Fri, 29 March 2013 presents Darlene Nelson had many of life's struggles, just like you and I. Yet she prevailed is helping so many other people to do the same. No matter how bad the economy gets or how difficult life may become, all you have to do is play the mental movie, get rid of the negative self-defeating beliefs and behavior and your dreams will come true. It may seem incredible and in many ways it is, but it can be done. She's got testimonials from numerous clients backing her up. And after all, what do you really have to lose? Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Fri, 29 March 2013 presents We caught up with our friend James Corbett of the famed Corbett Report last night. He's based in Japan and he doesn't believe that anyone is taking North Korea's threats against the South and the United States seriously. It's like when your brother-in-law asks you for money. You have to smile and be polite, but you both know there's now way it's ever going to happen. More alarming is the continued and protracted devolution of the world's financial system. Cyprus is just the latest example of government expropriating citizen wealth. It also highlights the eventual bankruptcy of fiat currency and fractional reserve banking. There's lots more here, so tune in now. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets