Ret. Detective Ralph Friedman's record on the New York City Police Department reads like a crime thriller. 2,000 arrests. 100 off-duty arrests. 6,000 assists. 15 shootings. 8 shot. 4 kills. These are not the performance statistics of an entire NYPD unit. They are the record that makes Detective 2nd Grade Ralph Friedman a legend.

Friedman was arguably the toughest cop ever to wear the shield and was the most decorated detective in the NYPD’s 170-year history. Stationed at the South Bronx’s notorious 41 Precinct, known by its nickname “Fort Apache,” Friedman served during one of the city’s most dire times: the 1970s and ‘80s, when fiscal crisis, political disillusionment, an out-of-control welfare system, and surging crime and drug use were just a few of its problems.

Street Warrior tells an unvarnished story of harrowing vice and heroic grit, including Friedman’s reflections on racial profiling, confrontations with the citizens he swore to protect, and the use of deadly force. And there's now a television series based upon his work on Investigative Discovery, Street Justice: Bronx. 

Direct download: Ralph_Friedman_27.Sep.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:33am EST

Timothy Trainer is extremely alarmed about the counterfeiting epidemic. The global economic value of counterfeiting and piracy could reach $2.3 trillion by 2022, with job losses totaling in excess of 5 million. Counterfeiting is a growing and increasingly dangerous global problem. It can threaten the health, safety and livelihoods of consumers, as well as the economic competitiveness of the territories in which they live.

The call has been made for Government to do more. Have they answered? What can they do to control these numbers? As usual the answer lies with technology and perhaps the blockchain. 

Direct download: Timothy_Trainer_27.Sep.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:23pm EST

Martin Armstrong joined us today for a review of the global economic landscape. Hurricanes aren't just in the Atlantic, but all over the world's economies. The rush into the stock markets continues and will keep on going. Faith in governments and socialism keep going down and down. The democratic party is in a multi-generational bear market with no end in sight. Finally, the stock market is on course to double from it's present level. It's the only game in town. Bitcoin will be prohibited by governments. Eventually all countries will go electronic currency. The dollar is poised to remain the reserve currency until it rises too high, which will require a world-wide meeting to remedy. 

Direct download: Martin_Armstrong_27.Sep.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:47am EST

While @Andy_Hoffman_CG still loves gold, he says it's becoming an extremely boring topic, given how powerful government control (for now) has become on the gold market. He's now spending 90% of his time on Bitcoin/crypto. 


Today's principal topic is the “Bitcoin Big Bang”, when Draghi said of crypto, “it would actually not be in our powers to prohibit and regulate them.”

Also, the upcoming SegWit 2x and B-Gold hard forks, exploding 2018 crypto capital and investment spending, and whether Litecoin is “silver to Bitcoin’s gold.”

Direct download: Andy_Hoffman_27.Sep.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:05am EST

Mark Tapson, a close associate of David Horowitz joined us. Free Speech Week at Berkeley/Bezerkly was cancelled. It imploded. The organizers say that the university's leadership obstructed the entire event. However, Milos Yianopolis showed and was promptly escorted out. Sad state of affairs for the home of the Free Speech Movement. 

Direct download: Mark_Tapson_25.Sep.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:29pm EST

@GeraldCelente of @TrendsJournal joined us today. Gerald is thinking that #Bitcoin, etc., is just another manifestation of populism. People are waking up to what governments are all about and that's leading to other ways to store value outside the government sanctioned systems. Gold is in a upward pattern but needs to break $1400 for the next move upward, which could be parabolic once it does. And Gerald also forecast the election of Trump and the rising stock market, adding to his record.  

Direct download: Gerald_Celente_26.Sep.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:50pm EST

@kdaniellepark joined us today. There's a day of reckoning coming at some point in the future. Stocks are now as overvalued as they were during the dotcomm era. That can't be good news for long run. Danielle thinks we're heading for 12 years of subpar returns and she may be overly optimistic on that score. Let's see what happens next!

Direct download: Danielle_Park_26.Sep.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:46pm EST

Planning for retirement is composed of many factors and goals. Chief among them is that you don't want to outlive your money. Otherwise you might wind up as a greeter at Walmart. But that's only the beginning. You need to think about spouses, children and many other things. Kate also gives a very candid view of annuities. They might be right for some, but very wrong for many others. Much sage advice from someone who's been in the business a while. 

Direct download: Kate_Stalter_26.Sep.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:41pm EST

As we wrote previously, President Trump is on a mission to destroy the MSM. The NFL is going to be collateral damage in the process. To beat the media, you have to hit them where it hurts, in the wallet and Trump is doing just that. It's all part of a strategy. 

This is a hard time for sports. A massive college basketball scandal just broke. Well known coaches have been getting huge kickbacks to steer talented student athletes to financial people and sneaker sponsors. Just breaking, it's gonna be huge!

The profs at Cornell University will be doing a sympathy kneel-in to show solidarity with the NFL. What a shock. 

And lots more!

Direct download: TRL_431.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:38pm EST

Patrick Donnelly, president of our sponsor First Mining Finance, joined us today. He had exciting news, the PEA (Preliminary Economic Assessment) came in on their Springpole project and it's way better than anyone reasonably expected. While the Company's stock has been flat since the rebalancing of the GDX-J ETF, Patrick believes that this has created a great opportunity. He's seeing increased interest from major miners looking to restock and replenish their reserves. And best of all, as we've said in the past, all of First Mining's projects are in stable jurisdictions with first class infrastructure. Is FF's time coming soon? 

Direct download: Patrick_Donnelly_25.Sep.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:26pm EST

What's happening to the country and the world? We see signs all over the place. In the US, it's the NFL vs. Trump. The Spanish are calling up the rear guard before the Catalonian referendum and the Kurds are getting ready to make their move to form a country. Add to that North Korea, Iran and Venezuela and there's your proof, as if you needed any anyway. 

Direct download: John_Rubino_25.Sep.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:18pm EST

Senior Fellow Seth Cropsey began his career in government at the Defense Department as Assistant to the Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger and has been involved with the Navy ever since. The recent series of mishaps isn't due to hacking. Rather, the problem is that American seapower is over-stretched. At the end of the Cold War, the U.S. combat fleet numbered approximately 600 ships. Today we have 276. The requirements that the Navy is asked to fill have been increasing steadily since a few years after the Cold War ended.

Direct download: Seth_Cropsey_25.Sep.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:51pm EST

According to our good friend Alasdair MacLeod, China is booming and taking the rest of the world with it, except for the US that is. The US has isolated itself and is being left in the dust. China has shifted their economy away from making junk to high quality, hi-tech goods. Will it work? What about all the debt they've created in mean time? Let's see what happens next. 

Direct download: Aladair_MacLeod_20.Sep.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:41pm EST

President Trump spoke at the UN yesterday. Many of his policy aspirations echo those of Andrew Jackson. America First! Let other countries fight their own battles, with the US's support. He also castigated the UN's corruption and wastefulness. How he will square his stated policy with the continued ground war in Afghanistan is another issue. Nation building is still taking place and there's no end in sight and there's no way to determine if we're winning. A quagmire. 

Direct download: Ivan_Eland_20.Sep.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:38pm EST

So Andy's been in business for 8 days and it's going great. Check out his special 7 day free trial at Gold's fundamentals keep getting stronger. Gold's still at $1310. We talked about China's efforts to contain Bitcoin and the Crypto-Currencies. Today's historic Fed meeting. Claims that they're going to reduce their balance sheet are nonsense. It can't be done. We're never going above 2.5% rates, proof is today we're at 2.2%. We're missing two interest rate hikes promised for this year. Just wait till the King of Debt Donald Trump really kicks into high gear. 

Direct download: Andy_Hoffman_20.Sep.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:33pm EST

Former Congressman John LeBoutillier and I squared off about the Trump investigation. John believes there's something there and that the President has reason to be concerned. I'm skeptical of the entire witch hunt. The Russians are coming was a great movie, but not so good a political meme. Let's see what happens next. And let's see the republicans go into full scale panic mode to pas the Trump Agenda, or at least major parts of it. They're scared to death about the 2018 elections. 

Direct download: John_LeBoutillier_19.Sep.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30pm EST

Stan Larimer, President: Known as "The Godfather of BitShares and the HERO", Stan Larimer has Forty years experience in software, hardware, and systems engineering, program management, business development and even teaching rocket science at the US Air Force Academy. Stan is CEO of Cryptonomex, a leading custom Blockchain development company, as well as father to Daniel Larimer, arguably the finest programmer and visionary in the Blockchain industry. Larimer designed it so that HERO Backing is widely held by strong hands trading publicly on many markets.The HERO is the only coin designed for mainstream adoption. All other coins are reliant on demand from speculators or specialized business models that have problems with the current banking system. Few, if any, offer anything that ordinary people want. The HERO offers the safety of buried gold, the earnings of a 1960’s Passbook savings account, and the ability to pay anyone anywhere in seconds.

For more info visit:

Direct download: Stan_Larimer_19.Sep.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:28pm EST

Are you one of the 143 million customers in the Equifax data breach?

The Equifax data breach that potentially affects 143 million U.S. customers, nearly two-thirds of the adult U.S. population, could be quite the mess to clean up. The hackers had access to EFX, -14.23% data from May until July 2017, which included Social Security numbers, driver’s license numbers and credit card numbers, among other data.

The company detected the breach on July 29, it said, and hired a cybersecurity firm to determine what data the hackers accessed. But in the time it took for the company to alert customers who could be affected, hackers could have used their data for purposes including opening credit cards or other lines of credit. And any impact on their credit scores of erroneous activity could take years to repair.

Here’s how to know if you were affected and what to do next:

Check if your data was breached.Equifax created a website consumers can check if their data was breached, The company said it would offer a free year of service from its subsidiary, TrustedID, which monitors credit reports from Equifax as well as Experian EXPN, -1.38% and TransUnion TRU, -4.66% , as well as offering identity theft insurance and internet scanning for social security numbers. Equifax will also send direct mail notices to consumers whose credit card numbers or personal information were impacted. (The company did not immediately reply to a request for comment.)

There have already been some glitches, however. Many consumers weren’t able to find out immediately if they were affected. Instead, once they entered their information into Equifax’s security website, they were told they were signed up for free credit-monitoring services for Equifax, and they had to come back to the site later to find out if they were affected or not.

Freeze your credit reports! Many credit bureau protections don’t detect nontraditional accounts fraudsters might try to open, such as payday loans or demand deposit accounts, said Al Pascual, a senior vice president and research director at the security firm Javelin. Customers should immediately freeze their accounts at all three credit bureaus, said Adam Levin, a consumer advocate and chairman of security firm CyberScout. This restricts access to your credit report, which helps prevent other credit card companies accessing it to open up new accounts.

Direct download: Richard_Cella_19.Sep.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:28pm EST

The stock market keeps going higher on bad economic news. How's that supposed to work and can it keep going higher? Then in precious metals, the COT (commitment of traders) report flashed a bearish sign and right on schedule gold and silver have gone down. How long will it last for? Not too much longer, we would venture a guess. Especially with the upcoming Chinese Oil Contract that will be payable in gold. Things are heating up. 

Direct download: John_Rubino_18.Sep.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:49pm EST


Brad Owens recounts that 11 days before the attack on the U.S. Benghazi compound in 2012, the State Department asked Torres Advanced Solutions, an embassy security contractor, to replace the guard force then protecting the facility because it was the compound by its current contractor. The attack came just as Torres was gearing up to move in and take over the task of guarding the facility.

After the September 11th attacks destroyed the compound and killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans, the State Department instructed Torres and associates not to reveal that the request to move in and take over had been made.

In addition, the State Department demanded that Torres’s force be unarmed, just like the guard force then deployed. Torres objected and said that they planned to arm the guards anyway. The State Department also instructed them not to reveal the request that the guards be unarmed.

None of these facts have been disclosed previously

Direct download: Brad_Owens_18.Sep.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:44pm EST

We hadn't connected with Bo Polny in quite a while. He's still at the forecasting gig. He's seeing a major event coming within several weeks. The impact upon the stock market could be devastating. And it could be a major boost up for gold and silver and crypto's. Bitcoin could be going over $6000, nearly double Friday's price. What will happen next? Let's see if Bo has it right. 

Direct download: Bo_Polny_18.Sep.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:43am EST

Danielle had an interesting article on her site written by CNBC anchor Steve Sedgwick. He explores the concept of the Spend Now, Pay Never attitude that has swept the UK (and the US as well). Millions have leased shiny new cars and will never own them. They'll never be paid off. This is a symptom of declining savings rates in many countries. Interesting turn of events. 

This story closely correlates with the fact that most of us concerning our personal finance, as in life, are our own worst enemies. We engage in long-term destructive behaviors for the sake of a short pleasure. In addition, we then look to correct a life time of failed financial planning by upping our appetite for risk, while being cheered on by the financial industry. A recipe for disaster. 

Direct download: Danielle_Park_14.Sep.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:13pm EST

Peter Schiff joined us to discuss the latest developments in the economic landscape. Contrary to MSM opinion, the crash of 2008 was only a precursor to what's coming next. And unlike Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, there's no hiding from it. When it hits, not if, the devastation to the financial system will be the equivalent of a Cat 5 making a direct hit on Wall Street. Time to prepare now before it's too late. Gold, silver but not Bitcoin as it's not worth the paper it's not printed on. 

Direct download: Peter_Schiff_14.Sep.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:10pm EST

Things are getting back to normal in storm ravaged Florida. Lights are back on. It's amazing how you can take something for granted like electric and the modern conveniences of life and then all of a sudden they're gone. Try driving through a major intersection with no traffic lights if you don't believe me. We all need to be more appreciative and thankful for the gifts we've been given. Fortunately Florida has followed the Houston model instead of the New Orleans example. There's mass looting, people haven't gone native, even in the worse neighborhoods. Government to its credit has done a good job of keeping things together. But this is a short term disaster and by the end of the week will just be a memory. Look at it as an opportunity to test out your prepping plan. 

Gold is holding strong. Silver down a little. We're getting close to Eric Hadik's golden year 2018. 

Comrade de Blasio set to win reelection despite being universally despised for his stupidity and complete lack of self-awareness. 

Direct download: TLR_430.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:33am EST

Andrew Hoffman joined us today! He's back! He's started his own website It's subscription based but with Andy's constant stream of content you'll never be sorry. Bitcoin "crashed" down to $3900. It keeps going up and then having these mini-crashes. Gold is still under attack as usual. Will there be a tax deal? And how could it be bad for gold anyway. If the price goes up then it will keep going up. Gold is going up as Bitcoin goes up, it's not a coincidence. 

We wish Andy the best in his new endeavor!

Direct download: Andy_Hoffman_13Sep.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:31pm EST





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