It seems like this crisis has been going on forever now. To think that just a few short weeks ago everything was relatively normal. And now, the economy has been stopped dead in its tracks and we're all sitting home wondering when it will be over. But the worst of the economic turmoil hasn't even hit us. The government is busy with helicopter and we're about to see the first installment. What will this mean for gold, the Dollar and fiat currencies in general? And as we stated, Joe Biden was merely a placeholder candidate who's replacement appears, for now, to be NY Governor Andy Cuomo. Just according to the script. We'll have to see when the much anticipated global reset will take place. 

Direct download: John_Rubino_30.Mar.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EST

Was there a global overreaction to the Coronavirus. Probably yes and for good reason. Shutting down the global economy was probably not necessary, but what were the options. Deaths are increasing but they're not to the point of a mass die-off. Isn't easier to protect the most vulnerable people, then to quarantine the healthy. It will be interesting to see where we go as we move further ahead and as we learn more about the virus. 

Direct download: Daniel_Joseph_25.Mar.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

The moves in the gold market during the past month have been insane. We’ve seen a false breakout, a crash and then a false breakdown. It all comes down to where you close the period. The fact that gold rallied back to its pre-crash peak is quite encouraging. It recovered all of its losses and got back to its previous point. Therefore, that’s reason for great optimism. While the volatility has made it difficult to get a bead on the market's direction, the trend remains upward. Jordan says it could still go a bit lower, but after the retest it will likely head much much higher. 

Direct download: Jordan_Roy_Byrne_29.Mar.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EST

Student loan borrowers can suspend payments for 60 days without interest

Borrowers with federal student loans will be able to pause their payments for two months without interest accruing, President Donald Trump and the Education Department said Friday. The move is an effort to help those financially affected by the spread of the coronavirus. Trump had announced last week the government would waive interest on federally held loans last week, but few details had been available. The suspension will be in effect for at least 60 days, and it started on March 13. "Right now, everyone should be focused on staying safe and healthy, not worrying about their student loan balance growing," said Education Secretary Betsy DeVos in a news release. "I commend President Trump for his quick action on this issue, and I hope it provides meaningful help and peace of mind to those in need.”Colleges have gone online:In two weeks, the future of college has become uncertain, thanks to coronavirusBorrowers will have to contact their loan servicers to request the pause in payments. It's unclear how quickly those agencies will be able to respond to those requests.Those who still want to make their payments can do so. The payment in that case would be applied directly to the principal balance, which may allow some borrowers to pay off their loan more quickly. Those in the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program who have to make 120 payments before their loan is forgiven may also be interested in continuing to make payments, the release said. College student loans: Debt hits a new high in 2018, though growth slows, as free tuition plans spread

The department also authorized suspension of automatic payments for borrowers more than 31 days delinquent as of March 13, or anyone who becomes 31 days delinquent.

Pausing loan payments is one of the many financial measures lawmakers have considered to ease the financial burden caused by the coronavirus. Some Senate Democrats have proposed that the Education Department be authorized to make payments on borrowers' loans. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's plan called for a pause for three months and would give DeVos the ability to suspend payments for an additional three months on top of that.

Direct download: Sam_McElroy_27.Mar.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

If you’re like us you’ve been sitting around with nothing else to do other than to contemplate the global economic disaster that we’re currently enduring. Is it a deep state plot, an act of utter incompetence by our leaders or just a bunch of well intentioned pointy headed bureaucrats in over their heads? It really doesn’t matter which. This disaster has been completely mishandled from the get-go. So says noted retired critical care physician, Dr. Ted Noel, the time for quarantines was when the Coronavirus was first discovered by China. According to study, the disease could have been halted in its tracks if China had done the right, which of course they didn’t. It was a simple matter of quarantining Wuhan and the surrounding areas. Once 10’s of thousands of Chinesetravelers were allowed to leave Wuhan, the entire world became infected. The virus was out in the wild, as Dr. Noel observed. 

At that point the best thing for governments and health specialists to do, was to reverse quaranntine those in the vulnerable segment. Theh infection rate had already gone full hockey stick and there was no way to stop it. The good news, however, is that the virus is extremely suceptible to heat and humidity as numerous studies have shown. This will result in a dramatic cessation come spring and summer. 

Most people are actually immune to the virus, as high as 80 percent, as we discovered from the infection rates experienced on the Diamond Princess Cruise Ship. Tee actual death rate was 1 percent, likely increased by ineffective medical treatment on the ship. 

The problem in Italy and NYC is that their medical systems were socialized and therefore and inadequate to the task. An administrator gets to play G-d. His decision determines who will live and who will die.

This is the best presentation to date on the topic.  Make sure you leave comments below or write us at

Direct download: Dr._Ted_Noel_27.Mar.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EST

Dr. Rana Al-Falaki --- Women’s Empowerment Expert, says that, 
"The nation’s newest New Normal is still taking shape, but the confusion and uncertainty over what lies ahead in efforts to contain the Coronavirus is escalating anxiety levels in ways that are unprecedented."

To help combat anxiety and depression around the crisis, self-care is going to be critical. This includes deep breathing, healthy eating and exercise, and most importantly – a POSTIVE MINDSET. However, none of this will be easy during a pandemic.

Direct download: Dr._Rana_Al-Falaki_27.Mar.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Amazing how there’s no data on how many people actually recover. The flu kills far more people than the Coronavirus. We’re getting information from the media that supports a narrative. There is a bright spot. The quinine based drugs appear to be effective. Why is the NHI holding back. They already have a 2005 study that shows these drugs effective against Coronaviruses. Government has been completely ineffective in its response. We need to get off our partisan stool. Government is not working for the people. 

Direct download: Elaina_George_25.Mar.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EST

If you haven’t noticed, the world is a complete mess. $5 trillion in stimulus is coming down the pike. The so-called experts have led us down the path of ruin. It’s up to the individual to steer clear and survive. In the past 20 years, this is the third massive liquidity event. The fire sales are about to begin. Stock market losses shouldn’t effect your burial plans. More saving and less spending is the key. Perhaps we’ll see a change for the better in business and in society. 

Direct download: Danielle_Park__25.Mar.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Kevin Drover is so motivated to get Aurcana Corporation's silver mine producing that he's moving to Colorado, down the street, to personally oversee its operations. Unlike many in the industry, Kevin started out as a lowly miner and has worked every position until becoming a CEO. He has devoted substantial personal assets to the company.

Aurcana acquired Ouray Silver Mines Inc. which owns the Revenue-Virginius poly-metallic mine in Ouray, Colorado in December, 2018. Grades run as high as 37 ounces per ton of silver through narrow veins. Even at today's depressed silver prices, this mine is a money maker. With a little cooperation from the markets, this could be a runaway success. 

A new mill was built in 2011 and the mine was last operated in 2015 before being placed on care and maintenance. Since 2015 more than $20 million has been invested in technical work on the asset. In June 2018 and updated feasibility study was completed and the mine is fully permitted for immediate production. And now the capital is being raised and production could be just months away. 

Direct download: Kevin_Drover_25.Mar.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:15pm EST

The coronavirus continues to spread. It has hit U-S bases worldwide and, in some cases, has diminished America's capacity to defend our interests around the globe. But how bad is it?

"Whenever an outside entity invades a military operation - or changes what it is we need to do - there is reason for concern," says long time Intelligence, Counter Terrorism Expert and former Green Beret Brian Boyd (see short bio below).

Another major concern is that the military may not have an adequate supply of coronavirus testing kits at installations overseas, especially in the U.S. Central Command area of operations. In fact, several U.S. military exercises have been canceled or significantly scaled back to prevent the spread of the virus.

So what happens next and are our interests in danger?

Direct download: Brian_Boyd_24.Mar.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EST

Print, print, print and print still more. Italy, Germany, France and Spain are all throwing money at the problem. The aftermath is going to be that economies will be failing all over the place. The credit cycle was turning down when the pandemic hit. And now the solution to create new money and credit. We were just about to fall off the cliff and along came the Coronavirus. Businesses no longer have clients willing to buy their produce unless they’re supplying essentials. The dollar is central to the entire system. Within a month there will be a banking crisis in Europe. That will be remedied by money printing. 

In the US the supply chain has been interupted. Payments are not flowing. This has a cascading effect. It’s enormous, it’s bigger than GDP. This is having a major negative impact upon total production and this will result in bankruptcies. Banks will reduce their lending to lower risk. The money coming from the Fed must help the payment streams and solve the credit contraction problem. There will come a point when it becomes practical for a country to back its currency with gold. It must have a credible currency and must get it’s financial house in order. You cannot have a gold standard and be running a deficit. It cannot be done. 

Direct download: Alasdair_McLeod_24.Mar.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

It was always going to happen, the catalyst was the shock. Who would have thought a pandemic would trigger the global financial collapse. Early Monday morning the Fed announced the largest QE program in history. It’s unlimited, literally infinite. Free money is on it’s way. Helicopter money is on its way. Free money is coming to you soon. There’s time to wait to get it right. The people in charge are the Herbert Hoovers of our day. They have unlimited funny money to play around with. Just hit a key and the money shows up. The money itself is meaningless. There’s a point at which the money being dumped into the economy will affect the value of the currency. We’re getting there. 

If you’ve raised a lot of cash and it’s just sitting there, you’ve got to be thinking about inflation. Some of that cash is going to flow into precious metals. People sold everything to get their hands on cash and now some of that cash is flowing back into gold and silver. 

Direct download: John_Rubino_23.Mar.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EST

Comrade DiBlasio is a complete imbecile. He refused to close the schools and refused to order additional supplies. He wanted to imprison people in their own homes. At the same time he wants to release prisoners from jail. He’s more concerned about the criminals than the honest citizens. During the 1980’s when the Soviet Union was stationing war materials, Comrade D was all in favor. The teachers were munitying against him and then he finally had to close the schools. And it’s all Trump’s fault. The politics are completely out of hand. An emergency such as the one we are facing should bring people together and politics shouldn’t get in the way. 

Direct download: Frank_Vernuccio_23.Mar.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

As usual, the American Taxpayer is getting the short end of the bail-out stick. The taxpayer won’t be paying the tab for the latest round of corporate welfare transfer payments. Since we’re already running trillion-plus deficits, the currency holders, savers and bond holders who will pick up the eventual tab, after seeing their asset ravaged by inflation and all of society. And for what? Flashback to 2008, when the nation’s banks and investment houses were caught flat-footed by the mortgage meltdown, a crisis of their own making. They were given trillions in cash with virtually no strings attached. Large portions of the bailout went towards bonuses for these unworthy titans of finance.

Direct download: TLR_481.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:52am EST

Direct download: TLR480_19.Mar.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Scott’s radio show is Financial Insanity and that is exactly what’s happening now. The Market’s collapse has taken us back to May 2017. This is how today’s financial advisor sends your money to a mousetrap. From 1899 to 1921 the market went nowhere. When the PE shows 30, it’s time to head for the exits. This is the time to do something. From the year 2000 to now the stock market is only up 96%. Insurance would have done much better. It's never too late to get your financial house in order. 

Direct download: Scott_McLean_18.Mar.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Chris says money is moving just like it has in the past 5 panics. This is normal technical behavior in this type of market. There will be a huge move when money comes back into the stock market within several weeks. This will mark the first bounce in the bear market. All the countries of the world are pumping and dumping money into their economies. Eventually the music will come to an end. Dumping trillions may work out well but maybe not. Whatever happens, it’s going to be a major plus for precious metals and mining stocks. 

Direct download: Chris_Vermeulen_18.Mar.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Heye Daun, CEO of Osino Resources, is very confident that he's found another major gold deposit. He's already founded and sold off two companies and it looks like he's well on his way to a third. This project is on the same belt as the last company, so Heye is feels good that he will achieve similar results. 7 of the first 8 holes came up positive. It's a huge district scale project that could be something very special. Heye believes that it will eventually become a producing gold mine. Best of all, after the recent over-subscribed financing, Osino is fully funded for 2020 and the better part of 2021. So now Heye can do what he does best, drill and find massive deposits of gold. And Namibia, while located in Africa, is extremely stable and mining friendly. All the pieces are in place for an incredible success.   

Direct download: Heye_Daun_02.Mar.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:06am EST

SexyBoss Heather Havenwood has recently been looking for a life coach. She's ended her relationship with several and wants someone who will just give her the truth and not offer soothing words and reassurances. Evidently not an easy task. As anyone who's ever pursued a career knows, you're going to have to endure a certain amount of failure to achieve success. Any other way and you'll wind up with microwaved pizza. Looks like the real thing until you bite into it. There's a lot of wisdom here and the SexyBoss knows from whence she speaks. 

Direct download: Heather_Havenwood_13.Mar.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:06am EST

The Wuhan Coronavirus should be over between April 15 to May 15 of this year, according to Dr. Gerard Lameiro. In the end it won’t have any affect on the outcome of the election, President Trump will be re-elected. And further to that point, neither Joe Biden nor Bernie Sanders will be the candidate. Dr. Lameiro predicts that Trump will get 42% of the Black vote and therefore Michelle Obama will be the nominee. We’ll agree to disagree on this one. I believe PA Governor Tom Wolfe or MN Governor Tim Waltz. Let’s see what happens next. 

Direct download: Gerard_Lameiro_3.16.Mar.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

The outbreak of the Wuhan Coronavirus has led us to a complete panic. Everyone is thinking of social distancing and there is a point to it. But scientists have been disagreeing about how long the virus will last on a surface and other vital info about it. We need to be washing our hands regularly to sleep well, exercise and eat well.

Direct download: Carole_Lieberman_18.Mar.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:42pm EST

The current situation is similar to the height of Yellow Journalism, which brought on the Spanish American War. Less than 8,000 people worldwide who have died and of course those the numbers will go up. Only 200k people worldwide have the actual virus. Over 600k die annually from the flu, 500k in the US from smoking every year. And we’re shutting down the world. The economic damage will be profound. The bulk of the economy is small business and they’re not getting any bailout. Many of them will be pushed over the edge. Flu season takes place during cold weather, not warm. There’s empty hospital beds now in China and South Korea. The real question is will it reoccur next winter. 

What about the damage to the stock market? Martin’s model shows the decline starting in January 2020. This crash will be a combination of 2008 nad 1998. This is what a liquidity crisis looks like. Same with the repo crisis, banks won’t lend to other banks. Europe is refusing to do any bailouts. This isn’t QE, it’s providing liquidity to a market that no one else will lend to. 

Eventually the market will bounce. It will go to new highs in the years ahead. This is a lack of confidence in government. The worst thing the Fed could have done was cut rates to zero. It was all out of ammo and the markets called its bluff. The resulting decline undermined confidence the Fed and all of government. Similar to what caused the gold advance of the 1980’s. What's next, will we start tipping waiters in toilet paper? 

This will eventually lead to a major advance in gold, not yet but it’s lurking out there. Negative interest rates won’t work. Look at Europe. They have to kill the market to save it. 

Martin talks about his meeting with Trump at Mar a Lago. He commends Trump for having the ability to change his mind and change course. Trump still doesn’t know whom he will actually run against. We’re far better off with Trump than anyone else. We’re currently heading into a major monetary crisis. They never let a good crisis go to waste. 

They’re pushing very hard to eliminate currency under the guise of preventing the Coronavirus and other diseases. The difference between the US and Europe, US currency issued since the founding is still legal tender. Europe cancels it’s currency at whim. They claim that this will end bank runs and eliminate cash hoarding, or so the thinking goes. Trump won’t go for it. What comes after Trump, who knows? 

Stock Market will be in the doldrums for a while to come. We might go down the 1st week of April with a test of the 19,000 level. Big risk is going into the end of the quarter. There will be continued liquidation. Cash is king, regardless what Bridgewater has to say about it. The business cycle always wins. Eventually people will see that government doesn’t have the power to be Santa Claus to everyone. After the 1st week of April, things should calm down. Martin believes that the press should be investigated. A repeat of Hurst and Pulitzer in the early 1900's.  

We’re heading back over 30,000 and the long term hasn’t changed. A test of 40,000 is likely by 2024 and by the time we end the cycle in 2032 the Dow could be 65,000. But what of the US Dollar

Direct download: Martin_Armstrong_17.Mar.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:36pm EST

Noted economic historian Bob Hoye joined us for a recap of the latest meltdown. As the saying goes, "There's nothing new under the sun." Bob has studied every credit bust in known history. There's a lot to be learned from the past. For instance, during a credit bust, the reserve currency experiences an increase in its purchasing power. And, gold mining stocks do extremely well because energy and other costs head south. Base metal mines do poorly, leading to a decrease in byproduct production of precious metals. Bob is extremely bullish on precious metals, once the current lows are retested but fail to go lower. Interesting times.  

Direct download: Bob_Hoye_17.Mar.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EST

Author, Advisor, Investing Guru Jerremy A. Newsome is on a mission to enrich lives with mentally liberating education. Since the age of seven, he has been fascinated with investing and growth and even convinced his father to match his investment deposit for some Apple stock back in 1995, which would be worth $14,000,000.

His passion for helping others enrich their lives through investing led him to found Real Life Trading in 2014. This starting point has allowed him to assist and enrich tens of thousands of lives while also growing the company organically to a seven figure business.

In November 2014, Jerremy Alexander Newsome launched Real Life Trading, a company designed to make trading accessible to everyone. This starting point has allowed him to assist and enrich tens of thousands of lives while also growing the company organically to a seven figure business.

Jerremy started his love for business and growth at the age of seven, after watching the movie Forrest Gump with his family. Do you remember the scene, where Forrest said, “Lt Dan invested in some fruit company and now we don’t have to worry about money any more.”? Growing up dirt poor, the thought of never having to worry about money seemed appealing. He asked his father to explain investing and his father taught him about Apple Computers. He begged him to invest. Finally, his father agreedto match his deposit, dollar for dollar. He saved $1,500 picking blackberries and selling them door to door. They bought $3,000 worth of AAPL shares back in1995. To date, they would be worth $14,000,000.

During the past week of market volatility and great declines he was up nearly 6 figures. How'd he do it? Listen and find out.


Direct download: Jerremy_A._Newsome_17.Mar.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

While the markets continue to slide and gold/silver have been especially hard hit, we may be close to a bottom, at least that's Nick Santiago's take. John and I have been talking about this eventuality for years now. I was almost ready to change the name of my website and podcast, for fear of becoming less relevant. But all that's changed. Preventive prepping can save you great angst if done properly. One thing is certain, if you wait until the crisis begins, it's already too late. Just try to buy some toilet paper now. There's reason for hope and optimism, even at this low point. The human race is first and foremost a learning organism. Each crisis provides an invaluable lesson and helps assure our continued survival. And that's what's most important in the end. 

Direct download: John_Rubino_16.Mar.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:56pm EST





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