Lots of what we talk about on FSN is centered around change—whether it’s changing your mindset, preventing yourself from self-sabotaging, or enhancing your day to day decision making skills. Daniel Mangena comes on the show to talk about what YOU can do to succeed, and the change starts with your internal self. By staying focused on your end goal and taking responsibility for your actions, you can set yourself up to achieve the things you are working towards. Be sure to tune in for more useful, motivational tips.

-Success is a lot more about what you don’t do than what you do
-It’s important to stay focused on your end goal
-You need to take responsibility for your own actions rather than blaming external factors for blocking you from succeeding
-Don’t hide behind any of your characteristics that you think may stand in your pathway for success
-Self interest doesn’t have to be a bad thing, but don’t expect everyone to care about you; each person acts to benefit themselves
-Own your bad decisions (such as letting others deceive you) and analyze what you can do to make better decisions
-When we learn a lesson in one area, we can apply it to all areas of our life. Our experiences can be very beneficial based on what we do with them
-We all have a purpose and a role to play in the universe

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Dream With Dan

Direct download: Dan_Mangena_23.Feb.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EST

Where are precious metals heading? I sit down with Robert Kientz to discuss the future of the metals sector in consideration of the inflationary circumstances. Ultimately, this sector does not always move in the way we expect it to when unique conditions arise. As the money supply increases and capitalism ceases to function normally, it looks as if precious metals are moving at a different rate than everything else. Tune in for more insights.

-Where are precious metals heading? Golds are right around the 1900 range
-There are a lot of geopolitical factors at play
-The fact that the US and its NATO allies are battling over area means that something is coming
-When you have an inflationary spiral, businesses have to raise prices a lot more, and these prices become much more competitive
-When capitalism functions properly, prices are kept as low as possible. Capitalism doesn’t work effectively when inflationary spirals come about
-It’s not going to be long before people start wondering why the precious metals aren’t going up in the same way as everything else
-Every other commodity besides silver has made an all time high in the last forty years—it may be a good idea to hold on to your silver for now
-Gold hasn’t made a new nominal high in a couple of years

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Gold Silver Pros

Direct download: Robert_Kientz_22.Feb.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:30am EST






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