Wed, 4 January 2012
Bix Weir of joins us this week to discuss the impending implosion of the world's financial markets. Bix believes the mother of all crashes is happening very soon, possibly as soon as this March. It could be triggered by the CFTC's implementation of position limits for silver as well as other commodities and their upcoming definition of SWAPs. This is supposed to be done sometime in January, with a 60 day implementation period to follow, and Bix believes this could and will trigger a market crash. He warns us to keep an eye on the European situation--the European and US banks are up to their collective eyeballs in derivatives, which have been likened to weapons of mass financial destruction. The bank collapse in Europe could lead to bank collapses in the US, so follow Europe closely as this could be your last warning to get all of your monies out of the US banks. The widespread financial fraud has been on-going. We've been printing our way to prosperity since the early 70's. So hold onto your metals, they're the only answer to the government's debasing of currency. Gold and silver are going to be freely traded, and soon! Probably by the end of 2012. Free markets will rise again; unfortunately, we're going to have to live through the crash to get there. Please send your questions to or call us at 347-460-LUTZ.
Wed, 4 January 2012
John Grisham has been an international, best selling author for nearly 20 years. His specialty, legal thrillers like The Firm, The Rainmaker, The Litigators and many others; Grisham has also written a couple of children's legal thrillers as well. He's sold over 250 million books, ranking him among the most successful authors on the planet. I've enjoyed his earlier works; but recently, I've found that his work was starting to feel like it was written from a standard outline. However, his latest work, The Litigators, seems to have broken this formulaic mold. The story centers on David Zinc, a Harvard grad and burned-out, 5th year associate of a top firm with impeccable credentials. His future is extremely bright until the day he opts to go on a major bender instead of heading into work. The fun begins when the protagonist gets fired and subsequently hooks up with the ambulance chasing firm of Finley and Figg. Things are looking up, but then it all hits the fan again. In order to avoid sanctions and a potential multi-million dollar liability for filing a frivolous action, David goes up against his old firm in the courtroom. The Litigators is an absurd farcical look at practicing law in the 21st Century. It will provide consistent laughs; highly recommended. Please send your questions to or call us at 347-460-LUTZ.
Tue, 3 January 2012
Bill Murphy, former pro-football player and Wall Streeter has been leading the charge for over a decade. He claims that the precious metals markets have been fixed by the government, for the purpose of propping up the bankrupt fiat money system. The country and the world have been living beyond their means for decades and now it's all coming home to roost. Politicians and the political system have failed to stem the world's desire for ever bigger and more powerful government. Other than Congressman Ron Paul, no one has stepped up to the plate to make the case for free markets and limited government. Originally, when Bill started his movement, he was treated as a conspiracy crank and was fitted for a tin foil hat by the mainstream media. Thirteen years later, his foresight has become accepted wisdom. According to Bill, it is clear that governments will do anything they can to avoid making the tough decisions and if that means manipulating precious metals' prices, so be it. Pretty soon, we'll find out if Bill is right. Just keep watching the prices of gold and silver and you will too. Please send your question to or call us at 347-460-LUTZ.
Mon, 2 January 2012
Ron Hera, the well respected and highly regarded proprietor of explains what 2012 will look like. And it ain't pretty. The governments of the world seem hell bent into leading us all into a financial dark ages. Ever expanding debt and currency units cannot end well. It never has and never will. Until policy makers are willing to face the facts that the financial system is not facing a liquidity crisis, but rather a insolvency crash, nothing can change. It's as if you went to the Doctor and he treated you for a common cold, when you were really suffering from pneumonia. You might feel better for a little while, but the disease could wind up killing you. We are witnessing the death throws of the current financial system. A new system will be born from the ashes of the old one, but there will be much suffering and pain until it happens. You need to prepare for 2012, because while the world might not end on December 21, 2012 (It better not because that's my wife's birthday), we could be facing a new financial world order in 2013. Please send your questions to or call us at 347-460-LUTZ.
Sun, 1 January 2012
The Financial Survival Network grew by leaps and bounds in 2011. We went from virtually no listeners to 10's of thousands in just a few short months. We are preparing for 2012 and you need to also. That means putting into place three plans: 1)A Personal Financial Survival, 2)A Physical Survival Plan and 3)A Family Survival Plan. I have committed to revising and finalizing my plans and I will be sharing them with you in 30 micro trainings on In addition, we plan have a number of events in the second half of the year. So please sign up at <a href=""></a> now. They're coming out very soon along with the revamped Financial Survival Toolkit. There are big changes ahead for the New Year. We talk about a number of emerging trends and what you need to know to deal with them. As long as you take the proper steps and know what's in store, you'll probably make it through and wind up in a better position than where you started. The key to dealing with change as in dealing with life is Preparation! Please send your questions to or call us at 347-460-LUTZ.