Thu, 27 February 2014 presents G. Edward Griffin was on today discussing the wonderful story of the two Californians who found $10 million worth of gold numistmatic coins in their back yard and are in the process of trading them for worthless fiat dollars. Obviously they've never listened to the Financial Survival Network. Perhaps they've spent a little too much time in Colorado lately. And then there's that problem of a potential solar storm that could knock out much of the world's electrical grid. We cover it all. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Thu, 27 February 2014 presents Yukong Zhao believes that today, Americans are faced with unprecedented challenges, including global competition, decline in education quality, skyrocketing government debt, the looming insolvency of Social Security and Medicare, and high oil prices. To survive the collapse and to prevail in this tough environment, many Americans are seeking solutions to better manage their lives and raise their children. Wisdom from other successful cultures may be just what families need to broaden their worldview and provide fresh ideas to meet these challenges. The Chinese Secrets for Success: Five Inspiring Confucian Values offers fresh ideas and practical guidance based on five Confucianism values as they relate to career aspiration, education, money management, family, and friendship. These are the untold secrets behind the rise of China and the success of Asian Americans—“the highest-income, best-educated, and fastest-growing racial group in the US,” according to the Pew Research Center.
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Thu, 27 February 2014 presents Emeka Iwenofu is an aspiring young writer who lived mostly in Cleveland where he attended Cuyahoga Community College before transferring to Cleveland State University where he earned his degree in Accounting. Afterwards, he later became engrossed with free enterprise and engaged in a number of solo business ventures before finding his true calling, which was writing. He eventually read several books on success development, mental attitude, and the law of attraction which inspired him to write the three book series, called: The Miracle Trilogy. He feels that this series is one of the first books of its kind to touch on the law of attraction in such a comprehensive and scientific format among characters as a basis of why and how this phenomenon works. We're big fans at FSN. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Wed, 26 February 2014 presents John Rubino has been ahead of the curve when it comes to predicting the collapse. His latest book The Money Bubble continues his record. Instability in Turkey, Thailand, Argentina, The Ukraine and Venezuela is just another manifestation of the monetary instability that has been unleashed upon the world. Where it ends is anybody's guess, but obviously it's going to get worse before it gets better. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Wed, 26 February 2014 presents Dr. Elaina George was with us today and urges you not to be a victim. There are so many ways to that you can be within the system, yet not have to be victimized by it. You can play the game yet not wind up a loser. She gives at least three workable alternatives that will assure you better health with better healthcare providers. This woman knows her stuff! Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Wed, 26 February 2014 presents Jim Willie of the editor of the Hat Trick Letter was on for an extensive interview. He says that Syria and the Ukraine are really all about the pipeline wars. Gazprom is pushing aside OPEC's monopoly and the West's effort to stop it. He believes that Venezuela is what the US will look like in the future, criminality, inefficiency and corruption. On the financial front, the seismic waves of destruction for the US Dollar are coming more fast and furiously. From Cyprus, to German repatriation, to LIBORgate, etc. How much longer can't be accurately forecast, but things are certainly heating up. China's financial system is on edge, but their gold reserves (15,000 tons) will enable them to crater their paper system, along with the dollar, thereby putting them in charge of the resulting gold-based economic system.
If it sounds scary, that's because it is. Jim sees shortages and civil unrest in the US, when it all comes to pass. Buckle your seat belt and get prepared now! Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Wed, 26 February 2014 presents Jim Willie of the editor of the Hat Trick Letter was on for an extensive interview. He says that Syria and the Ukraine are really all about the pipeline wars. Gazprom is pushing aside OPEC's monopoly and the West's effort to stop it. He believes that Venezuela is what the US will look like in the future, criminality, inefficiency and corruption. On the financial front, the seismic waves of destruction for the US Dollar are coming more fast and furiously. From Cyprus, to German repatriation, to LIBORgate, etc. How much longer can't be accurately forecast, but things are certainly heating up. China's financial system is on edge, but their gold reserves (15,000 tons) will enable them to crater their paper system, along with the dollar, thereby putting them in charge of the resulting gold-based economic system. If it sounds scary, that's because it is. Jim sees shortages and civil unrest in the US, when it all comes to pass. Buckle your seat belt and get prepared now! Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Tue, 25 February 2014 presents The corruption is out of control and no one seems to want to do anything about it. The Congress has been bought and sold and is a wholly owned subsidiary of Wall Street. Danielle believes that perhaps after the next phase the public will be outraged enough to demand that the financial interests be dismembered, but that's for another day. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Tue, 25 February 2014 presents Joel Joseph is a Georgetown Law graduate who has represented more than Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Tue, 25 February 2014 presents Phillip van Doorn of discusses the benefits of buying a home in the red hot real estate market now. Interest rates are low and prices are going up. But it all depends upon the circumstances of the buyer. And of course caveat emptor applies. We also discussed the status of Fannie and Freddie and should they go or should they stay? Do they have a future in America. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Mon, 24 February 2014 presents Wayne Allyn Root is worried that America is become the land of dependence. As more and more of Obamacare kicks in, there's less and less incentive to go it on your own. Now, after the President's latest diktat, businesses between 50 and 99 workers are exempt from the law if they certify to the IRS that they haven't fired any workers due to Obamacare. What's next? Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Mon, 24 February 2014 presents Monday's Discussion with Andy:
Mon, 24 February 2014 presents Dayna Steele, CEO of, is a leading authority on business and success trends including social media, networking and customer service as well as a rock radio Hall of Famer, and author of the 101 Ways to Rock Your World book series. She writes for, consults Fortune 500 companies and is a popular keynote speaker for companies and universities. Her business card sums it up: Dayna Steele, Creates Rock Stars. Find out more on her page. She gives a stellar talk on what you need to do to succeed. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Thu, 20 February 2014 presents Tom Dyson has just signed a post-nuptial agreement, which provides in the unlikely event of a divorce that his wife will receive 100 percent of all property and 50 percent of all income. The only thing she must do is agree to continue to homeschool the children, a small price to pay. However, Tom is very confident that it will never come to pass. We wish him well. He's still bullish on whole life insurance policies, the right kind-the 7-70 type, which have been the province of presidents and the wealthy for generations. He's out of bitcoin now, but still likes the concept. There's more wisdom here from the publisher of the Palm Beach Letter. You're sure to enjoy this one. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Wed, 19 February 2014 presents The worst principal at perhaps the worst school in America just got fired. And to that we say it's about time! Since the New York Post broke the story we've been all over it. All we can say to New York City is what took you so long? Her offenses were so outrageous that she should have been terminated on the spot. Next we discussed a listener email that talked about an impending electrical shortage in New York City. Somehow the mainstream media has missed this story. Wonder why? Due to a number of cental planning mishaps combined with the awful weather, the region finds itself struggling to keep up with electrical demand. The solution is simple--Frack New York! Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Tue, 18 February 2014 presents Joe Deaux, Staff Report of is seeing continued acceptance of Bitcoin and thinks that merchants appreciate the ability to avoid transaction costs involved with accepting credit and debit cards. He's not sure that it will ever replace these forms of payment, but the possiblity certainly exists. And the result will be that Bitcoin will become more mainstream. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Tue, 18 February 2014 presents Debra Borchardt Markets Analyst for has had a lot of time on her hands recently, with the awful weather in the Northeast. She decided to get an early start on her taxes. Like always, there's some good news and some bad news. The home office deduction has finally been recognized by the IRS as valid. The standard decution has been increased. But on the negative side, various taxes were increased for high earners. Better to face reality early than to get hit with ugly surprises later. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Tue, 18 February 2014 presents They Call Jimmy Slagle the “Dart-Throw Trader”. His unique investment and trading strategies get consistent and predictable results. That’s the reason he closed his investment advisory and wealth management practice and formed Dart Throw Trading. He provides investor coaching and trading education for investors and traders who want to ultimately get “free” of the outdated conventional “Wall Street” wisdom. Dart Throw Trading has revolutionized the investment-education arena. With his combination of audio, visual, and written materials, Dart-Throw allows students to learn in the way that suits them best. The program content leverages over 20 years of Jimmy’s successes and early struggles to build his own strategic investment program. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Tue, 18 February 2014 presents Karen Simpson-Hankins has been called “a go-to mortgage and real estate expert” in the media and a “breath of fresh air” by her clients.
A 37- year veteran of the mortgage industry, author, coach and speaker, Hankins is undeniably a consumer's trusted advocate in home finance. Over her career, Hankins has focused on acquiring the best possible loan at the best possible price for every client until she left the mortgage industry in late 2011. She felt the industry no longer supported her values with the way consumers were being treated. But she has since realized that she can help more individuals by inspiring change within the industry! Now, she works one-on-one with consumers as a home loan professional, coach, and consumer advocate. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Direct download: Karen_Simpson_Hankins_2-18-2014_RA_JH.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:55am EST
Tue, 18 February 2014 presents Precious metals expert David Morgan believes that the two year correction in gold and silver is finished. He thinks that gold could reach $1550 by year's end and silver could hit $26. He'll be speaking more about that during the Liberty Mastermind Symposium, along with many other speakers in Las Vegas this week. You don't want to miss it. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Mon, 17 February 2014 presents markets From our regular Monday get together:
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Mon, 17 February 2014 presents Sri Vasudevan believes that one of the major problems in the world today is that there aren't enough critical thinkers. People just act without ever considering the consequences of their actions. When this happens on a large scale, the results are often disasterous. Using, Sri is determined to create critical thinkers, one mind at a time. He can be found at our Thought Provoking Meetup in Palm Beach County every Saturday. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Mon, 17 February 2014 presents Carl Jarvis, noted constitutional scholar, believes that Obamacare is further weakening the bonds of the rule of law and the Constitution. The President, in a bid save his hallmark legislation, issues an increasing tide of unlawful executive orders. Congress seems unwilling or unable to stand up to him. The Courts don't want to address the issue and thus we are becoming a nation of men and not laws. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Sun, 16 February 2014 presents We reconnected with Arch Crawford. He's not liking what he's seeing in the stars or the technical charts for the stock market. Gold and silver are looking good. He wants to see a further confirmation by the 200 day moving averages. He even made a possible prediction that something crazy could happen with this year's mid-term congressional elections, like maybe they're not going to happen. We're not sure of that, but we're not willing to bet against him either. With a president that's becoming more imperial by the day, who can say no? Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Thu, 13 February 2014 presents Peter Grandich joined us today for a look at the rising gold and silver markets. Gold broke $1300 today. No one can dispute that the markets have been behaving differently. The usual employment numbers release accompanied by a predicatble raid on the metals hasn't happened in the last two months and Peter believes that this is just the beginning. Rising physical demand and the shift of the market's epicent to Asia are just two reasons. Stay tuned for more. Peter's also got a nice financial planning tool for cash flow investors that he'd like to share with you. Just email us and we'll put you in touch. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets