Wed, 10 April 2019
Henry Weingarten used to run the Astrologers Fund. His investment philosophy combines a healthy dose of fundamental and technical analysis along with a look at the stars. He believes we're in for a near term 3-13% correction in US Stock Markets, but they'll finish 2019 higher. He's also calling for gold to finish higher in 2019 and 2020. Oil will come down to the $52-58 per barrel range from its current mid 60's perch. USD is looking good but gold is looking better. Interesting times ahead. |
Wed, 10 April 2019
Beau Henderson is a retirement consultant, money and business coach, best-selling author, radio host, and CEO of RichLife Advisors. He has helped over 3,000 clients to not just improve their relationship with money, but to live their unique definition of a fulfilled life with purpose. RichLife Advisors helps clients across the United States approaching retirement with a strategy to: |
Wed, 10 April 2019
It's no secret that many thousands of people are taking meds to deal with Trump Anxiety Disorder. But even more have recently jumped on the medication bandwagon to help cope with Mueller Disappoint Psychosis. It all stems from PC or political correctness. The inability to deal with other's disagreeable opinions which leads to spending long periods of time in safe spaces and generally withdrawing from reality, when it doesn't suit your beliefs. Yes it's a disease and one that we must desperately search to find a cure for. Millions of lives are hanging in the balance and perhaps civilization too. |