It’s personally exciting to watch the inauguration of President-Elect Donald J. Trump, for several reasons. First, for egotistical reasons. If you’re an FSN community member then you know that I had been predicting his victory since July of 2015, long before almost any overpaid prognosticator. What they considered to be major gaffes and blunders I correctly interpreted as indicators of his humanity and his killer sense of humor. After all, no presidential candidate had run with a sense of humor since Bill Clinton, and before him John F. Kennedy. I still chuckle at JFK’s depiction of Washington, DC, “…as a combination of Northern charm and Southern efficiency.”

Don't forget about our lifelong sponsor Jason Hartman. His event Meet the Masters of Income Property is a must see. Check it out at I'm sorry that I will be in Vancouver rather than sunny Irvine CA with Jason. 

Happy Inauguration Day to all!

Direct download: TLR_410.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:30pm EST

Noted filmmaker Joel Gilbert has had Obama's number for quite some time. From questions of his parentage to his ideology to his real agenda, Joel has held nothing back. Now with just three days to go before the end of the nightmare, Joel gives his take on the farewell address and what we can expect of Donald Trump, who is a real person, not a blow dried and manufactured politician.  

Direct download: Joel_Gilbert_1-17-17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:51am EST






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