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Kerry Lutz's--Financial Survival Network

Nov 25, 2013 presents

In his  book "The Right Wing, the Good, the Bad, and the Crazy" Charles Phillip Rider discusses the political right in the United States from Prohibition through recent speculation concerning the presidential campaign of 2016. A separate chapter is devoted to each U.S. President from Franklin Delano Roosevelt to George W. Bush. Many references are contained in the book concerning right wing personalities such as Robert Welch, Joe McCarthy, Barry Goldwater, Rush Limbaugh, Darrel Issa and others. Right wing organizations such as the John Birch Society, Fox News, and the Tea Party are analyzed. Charles believes that even though the US is already bankrupt, it can take on more debt and spend itself into recovery and prosperity because 2/3 of the economists out there think it can be done also. 

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