Nationalism is a buzzword pulled straight from today’s headlines. But did you know that a large part of the Reformation was driven by nationalism? Find out how in The Reformation 500 Years Later: 12 Things You Need To Know (releases August 28th.)

500 years after Martin Luther allegedly nailed his 95 Theses on the door of Wittenburg Castle Church, popular historian Benjamin Wiker PhD reveals 12 little known facts about the historical event that impacts every last one of us.

In The Reformation 500 Years Later: 12 Things You Need to Know, Professor Wiker reveals:

Why Islam and secularism, major threats to Christianity today, were also major factors influencing the Reformation

How Luther inspired radical reformers whom he actually despised

How bad popes were even worse than you think

Why nationalism was as much a force in the Reformation as religious reform was

How the Catholic Church was in dire need of reform—and how it had benefited from continual reform over the course of its then 1,500-year history

How the invention of the printing press both helped and harmed the Reformation

Why another Reformation is inevitable—and what course it might take

Direct download: Benjamin_Wiker_30.Aug.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:50pm EDT

Bob Hoye joined us to talk about markets. He believes there's a contraction coming. The current bull markets in stocks and unfortunately the pro-business Trump admin won't be enough to rescue markets, both stock and credit. We're on the path that leads to a contraction. While there's no guarantee that markets will follow the past, there's no guarantee they won't. So it's safer to follow the tried and true path. When the contraction comes, the price of gold will move up. Stocks may take a temporary hit as the greater market contracts. Lot's more. Have a list of the gold stocks you want to buy because you'll probably have an opportunity in November to buy them at a substantial discount. 

Direct download: Bob_Hoye_30.Aug.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:29pm EDT

Things in Houston are far worse than the media is letting on. The damage has been devastating and has effected millions of people. Most of them are un/under-insured. Get ready for helicopter money. But have we finally encountered a situation that we may be unable to print our way of. And let's see how those dams hold up. More havoc could be on the way. 

Direct download: Chris_Martenson_30.Aug.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:08pm EDT

David Morgan's been following precious metals markets for 40 years. During this time he's seen a lot. He thinks that the current rally which broke through $1300 without breaking a sweat will soon be over. The silver to gold ratio is not narrowing and that's a negative sign. There's a lot more problems out there than anyone politician wants to admit. Eventually those problems will percolate to the surface making the crash of 2008-09 appear as a minor blip. Are you ready? 

Direct download: David_Morgan_29.Aug.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:13pm EDT

Antifa and Black Lives Matter are out of control. The police have been told to stand down in the face of repeated attacks by these groups. We discuss with George Matheis, our all around self-defense expert, how to avoid triggering these thugs. It might be a good idea to put your MAGA hat away and avoid putting certain bumper stickers on your vehicle. 

George has a new business. He's training service dogs and loving every minute of it. He had a bad case of PTSD and has found that his service dog has always got his back. Dogs are also ideal for home defense, more sensitive than even the best alarm system. 

Direct download: George_Matheis_29.Aug.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:10pm EDT

A clandestine war is being waged against the Trump administration by rogue elements of the intelligence community, with the collusion of the media and liberal establishment. It amounts to an intelligence coup against the Trump presidency. In ROGUE SPOOKS: The Intelligence War on Donald Trump, bestselling author Dick Morris uncovers the facts behind allegations of foreign meddling in the 2016 presidential election.

This groundbreaking expose will leave readers questioning the motives of U.S. Intelligence agencies, leftover partisans within our government, and members of the mainstream press.

Donald Trump's first 100 days in office were roiled by allegations of treasonous contacts between his campaign team and the Kremlin to rig the election. These outrageous charges first surfaced in the notorious “Trump Dossier,” an unverified document of suspect provenance, full of wild and salacious accusations.

This dossier—filled with little more than gossip, rumor, and innuendo––was compiled by Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence operative who teamed up with the FBI and anti-Trump partisans. Hillary Clinton supporters paid for Steele’s work.

When no news media would publish the unverified dossier, the ex-spook enlisted the help of a former UK ambassador to Russia, who arranged in turn for a former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State to get the document to Senator John McCain, in the hope that he would then bring it to FBI Director James Comey’s attention. McCain did just that.

Comey himself played a critical role in the dossier ultimately going public, giving a confidential summary to President Obama and Congressional leaders. It was immediately leaked by rogue spooks in order to demean, destabilize, and destroy Donald Trump’s nascent presidency.

The dossier and this mythical intelligence are the basis for the phony claims about a Russia/Trump collusion to steal the election. No proof was found. No substantiation uncovered. Even Comey told Trump he was not under investigation for the Russian meddling charges. But that didn’t end the leaks or the allegations. Working in concert with liberal news outlets, these rogue spooks have formed a new intel/media complex that threatens our democracy. ROGUE SPOOKS will reveal how it works.

The many questions Dick Morris answers in ROGUE SPOOKS:

Was Russia the only nation meddling in the presidential election, or were the Brits at it too?
Are there still Obama moles burrowed into the FBI, CIA and the White House, sabotaging the Trump administration?
Did the FBI offer to pay the author of the infamous “Trump Dossier” $50,000 of taxpayer money to verify the dossier’s allegations, while he was also being paid by Clinton supporters?
What are the likely next moves of the leaders of the coup, and how can Trump defeat them?

In ROGUE SPOOKS, readers will be shocked to learn the truth about the false accusations against President Trump in the flawed dossier. They’ll be interested to know how leaks to the media fueled the phony scandal, and how intelligence agencies will try to use the newly appointed special prosecutor to oust President Trump. They will also learn what we can do—specifically—to stop them.

Direct download: Dick_Morris_28.Aug.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:46pm EDT

Today gold broke $1300 per oz. Is it hallelujah time? Let's see what happens. Gold's price behavior has changed markedly over the past 3 months. We're seeing higher highs and higher lows. Sounds like a trend change to the uninitiated. However, we do have the overhang of a very negative COT report. This probably means that we're going to see a reversal, but it might very well be shortly lived. Exciting times. 

Direct download: John_Rubino_28.Aug.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:20pm EDT

For 30 years Angela Sloan, CEO and founder of Sloan Financial Group, has dedicated herself to helping her clients secure their financial affairs. Unfortunately at a young age, she was swindled out of her life savings by her “trusted” advisor. This misfortune motivated Angela to make it her life’s work to keep bad things from happening to good people.

Angela believes our economy has a good outlook but we know that history does repeat itself. After going through 9-11 and the financial crisis of 2008 and looking at the situation in the Middle East & North Korea one can’t help but be a little cautious. Prepare your portfolio for a quick move if needed but still have it to where you can capture the growth that the markets are experiencing.

With that said Angela is excited about this market and our economic growth. It's great to finally see businesses excited. We are going to set even more records this year especially if the healthcare bill is resolved and President Trump’s tax plan is approved.

Direct download: Angela_Sloan_28.Aug.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:18am EDT

Our prayers go out to all you FSN community members in Texas suffering the effects of Hurricane Harvey. Be safe and be smart.

Talked with Andy Hoffman, he's still going to be around and promises you'll be the first to know.

All this talk of removing confederate monuments is contrived manufactured controversy from the Left. They stand for nothing but divisiveness and preying upon dissatisfaction. This will prove to be a world class blunder on their part.

Speaking of which, the GOPe or Establishment is blundering in their Trumpian Opposition. It's backfiring on them now as at least four GOPe senators are facing serious primary challenges from the pro-Trump forces. It's getting very interesting!

Direct download: TRL_425.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:02pm EDT

From Trump the candidate to Trump (the President), a world of difference. What does the word WIN means, for us, in Afghanistan, after 16 years? And, Trump (the President) takes credit for the record Dow, the GDP, the unemployment rate and draining the swamp (to be replaced with Generals and Goldman Sachs Alumni). Trump (the candidate) would be appalled and would call it the actions of "crooked Hillary".

Direct download: Bill_Tatro_23.Aug.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:55am EDT

Molly Montgomery is the founder of Ascension, a startup advisory firm that helps high performing entrepreneurs and visionary leaders grow or scale their company with confidence. Using forensic techniques to help clients fuel growth and increase profits, Molly helps entrepreneurs develop, manage and grow the financial foundation of their company, while helping them understand their financial data and discovering new ways to measure and assess performance. Her role is often keeping a startup out of trouble's path. Solid systems combined with a dose of planning goes a long way. 

Direct download: Molly_Montogomery_23.Aug.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:14pm EDT

As talks get underway for renegotiating NAFTA it now seems as though much of the rhetoric form the campaign has gone away and more modest changes are being looked at.

Rather than getting rid of NAFTA all together, which would have major widespread implications, things being discussed should include tougher enforcement on regulations in Mexico and bringing new technology into the conversation that didn't exist or was just emerging when NAFTA was created.

I think this will be an important negotiation to watch. Many believed that this administration would be able to spur the U.S. economy, through dealing that should be "pro-business," though there hasn't been much actual development towards the improvement of businesses, however, this could be an opportunity to start making tangible steps towards that goal.

Direct download: Sam_McElroy_23.Aug.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:21am EDT

Google has declared war on conservatives and those who don't agree with liberals. All of his YouTube videos have been de-monetized. All in the name of diversity. There are companies coming out that will take on the entrenched media/internet companies and will succeed. It's just a matter of time. Faster than you could topple a Robert E. Lee statue. Time to take the internet back. 

Direct download: Joe_Messina_22.Aug.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:38pm EDT

Chris Reining became financially independent at 35 by saving $1mm, then quit his job and retired at 37. (Now in his spare time he teaches others how they can do it too.)
Key Takeaways:
1. Automating your personal finances to find hidden income
2. How to start investing in the market, and the one thing to stop doing
3. Why anyone can retire early

Direct download: Chris_Reining_22.Aug.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:08pm EDT

The tragedy in Charlottesville could have been an occasion to stop and consider how the tolerance for politically correct violence and politically correct hatred is leading the nation towards civil war. Instead the media and the political left have turned this incident into the biggest fake news story of the summer, transforming its real lessons into a morality play that justifies war against the political right, and against white people generally.

The organizers of the “Unite the Right” demonstration in Charlottesville were repellent racists. But they came to defend a historic monument honoring a complex man and cause, and not to attack it or presumably anyone else. They applied for a permit and were denied. They re-applied successfully in a petition supported by the local ACLU. If they had come to precipitate violence, why would they have gone to the tedious trouble of applying for a permit? Who knows what – if anything – would have happened if that had been the end of the story and no one had showed up to oppose them.

What “Unite the Right” actually demonstrated was that the assortment of neo-Nazis, pro-Confederates and assorted yahoos gathered under the banner of the “Alt-Right” is actually a negligible group. This was a national show of strength that in reality attracted all of 500 people. Compare that to the tens of the thousands who can readily be marshalled by two violent groups of the left – Black Lives Matter and Antifa – and you get an idea of how marginal “white supremacists” are to America’s political and cultural life.

Direct download: David_Horowitz_22.Aug.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

Dr. John Huber joined us for a discussion of so-called hate groups and the recent riot at Charlottesville, VA. Taking down monuments isn't going to end hate. Symbols of the old South have become a flashpoint for numerous groups on the left. Where is it going to end?  Neo-Nazis and the KKK are fringe groups at best and have no voice in contemporary America. They are truly marginal. 

Direct download: Dr._John_Huber_21.Aug.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm EDT

Dee Carter joined us today. He enjoys bringing stability and peace of mind to his retirement planning clients. 'When the market drops 300 points in one day, I don't worry because my clients still make money' he says. That is why I specialize in safe-money my clients can sleep well at night.' It's important to learn from your parents' mistakes and Dee is trying to help his clients do just that. 


Direct download: Dee_Carter_21.Aug.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:36pm EDT

John joined us today. His take is that as the middle class disappears so does the middle point in our political debate, thereby leaving just the extremes. Obviously not a good thing. But attempting to wipeout or forget about our history is not the way to solve our problems. Rather history has proven to be the best teacher and an angry task master. Get ready for those who would attempt to rewrite or obliterate it. 

COT -  Commitment of traders report has turned very bearish towards precious metals. This measure has worked continually over the past 10 years and shows no signs of quitting now. Will it be a down quarter for precious metals? 

Direct download: John_Rubino_21.Aug.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:21pm EDT

We've been hearing about the Opioid Epidemic for a quite a while now. Overdoses, deaths and the impact upon families and the communities has been profound. But overlooked is the impact of this drug epidemic on the factory floor. Large numbers of applicants routinely fail drug tests and cannot be allowed to work with heavy and potentially dangerous equipment. Safety is key. Just like you wouldn't want a stoned pilot, a stoned doctor, a stoned air traffic controller, you don't want a crane operator under the influence either. Thus the need for drug testing in many industries. The problem needs to be dealt with now. 

Direct download: Lew_Weiss_14.Aug.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:21pm EDT

What's going on with the economy and the stock market? Jordan believes that tax reform, Obamacare repeal and other Trump initiatives are dead in the water. There's very little that can be done besides regulatory reform. Auto delinquencies are rapidly increasing, the student loan bubble is getting ready to burst and we're getting close to the government's debt ceiling. Not a recipe for increased confidence and prosperity. 

Direct download: Jordan_Goodman_17.Aug.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:13pm EDT

Andrew Zatlin is the mega-number cruncher. He believes there's trouble in paradise. The unemployment numbers appear to be range bound and this always is a precursor to a recession. Debt is escalating. Auto loans now go for 84 months. Andrew believes that the hedge funds and the smart money are getting ready to exit the market. And then things will get interesting. So batten the hatches and get ready!

Direct download: Andrew_Zatlin_16.Aug.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:25pm EDT

What Really Happening Wednesdays with Andrew Hoffman:

Another "sleepy summer week" manipulation
-like July 4th, which led to big PM gains the following week

Bitcoin explosion, as the "ultimate monetary death cross" approaches
-i.e., crypto usurping fiat

Precious Metals and Bitcoin, the only true "scarcity assets"

-Best-ever environment for Precious Metal portfolio swaps


Direct download: Andy_Hoffman_16.Aug.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:44am EDT

The sharing economy has not been born solely out of efficiency, it's also largely a matter of necessity. Declining incomes and profits make it a major money saver for the shrinking middle class. Whether it's AirBNB for travel, Uber to get where you're going or Citibikes to use a bicycle in the City, it just makes so much sense. And we haven't seen anything yet. It's going to really take off soon once self-driving cars really hit the market. 

Direct download: Danielle_Park_15.Aug.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:39pm EDT

New trade figures from the Department of Commerce show the U.S. international trade picture continues to deteriorate. The U.S. trade deficit in June hit $43.6 billion, almost the same as the June level last year of $43.8 billion. But for the first half of this year, at $276.6 billion, the trade deficit is 10.7% worse than the year-ago figure. We are now on track for an annual trade deficit this year of some $550 billion, which would be the highest deficit since 2008. That’s some 2.8% of our GDP, a substantial contractionary force in the economy. If that spending were going towards U.S. goods and services instead of foreign goods and services, it would create more revenue, more jobs, more profit, and more investment inside the U.S. instead of overseas.

Direct download: Jeff_Ferry_15.Aug.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:37pm EDT

Titus Gebel is an entrepreneur who's attempting to further the concept of Free Private Cities, an idea who's time has come. Rather than your rights springing forth from a government edict or constitution, they are derived from a contract with the profit making free private city. Your duties are clearly spelled out as are their's. If you don't like the place, you can leave. It would be a libertarian haven for all. It's time to try another system for human beings to peaceably and productively live and interact together. This seems better than most. In places where parts of the concept have been adapted, success has been the rule. Imagine the Free Private City of Detroit. 

Direct download: Titus_Gebel_15.Aug.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:45am EDT





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