Fri, 11 July 2014
For those seeking the ultimate escape when it all hits the fan here in the US, there's a place in South America where they speak English and the weather is perfect almost all the time, Belize. Best of all, Americans can still open a bank account there. It's worth considering.
Fri, 11 July 2014
Anthem Hayek Blanchard has a long history in the precious metals industry. His middle name is in honor of the famed Austrian Economist and his uncle was a pioneer in private gold ownership. Precious metals run through his blood. Therefore, he's enthusiastically started the first gold backed crypto-currency. While there's not much backing, it could be the start of a major trend. We'll be watching.
Fri, 11 July 2014
Douglas E. French is a Director of the Ludwig von Mises Institute of Canada. Additionally, he writes for Casey Research and is the author of three books. We talked about what's going on with markets and malinvestment around the world. How long before the next crash? No one knows for sure, but time is running out.