Tue, 3 January 2017
2016 was the best of all possible worlds for virtually every market, except two, Uranium and the Euro. Every other market was up, most substantially. Bitcoin, the big winner was up 122%! NatGas was up a whopping 72%! Stock markets around the globe were all up with the TSX.V up 46% and the Russell 2000 up 19.5%. Precious metals had their best performance in years. How can 2017 be any better? Will the DOW break 20,000? Let's wait and see.
Tue, 3 January 2017
Questions of a Trump Troop Do we really need transgender troops and female infantry fighters? Are they a plus or a major liability? The colonel thinks they hurt our fighting ability and he's probably correct. We need a major military rebuilding done now!
Tue, 3 January 2017
While Obama has spent the past 8 years putting America down, Vernuccio believes that Donald Trump is on the right path to Making America Great again. From repealing Obama's overarching executive orders on day one, reneging on his abusive gentlemen's agreements overseas, to abolishing Obama's and many other president's abusive regulation, Frank sees Trump as on a mission. Will he succeed where others have failed?