Tue, 4 September 2018
With developing nations seeing their currencies collapse and bad stocks markets around the globe in negative territory (except the US) it's beginning to look a lot like 2008. We answer your questions and cover a lot of ground. Best to be prepared and understand how to protect yourself. Remember in 2008 it all started with sub-prime mortgages and spread all over the globe. Could developing country currencies be the sub-prime bubble of yester-year. |
Tue, 4 September 2018
Kim got into investing in the mid-90s, after having made a windfall in an IPO before the age of 30, and entrusted it to a well-known Wall Street brokerage firm, which proceeded to lose everything she hadn’t managed to spend. Out of self- defense (and a little bit of payback) Kim created the Snider Investment Method, a system of producing consistent cash flow from paper assets at a significantly higher rate than traditional, non-engineered investments. Her investment firm, Snider Advisors, which both taught and managed assets using Kim’s method exclusively, was on the Inc. List of Fastest Growing Companies two years in a row (2008 & 2009). Kim retired at 47, sold her investment firm, and moved to South Carolina with her husband and dogs, where they built a polo farm and planned to live happily ever after. All was going according to plan... until crypto came along. While most people think cryptocurrency is too risky, Kim believes the risk is in NOT investing in cryptoassets. Motivated by the cascade of bad advice she saw pouring out all over the Internet, Kim un-retired to create SANE CRYPTO and help Baby Boomers get properly positioned for what could be a once-in-a-lifetime. Kim Snider is no B.S. She tells it like it is. She’s an expert in her field and she practices what she preaches. On top of everything |