Tue, 31 January 2012
Nick Santiago joins us today to discuss technical trading. His exceptional trading site, InTheMoneyStocks.com has been providing investment advice to help the average trader for the last five years. Santiago believes that at best, we’re in a short-term pull back mode. But soon, in the next two months or so, the dow will probably top out. Then, we’ll get a pretty sharp correction that could last a while. Ultimately, the central banks are going to deflate the banks again. If your looking at the Euro, it’s on a one-way train to the downside. The Euro’s going lower and that means the dollar’s going higher. The dollar is holding up pretty well for now. But eventually, the dollar will get deflated again. The only way the market goes up is when the dollar goes down. Now is the time to buy precious metals. You are going to want to own gold and silver. Now is the best buying opportunity we’ve had since the stock market crashed in 2008. Gold and silver are the ultimate indicators of money creation. Nick recommends buying silver. Silver is an industrial metal as well as a precious metal, and it’s cheaper than gold. Please send your questions to KL@KerryLutz.com or call us 347-460-LUTZ.
Tue, 31 January 2012
Mickey Fulp, the Mercenary Geologist, joins us for a review of how different markets performed during the month of January 2012. If the old saw, "As January goes, so goes the year," holds true, then 2012 could be one for the record books. Platinum was up 20 percent, Gold 10 percent, and Silver 18 percent. These are huge numbers that could be an indication of things to come or might prove to be a false indicator. The big loser for the month was natural gas down 20 percent! Warm winters in the Northeast, supply gluts, and new technology have made natural gas a perennial dud. But just like sugar, silver, and gold, remember that every dog has its day. And with oil staying up in the $100 per barrel range, it could be sooner rather than later. Time will tell, but Mickey always calls them the way he sees them. The great news is Mickey's Market Wrap-Up will become a monthly feature at FSN, and few people are as qualified to give the opinion as the Mercenary Geologist himself. Please send your questions/comments to KL@KerryLutz.com or call us at 347-460-LUTZ.
Mon, 30 January 2012
Nothing Ever Surprises "Ranting" Andy Hoffman Anymore--Especially Gold and Silver Prices--01-30-2012
Back for his weekly rant, we check in with Andy Hoffman to discuss gold breaking through its 200 day moving average. As per our expectations, gold's on the up side yet again. Andy however, warns you not to get caught up with short term movements. Consider the manipulation of the markets and the fast pace of the media-- always remember to look at the bigger picture! Don't watch the markets day to day, keep your expectations in the long-term. Gold has only traded below its 200 day moving average about 10% of the time over the last 11 years. The long-term technicals are actually more powerful in gold than in any other business. So don't let your emotions take control, keep your physical holdings--this is no Gold Bubble! Gold is and always has been money. Please send your questions/comments to KL@KerryLutz.com or call us at 347-460-LUTZ.
Mon, 30 January 2012
David A. Banister is among a small select group of technical traders who foresaw the August 2011 top in gold before it occurred and his subscribers and public followers were not blindsided by the top. David doesn’t blindly follow technical indicators off the cliff, but rather he follows them while keeping the fundamental picture in view. Using his proprietary indicators, he is currently discovering a number of resource plays that are already moving nicely to the upside. When Gold was being overbought due to its parabolic rise and called for a correction, that proved uncannily correct. David applies a proprietary model of market and stock entry timing based on crowd behavioral theory and mathematics. Now he believes the opposite case is true, and he's calling for a resumption of the bull market, probably heading up to 1880 and even higher. While there's a lot of noise in the day to day markets, the rising trend is unmistakable, and we will probably see record prices sometime during 2012 and beyond. So buckle your seat belts and get ready for the ride. It's going to be a rough one. But Dave believes there's great potential in many of the resource stocks, including gold and silver miners. Please send your questions/comments to KL@KerryLutz.com or call us at 347-460-LUTZ.
Mon, 30 January 2012
Jeff Clark, creator of the CaseyResearch.com publication, Big Gold, reiterates that gold is the best insurance policy available today that will protect your wealth from reckless governmental monetary policies. Much of what he says is beyond dispute. He knows that the current US Dollar paradigm can't last much longer, and a new one will be created to take its place. He's hoping we can avoid hyperinflation, but he doesn't sound too convinced it's feasible. But, he knows that gold will eventually become a core holding in almost everyone's portfolio--even Apple, no matter what happens with the monetary authorities. Until fiscal sanity is restored around the globe, this is the only protection available. Should the world decide the benefits of a gold standard exceed the negatives, one will be implemented. After all, all throughout global history, gold has been money. All these factors point to a rising gold price, sooner rather than later. And that's why Jeff is bullish on gold. Please send your questions/comments to KL@KerryLutz.com or call us at 347-460-LUTZ.
Mon, 30 January 2012
Jamie Oliver is a one man healthy food crusader, but he has met his match. He actually expected LA public school students to give up the flavor of a real beef cheeseburger for a wheat bread burger. After all, it's so much better for you. And like a liberal statist, he knows what's better for you and your kids than you do. However, when forced substitution of healthy foods was attempted, guess what happened? Kids voted with their knives and forks and dumped the healthy gruel into the garbage. Hopefully the same thing will happen with the forced consumption of inferior educational services. The American public education system is an unmitigated failure. It's amazing that it went from being the best in the world, to being among the worst. The education decline took place at the same time as the ascendancy of teacher unionization. And there's nothing coincidental about this either. But now we are at a turning point. Apple just introduced newly created textbooks for the iPad2, and they're amazing. So do not despair, the internet is doing to the the educational monopoly what it did to the travel industry, the stock brokerage industry, the music industry and so many others before it. Pretty soon the educational experience will help students to soar to new heights. Please send your questions/comments to KL@KerryLutz.com or call us at 347-460-LUTZ.
Fri, 27 January 2012
I finally got a chance to sit down with Chris Martenson. I've been reading his ChrisMaternsonReport for some time now. For years he's been saying the US was going to get into some sort of credit crisis, and "Da Boyz" were going to try and print our way out of it. Chris and I agree, we are all witnessing a debt super cycle that's in the process of coming to its conclusion. We are living in the tail end of a 40 year global credit bubble. For the past four decades, the entire world has been growing credit/debt faster than underlying economies. Economic growth is measured by GDP, but GDP is a fraudulent measure. GDP doesn't really measure the wealth creation of an economy; it measures consumption, which in our society has become synonymous with wealth. But wealth is really something totally different than consumption. Chris and I agree, the calculation of GDP should not include the effects of going into debt simply to consume. Consider, Bernie Madoff who contributed 65 billion to GDP, but now all that money has just disappeared. Same with other entities that contribute to GDP like MF global. The government continues to print money mostly for consumption, not investment. They are just kicking the can down the road, and overstating the wealth of the economy. We cannot print our way to prosperity. Please send your questions/comments to KL@KerryLutz.com or call us at 347-460-LUTZ.
Fri, 27 January 2012
Dr. Yaron Brook has led the Ayn Rand Institute for the past 11 years. He believes the most important debate of out time is not economic but philosophic: you are not your brother's keeper. Rather, your primary purpose is to the live the best life that you possibly can. This means being your own master and living on YOUR terms. You will be the most successful when you are the freest to pursue your goals and dreams. Unfortunately, this important debate is all but ignored during most political campaigns. Until we address this threshold issue, not much human progress will be made. As Dr. Brook puts it, all statists and collectivists assume your purpose on Earth is to care for your brothers in need, whether you want to or not. Even the Founding Fathers made this error, and we are all still paying the price. The big problem is that this thinking is so ingrained in all of our psyches, that very few us even know we should be questioning it. However, through the work of Ayn Rand and her followers, as well as the institute, a true debate about forced altruism is now being had. And this can only be a good thing that will eventually free man from the shackles of unlimited government. Please send your questions/comments to KL@KerryLutz.com or call us at 347-460-LUTZ.
Fri, 27 January 2012
Chris is selling his living and dining room furniture, and he's buying silver. He started buying years ago, but now he's arbitraging the furniture; selling the old stuff for cash, using the cash to invest in silver, and buying new stuff on interest-free credit with small payments. While we can't, in good faith, recommend this move to investors, it does open up limitless possibilities. Perhaps stripping the copper out of your home's walls, selling it for scrap and putting it into gold and silver makes sense. Or, stripping your auto for parts--most cars are worth more dead than alive--and selling them off. You get the point, you're sitting on items that you're not using or don't want. Those items could be sold for cash, with the proceeds invested in silver or gold. Look around your home! Whether it's tools, clothes, or furniture, go on eBay or CraigsList and get rid of them now. Take the cash you get and put it to work for you. We all have vast resources that we are not aware or conscious of. The time to become aware is now. Please send your questions/comments to KL@KerryLutz.com or call us at 347-460-LUTZ.
Fri, 27 January 2012
Jason Burack is a very savvy economic analyst who’s got his hand on the market’s pulse. He’s been following the markets for years, and he knows when a breakout is ready to occur. Jason has dedicated his life to helping you avoid getting taken by the Street. He created his company, Wall Street For Main Street, to empower the individuals and families of Main Street. He won’t hand your money over to Wall Streeters and other money managers; Burack is dedicated to teaching you how Wall Street manages money through research, risk management, and fundamental as well as technical analysis. Armed with this knowledge, you’ll be able to level the playing field while taking your own best advice. This is going to be a rocky time for all investors. However, if you’ve got the right strategy and truly understand exactly what’s going on and what that means for your investment returns, you will not only survive, but you’ll thrive in the New Economy. Please send your questions/comments to KL@KerryLutz.com or call us at 347-460-LUTZ.
Thu, 26 January 2012
Yesterday was a watershed event. The Fed capitulated and acknowledged that the economy will require zero percent interest rates into the indefinite future. Just six months ago they were saying the policy would only continue through to the end of 2012. What happened to change their view of the economy? Perhaps, for once, they decided that honesty is the policy. But that would be too much to hope for. No, they are hell-bent on making things look as good as they possibly can for the upcoming election. And they had to acknowledge that the obvious that the economy is weak and looking even weaker. QE3-Quantitative Easing 3-is just around the corner and the world knows it. If you've been listening to the show for past several weeks, I did something that I never do, I called a breakout in gold and silver. I usually avoid all pretenses at trying to predict any market. That's because there are so many people who do a better job than I could ever hope to. However, the storm clouds were gathering and it became so obvious, that I went out on a limband made the call. Now, gold is around 1725 and silver's over 33 and they both appear to be headed much much higher. And if this is the beginning of a new breakout, silver may well restart its 11 year bull market rise and we could see its gain far eclipse that of gold. So keep listening and if I steel up my courage, I may make another call, which you can accept or reject-at your liking. Please send your questions/comments to KL@KerryLutz.com or call us at 347-460-LUTZ.
Wed, 25 January 2012
"Ranting" Andy Hoffman and I sat down again; fortunately, we did it a few days later than usual. We got to discuss the opening parabolic warm-up shot that gold and silver took today. If you've been listening to Andy and the Financial Survival Network, this should have been just another day at the office. We knew it was coming, it was always a matter of when not if. And today, we got our answer. Because the metals have been artificially depressed, there is still time for some real profits, meaning profits over and above the actual inflation rate. The key is to buy before the big move takes place. The energy and strength of today's upside move means the wait could well be over. At the risk of being premature, FSN has been seeing unmistakable signs of an early spring awakening for gold and silver. And the stocks could be well-positioned, but my as well as Andy's primary focus is on the actual physical metals. Because no one knows what is going to happen to the economy, both locally and internationally, it is urgent that you have a core holding of physical metals. How much? That is a decision for each individual to make based upon their own circumstances. Some people say 10 percent of total assets is adequate. Others say the number is much higher. But in any event, there is no right or wrong answer. It's dependent upon your needs and wants. Please send your questions/comments to KL@KerryLutz.com or call us at 347-460-LUTZ.
Wed, 25 January 2012
Bob, "The International Forecaster" and I sat down for a brief chat about the economy, gold, silver and the mining shares. Bob explains that frugal management, especially in the early years, is extremely important. Management should be involved to make profits from the eventual success of the project, rather than cashing in on high salaries and other compensations; share structure is also quite important. When companies have hundreds of millions of shares outstanding, before producing one ounce, this will greatly lessen the potential future share appreciation. Focus is also extremely important; concentration on a few or even just one project is very important for a junior minor. This will assure management makes the most of every opportunity. But in the final analysis, the price of gold and silver is going to be the main factor. And here Bob is emphatic it's going no where but up. 2012 could very well be the most important year in the history of modern finance. As we were talking, gold went up over $30 per ounce on news that the Fed would keep its foot on the monetary gas pedal. Subsequently, the outlook for the economy was diminished. It is these kinds of economic fundamentals that have shown Bob to be right far more than he's been wrong. Please send your questions/comments to KL@KerryLutz.com or call us at 347-460-LUTZ.
Wed, 25 January 2012
Greg McCoach is a frequent guest on the show. As I've stated before, he is one of the most canny mining stock investors around. His MiningSpeculator is invaluable when it comes to the number of stocks it covers and the depth of analysis it provides. Greg is not one to sugar coat poor performance or less than stellar management. As you'll hear now, "he has a bone to pick" with several companies. But there's a number of other companies that he's extremely bullish about. Greg is brutally honest and never boring. The Financial Survival Network's thesis for 2012 is this year will prove to be a Gold Rush of epic proportions. Unlike others, we're not going to hedge and give you a bunch of platitudes about if this, that, or the other happens then things will be good. Frankly, we see nothing on the horizon to undermine the newly found confidence in precious metals as preserver and insurer of wealth around the world. We believe that when 2012 is looked at in the rearview mirror, many people will be kicking themselves for missing such easy opportunities to protect and increase wealth. Please send your questions/comments to KL@KerryLutz.com or call us at 347-460-LUTZ.
-- posted at: 1:29pm EDT
Mon, 23 January 2012
Ron Hera and I are live on the floor at the Vancouver Resource Investment Conference. There were over 500 companies exhibiting and Ron says that in 5 years, half of them won't exist. Ron explains that for a mining venture to be successful you need three things, experienced management with a track record, a property with decent ore grade and proximity to good infrastructure. Of course capital is required, but without these three important elements, you won't have to worry about raising money because there won't be any. Ron talks about several companies he thinks have good prospects. They are nearing production, have a good quality ore deposit, and should easily make the transition from development to production. Of course we do not ever recommend any stocks mentioned on the show, but we appreciate Ron's observations greatly. Please send your questions/comments to KL@KerryLutz.com or call us at 347-460-LUTZ.
Mon, 23 January 2012
At the Vancouver Resource Investment Conference, I caught up with an old friend of the show Kirsty Hogg. Kirsty's a gold bull and well known blogger about precious metals and protecting your wealth against the coming economic tsunami. Together we reviewed hundreds of different mining companies and went to a number of well informed company and market presentations. While we may not agree on every company's prospects, we both agree that a gold/silver/natural resource boom is underway. Metals prices are poised to take off once again and the share prices of many miners will go along for the ride. The key is finding the right sources of information and doing your own due diligence. Two of our favorites are CaseyResearch.com and Mickey Fulp--MercenaryGeologist.com. Many of the stocks we reviewed are selling at tremendous discounts to the metal they have in the ground. We are firmly convinced this sector is about to take off. Please send your questions/comments to KL@KerryLutz.com or call us at 347-460-LUTZ.
Sun, 22 January 2012
Greg McCoach believes that the Junior Gold and Silver Mining Stocks are ready to resume their upward path. He believes that gold and silver are poised for major breakouts. During the summer months and on vacations, it is not unusual to see him flying off to remote mines around the world, searching for great opportunities. He is very close with many of the mining company managers and has an excellent track record of picking winners and avoiding losers. He took unscripted questions from the audience and showed a near encyclopedic knowledge of dozens of obscure miners, who are staking claims around the globe. He gave some great insights and was never guarded when offering his opinion. We will be posting another segment with Greg answering impromptu questions about specific companies curious investors looking for an edge. There's great information there. Please send your questions/comments to KL@KerryLutz.com or call us at 347-460-LUTZ.
Sat, 21 January 2012
I'm in Vancouver, BC at the Resource Conference. Nearly 600 mining companies will be telling their stories. Please forgive the less than stellar audio quality, on the road productions are always difficult. This is more of a personal Triple Lutz Report. I wanted you to know about my family and how they weathered the Great Depression. If Doug Casey is correct and this is the Greater Depression, then this story may have value for you. While both sides of my family suffered during the depression, my mother's side eventually prospered and my father's side became impoverished. This is the tale of two families living just three miles apart and how they were affected by the Crash of 1929 and the resulting economic collapse that lasted for over 15 years. No, World War II did not end the depression, it simply changed the focus from the economy to national survival. Whether you survive and thrive of go off the cliff, to a large measure depends upon what you do. I hope this helps. Please send your questions/comments to KL@KerryLutz.com or call us at 347-460-LUTZ.
Thu, 19 January 2012
Less than a week ago, we questioned Ron Paul's real impact upon the issues being discussed in the never ending series of debates that have left every American shaking his/her head. If the candidates were celebrities, their PR staff would have warned them against getting over exposed to their market. And as politics is often referred to as, Hollywood for the Ugly, you really have to wonder. Now, there is clear evidence that Ron Paul has raised the bar. Candidate Newt Gingrich, who has more skeletons in his closet than a Roman Catacomb addressed a group several days ago imploring the return to a gold standard and warning of the ills of currency debasement. Will it matter? Good question and our take is probably not, but we can always hope. And at least the proper issue about the future of America is finally being discussed. Time will tell. Please send your questions/comments to KL@KerryLutz.com or call us at 347-460-LUTZ.
Thu, 19 January 2012
Mike "Mish" Shedlock finally made it on to FSN's distinguished guest list. While Mish is often controversial and frequently derided by other members of the prognostication class, he has a unique perspective, which is entitled to some respect. As he explains it, the massive destruction of assets, such as real estate and debt backed securities has actually led to a shrinking of the money in circulation. Even though the Monetary Base M0 has greatly expanded in recent years, none of these newly created dollars have found their way in to the money supply. The reason is simple, banks aren't lending because of the lack of credit worthy borrowers. As a result, while governments have greatly stepped up borrowing, inflation, as he sees it, has remained subdued. Nonetheless, he believes that the declining confidence in government and the global monetary system is leading to ever increasing gold prices. He's a big gold proponent and believes that it's the place to be. While some may take issue with his take on inflation versus deflation, he appears to arrive at the right place--gold is going up. He's got a blog at http://globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot.com/ and is a registered investment advisor representative for Sitka Pacific Capital Management. Please send your questions/comments to KL@KerryLutz.com or call us at 347-460-LUTZ.
Thu, 19 January 2012
Ayn Rand told me that there'd be days like this. In a chapter straight out of Atlas Shrugged, the mammoth Los Angeles Porn Industry is facing its biggest challenge yet. The City of Los Angeles is set to pass a law requiring all adult actors to wear condoms while producing pornographic movies. The industry is up in arms and is threatening to vacate the LA Valley for more libertarian climes. Putting aside what methods the City will use to enforce such intrusive regulation and who the lucky enforcers will be, one must wonder what the Mayor and his minions are thinking. While the porn industry has been hit by the recession and the plethora of free internet porn spewing forth from users' computer screens, it is estimated that it stills contributes $8 billion per year to the economy. Will this be yet another industry that finds increased profits and freedom in the once People's Republic of China, or will they relocate to places that respect and honor providers of carnal pursuits, like Las Vegas. You know things are pretty bad when the solvency of a state could be hanging on the viability of the smut peddlers' tax payments. Not that we are fans of the porn industry. This segment is responsible for much pain and suffering as well as the exploitation of young women. However, LA is not looking to ban the industry, but rather make it "safer." Obviously government regulation is unconcerned with decency or morality, but simply appearing to care about people's safety. Please send your questions/comments to KL@KerryLutz.com or call us at 347-460-LUTZ.
Wed, 18 January 2012
G. Edward Griffin joined us today. For those not familiar with his work, he wrote the definitive book on the Federal Reserve--The Creature From Jekyll Island, which details the shady dealings that went on to pass the Federal Reserve Act through Congress. Unfortunately too few people are familiar with this tale. Griffin has remained active in the debate and believes that everything that's going on right now is a prelude to The New World Order and universal totalitarianism. When faced with the decision to Get out of Dodge or to fight to restore the greatness of America, Griffin believes that there is nowhere to run to and nowhere to hide. He likens our contemporary struggle to that of the early founders of America. They didn't run off to Canada or Mexico, they stayed and claimed their heritage. And he doesn't propose violent resistance, which is doomed to failure, but rather a campaign of enlightenment and increasing the public's awareness of the mass criminality and ulterior agendas of those in power. He believes it only takes one percent of the country to lead the movement that can take back America. And he's not talking about Occupying Wall Street either. He is hopeful that the tide can be reversed. The Internet is the great equalizer, which allows vast amounts of knowledge and truth to be imparted at the speed of light. And this is exactly why the government and the shadowy powers are trying to restrict your access and freedom to communicate on it. Please send your questions/comments to KL@KerryLutz.com or call us at 347-460-LUTZ.
Wed, 18 January 2012
John Butler's upcoming book, The Golden Revolution could be a blockbuster. Unlike many of today's commentators and newsletter writers, John goes the extra mile and dares to see a world where fiat currencies have gone the way of the phonograph record. He's certain that plans are currently afoot to implement a new metallic money standard. It's clear that US monetary policy, besides being an abject failure, is destabilizing the world economic system. Many countries have come to this conclusion and understand that it is in their interest to come up with an alternative system, which will act as a store of value and will facilitate international trade. John refuses to lay out a timetable for this eventuality, as he knows from history that dying systems can continue on longer than anyone believes possible. Predicting the time of death for the dollar has proven an exercise in futility and isn't really very useful. The key is to grasp the reality that it is going to happen, and then plan your affairs accordingly. While worrying about tomorrow is a pointless endeavor, preparing for it is only proper. John's publisher Wylie has fast-tracked his book, and we look forward to its release. Watch for it on www.Amazon.com Please send your questions/comments to KL@KerryLutz.com or call us at 347-460-LUTZ.
Tue, 17 January 2012
Peter Grandich joins us for the first time today to discuss what's going on with oil & gas, precious metals, and the stock market. Peter has been writing his newsletter for many years, and his biggest present concern is US debt. He describes the US as being in an eye of the storm--we've had the first wave and the back end, which is always worse, is rapidly approaching. Peter refers to the financial professional community as the dont worry be happy crowd. He describes the constant industry refrain that, "Stocks and bonds are always a buy," is just mainstream media propaganda. The US has so much debt, that there's no foreseeable production of cash flow to service the interest rate, let alone pay down principle. Peter says the inevitable result will be a combination of three things: the debt is repudiated, renegotiated and monetized. We both agree that, the can can't be kicked forever. However, the major problem with any reasonable solution, is that the people that we look to for solutions are the very same people that got us into this mess in the first place. It's not a matter of which party, the political process is truly broken. Government has grown so big, that soon there will be more government workers than private. Once this occurs, Peter states, "We'll never get the reform we need." The day of reckoning is just as certain as "death and taxes." Please send your questions/comments to KL@KerryLutz.com or call us at 347-460-LUTZ.
Tue, 17 January 2012
Triple Lutz Report--Sydney Phillips Shows You How To Get Food Stamps Without Really Trying--Episode 151
Sydney Phillips of www.thecollegeconservative.com shows you how to get food stamps without really trying. She's a college student who was conducting a social experiment on how difficult or as it turns out easy it is to get food stamps, now known as an EBT Card. She goes through the motions, not really complying with the necessary steps, failing to provide require earnings data and winds up getting her card in the mail a month later. And best of all, she can get $200 per month, to feed a hungry family of one. For many students, but not Sydney, this is the difference between being able to purchase marijuana, go to social events or even take a trip home to see the family. This is just another case of indoctrination. Show the young college students that it's not really that big a deal going on the dole and that everyone does it! This helps break down that stigma of being a ward of the State and sets the individual up to be a lifelong participant in the entitlement state. Not that there are not people who really do need such assistance, of course there are many, but the danger is that people become addicted to free money and benefits, compliments of Uncle Sam. This is a danger to our way of life and to the continued economic viability of the country. Please send your questions/comments to kl@kerrylutz.com or call us at 347-460-LUTZ.