Steve Lord started The Modern Money Letter to provide education, information and insight into opportunities in the alternative currency market. Primarily focusing on Bitcoin, the free website and email newsletter gives sharp and timely commentary and analysis to help individual and institutional investors navigate the macroeconomic environment of alternative currencies. Their aim is to save people time and money, and to simplify the process of discovering and evaluating alternative currency opportunities. And who knows, the way things are going now, Bitcoin just may become the world's next reserve currency.

Direct download: Steve_Lord_01.Aug.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:01pm EDT

In their haste to beat down gold in the wake of the Fed meeting, looks like it wasn't quite enough to keep it down. While Da Boyz always like to slam gold on the last day of the month whenever possible, it seems to be snapping back right away. 

Keep your eyes focused on the political scene. The same pattern that brought you Comrade DeBlasio is likely to bring you Comrade Warren as the Democratic nominee. 

Much more here than we have space for. So keep listening.

Direct download: Whats_Next_01.Aug.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:50pm EDT

Monty says finally, statistics regarding the changes in net worth have made the mainstream media. These statistics, as reported in the NY Times, are horrific, as are the implications for the future of the country.

Net worth may be the best single measure of a country’s well-being. Median net worth is a reasonable marker for the standard of living. Medians (or averages) are not good measures to capture what is happening at the lowest or highest ends. (More about that below.)

In the simplest terms, net worth is the value of a person’s assets minus his liabilities. If this measure is growing, a person is becoming better off. If it is shrinking then that person is becoming worse off, at least in terms of wealth.

Direct download: Monty_Pelerin_01.Aug.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:40pm EDT






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