A clandestine war is being waged against the Trump administration by rogue elements of the intelligence community, with the collusion of the media and liberal establishment. It amounts to an intelligence coup against the Trump presidency. In ROGUE SPOOKS: The Intelligence War on Donald Trump, bestselling author Dick Morris uncovers the facts behind allegations of foreign meddling in the 2016 presidential election.

This groundbreaking expose will leave readers questioning the motives of U.S. Intelligence agencies, leftover partisans within our government, and members of the mainstream press.

Donald Trump's first 100 days in office were roiled by allegations of treasonous contacts between his campaign team and the Kremlin to rig the election. These outrageous charges first surfaced in the notorious “Trump Dossier,” an unverified document of suspect provenance, full of wild and salacious accusations.

This dossier—filled with little more than gossip, rumor, and innuendo––was compiled by Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence operative who teamed up with the FBI and anti-Trump partisans. Hillary Clinton supporters paid for Steele’s work.

When no news media would publish the unverified dossier, the ex-spook enlisted the help of a former UK ambassador to Russia, who arranged in turn for a former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State to get the document to Senator John McCain, in the hope that he would then bring it to FBI Director James Comey’s attention. McCain did just that.

Comey himself played a critical role in the dossier ultimately going public, giving a confidential summary to President Obama and Congressional leaders. It was immediately leaked by rogue spooks in order to demean, destabilize, and destroy Donald Trump’s nascent presidency.

The dossier and this mythical intelligence are the basis for the phony claims about a Russia/Trump collusion to steal the election. No proof was found. No substantiation uncovered. Even Comey told Trump he was not under investigation for the Russian meddling charges. But that didn’t end the leaks or the allegations. Working in concert with liberal news outlets, these rogue spooks have formed a new intel/media complex that threatens our democracy. ROGUE SPOOKS will reveal how it works.

The many questions Dick Morris answers in ROGUE SPOOKS:

Was Russia the only nation meddling in the presidential election, or were the Brits at it too?
Are there still Obama moles burrowed into the FBI, CIA and the White House, sabotaging the Trump administration?
Did the FBI offer to pay the author of the infamous “Trump Dossier” $50,000 of taxpayer money to verify the dossier’s allegations, while he was also being paid by Clinton supporters?
What are the likely next moves of the leaders of the coup, and how can Trump defeat them?

In ROGUE SPOOKS, readers will be shocked to learn the truth about the false accusations against President Trump in the flawed dossier. They’ll be interested to know how leaks to the media fueled the phony scandal, and how intelligence agencies will try to use the newly appointed special prosecutor to oust President Trump. They will also learn what we can do—specifically—to stop them.

Direct download: Dick_Morris_28.Aug.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:46pm EST

Today gold broke $1300 per oz. Is it hallelujah time? Let's see what happens. Gold's price behavior has changed markedly over the past 3 months. We're seeing higher highs and higher lows. Sounds like a trend change to the uninitiated. However, we do have the overhang of a very negative COT report. This probably means that we're going to see a reversal, but it might very well be shortly lived. Exciting times. 

Direct download: John_Rubino_28.Aug.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:20pm EST

For 30 years Angela Sloan, CEO and founder of Sloan Financial Group, has dedicated herself to helping her clients secure their financial affairs. Unfortunately at a young age, she was swindled out of her life savings by her “trusted” advisor. This misfortune motivated Angela to make it her life’s work to keep bad things from happening to good people.

Angela believes our economy has a good outlook but we know that history does repeat itself. After going through 9-11 and the financial crisis of 2008 and looking at the situation in the Middle East & North Korea one can’t help but be a little cautious. Prepare your portfolio for a quick move if needed but still have it to where you can capture the growth that the markets are experiencing.

With that said Angela is excited about this market and our economic growth. It's great to finally see businesses excited. We are going to set even more records this year especially if the healthcare bill is resolved and President Trump’s tax plan is approved.

Direct download: Angela_Sloan_28.Aug.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:18am EST






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