ACU's Matt Schlapp On Reagan, Trump, and Socialism

It's no surprise the far-left led by Sen. Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Elizabeth Warren are trying to bring socialism to America. 

But, these liberals ignore the history of socialism's evil and are ignorning the current human catastrophe in Venezuela caused by socialist policies. 

President Trump, much like President Ronald Reagan, has long said "socialism will never come to America." In fact, as noted in the American Conservative Union's newest book, Ronald Reagan at CPAC, President Trump sounds almost exactly like President Reagan. 

In a 1978 speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference, Reagan warned "Many [Latin American] nations have learned the cost of socialist experimentation...All suffered economic catastrophe." 


Can President Trump learn from more CPAC speeches given by Ronald Reagan? How else does Trump echo Reagan's call to action to the base of the conservative movement? What can Reagan's battle against socialism teach us today as we fight the new socialist rise?

Direct download: Matt_Schlapp_16.Apr.19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:50pm EST

Our good friend Captain Capitalism a/k/a Aaron Clarey sold his house and is living in a Millennial enclave. Gone are spacious units. Instead he's enjoying a plethora of amenities that he never wanted. There's two gyms, social programs, a large pool, a movie theatre and a bunch of other things he could do without. Aaron says this type of development is thriving because most Millennials will never own their own home and this is as close as they'll get to the American Dream. How sad.  

Direct download: Aaron_Clarey_16.Apr.19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:50pm EST

Heather Wagenhals says that hackers are on the bleeding edge of technology. Unfortunately, the blood is often yours. The whole situation is so invasive. We're totally immersed in technology that we never really think about it. And that makes you a sitting duck. You always need to be on your guard. Watch out for that phishing email with those tempting links. One click and everything you own could be gone. We need a better way. 

Direct download: Heather_Wagenhalls_16.Apr.19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:45pm EST

Jerome Corsi became a target of the Mueller Investigation. He says he did nothing illegal, never had any contacts with Russians or Wikileaks, but Mueller wanted him to perjure himself in order for them to get at the President. Coris refused and instead filed a $350 million lawsuit against the Special Counsel's Office, alleging numerous misdeeds and crimes. Let's see where it goes. However, him gambit seems to have bought him relief from prosecution and is the subject of a new book, Silent No More. Corsi has done us all a service by refusing to back down. Hopefully Roger Stone will be exonerated as well. 

Direct download: Jerome_Corsi_15.Apr.19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:42pm EST






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