Dr. John Huber joined us for a discussion of so-called hate groups and the recent riot at Charlottesville, VA. Taking down monuments isn't going to end hate. Symbols of the old South have become a flashpoint for numerous groups on the left. Where is it going to end?  Neo-Nazis and the KKK are fringe groups at best and have no voice in contemporary America. They are truly marginal. 

Direct download: Dr._John_Huber_21.Aug.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

Dee Carter joined us today. He enjoys bringing stability and peace of mind to his retirement planning clients. 'When the market drops 300 points in one day, I don't worry because my clients still make money' he says. That is why I specialize in safe-money solutions...so my clients can sleep well at night.' It's important to learn from your parents' mistakes and Dee is trying to help his clients do just that. 


Direct download: Dee_Carter_21.Aug.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:36pm EST

John joined us today. His take is that as the middle class disappears so does the middle point in our political debate, thereby leaving just the extremes. Obviously not a good thing. But attempting to wipeout or forget about our history is not the way to solve our problems. Rather history has proven to be the best teacher and an angry task master. Get ready for those who would attempt to rewrite or obliterate it. 

COT -  Commitment of traders report has turned very bearish towards precious metals. This measure has worked continually over the past 10 years and shows no signs of quitting now. Will it be a down quarter for precious metals? 

Direct download: John_Rubino_21.Aug.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:21pm EST






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