Mon, 22 April 2019
Tim Harris is running a lone wolf campaign for the highest office in the land. But can he win? You be the judge. But he's got some good ideas and should be heard, at least a little. |
Mon, 22 April 2019
We talk about a number of common themes on FSN and if we're being repetitious, we apologize. But these themes cannot be stressed enough. Eventually gold is going to take off, the stock market is going to tank and so are fiat currencies as well. We'll keep talking and letting you know as we approach the big day. Between now and then, you'll just have to be patient. |
Mon, 22 April 2019
Lee, a fellow recovering attorney and FSN community member came back on the show. We discussed the Mueller report, the emerging Democrat 2020 presidential field and the current state of politics. We both agree that Attorney General William Barr. He's one intimidating dude. Notice how when he's testifying before Congress, he's treated with kit gloves. A Representative will ask a disrespectful question, Barr will pause for 5 seconds and then give an answer. At that point the Rep is flummoxed and backs off. It's fun to watch. |