Mon, 6 January 2014 presents Aaron is on his way down to Florida and we talked to him while he was driving through Kentucky. He just released his latest tome, Bachelor Pad Economics. Aaron says it's the financial bible for men. He claims there's nothing out there just for men. He put it together so that a 14 year old can pick it up, and then lan out his life-all the way from dating rituals to end of life planning and never miss a beat. The book is must reading for any young male who's not sure what to do with his life and not sure how to avoid life's pitfalls. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Direct download: Captain_Capatalism_1-6-2014_LM_RA_PBL.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:37pm EST
Mon, 6 January 2014 presents --Is the Comex in default; --Have the registered gold ounces left the building; --Why has Germany only gotten 37.5 tons of gold and none of it is there's; --Unemployment savings to go up in smoke; --Gold and silver charts are the most oversold in history. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Mon, 6 January 2014 presents Peter Grandich joined us for a look at the markets and a couple of words about the new path he's taking in his life. He's no longer working with the junior miners. While the losses have been substantial, he still believes in the sector. However, he's been very disappointed in many of the managements for putting their own interests ahead of their shareholders. He's still writing and expressing his opinions, but he's no longer getting receiving any compensation. Peter's a good friend and we know that he's always put his subscribers' best interests first. We wish him only the best. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Mon, 6 January 2014 presents Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Mon, 6 January 2014
The over the top New York City Mayoral Inaugural and much much more: --Outgoing Mayor Nanny Bloomberg is a wuss or is he running for president in 2016; --Review of American Hustle and The Wolf of Wall Street; --Who is Bill DiBlasio; --Duck Dynasty's new line of guns; --Mayor DiBlasio's war on Central Park Carriage Horses; --Loads more so listen up now.