Trump's trade agenda may be hitting bumpy waters ahead. He's got enemies on the right and enemies on the left. Not to mention the globalists at the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board. The disclosure forms that are required these days are a big mess, but  we do need to know who our government officials have been in bed with. NAFTA has turned out to be a raw deal for the country. Trump is determined to turn it around. Stumo believes that he will turn it around. But there's much more to come. Michael believes that Trump will get much of his way. 

Direct download: Michael_Stumo_28.Feb.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:31pm EST

Vincenzo Villamena is an American CPA and the Managing Partner of Online Taxman. He came on to discuss FATCA and other international tax issues. FATCA has placed an undue burden upon Americans doing business overseas making it difficult for them to open bank accounts and conduct financial business. It's also turned the world's banks into an international snitch network. Something needs to change but is it too late? 

Direct download: Vincenzo_Villamena_28.Feb.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:36pm EST

Millennials (born between 1980 and 1994) are the most narcissistic - according to a study that consulted both millennials and their grandparents' generations. But there is one thing they disagree on: the extent of their narcissism. Older generations think millennials' narcissism goes beyond what millennials themselves will admit.

Millennials do view themselves as a bit more narcissistic than generations before them, but not to the extent that older generations do, according to new research presented Jan. 29 at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) in San Diego.

Direct download: Dr_John_Huber_28.Feb.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:03pm EST

Jason Hartman is always on the cutting edge of investment trends. For so many years he's been espousing his unique successful investment philosophy. I've personally seen  dozens of people invest in single family homes for cash flow and build up incredible wealth using Jason's systems. Now, his investor group is actually financing these deals, which is an incredible opportunity. It enables you to bypass the bank and the lengthy loan review process. You simply find a property, put up your down payment and put in your loan request and meet a simplified loan criteria and it's done. Truly revolutionary. 

Direct download: Jason_Hartman_27.Feb.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:00am EST

According to Shawn Lee of Beacon Wealth Advisors 54% of the country is not invested in the stock market. That's pretty amazing when you consider how much it's gone up since the crash. Are they going to get in right when it turns again? Probably not. If they're not in now, they're not getting in. But what will they invest in? What about their retirements? These are pressing issues that they need to start thinking about immediately. 

Direct download: Shaw_Lee_27.Feb.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:31pm EST

Lyn-Dee Eldridge defines herself as the Chief Happiness Officer of the Happiness Jungle. You may ask what is the Happiness Jungle and Lyn-Dee will tell you that it is a place that all happy people come to get de-stressed. Obviously it is a state of mind that all of us have access to if we will only allow ourselves to get there and that is what Lyn-Dee specializes in. 

Direct download: Lyn-Dee_Eldridge_27.Feb.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:05pm EST

The news is slow. Not much coming out of Trump. Not much coming out of Europe. Outside of the Academy Awards debacle last night, there's not much going on. We're due for something to happen shortly. Could it be the calm before the storm? John believes that the currency crisis is just around the corner, the question is which corner? We've been waiting a long time for it. 

Direct download: John_Rubino_27.Feb.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:17pm EST

Comrade Wilhelm Bill Nutz de Blasio is getting to the end of the road. He's facing multiple investigations and his time as mayor of the US's biggest city is coming to an inglorious end. His crimes are numerous, his intelligence isn't. Get ready for his indictment and replacement.

Check out my new book Viral Podcast. It's available right here on Amazon and it's my best work to date. 

Our website theme has changed. We've gone back to the old theme but made a number of improvements. Let us know what you think. 

What's going on with the Republicans? Can they do anything right? Being a member of a political party should be a jailable offense. 

I won't sell out and do a political show no matter how many views, clicks or downloads I might get. I hate politics, other than watching these guys like the Comrade get indicated. 


Direct download: TLR_412_22.Feb.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:21pm EST

What's Going On Wednesdays with Andrew Hoffman:

Cartel rapidly losing strength, as too many catalysts (and crashing currencies) are thwarting it;

Imminent collapse of the Euro, and European Union;

Imminent Yuan devaluation?

Historically overvalued stocks and bonds, and historically undervalued PMs;

Surging Bitcoin;

The dying "Trump-flation" meme, as seen via the 2.5% cap on the 10-year Treasury yield.

Direct download: Andy_Hoffman_22.Feb.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:11am EST

Ned Schmidt joined us today. Rates are going higher, but so are gold and silver, the metals as well as the stocks. Generally rising rates are bad for stocks, and Ned doesn't think it will be for them this time. Ned doesn't see a large amount of overhead supply coming in the market to keep prices down. The supply just isn't there according to the COT (commitment of traders report). Therefore, what appears to be overhead resistance isn't really strong resistance. Silver has been giving hints of higher prices all along. Someone major is long silver. It's leading gold. They're using it to hedge their stock portfolios. 18.25-18.50 intra is showing where the trend is heading. There's nothing that Trump can do to keep the market going higher forever, contrary popular opinion. 

Direct download: Ned_Schmidt_21.Feb.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:23pm EST

Trump's tax plan is due any minute. It certainly can't be worse than what we have now. But how much good can it really do? Tax revenues have been falling since 2012. The odds are favoring a recession sooner rather than later. Will this time really be different? Can Trumponomics prevail? Danielle thinks not and believes that reversion to the mean will always win out. 

Direct download: Danielle_Park_21.Feb.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:40pm EST

Now that Trump is president he's beginning to clean house. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson purged the 7th Floor also known as the Deep State at the State Department. There's obviously lots more coming. Massive firings at the EPA, Department of Energy and other superfluous departments. Perhaps the moles will be identified and terminated with extreme prejudice at the intelligence agencies including the CIA, FBI and others. It's getting very interesting. A real fun time to be a Legacy Media Plant. 

Direct download: Trevor_Loudon_20.Feb.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:24pm EST

Bix Weir talks about the Oroville Dam and why it's so important to California. It's a vital part of California's second largest reservoir and helps store 50 percent of Los Angeles's water. In addition, it helps irrigate much of the Central Valley's crops. The loss of this vital piece of the state's infrastructure is almost impossible to quantify at this particular time. It's been nearly a generation since California built a reservoir and it hasn't properly maintained what it has. Now the chickens are coming home to roost. 

We also discussed the coming DC housecleaning, Pizzagate and the Antarctica discoveries.  

Direct download: Bix_Weir_20.Feb.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:07pm EST

The past decade has been a terrible time to be a saver or a responsible person. Greenspan, Bernanke and Yellen have all made sure of that. By rewarding the hedge funds with free money and inflating the currency, along with zero percent interest rates, it's been an awful time to be a saver. But who are or were the savers; they have faces, like your grandmother and the elderly who believed in saving for a rainy day or retirement. Free money has had a corrosive effect upon society and discouraged good behavior and reinforced bad behavior. When will we go back to a better world? Chris has his opinions on the matter, which are well thought out and explained in this interview. 

Direct download: Chris_Martensen_20.Feb.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:59pm EST

Marine LePen is going to be elected to head France, at least that's my prediction, but I've been wrong before. But I've also been right, i.e. Trump, Brexit and others. This development according to John could lead to a crisis in Europe and elsewhere. Will chaos result? Or will things just continue on as normal? Is it the end for the elites? Or is it just another step? 

Direct download: John_Rubino_20.Feb.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:58pm EST

Heather Wagenhals is always on the lookout for scams that can separate you from your hard earned cash. Now they're coming for the professional services providers are being targeted by scammers. The scammers initiate contact, inquiring about the services that can be provided. They're often vague and insist upon keeping communication to email. Then the fun begins. They order up limos and rent studios and all sorts of goodies, promising wire transfers and payments. So watch out!

Direct download: Heather_Wagenhals_15.Feb.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:31pm EST

It's time to get proactive and not wait for your retirement to be here before you know it. Mark is running Boot Camps around the country. Mark is teaching his students how to sell land on Facebook Groups and on Craigslist. There's a number of other places where you can market your properties and Mark knows them all. He teaches you how to sell your property in 30 days or less. Mark believes that you should be buying in the South and Southwest. Few people are anxious to buy property in the frigid Midwest or chilly New England. There's a lot of commonsense and proprietary information that will send you on your way to being a successful Land Geek.  

Special Offer: Go to Mention FSN to get $100 off your order.

Direct download: Mark_Podolsky_13.Feb.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:41pm EST

Adam Brewer is a cyber security expert who's worked with all types of businesses, small medium and large. He discusses why people become cyber victims. Amazingly enough, having bad passwords is still number one! A password such as 12345 is still all too common. Think about two factor authentication wherever possible. It makes hacking virtually impossible. There's a number of other steps you can take to safeguard your computer and data. He's giving a free course for a year. Click here to find out all about it.

Direct download: Adam_Brewer_15.Feb.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:38am EST

What's Happening Wednesdays with Andrew Hoffman:

European elections
Surging inflation
Flailing OPEC
Record PM demand, paper naked shorting
Historic financial bubbles
Technology rapidly destroying jobs
Exploding debt, everywhere!

Direct download: Andy_Hoffman_15.Feb.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:05am EST

One of the Obama Admin's last parting shots was an attempt to take away the elderly's gun rights if they are simply unable to conduct their own financial affairs. If that's the litmus test for mental disability, then they have a whole lot of company. But now Congress is set to act and repeal this draconian measure under the Congressional Review Act (CRA), which gives them the authority to act on major regulations that are passed by governmental agencies. It can't come soon enough for those seniors wrongfully denied their Second Amendment rights. 

Direct download: John_R_Lott_14.Feb.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:06pm EST

Ivan Eland believes that banning immigration from certain Muslim countries won't make any of us safer and will only alienate our allies. The executive order was badly drafted and perhaps after revisions Trump will prevail. More importantly, what's up with ret. General Flynn, Trump and the Russians? Is there really a business connection that makes Trump vulnerable? Flynn is now history, is this the end of it all or is there more to come? And why can't the FBI and our intelligence agencies stop the attacks even when they know the identity of the future attackers, like they did on 9-11, the Boston Marathon Attack, the Fort Lauderdale Airport Attack, the Orlando Attack and San Bernadino? Why can't they stop it? Are they unable or unwilling? 

Direct download: Ivan_Eland_14.Feb.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:02pm EST

Americans are deep in the throes of a savings crisis, and the problem seems to be getting worse, not better. In 2015, a survey by revealed that 62% of Americans had yet to amass $1,000 in savings. In 2016, that percentage climbed to 69%. Worse yet, the number of Americans with no savings at all jumped from 28% in 2015 to 34% in 2016. But that's not all. It's also estimated that one-third of Americans, many of whom are already in their 50s or older, have no retirement savings, either. And those who are saving aren't socking away enough.

According to a recent Transamerica study, the median amount saved for retirement among baby boomers -- those nearing retirement -- is just $147,000. It's not surprising, then, to learn that 60% of Baby Boomers are more afraid of running out of savings in retirement than dying.Even Gen Xers are far behind on their nest eggs despite having had access to retirement savings plans from the start of their careers. Transamerica reports that the median savings balance among Gen Xers is only $69,000. Meanwhile, only 12% are confident they'll manage to retire comfortably.

All of this might paint a pretty bleak picture, but there is some good news. If you follow one simple rule from this day on, you'll have a real opportunity to change your long-term financial picture: Pay yourself first.
Before you spend any money on bills, entertainment, or whatever other expenses come your way, put a portion of each paycheck into a savings account. If your emergency fund is lacking, complete it first. If you have enough short-term reserves, focus on retirement.

Ideally, you should aim to put 10% (or more) of each paycheck into savings, but if you can't hit that target just yet, do what you can. But no matter how little you sock away, make sure to save something before spending a dime. It's the only way to guarantee that you'll have money available when you really need it.

Get your priorities straight.Most of us know that it's important to save money in theory, but have a hard time doing so in practice. And it's understandable -- we all have bills to pay, and some of us are already working a second job just to get by.
But if you fail to follow this basic savings rule, you could easily get into trouble the moment an unexpected financial emergency strikes. Without ample savings, you may have no choice but to resort to debt if you lose your job or a whopper of a bill falls in your lap. Worse yet, you could even lose your vehicle or home. That's why it's important to stash three to six months' worth of living expenses in a savings account earmarked for emergency situations.

But it's not just emergencies you'll need money for. Once retirement rolls around, you'll face a world of expenses, from housing to healthcare, and if you don't save independently, you risk running out of money in your old age.
On the other hand, if you start prioritizing your nest egg, you stand a strong chance of retiring in comfort.

Direct download: Greg_Melia_13.Feb.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:38pm EST

The Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson is dedicated uniting Americans by telling the truth and showing people how to overcome anger through forgiveness. He shows how resentment affects politics, relationships, families, children, and the mind and thinking of virtually all people. His book "The Antidote: Healing America from the Poison of Hate, Blame and Victimhood" informs the spiritual issues behind the immigration war and has the power to alter the future of America. It's time to stop being a victim!

Direct download: Jesse_Lee_Peterson_13.Feb.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:39pm EST

Leave it to ZeroHedge to put things in perspective. It now takes the average worker over 100 hours to buy the S&P 500. Not that the average worker is buying into the stock market anyway. They're too busy with the real world and the real economy and trying to make ends meet. Which is why Trump is now President. And why Marine LePen is going to be leading France shortly and why we're heading for another economic crisis very shortly. So get ready and buckle your seat belt. 

Direct download: John_Rubino_13.Feb.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:54am EST

Crazy things are happening all over. Joe just released his new book Ramblings of a Right Wing, Bible Thumping, White Guy! Now a Cali Senator has admitted that half his family is here illegally and has used false documents and committed identity theft. Sounds like deportation begins at home. He wants to make California a sanctuary state. One can only wonder what's going to happen next. Nowadays you never know. 


Direct download: Joe_Messina_08.Feb.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EST





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