Wayne Allyn Root is ecstatic. The liberals are in full meltdown mode. They don't understand Trump and they can't deal with him. They bring a pistol to the fight and Trump brings an anti-tank missile. No wonder they don't have a chance. Wayne's new show is going gang-busters in Vegas, soon to be spreading across the country. He was behind DJT from the beginning and it's paying off Bigly! He's half hoping that California breaks off from the union along with New York, Massachusetts, Illinois, Connecticut and a few other liberal states, we'd have heaven on earth. But don't count on it happening too soon, the libs would quickly run out of other people's money. And after all we are One Nation Under God!

Direct download: Wayne_Allyn_Root_02.Feb.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:36pm EDT

6 in 10 Americans don't have $5000 in savings. Nearly six in 10 Americans don't have enough savings to cover a $500 or $1,000 unplanned expense, according to a new report from Bankrate. Only 41% of adults reported having enough in their savings account to cover a surprise bill of this magnitude. A little more than 20% said they would put it on a credit card, the report said, while 20% would cut their spending and 11% would turn to friends and family for financial assistance.

"This is a persistent American problem of how you should handle your finances and spending," said Jill Cornfield, retirement analyst for Bankrate. But at least the number has improved. Last year, only 37% of Americans reported having enough savings to cover an expense of $500 or more.

Millennials were the most financially prepared to handle monetary headwinds with 47% of those aged 18-29 saying they could dip into savings to cover an unplanned expense, a substantial increase from 33% in 2014. Personal finance experts tend to stress the importance of having an emergency fund to cover unanticipated expenses to avoid long-term financial damage.

"If you aren't set up to tap cash for something, it can derail you financially if you put it on credit card," said Cornfield. "The original expense can bloom because of interest." Almost half of the 1,003 adults surveyed reported they or a family member faced a major financial expenditure in the past year. "If you are human, have a pet, kids, a house or a place to live, something is going to happen that will cost you money," said Cornfield.

Direct download: Anthony_Saccaro_01.Feb.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:07pm EDT

What's Happening Wednesdays with Andrew Hoffman:

The Terrifying, post-inauguration environment
End of the "strong dollar standard"
Imminent FrExit, GrExit
Collapsing economy, "saved" by fraudulent ADP report this morning
Today's must hear Audioblog, "All out trade and currency wars, and a shocking new world order!"

Direct download: Andy_Hoffman_01.Feb.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:29am EDT






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