Mon, 17 February 2014 presents markets From our regular Monday get together:
Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Mon, 17 February 2014 presents Sri Vasudevan believes that one of the major problems in the world today is that there aren't enough critical thinkers. People just act without ever considering the consequences of their actions. When this happens on a large scale, the results are often disasterous. Using, Sri is determined to create critical thinkers, one mind at a time. He can be found at our Thought Provoking Meetup in Palm Beach County every Saturday. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Mon, 17 February 2014 presents Carl Jarvis, noted constitutional scholar, believes that Obamacare is further weakening the bonds of the rule of law and the Constitution. The President, in a bid save his hallmark legislation, issues an increasing tide of unlawful executive orders. Congress seems unwilling or unable to stand up to him. The Courts don't want to address the issue and thus we are becoming a nation of men and not laws. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets