From recent FSN member feedback I realize that I've fallen into bad habits. I guess I'm not letting my guests speak enough. I've made a New Year's Resolution to cure this bad behavior. Seriously, I appreciate the criticism, we intended and am always looking to improve the show and my skills. If there's a guest you want me to invite on the show or anything we can do better, please let me know.

Next, we're getting workaholic government. Most of us would settle for government that just works, but with Trump in the Whitehouse, his group of executives are known for their outstanding work ethic. Most of them anyway. Let's see if their private sector skills can transfer over to the public sector. 

Finally, Trump's nominee for the Supreme Court, Judge Neil Gorsuch, seems extremely well qualified and completely unobjectionable. Leave it to the Dems to screw it all up. Do they really think they're gaining votes in the much needed rust belt by trying to obstruct his cabinet and his judge pick? Au contraire, this is going to destroy the party and insure that they won't get elected dog catcher. While they're at it, why not make anti-white anti-semite Keith Ellison party leader? Sounds like a great strategy for victory. 

Direct download: TLR_411.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:09pm EDT

Stock markets hit new highs and pull back. Dollar hit new 14 year highs and pulled back. Precious metals all went up smartly and it looks to continue for a while. Copper is up big. Bitcoin up down up. Energy down slightly but Uranium hit bottom two months and looks to be starting a new bull market. Interesting times ahead.

Direct download: Mickey_Fulp_01.Feb.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EDT






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