Niki Pfeiffer is a successful entrepreneur who's come to the belief that business plans are somewhat obsolete. Rather she believes that having a working model of your business, knowing your customers and following your passion is the way to go. Business plans can take too long and can actually get in the way of your start-up. She says that even venture capitalists are shying away from them now. Niki thinks that having a more flexible and efficient approach is the way to go. And who are we to argue, so far it's been work well for her. 

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Direct download: Niki_Pfeiffer03-14-13.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:22pm EST

We met up with Warren Meyer today to discuss a number of things. Among them, Steven Rattner's trepedation over crowdsource funding. Also we discussed the upcoming Obamacare debacle and how bad it's going to be for Americans, just on a supply-demand basis, without even looking at the many unintended consequences. The current administration is always hammering away at business and the free market, except for the priviledged crony-capitalist class who can do no wrong. 

Direct download: Warren_Meyer3-14-2013.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:44pm EST
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Dr. Richard Ruhling. He's a cardiologist and board-certified internist who taught Health Science at Loma Linda University. He says he made three interesting discoveries while teaching. He believes that the leading cause of death is reaction between various pharmaceutical drugs that have been prescribed. The numbers are quite staggering, amounting to hundreds of thousands of people every years. Therefore, you need to take control of your health as soon as possible before things get any worse. 

Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

Direct download: Ruhling_03-14-13.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:38pm EST






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