Robert Ian has done a lot in his life. Magician, motivational speaker and consultant to large corporations. He has helped them navigate organizational change and he can help you do the same. Robert has been all over the financial collapse and in fact was ahead of the curve, recognizing it far earlier than most of the network pundits. He's got a strategy for dealing with it too. It involves investing in yourself to obtain the skills that will enable you to support your family and yourself when we enter the next phase.

While there may be many things that you cannot do to avoid the economic tsunami, no one is helpless in preparing for it. The key is to act now, don't wait for the inevitable to occur. These disruptions have occurred in the past and they will happen again, no matter how enlightened mankind may believe itself to be. The key to conquering and managing change is to anticipate and figure out how you can profit from it. It's really that simple.

Please send your questions/comments to or call us at 347-460-LUTZ.

Direct download: Robert_Ian_01-13-12.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:42pm EDT

Miles Franklin's reigning precious metals guru Ranting Andy Hoffman told us today that Europe's economic system is toast. There's no way for the weaker economies to make a comeback and pay down all the debt they've accumulated over the past several decades. More importantly to us New Yorkers, however, is that the NY Giants defied conventional wisdom and the prognostications of the clueless mainstream media and defeated the Green Bay Packers. While I know that this is a disappointment to many of my Wisconsin friends, family and fans, nonetheless it made it easier to wake up this morning and come to work. Perhaps New York's wunderkind governor will also defy the odds and turn New York's economy around. However, I think the Giants are more likely to win the Superbowl than that occurring.

Nine European nations' credit ratings were slashed on Friday. France lost its coveted "Triple A" ranking and Italy was cut to just one level above junk. But Andy says, "That's all any of their debt is, junk." Time to take matters into your own hands and start stocking up on gold and silver. Prices have firmed and now it's just a matter of time.

Please send your questions/comments to or call us at 347-460-LUTZ.

Direct download: Ranting_Andy_01-16-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:52pm EDT

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has recently cut a deal with an obscure Malaysian Company to build a mega-casino at the Aquaduct Race Track in Queens Borough of New York City. At the same time he has put an indefinite hold on Hydro-Fracking natural gas drilling in virtually unpopulated sections of the New York State. So in other words, he wants you to become a low paid croupier, not a high paid gas driller. There has been virtually no discussion of the negative effects of gambling, increased crime, broken families and suicides. And as we've found out recently, for most people, gambling is a discretionary expense. 

Natural gas drilling workers earn over $100,000 per year on average. It has become a multi-billion dollar industry in neighboring Pennsylvania (which has also legalized casino gambling) and is accounting for thousands of jobs. So why not legalize Fracking and Casino Gambling? And more importantly, the deal that was cut to allow this mega-casino is a text book study in crony-capitalism. The shadowy Malaysian Company hired scores of top flight lobbyist and they got the deal done. Is this what New York and the United States have become?

Please send your questions/comments to or call us at 347-460-LUTZ.

Direct download: TLR_150.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:41am EDT






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