Whether it’s the impeachment or just everyday government operation, it’s all about the big lie. But Trump has learned how to turn the lie against the Dems and the Deep State. It’s all part of the playbook. Bring in last minute witnesses to attack Kavanagh or Trump - during the election or his impeachment. He will be exonerated and acquitted, but the Democrats will say that the Senate was covering up. Will the RINO’s hold tight? Either way, it’s going to end shortly and not favorably to the President’s enemies. 

Direct download: James_Hirsen_29.Jan.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

A new book put out by a so-called economic and political expert espouses the view that narratives shape reality and perception, which to some extent is true. But listen to Charles Nenner and learn about cycles. Perhaps it's the cycle that shapes the narrative and reality. Right now the narrative is all about the Coronavirus and its impact upon the economy. But perhaps, if it wasn't the virus, it would have been something else. Charles is looking for stock markets to tank, $36 oil, higher dollar and higher treasuries. It may be a little to late for higher Vix, Charles already cashed out.

Direct download: Charles_Nenner_29.Jan.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EST

Buck Joffrey, doctor turned real estate investing expert is seeing lower rates which means lower capitalization rates and higher real estate prices. Currently the U.S. has the highest interest rates of it's peers. As a defensive maneuver, it's almost a necessity for the Fed to cut rates. But what affect will it have on the rest of the world? For now, money is flowing into the U.S. and that's working great. 

Direct download: Buck_Joffrey_29.Jan.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Something bad was always going to happen. Whether this is it or not, we don’t yet know. This virus is contageous before the symptoms show up. With people traveling all over the world, there’s no way to contain it. It’s already having an impact. China is already on lockdown and there’s been rioting Hong Kong over plans to place victims in public housing. Closing down of international trade could result and that will cause central banks to cut rates. 

Direct download: John_Rubino_28.Jan.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EST

Expect travel stocks to be hit. International trade will be inhibited and limited. Crista says we’ve been due for a correction and that the market could fall for any reason at all. Corrections are perfectly normal and happen regularly. Is now the time to be taking profits and putting stop loss orders in place? It’s difficult for individuals to properly implement them. They should be using specific dollar amounts and not percentages. Crista is also bullish on dividend stocks. She’s got a whole list paying 4-7%. And she passes along some great advice on when to sell them. 

Direct download: Crista_Huff_28.Jan.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Daniel Greenfield joined us to discuss the latest non-happenings in the impeachment saga. What will the Dems pull next? They already have. But in the end President Trump will be acquitted of the charges and there will be nothing left except but the losers' tears. 

Direct download: Daniel_Greenfield_27.Jan.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EST

When it comes to understanding resources and resource stocks, Rick Rule truly has few peers. He's been in the game for over 4 decades and has profited accordingly. He's pretty certain that this new gold/resource bull market is for real. While it's encouraging that the noble metals (Platinum, Palladium & Rhodium) have been going like gangbusters, Rick says it's separate from what's going on in gold and silver. There's great opportunities out there for willing knowledgeable investors. The time is now. 

Direct download: Rick_Rule_27.Jan.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Hong Kong and Tawain are out of the news. Now it’s all about the Coronavirus. China expert Dan Joseph believes that the Chinese Government is doing a much better job communicating with its people this time, after the SARS disaster last time. But restricting travel at  the height of the Chinese New Year is causing near panic in many places. We don’t yet know the full effects of the virus and it is spreading to other countries, including two cases in the US so far. 

We talked about the trade deal. Dan believes that it is a milestone in US-China relations and that the IP and forced technology issues are largely resolved. There’s still much to be done and the next phase has yet to begin, but these are hopeful signs.

Finally, things have calmed down in Hong Kong quite a bit since the Taiwanese elections, which led to the election of major anti-mainland leader. That’s taken the pressure off of Hong Kong, but localized demonstrations are continuing. More to come on this front. 

Direct download: Daniel_Joseph_27.Jan.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EST

Dudley Baker has been compiling his common stock warrant database for decades. He’s expanded his database to include Canadian and US issued warrants. The potential for profit has never been greater. Even during the depressed markets, the opportunity to profit. It’s all about market timing. Over the past 7 years it was very difficult to earn profits. There’s good reason to believe that that’s about to change. 

A few of Dudley’s favorites: Gran Columbia Gold ($3), Ross Beaty's Equinox Gold (shorter maturity than ideal), Kootenay Silver 


Direct download: Dudley_Baker_24.Jan.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

FICO or credit scores are now at record highs. The question is why? After all debt is at record levels. It’s a combination of events. The Obama admin helped to artificially boost scores by implementing regulations. In addition, many people who were wiped out during the great recession have seen their scores increase and heal because they’ve been shut out of the credit markets. All-in-all, the trend is favorable and we haven’t any retracement yet, so it’s full steam ahead for the economy. 

Direct download: Sam_McElroy_22.Jan.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EST

New guest Lawrence Lepard runs Equity Management Associates, LLC, which has focused on investing in precious metals since 2008. Larry looked at the world during that crisis period and believed that precious metals were the place to be. While nothing ever works out as we believe it will, Larry thinks the current environment will result in major advances in both precious metals and the mining stocks. So far, looking at what's happened in the past 6 months, he might very well be correct. 

Direct download: Lawrence_Lepard_23.Jan.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

It's no secret that the precious metals markets have been in the dumps for the past 4 - 5 years. It was nearly impossible to raise capital and they were shunned by investors and lenders alike. Now things are looking up. The vibe at the Vancouver Resource Investor Conference was decidedly upbeat and positive. When will gold and silver move higher is the question. Probably sooner rather than later. 

Direct download: John_Rubino_22.Jan.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EST

Otis Gold was moving fast, getting a major investment from Agnico Eagle and receiving a drill permit from the US Forest Service. Everything was looking up and then the unthinkable happened; an environmental group filed a lawsuit claiming their permit was improperly issued and all work on the Kilgore Project should be stopped. The stock promptly tanked and Otis was living in legal limbo. However, justice eventually prevailed, they won the case and now Otis's future is once again bright. New developments since their initial PEA have shown greater recoveries than initially expected and the price of gold has gone from 1300 to over 1500, raising their projected IRR to over 60%. And CEO Craig Lindsay believes the best is yet to come. They're looking at the next discoveries as the ultimate payoff. Had you taken action after our Otis Gold Webcast, you could have nearly doubled your money. 

Direct download: Craig_Lindsay_22.Jan.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

The Lumina Group has been delivering results since 2004. During that time it has returned nearly 10 to 1 to investors. Luminex Resources came out of Luminex Gold. Its  Ecuador projects with their highly promising geological prospects show great potential. They've got two high powered joint ventures underway, with heavyweight partners Anglo American and BHP who are moving aggressively to bring the Tarqi and Pegasus projects to fruition. CEO Marshall Koval's 40 years of mining experience is well positioned to move the Company forward. Scott Hicks is excited to be part of the team and his diverse finance background has put him in the right place at the right time. 

Direct download: Luminex_Resources_20.Jan.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

The insurance industry is the very definition of the word conservative. Change comes extremely slowly to this giant profitable segment of the economy. They’ve been slow to adapt to technology, with many of them still running their businesses on antiquated main-frame computers. Sean designed Kin Insurance from scratch. With direct sales and state of the art systems, Sean has cut costs by 50 percent and claims payouts are 15 percent under the industry average. All this while managing to insure properties in challenging, catastrophe prone markets. Not bad. 

Direct download: Sean_Harper_17.Jan.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

We had the honor of connecting with Dr. Steve Turley, a noted professor of Theology and Rhetoric and a YouTube sensation. Steve is incredibly optimistic about the emerging populist-nationalist movement that has been sweeping the world. He's incredibly well-read and has a historical insight that few possess. He traces our current cultural malaise to the Modernistic Movement which led many to believe that man is primarily an intellectual/rational creature, with no need for God or the spiritual world, only science. This has led to cultural Marxism with its nihilistic underpinning. Thus, we have experienced the decline of the family, religion and most societal institutions.

However according to Steve, that movement has run its course. People are rejecting the hopeless it fostered, in favor of a return to a more traditional populist society that believes in nations, communities and the ability of man to grow into an happy enlightened individual. Witness the election of Donald Trump, Brexit, Boris Johnson and too many other instances to list here. While the transition back is chaotic, in the end, there is no other way forward. 

Direct download: Steve_Turley_17.Jan.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

According to Bix Weir, the computerized market rigging has been going on for 50 years. Every morning they get their marching orders from treasury secretary Mnuchin, complete with instructions on the day’s price targets. The DOW, Comex, gold and silver prices are all pre-determined at that time. As long as the music keeps playing, the day of reckoning will be put off into the future. Tesla has been an orchestrated short squeeze leading to its parabolic rise. The reality is that valuations no longer matter. There’s an unlimited ability to manipulate any market at any time. 

Direct download: Bix_Weir_17.Jan.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EST

The impeachment histrionics are well underway. Trump is going absolutely nowhere. But his inquisitors will be after their epic fail. Both parties are completely corrupt. And Trump represents an existential threat to their global-kickback gravy-train. Who will blink first? In any event, this drama is the perfect prelude to Trump's reelection in 2020. Guess that's what winning is all about. 

Direct download: Matt_Nye_16.Jan.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Stock markets rejoice upon signing of the initial China trade deal. Certain tariffs will be reduced, but most will be retained until the implementation of the anticipated final deal. Jeff believes that markets could go up another 10 percent this year. We are truly living in the best of all possible worlds, except for all that debt. But Trump will fix it. You can take that to the bank, until there's a run on it. 

Direct download: Jeff_Small_16.Jan.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

It's all starting to seem very obvious now. From impeachment to the wannabe presidential challengers, there's no there, there. While Trump can admirably run on his records, if not his tweets, the pretenders to the throne are only able to throw verbal tomatoes and not much else. They stand for nothing, if they stand for anything at all. Which begs the question, who's the real Democrat challenger. Will a brokered convention result in a completely shattered party? Let's see what happens next. 

Direct download: Gerard_Lameiro_15.Jan.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EST


Can Tesla keep going up and up and up? Love the car, hate the stock. The stock has gone into full blown Ludicrous Mode. Musk has advised people not to buy the stock even though it comprises most of his net worth. Seems like hedge funds have gone into hyper hypothication. There’s no tolerance for anyone with a bearish contrarian view. Seems like the laws of financial gravity have been repealed. Now it’s what goes up will keep going up and up forever. 

Direct download: Danielle_Park_15.Jan.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Tesla just broke $500 per share. The Tesla fan boys believe it's headed to infinity. Does that sound familiar? They're probably the same people who were buying Bitcoin at $19000 and look where they are now. One constant in investing is that the tree does not grow to the sky. According to Nick Santiago, Tesla will hit $542-3 and then dive. That's not to say it's not a great company and it's plans for world dominance won't eventually succeed. Just don't bet all of your IRA or 401k on it, especially at these lofty levels. People who invest at the top of a parabolic move, inevitably wind up falling off a cliff. 

Direct download: John_Rubino_14.Jan.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EST

When the music stops someone is going to be left without a seat. Don’t let it be you! Watchout for the high volume reversal day. If you look at the S&P 500, the volume in the SPY’s (SPDR - Spider)has been light. When it breaks 100 million shares on a big down day, look out below. Everyting has been going Trump’s way - a real Teflon Don. People are becoming immune to the political stunts. But there are bigger underlying problem ahead. Coming to us from Europe and Japan. Negative interest rates are toxic. Nick is looking for continued gold consolidationin early 2020, but it will be going higher later in the later in year into 2021. The longer the sideways trend continues, the higher gold will go. The skies the limit. Silver is always the red-headed step child. The mining stocks will follow. 

P.S. Watch out for Tesla. It's on a parabolic move until it breaks $542-543. Buy a Tesla and get some free tulip. 

Direct download: Nick_Santiago_14.Jan.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Aaron Clarey has appeared on the show a number times. He's a keen observer of modern life and has in fact made an excellent living off of his combination of charm and tough love. He breakthrough moment was when realized that the Millennial Generation was helpless and A-Hole Consulting was born. Now his new book How Not to be a Millennial is sure to be a major success. The process is very simple, don't get into debt, don't get a useless major and don't follow the boomers. Hopefully some of this hapless generation can be saved. 

Direct download: Aaron_Clarey_13.Jan.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EST

The Bloomberg financed Virginia Legislature has been full-tilt Mad Max on the legimate gun owners of the state. It has led to a state of near insurrection with county sheriffs refusing to enforce any laws deemed violative of the 2nd Amendment. Counties, cities and states are proclaiming themselves 2nd Amendment sanctuaries. Where will it end? Will the State lock up sheriffs and call out the National Guard? Will there be a federal response from President Trump? All questions to be answered. 

Direct download: John_Lott_13.Jan.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST





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