Keith Neumeyer, Chairman of First Mining Finance and CEO/Director of First Majestic Silver is never one to sit still or rest upon his laurels. In little more than a year, the company made 8 acquisitions, has an inventory of 25 projects and 12 million ounces of gold in the ground.

Now the playing field has changed and so has Keith's strategy for the future. Beginning life as a mineral property bank, First Mining is now drilling to add further value to its projects. It's just another way that Keith is helping to unlock the company's value. He's still open to wise acquisitions and doubts the company will become a producer, but the drill program currently underway promises great returns. And that's without even considering the current market for gold, which promises the possibility of much higher prices ahead. It's a great example of risk-reward leading a company to new horizons. 

Direct download: Keith_Neumeyer_20.Jun.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:44pm EST

Todd Tresidder has an interesting question. Why do certain postal employees and teachers with ordinary incomes achieve financial freedom, while doctors and lawyers earning multiple times more income end up in bankruptcy?

The reason is more complex than most financial gurus teach.

The truth is there's no magic wealth system or program that produces reliable results despite the over-hyped claims of marketers.

Instead, the wealth building process is mundane and practical - like a series of hurdles you must jump over, without tripping up - no different than building your own business or achieving any other serious economic goal.

The hurdles are:

  • Commitment so that you prioritize everything necessary to build wealth; otherwise, life will just get in the way.
  • Plan based on proven principles that actually work, and it must be uniquely designed to fit your skills, resources, and interests.
  • Action because nothing happens without persistent, disciplined action over sufficient time to reach the end goal.

I know that doesn't sound nearly as sexy as the "hidden secrets of the rich" sold by marketer types, but it is timeless wisdom that actually works.

People want to believe in get-rich-quick and overpriced weekend bootcamps because they promise to deliver that "secret missing ingredient" that previously held you back.

The secret is there are no secrets.

Direct download: Todd_Tresidder_20.Jun.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:31pm EST

$15 trillion has been pumped into the system since the crash. And now the flow of capital has driven asset prices all over the world, especially in Australia. Chinese flight capital has been keeping the world a float. And now Australia has reached a tipping point with debt to income passing 200 percent. With 40 percent of home loans being interest only, there's trouble ahead. And of course oil prices keep going down. What's a regulated bank to do? Extend and pretend has been around for nearly a decade with no end in site and still there's very little growth and very limited bank lending. 

Direct download: Danielle_Park_20.Jun.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:29pm EST

Things are not going well on today's college campuses. From demands for student safe zones, to riots against conservative speakers, to attacks on students' religious beliefs, today's college campus is like nothing we've seen in America before. A group of Jewish students are suing San Francisco State University for refusing to protect their safety and rights. There's a class-action law suit against the DNC for rigging the election against Bernie Sanders. Where is all this heading? 

Direct download: Frank_Vernuccio_20.Jun.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:47pm EST

While history may not repeat, it certainly rhymes. And according to Eric Hadik the financial markets are rhyming very heavily now. The cycles are converging and the stock market appears to be in a heavy topping phase right now. The 7th-8th year of the decade has seen so many panics and crashes that it cannot ignored. 1907, 1917, 1937, 1947, 1957, 2007, every ten years there's always major happening. It's a very powerful cycle. Transports may have already peaked and the warning signs are clearly there. 

Eric has started following crypto-currencies. He called an intermediate top in early June in Bitcoin. Gold is still looking good for the 3rd Quarter of 2017 onward into 2018. Agricultural commodities should be heading up later and oil should be hitting it's low later in the Fall.

Of course no one knows exactly what the future will hold, but we can all get glimpses through cycles. 

Direct download: Eric_Hadik_20.Jun.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:37am EST






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