been followed by a secular bear market
-China has used real estate residential development to power the economy
-Real estate, however, will not continue to support the demographic it has
-The risk of China going after Taiwan is rising
-The secular bear market affects a lot of things
-Rather than buying and holding, focus on being tactical

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Macro Tides

Direct download: Jim_Welsh_06.Dec.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

As we start the final month of the year, sentiment is not looking great. The market is indecisive, and employment, confidence, and decisiveness are all intertwined, Edward Siddell comes on the show to discuss what’s in store for 2023, starting with the fact that we are a victim of our own success. We’ve pushed inflation all the way around the world, and the enlarging debt bubble has to pop eventually. Edward advises us to be cautiously optimistic during this time—being meticulous and adopting strategies for the year ahead. Amongst other market uncertainties, one should pay special attention to the energy sector as a solid area of investment for 2023. Tune in for more insight

-They’re not shedding jobs at a record rate yet, but this could change within the first month of the new year
-There were close to 150,000 layoffs last month
-We’re becoming a victim of our own success. We pushed inflation all the way around the world—importing goods and spreading the devaluing dollar
-The debt bubble is inevitably going to pop
-There is a correlation between the race to liquidity and all other consumer debt
-The 22 million jobs we lost over COVID are getting filled in again, so next year we will probably see this number go down
-You need to be cautiously optimistic in times like this. It’s important to be meticulous and have a thorough understanding of what is going on
-Real estate prices are going higher, with lots of regional variation within the US
-People can’t afford the houses that are out there right now, so renting is the more popular option
-Edward suggests investing in the energy sector. Our oil reserves are at the lowest they’ve been since the 80s. As the reserve begins to dwindle, Edward estimates that prices will skyrocket next winter.

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
EGSI Financial

Direct download: Ed_Siddell_05.Dec.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Between Black Friday and Cyber Monday there were over 61 million transactions, but not because inflation is getting better. I sit down and chat with Matthew Johnson, who points out that, as businesses make it increasingly easy to pay using credit, interest on these lines of credit is simultaneously skyrocketing. Credit card companies are taking full advantage of higher interest rates, and the problem isn’t being resolved any time soon. Tune in to hear more on this topic and to learn how you can be financially defensive in these circumstances.

-The items that had the biggest purchase increase under buy now and pay later were food and beverage related
-We are up tremendously in debt, and credit card companies are taking full advantage of higher interest rates
-The average interest rate on a new credit line opened today is over 22%
-We have grown to expect that the government is always going to come to the rescue
-Both people who have and don’t have money are spending
-We need to be careful with how we are spending are money because interest rates are not done going up quite yet
-There is a lot of potential pain to come between now and the new year

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Johnson Wealth and Income Management

Direct download: Matthew_Johnson_02.Dec.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

We received a further sponsor update from Torq Resources' (OTCQX:TRBMF -- TSX.V: TORQ) CEO/Chair Shawn Wallace and Chief Geological Officer Michael Henrichsen. There's been a steady stream of positive news and the pace is accelerating.

The company announced that it has defined a gold--copper mineralized system over an impressive 800 meter strike length at the Falla 13 discovery (in its Margarita project). Most notable among the results: 64 m of 0.63 g/t gold (Au) and 0.63% copper (Cu) in 22MAR-017R, 130 m of 0.36 g/t Au and 0.28% Cu (including 30 m of 1.02 g/t Au and 0.57% Cu) in 22MAR-023R, and 62 m of 0.51 g/t Au and 0.38% Cu (including 16 m of 1.6 g/t Au and 0.98% Cu), in 22MAR-024R.''

CEO Wallace stated, "The successful completion of the second drill program at Margarita marks an important milestone for the project and the Company. It is incredible that less than one year ago, Margarita was a prospect without a single drill hole."

Chief Geological Officer Henrichsen concurred, "With our second phase of drilling complete at the Margarita project we have been able to delineate a mineralized body over an 800m strike length in a short amount of time. Over the next several months we will refine our targets through additional soil sampling with an emphasis on gold, additional induced polarization (IP) lines in the northern region of the project and continued geologic mapping. We look forward to outlining our third phase drill program for the project.”

The inaugural drill program at the Santa Cecilia project is next on the agenda. Torq expects major results here as well. CEO Wallace says: "I've never been more excited in my career...I cannot wait for this drill program. I'm giddy about it...The rarity of being able to go work on something like this...It's a dream come true."

As Henrichsen said, "Torq is tracking in the right direction." Major progress is being made on its projects and investors will eventually realize the rewards of Torq's aggressive strategy.

Company Website:

Ticker Symbols: OTCQX:TRBMF -- TSX.V: TORQ

Direct download: 071_Torq_Resources_FSN.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:48pm EST

Kyle O’Dell has a long history in the financial sector, and comes on the show to give his take on the latest GDP numbers. Although the 2.9% GDP headline looks promising, Kyle suggests that there is a lot more to it. Other variables such as increasing credit card balances, lower income levels, and lower savings indicate that the reality is less positive than we may be led to think. Kyle outlines some investing opportunities that provide safety within the downside, and we discuss the future implications of what is happening right now. Tune in for more insight.

-The employment numbers are looking weak and GDP is looking better
-The reality isn’t quite as encouraging as the 2.9% GDP headline; Kyle suggests that there is a lot more to it
-Credit card balances are going up, income is down, and savings are down. We’re also seeing sluggish business investments and a slowing housing market
-The reality is that the 2.9% is not as positive as it looks on the surface
-The reasons to stay away from the market or be cautious change every year
-Over time, a well diversified portfolio plays out, but you need to be careful about where you’re investing in
-Fixed index annuity has no downside at all, and this is a great place to draw from when the markets are down
-You have to have a plan and implement it before the market takes a step back
-As interest rates go up, the value of bonds decreases
-Productivity is down and supply and demand are decreasing
-Rising interest rates hurt business and the consumer
-We want to see strong GDP with lower inflation
-Banks sitting on money is going to hurt all sides of the economy
-The United States being more energy dependent is the best option
-Consumer sentiment reached its lowest point in June 2022
-We need to stop using a blunt object to solve all problems

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Edgerock Wealth

Direct download: Kyle_ODell_01.Dec.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

With all the recent social unrest and demonstrations are taking place in China, it is important to gather perspectives from those that have insight on the entire situation. Asia & Emerging Markets Strategist Carl Delfeld comes on the show to discuss why everything unfolding in this way, emphasizing that China’s primary goal is to preserve the Communist party and reunite Taiwan with their mother country. The overarching concern for America right now is preserving our dynamic stability, and Carl outlines some things to watch out for in the near future.

-Carl Delfeld has a long history in this part of the world
-Growth has been slowing and there is discontent among the private sector in China
-Their healthcare infrastructure is nowhere close to what it needs to be for how densely populated it is
-They have to put the rebellion down before they change the policy
-Everything happening right now is the perfect storm for the communist party
-Their ultimate goal is the preservation of the Communist party
-It’s highly probable that they will tighten rather than loosen
-It could be smart for them to open capital to the private sector; this could be the spark that gets the economy to the 5-6% growth rate that they need
-Reuniting Taiwan with the mother country is a large priority for China. Carl predicts this will happen around 2024 or 2025
-China's leverage over Russia is now almost total, and Russia is going to rely on China to get through this period. Carl believes that China’s real goal is to dominate Eurasia
-We need to take the right steps and preserve America’s dynamic stability

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Power Rivals: America and China's Superpower Struggle

Direct download: Carl_Delfeld_29.Nov.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EST

As we start to think about tax planning, it’s important to plan for asset protection. How do you hold on to your wealth and establish protection? Clint Coons comes on the show to talk about how you can position your assets so that, in the event of a lawsuit, you won’t lose everything. Clint explains how you can use structures and trusts to keep your name hidden from the assets that you own if a creditor runs a search on you. Tune in for more insight and tips from Clint.


-There are lots of attorneys out there, and they bring in revenue by picking up clients with peculiar cases
-Many of Clint’s clients have faced shakedown losses
-Clint shows investors how to position their assets so that, if they get sued, they don’t lose everything.
-If someone is going to come after you
-People are typically focused on high value targets, which are people that have assets
-If someone runs an asset search on you, it’s good to make sure that nothing found puts you at higher risk. You can set up structures and trusts to do this, and to make sure that your structure isn’t attached to your name. Discover what a creditor can see, and take steps to remove your personal information from that database
-When you convert real property to personal property, you no longer have a homestay
-Trust planning makes a lot of sense for privacy and personal protection

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Anderson Advisors

Direct download: Clint_Coons_30.Nov.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

This Black Friday didn’t look quite like last year’s, so I sit down and chat with Eddy Gifford to discuss the shift in shopping habits. Given the adjusted inflation numbers, online sales are not up in the way that businesses want us to think they are. As foot traffic declines, we’re starting to see the destruction of demand, which also means that employment will start to go up. Ultimately, things are going to get worse before they get better. Tune to get a glimpse of what’s to come in 2023.

-Black Friday is not what it used to be; the retail sector has spread out Black Friday promotions
-Online sales are not actually up given the adjusted inflation numbers
-We’re not seeing the same foot traffic we used to in stores
-We’re seeing the destruction of demand, which means employment is going to start going up
-Treasuries have started to retreat
-The first/second quarter of next year are probably going to be ugly
-We probably haven’t seen a bottom occur yet, and. things are going to get worse before they get better
-The economy may have impacted the election in terms of Democrats attacking Roe v. Wade
-The idea of the Fed easing at the perfect time may not be feasible

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network

Direct download: Eddy_Gifford_28.Nov.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EST





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