Lane Mendelsohn is the CEO of Market Technologies and developer of the VantagePoint financial trading software. Lane's father Louis, started trading stocks and commodities in the 1970s and, shortly after personal computers were invented, began developing technical analysis trading software for his own use as a commodities trader. In May 1983 he introduced the concept of strategy back-testing and optimization in trading software for personal computers in a series of articles published in Futures magazine and released of ProfitTaker Futures Trading Software, the world’s first commercially available technical analysis trading software that performed strategy back-testing and optimization on PCs." Even at that time his back tester was so sophisticated and intricate that it handled commodity contract rollovers and lock limit conditions. Currently, Lane claims that the software is 86 percent accurate and the firm has helped thousands to successfully trade in these increasingly volatile markets. 

Direct download: Lane_Mendolsohn_28.Sep.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:54pm EST

Jordan Goodman joined us today. As we've discussed in the past, markets continue their downward trend and interest rates are staying artificially low, there aren't a lot of investment alternatives. Jordan still believes that paying down your debt is crucial. In addition, bridge financing is still yielding 6 percent returns, not bad when banks are paying nearly nothing. Jordan isn't overly optimistic about the near term future and is in a defensive posture until further notice. 

Direct download: Jordan_Goodman_28.Sep.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:17pm EST

Wayne's new book The Power Of Relentless has taken the world by storm. His step by step guide covers everything you need to not just Survive, but Thrive in the New Economy. It's must reading for anyone looking to get ahead in this difficult economy. We also discuss John Boehner's resignation and what's coming up for the political season. 

Direct download: Wayne_Allyn_Root_28.Sep.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:50pm EST


John writes, "The US markets awoke to news of several big, disturbing overseas events:

Glencore implodes. Think of Swiss commodities giant Glencore as a modern version of Enron, in the sense that it owns physical assets like mines and oil wells around the world and runs perhaps the biggest commodities derivatives trading desk. And — also like Enron — it’s apparently unprepared for extreme commodity price volatility. This morning its stock price plunged even further and its credit default swaps — the cost of insuring payment on its its bonds — blew out to record levels. 

If Glencore loses its investment grade rating as now seems likely, its access to cheap capital will evaporate and it will fail. This matters for several reasons, the most important of which is the company’s unspecified but certainly huge derivatives book which, like AIG’s in 2008, is a serious threat to the leveraged speculating community. 

Commodities from oil to gold are down hard on the news. 

Saudi Arabia cashes out. The world’s dominant oil exporter can’t pay its bills with crude at $50 a barrel so it’s spending down foreign exchange reserves and borrowing hand over fist. This morning it was reported that the Saudi sovereign wealth fund — a major player in global bond and equity markets — was cashing out and bringing its money back home. "


Direct download: John_Rubino_28.Sep.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:06pm EST






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