www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com presents

Danielle Park and I caught up. Can't be sure if tapering is really happening or not, but we can be sure that the illusion of central banking is certainly coming to an end. Every where you look there are signs that the great illusion and efficacy of central banking are wearing thin. Perhaps there will be another go-round and stock prices will go up on more time, but confidence has been shattered, and once lost and it can't be regained. Now the interesting times begin. Will the great unwinding resume? What will happen to the alchemists of Wall Street? What new scam will they come up with next? Stay tuned!

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

Direct download: Danielle_Park_1-28-2014_RA_LM_PW.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:09pm EST

www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com presents

Martin Lee, head of Project CBD checked in today to discuss the latest developments in the quickly evolving Cannabis legalization landscape. More states across the country are headed for referendums on legalization. Florida, FSN's adopted home state, is heading towards a referendum on medical marijuana this fall. More importantly are the medical uses that are rapidly being uncovered for the once banned herb. Children who suffer from uncontrollable seizures have found amazing relief from non-pyschoactive CBD, which is driving a movement towards other medical applications. Too bad these medical uses have been suppressed for decades.  

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

Direct download: Martin_Lee_1-28-2014_RA_LM_JH.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:59pm EST

www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com presents

Tom Payne has helped thousands improve their resumes and learn the secrets of effective job hunting. It's not just a matter of showing up for an interview. It's what you say and how you connect. Just spewing out facts and figures is not going to do it for you. That's where effective story telling comes in. And Tom's a master of it. Learning his secrets will help you unlock the door to a better career.  

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

Direct download: Tom_Payne_1-28-2014_RA_LM_PW_PBL.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:54pm EST






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