Daniel Greenfield is sick of the corruption and evil of the United Nations. It accomplishes little and wastes much. It has become the exclusive province of dictators and human rights violators. It's time to reclaim this valuable land on Manhattan's East River and turn it into high value condominiums. It will also free up large amounts of parking. The experiment in world governance has been a complete failure. 

Direct download: Daniel_Greenfield_09.Jan.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:05pm EDT

Our friend from across the Pond, Alasdair McCleod joined us today. He believes that Trump's success will bring higher interest rates and higher commodity prices. More inflation and perhaps a driving out of investment from markets to the real economy. But can the economy take it higher real rates? What happens if they hit 5 percent? Will it crash the banks and the markets? We might very well find out soon. 

Direct download: Alasdair_MCleod_09.Jan.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:32pm EDT

Meet Tarl Warwick, a milennial who's absolutely crushing it. He's got over 80,000 subscribers on YouTube and counting, with Millions of downloads. His election commentary was spot-on, down to his Trump Victory projection (great minds think alike). He usually does 3 or more commentaries per day and he's headed for big things. He's funny, irreverent, intelligent and very insightful. Listen to his recent take on political odds maker Nate Silver. Take a look at his YouTube channel Styxhexenhammer666. 

Direct download: Tarl_Warwick_09.Jan.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:29pm EDT

With all the good economic news, why worry? Everything is growing, good inflation is back and Keynsian Economics is working, right? But all is not well. Debt has been escalating at an unsustainable rate. The net result has been an expanding economy, but at what price? It can't continue on this way. We're simply stealing tomorrow's growth and reporting it today. Sounds like a real recipe for long term success. 

Direct download: John_Rubino_09.Jan.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:02pm EDT






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