The opportunity to invest directly into a business rather than making a trade. You are providing catalytic capital that can deliver value to you as a shareholder and to the company. You could consider it as buying stock at wholesale, direct from the distributor with no mark—ups. Jamie always looks for warrants as gravy. Never invest just because you’re getting a warrant. Rather the deal must make sense on its own without the warrant. They can magnify the return, but always check the fundamentals. Generally junior mining company warrants don’t trade on the exchanges.

Join Jamie’s webinar private placement webinar on August 4, 2021. Just click here...

Direct download: Jamie_Keech_29.Jul.21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Is 2021 the end of the financial bubble, will it complete shortly? The bubble usually happens 9-10 years after a commodity super-cycle bubble. Previous great financial manias peaked in May or June. In January margin debt growth hit a peak that put the market peak in May. Lumber peaked in June. The US Dollar turned up and built a base during 6 months once it crossed 91 on the DXY. This week it passed 93 and the uptrend is in tact. Which confirms the financial contract that’s coming soon. Gold to silver ratio has recently gone up, sign of a contraction. 

Now we’re seeing the market twilight coming in August. Crypto market gains have been amazing. The party in financial assets is over and here comes the deflation. 

Gold and the US Dollar will both go up. Financial crisis coming, metals up stocks down. As early as November. Multi-year bull market in precious metals. Credit meltdown coming. Get your credit now. The supply chain disruption is the result of the bubble, not a certain widespread illness. What is really going on is the final upthrust of business activity that’s triggering shortages prior to the financial crisis. 

Direct download: Bob_Hoye_28.Jul.21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EST

Food and supply chain disruptions are taking place around the globe. What is really causing the supply chain disruptions taking place. The mainstream has been pushing the meme, but is it true? Is it perhaps a cover for the financial breakdown that was already taking place. Any system encounters entropy and eventually breaks down. Things decay and fail. Perhaps that’s what’s going on in the global economic system. 

We’re in a metals bull market, but as always it will climb on a wall of worry. Don’t be dissuaded by the paper price. The metals decline will be short-lived. 

Beware of cryptos. David prefers asset backed coins to unbacked. What is the government going to do when it becomes a threat the system and the elites? Look for massive regulation of the crypto space. 

Look for David at Write us an email at

Direct download: David_Morgan_27.Jul.21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

We had the honor of sitting down with the newly "semi-retired" Rick Rule to get his latest takes on the economy, technology, and of course the mining sector. He sees the state of the real economy as showing surprising underlying strength, some of it false and much of it due to technology, which effectively reduces capital requirements. The pace of technological change and implementation keeps increasing.

Bond market and consumer spending are two areas that are largely artificial. However, the underlying strength in frontier markets, such as Africa, is leading the way. But it's not all rainbows and unicorns. Rick thinks we’re overdue for a day of reckoning, or just a reversion to mean. He suspects that the economy's growth since 2008 is more due to stimulus than real economic growth factors.

What will happen if the US Treasury reverts to mean? 6% rates would have a devastating impact upon the Pandemic Recovery - real or imagined. Why in this environment aren't metals going through the roof? Rick believes that people are extremely complacent and believe that things will only get better. Can we really stick-handle our way through any rough spots? Perhaps not. Rick thinks the precious metals markets are just going through their normal gyrations, especially when compared to prior bull markets. The current malaise was triggered by the Fed backing off yield management, but that appears to be over, for now anyway.

Stock prices in the mining sector look very weak, is this a major buying opportunity? Rick reviews the Barrons Gold Mining Index and advises that it’s very instructive and there’s nothing surprising going on here. Of 2000 junior mining companies, only 300 are viable. Keep your portfolio in the sector down to a manageable risk.

The mid-market on an npv value is the biggest buy now. The fundamentals behind higher metal prices are in tact and the gold price will go higher, and he doesn’t see any reason to change that opinion. PM bull markets are decade long affairs. Gold could go to 5000-6000 per ounce, it’s certainly possible. In addition, a bull-market in base metals is baked in the cake.

You need to prepare yourself for what is inevitable. The industry has brought on many of its own problems, politically, enironmentally and financially. Investors have taken a hike. It’s always going to be messy.

Direct download: Rick_Rule_27.Jul.21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EST

Heather Dreves is the Director of Funding at Secured Investment Corp and a fund  manager that oversees the management of the Secured Investment High Yield  Fund II LLC and the Circle of Wealth Fund III LLC,Secured Investment Corp is one of  the fastest growing real estate lenders and fund managers in the US. 

Secured Investment Corp has created two private equity funds to fill the void  left by uncooperative traditional funding sources. Investors have the potential to  earn double-digit returns based on past performance. By connecting real estate  investors who needed non-traditional funding with passive investors who were  ready to earn higher returns on their investments, Secured Investment Corp  created an opportunity to benefit both sides. 

Risks are held extremely low, by limiting loan-to-value ratios to 70 percent of property value. Their market are developers, rehabbers and flippers among others. But requiring a high level of skin in the game, Secured has seen default levels of less than 2 percent annually, with very minimal loan losses. 

Passive investors get higher returns and real estate investors get quick,  competitive loans to use to purchase and rehab those properties that traditional  lenders will not touch. 

Heather enjoys lending money to self-employed entrepreneurs and their families.  Watching people succeed in their business motivates her, and that’s why she  and her lending team focus on transparency, mentorship, and making sure their  people make their money back. She learned early on that focusing on the bottom  line was not enough to sustain a business, and after foreclosures and property taxes caught up with many of her clients, she decided to change her approach.  Now, seminars, classes, and success and accountability programs are all ways  Heather and Secured Investment Corp are ensuring that their clients earn all their  money back (and then some).

Direct download: Heather_Dreves_27.Jul.21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Silver One Resources (sponsor) CEO Greg Crowe joined us for an update. Concerning the recent decline in metals prices, he’s unfazed. Greg has been around the sector for decades and this is what he’s come to expect. It’s just the way the markets work. And, Greg and his team have been working overtime at their Candalaria Project. When we visited the Nevada mine in 2019, we were extremely impressed with the scale and scope of the project. It had been a high-grade producing silver mine for decades, until declining metals prices made it uneconomical to operate. Those days are soon to be over. Greg had several goals in his efforts to reactivate the project. 1) Extend down dip for high-grade. 2) Extend both east and west along strike of the large Diablo Pit. 3) Find a porphyry system at depth. The first two goals were accomplished earlier this year. Greg informed us that the third goal has now been achieved. The last holes yielded 1070 g/t of silver and 1.48 g/t of gold over 4.57 meters. And deep drilling to the north is showing all the signs of a potential porphyry system, apparently open to depth. The news couldn’t be better. As Greg stated, “…all goals laid out at the outset have been met.” The upcoming economic study will focus on taking material from the abandoned heap-leach pads and mixing it with fresh mineralization, which should increase the overall grade of silver recoveries. This will hasten the Candalaria’s eventual restart. Silver One’s recent news has set in motion the mine’s reactivation with resulting profits to patient shareholders (like us).



Direct download: 030_Silver_One_FSN_01.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:39am EST

New home sales and lumber prices both down, is housing cooling off? Home price were rising at the fastest rate ever. Housing is beyond the means of most Americans. New home sales down 6%. Inventory is spiking and lumber is tanking, wiping out all its 2021 gains. 

How big a deal is the end of the eviction moratorium? Extended emergency unemployment insurance is ending in September. Perhaps it will send a lot of people back to work. 

Anti-vax protests worldwide while US considers a new mask mandate. Will people just ignore it? The LA County Sheriff has refused to enforce the latest mask mandate. If he won’t enforce it, who will?

Earnings season doesn't matter for most stocks but might be helpful for the precious metals miners. Upside earnings have been baked into not just this year’s cake but next year and the year’s after. Good time coming for juniors and pm’s. 

Biden's mental state finally drawing attention. His poll numbers are falling. The media just figured it out. 

Bitcoin confab between Musk and Dorsey. Amazon might be about to start taking Bitcoin. A lot of potential acceptance appears to be taking place among high-power corps and money managers. Will the Fed react? 

Strange Weather Patterns and China Flooding, monster heatwave on the West Coast. Forest fires burning most of the West.

Direct download: John_Rubino_26.Jul.21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

The Delta Variant could be running rampant. Will there be more shutdowns and what effect will it have on the global economy. Noted economic and financial Octavio Marenzi gives us his take on what's happening and what he believes is going to happen. What do you think? Let us know, send an email to


Direct download: Octavio_Marenzi_26.Jul.21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:30am EST

Charlotte is the Managing Partner of Johns Creek Capital – an investment managing company that focuses on mobile home park investments. 


Numbers wise, they currently have 20 park investments, with a total investor subscription amount over $3.9M. Charlotte herself has also created over $500k in asset value in the past 12 months.


Charlotte really comes from humble beginnings and is a first-generation American citizen and college graduate after leaving China with just her belongings at age 16.

Some topics Charlotte could touch on during the podcast include:

  • How moving to America at a young age with minimal goods and starting her life independently helped change her outlook on success.

  • The benefits of lots compared to houses, and how they offer more room for investment opportunities like raising rent.

  • How to get started investing in mobile home parks and build long-term passive income.

Direct download: Charlotte_Dunford_21.Jul.21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

The markets were slammed on Monday but have totally rebounded. Rates have been crashing, however Jim believes that they’re going higher in the next 3-6 months. How much higher is the question. If the economy continues its growth track, the Fed will allow them to go higher. The 10 year would have to get close to 2.5% for the Fed to start buying up treasuries. Watch out for 3.5% inflation in the coming year. Markets will start doubting Powell’s transitory inflation meme. Wall Street will always toe the Fed’s line, this time is no exception. The next month is critical for gold and gold stocks.

Direct download: Jim_Welsh_21.Jul.21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00am EST

Now that the public health challenges are behind us it’s time to make a new start. You can reinvent and restart your life any day you choose to. If things aren’t working right, change your strategy and change your life. Things are happening for a reason. Failure is the greatest teacher we have. Self-affirmations can be life changing. Life is a challenge, adapt and grow and succeed.

Direct download: Dr.John_Huber_21.Jul.21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Todd Bubba joined us for a discussion of the economy and the stock market. He believes it’s going to go down eventually, but who knows when? Everything is messed up thanks to the Fed. And they have no way out. Don’t be deceived by transitory or temporary inflation, it’s here to stay for the foreseeable future. Todd tells us that Pot stocks are looking good. They key event will occur when the Federal Government legalizes it. Cryptos will eventually rule the day, but how we get there is the question.

Direct download: Bubba_Horwitz_20.Jul.21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Direct download: Pam_Oakes_20.Jul.21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

The definition of inflation, the dollar is losing purchasing power. The question is it temporary or part of a longer term trend, which Gary and I believe to be true. The Fed’s balance sheet is at $8 trillion. The debt is at $30 trillion. Yellen is begging for a debt ceiling increase. Will the US default? Not gonna happen. Fed Chair Powell acknowledged that inflation is higher than expected, we’re on an unsustainable path and there’s good reason for alarm. Therefore, the case for gold becomes more compelling by the day. Today the 10 year yield went down and so did gold, a true anomaly. Federal funds rate hasn’t moved all year and probably won’t until 2023. Where’s the taper, Powell says it’s not gonna happen. 

Direct download: Gary_Wagner_19.Jul.21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EST

Dow Down 765, we’ve been due for a correction since March 2020. Shortest time in history where the market doubled. 

Technology has brought about a huge evolution. Spreads have diminished. Everything is digitized. High frequency traders have changed the game. It’s made commissions free and has saved investors money. It’s an unsolvable puzzle. If the SEC reverses this policy is could have negative effects. Buy blue chips to hold for the long-run. Gil is a big proponent of ETF’s. Avoiding commingled accounting and annual gains involved with traditional mutual funds is a major benefit. That combined with estate planning benefits can make a huge difference in estate taxes. 

Direct download: Gil_Baumgarten_19.Jul.21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

There's a global energy transformation currently underway and carbon neutral clean (smelter-free) nickel is crucial to this revolution. However, it’s exceedling scarce, unless you know where to find it. President and CEO Martin Turenne has already a lot of it, potentially billions of pounds. 

His company FPX Nickel (sponsor) has an ambitious exploration and drill program underway in two projects located in the Deckar Nickel District (British Columbia). The Baptiste Project is the world’s third largest undeveloped nickel deposit, but the Van Project could easily dwarf it. The company is drilling to ascertain the exact magnitude of the deposit; Martin is convinced it’s huge. Presently, the market hasn’t yet factored in Van’s vast potential value. When it does, FPX will see a dramatic upward revaluation.  

Martin observed that nickel and copper generally trade at a 2.5:1 ratio. It's now at 2:1, indicating that nickel is relatively undervalued. Considering that copper is trading near its all-time high, whereas nickel is trading for little more than 1/3 its 2011 record peak, nickel presents an interesting opportunity. With spot nickel at 8.42 per pound, there’s plenty of upside potential, and with FPX trading well under its less environmentally sensitive peers, it’s poised for major stock price appreciation. 

Company website - Tickers: OTC: FPOCF - TSX-V: FPX 

Direct download: 029_FPX_Nickel_FSN.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:20am EST

2022 Economic forecast

Government spending has been out of control for over a decade. Naresh is extremely optimistic that when it comes to jobs, GDP and increased economic opportunity. He’s sees the recovery being led by jobs and a rise in wages, for the first time in decades. For example Chipoltle has seen wages rise dramatically, with a starting salary of $14-15 per hour. Even McDonalds has upped their starting wages substantially. And this is across the board. Anyone who wants a job or is looking to change jobs.

What is transitory inflation and why should you care? Naresh believes it's coming down, we believe its going higher still. Who will be right or perhaps we both will. 

Crypto investors, wait for the shake-out. Most are worthless the top tier will live to fight another day. 

Direct download: Naresh_Vissa_15.Jul.21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST


Wells Fargo is ending a popular consumer lending product, angering some of its customers, CNBC has learned.

The bank is shutting down all existing personal lines of credit in coming weeks and no longer offers the product, according to customer letters reviewed by CNBC.

The revolving credit lines, which typically let users borrow $3,000 to $100,000, were pitched as a way to consolidate higher-interest credit card debt, pay for home renovations or avoid overdraft fees on linked checking accounts.

"Wells Fargo recently reviewed its product offerings and decided to discontinue offering new Personal and Portfolio line of credit accounts and close all existing accounts," the bank said in the six-page letter. The move would let the bank focus on credit cards and personal loans, it said.

Wells Fargo CEO Charles Scharf has been forced to make difficult decisions during the coronavirus pandemic, offloading assets and deposits and stepping back from some products because of limitations imposed by the Federal Reserve. In 2018, the Fed barred Wells Fargo from growing its balance sheet until it fixes compliance shortcomings revealed by the bank's fake accounts scandal.

The asset cap has ultimately cost the bank billions of dollars in lost earnings, based on the balance sheet growth of rivals including JPMorgan Chase and Bank of America over the past three years, analysts have said.

It has also affected Wells Fargo's customers: Last year, the lender told staff it was halting all new home equity lines of credit, CNBC reported. Months later, the bank also withdrew from a segment of the auto lending business.

With its latest move, Wells Fargo warned customers that the account closures "may have an impact on your credit score," according to a frequently asked questions segment of the letter.

Another part of the FAQ asserted that the account closures couldn't be reviewed or reversed: "We apologize for the inconvenience this Line of Credit closure will cause," the bank said. "The account closure is final."

Simplify offerings

Wells Fargo didn't directly answer questions as to what role, if any, the Fed asset cap played in its latest move.

The bank gave this statement: "In an effort to simplify our product offerings, we've made the decision to no longer offer personal lines of credit as we feel we can better meet the borrowing needs of our customers through credit card and personal loan products."

Customers have been given a 60-day notice that their accounts will be shuttered, and remaining balances will require regular minimum payments at a fixed rate, according to the statement. When it was offered, the credit lines had variable interest rates ranging from 9.5% to 21%.

The move is a strange one given the banking industry's need to boost loan growth.  

After a burst of commercial lending during the early days of the pandemic, loan growth has been hard to muster. Corporations have used money raised in stock and debt issuance to retire bank credit lines, and consumers stuck at home had fewer reasons to use credit cards.

In fact, last year big banks experienced the first aggregate drop in loans in more than a decade, according to Barclays bank analyst Jason Goldberg. Of the four largest U.S. banks, Wells Fargo saw the worst decline.

After banks saw that borrowers held up far better than they had initially feared, the industry recently began marketing new credit cards with large sign-on bonuses in an effort to boost lending.


Making the switch

Wells Fargo doesn't disclose how many customers used the credit lines it is eliminating. It had $24.9 billion in loans in a category called "other consumer" as of March, which was 26% lower than the year-earlier period.

One customer said the change is prompting him to switch banks after more than a decade with Wells Fargo. Tim Tomassi, a Portland, Oregon, programmer, said he used a personal line of credit linked to his checking account to avoid expensive overdraft fees.

"It's a bit upsetting," Tomassi said in a phone interview. "They're a big bank, and I'm a small person, and it feels like they're making decisions for their bottom line and not for customers. A lot of people are in my position, they need a cushion every once in a while from a line of credit."

Direct download: Debbie_Bloyd_14.Jul.21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Stephanie is a real estate investor and CEO of Erbe Wealth – an investment management company focused on helping clients generate passive income. Over the past 4-years, she has acquired over $21M worth of real estate properties.

Stephanie’s passion is teaching people to “unlearn” what most of us have been wired to think about money and she re-educates people to learn the secrets of the wealthy investor that can be life transforming.

Some topics Stephanie could touch on during the podcast include:

  • Best practices on real-estate investing and unlearning what you know about money and common myths.
  • What the wealthy do differently regarding money and their investments.
  • Stephanie’s story - leaving her W-2 job behind and becoming an entrepreneur in 2006
  • Reasons to not put your money in a 401K and what to do instead
Direct download: Stephanie_Walter_13.Jul.21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EST

It happened, Basel III kicked in and so far nothing has happened. Rob was never taken in by the hoopla. Under no circumstances can it be a game changer. The entities who control the market have been granted exemptions or have been grand-fathered in. Funny how that works. The debt creation continues on at accelerating rates and yet the appetite for it continues unabated. Where are the bond vigilantes when you need them? They used to exist, but they are now extinct, thanks to the plunge protection team. 

Direct download: Rob_Kirby_13.Jul.21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Wells Fargo closes personal credit lines, implies they are worried about something. They’re even eliminating overdraft protection on checking accounts. 

$100 cheeseburger has arrived. Restaurants are imposing customer minimums or table minimums. Is that really wise? Are they so busy they can raise prices and not worry about empty tables. 

Everyone is putting in pools, it’s a form of prepping. If there’s another lockdown, at least you’ll get your exercise. It’s part of the trend of housing upgrades. Housing prices are up so much that maybe they’re using home equity lines. An unproductive exercise. 


Tucker Carlson being surveilled by NSA, he’s been under surveillance to set up an interview with Vladimir Putin. These communications were subsequently unmasked and were in the process of leaking it to other news outlets to smear him. They’re watching everyone, one way or the other. Then they ship it off to the justice department for criminal prosecution. 


Haitian president assassinated. Is there a US connection? Nothing to see here, move along. 

US is out of Afghanistan, finally. What was accomplished?

Biden admin is going door to door for vaccinations. Sounds unconstitutional to us, but what do we know? 

Inflation might not be transitory. It’s not the inflation of the 1970’s, it’s causes are different. Messed up global supply chain. Massive amounts of currency created and continues to be created. WSJ says boomers retirement is inflationary. Flies in the face of traditional demographics. 

Direct download: John_Rubino_12.Jul.21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EST

Nothing has changed. If you’ve followed precious metals for years as had Andy, there’s nothing new hear. Wealthy investors, sovereign wealth funds and others has been taking metal off the Comex at record rates. Don’t expect the markets to move in logical fashion. The markets are being manipulated to distract, deflect and deceive. Deliveries are accelerating at a rapid rate. Right now you’re being subsidized to buy metals. Hang on, turn off your computer if you must and sit back. Pricing is the key means of deception to keep attention off the real story. Basel III is going to have a profound effect. The UK has gotten a temporary reprieve concerning futures and physical settlement. The final chapter has not yet been written. We may see a time where London no longer sets the gold price. Eventually price will take of itself. Ultimately, it will go much higher. 

Direct download: Andy_Schectman_12.Jul.21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

We’ve come across an interesting newly public company, American Eagle Gold (sponsor), that is focused on finding a major gold deposit on its flagship property, Golden Trend in Nevada. The property is located on the famed Cortez Trend, close by to Barrick Gold and Newmont Mining’s Gold Rush and Cortez mines. To date, those mines have produced over 27 million ounces. CEO Tony Moreau says it’s all about, “location, location, location. This project is like having a house on the lake.” And who better than Mark Bradley, (VP of Exploration) to find the proverbial needle in a haystack? He did it before when he led the Gold Rush discovery team and he knows more about this area than almost anyone. Mark observed that Gold Trend’s geology is a near mirror image of Gold Rush. Now it’s a matter of triangulation, finding the best targets and getting the drill turning. The permitting process starts next month; drilling is expected in the fourth quarter. They’re also focused on acquiring and advancing other gold projects in the area. As investors in AE we believe that lightening will indeed strike twice.   30% owned by Ore Group Website: - Ticker TSXV: AE

Direct download: 028_American_Eagle_FSN.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:11am EST

What’s bewildering is that all traditional positive measures are proving irrelevant. Plunging real interest rates haven’t had an effect. Skyrockecting inflation nothing. Yields dropping, nothing. What will it take? We’re now at 1.3% on the 10 year and the real rate is minus 3.7%. All this transitory crap and yield curve control is in full bloom. Fed jawboning, inflation is temporary. Reverse repo market is flooded with reserve. The system is bulging with excess reserves. Too much cash and not enough places to put it. There’s so much cash, it has to go someplace and they took a 5 basis point return. Almost $1 trillion floating around the system. It’s a liquidity sapping event. 

Basel 3, it’s happening but it’s a process. June 28 was an important date, but it was important. All the European Banks had to change their accounting for gold. However, Craig says the big is 1/1/22, when Basel 3 affects LBMA. Banks have been adjusting along the way. 

Direct download: Craig_Hemke_08.Jul.21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Michael Moor studied Management and Finance at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) in order to get a more technical financial background. After starting with Citigroup, he moved on to be a Trader's Assistant for Chicago Research & Trading (CRT) on the trading floor of the NYMEX, working with futures and options pit traders. He developed a reputation for consistently making large directional calls in the markets, and started Moor Analytics at the request of two Natural Gas and Crude Oil option traders. This grew to encompass over 1/4 the NYMEX membership as clients, and was the #1 large-call published analyst on the NYMEX for over 10 years until he moved the business off the floor. He has since also included European energies and Gold, and currently has proprietary traders, hedge funds, and oil companies as clientele.

Michael is following energy, gold and bitcoin and shares his insights with us. Michael was bullish on crude oil since it hit $15. He was also following unleaded gasoline. He’s looking for massive upside potential on crude. He’s seeing $110 maximum upside on crude. We’re probably in a bearish correction for crude. Michael has been very macro bullish gold, we have not yet erased the macro-bullish trend in gold. Short term gold is bullish. We could have another run to the 1830-1834 area or as high as 1854-1855. If it takes out 1900-1910 that could mean a new high. Bitcoin is very technical and they apply to it like any other market.

Direct download: Michael_Moor_07.Jul.21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST





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